Trials and Trances Ch. 04


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"Three," I absentmindedly began to chant aloud "Give in to the pull and sink deeper into surrender."

Alphina was beside me in an instant, trying out a key of her own. Her attempt went just about as well as mine. I watched the pretty purple light, painfully pulled from her, pulling her ever closer to thoughtless oblivion. I knew that a single mistake here could leave us helpless, unable to move a muscle, slumped over the cold Iron, which could agonizingly pull every drop of will away from our weak little bodies.

I wondered how Morgana managed to survive being bound in the torturous stuff. Then I pushed those distracting thoughts aside and searched for another key to try. Sifting through the scattered torture tools was not an easy task. There was dangerous metal everywhere, shimmering, sparkling, threatening to knick me and pull my will away as I searched carefully focused on picking out just the right glimmering details from the perplexingly cluttered floor.

Across the room the battle was not going well for Jolleff. Sir Gowin was slashing and stabbing with skill and precision, scoring minor nicks and cuts that slowly overwhelmed with little stinging thoughts of submissive surrender.

"Every cut I inflict with this rod makes you crave pain a little more," Sir Gowin unnecessarily explained. "Soon you won't be able to resist me anymore. Soon you will kneel down and take it like a whore."

"Stop!" Jolleff insisted, finally scoring a blow with his rod. He knew instinctively that he'd connected but his mind was so cut up that a single word was all he could manage.

Then he watched Sir Gowin FREEZE up like a statue. For a second he thought he'd won the fight. He let his guard down, and felt a delightfully agonizing pain.

"Foolish boy," The sadistic knight laughed, stabbing again and again. "You didn't say how long. You don't deserve the rod of command. You deserve to be on your knees submitting to me like a good little painslut."

Jolleff seemed lost in that moment, but he managed to hold on just a little while. While it's true, he lost his little fight, his antics earned us the time we needed to gather the remaining keys.

I carefully tried out two of them as Alphina tried two more on a different lock.

None of them worked!

Not one single one of them opened the locks we tried.

How is this possible?

Did we miss one?

I scanned the room to no avail, frantically looking about, glancing back and forth between the fight where Jolleff was sorely pressed and slowly surrendering, back and forth to the wall where Rungar lay unconscious, and back and forth again to the chains which held our Mistress helplessly aloft

That's when it hit me. Morgana's binding has six locks. We were looking for a single Master key to open every lock, when we should have been looking for a single lock paired to each and every key.

"Try each key on each lock!" I instructed Alphina. Then I held out my hand with three keys. "Oh and give me your rod first."

We exchanged then I rushed to help Jolleff win against impossible odds. He was kneeling, cowering, whimpering, wildly waving his rod back and forth in a desperate act of self defense, screaming repeatedly in case he scored a hit.

"Stay back, Stay back, Stay back," he commanded, in a shaky voice though he knew deep inside that he truly wanted to submit to the sharp stinging pain.

I realized my mistake the moment that I took hold of the rod. It thankfully was not on, or I might have immediately lost control of my body. Instead I just felt an irresistible compulsion to press the switch. I fought the compulsion as best I could as I sprinted desperately towards to Sir Gowin, but even my impressive will could not resist that rod for long.

"Two," I said, as the rod's imposing power cracked through my impressive resistance. "Easily slip deeper and savor these last sweet steps down. One. A single thought remains in my almost emptied head."

I purposely pushed myself right up to the blissful edge of giving in and then I leapt up, spreading my legs as wide as they possibly could go, and at long last flipped the on switch on the wonderful vibrating rod.


Sir Gowin looked bewildered, as I flew moaning towards him, vibrating rod of attachment aimed directly at his face.

I looked him square in the eyes, staring victoriously and feeling like I was flying in slow motion. This was it! He would succumb to the rod and the battle would be over. I knew it, yet somehow he managed to drop, unexpectedly at the last second, falling prone to the floor as I flew above. I landing cursing and turned so that I have a good view as I thoughtlessly pleasured myself to orgasm.

That was it. The fight was over and decided in that crucial moment as I flew over, missing with my last ditch effort to subdue our opponent. All I'd managed to do was distract him, from trembling Jolleff meekly dropping his rod. There was nothing I could do to change things as our last chance to win this encounter tumbled away from the crumbling fighter's fumbling grasp. There was nothing left to do except watch and pleasure myself as the final moments of our fight played out.

"Stay right there," Jolleff commanded "Don't move at all, except in the ways I tell you. Reach underneath you and grab my rod. Do not let go until I take it from your hand. You are not allowed to stand or move from that spot until you know for sure that we five are outside of Cumalot, alive."

That command seemed to stick, and just like that our desperate fight was over. Jolleff walked over and woke up Rungar as Alphina rescued our Mistress from the draining restraints. I masturbated and watched with a horny look in my eyes and an irresistible vibrating wand on my crotch.

"You came, Thank you," Morgana weakly murmured, as she struggled to regain her consciousness. "Now let's get out of here before the king sends in more knights."

"No!" Jolleff declined. He held out the rod of command threateningly under Morgana's chin. "First you tell us why the king wants your head."

I tried to protect my Mistress from my misguided friend, but she flashed me a look that told me everything would be okay.

"He wants me dead because I fucked prince Arthur," Morgana explained.

"Prince who?" Jolleff questioned.

"Yeah," Rungar added, looking confused. "Who the fuck is Arthur?"

"Let me explain," Morgana insisted. Then she cleared her throat and told us everything we needed to know. "Queen Beth died giving birth to twins, as you all know quite well. King Christian named his first born child princess Artemis, and the second born prince Christian, in his name. Well, actually she faked her death and transformed into a succubus just to get out of her arranged marriage but that's a different chapter of this story."

My friends all nodded along in agreement, as I sat there knowing exactly where this story was going. They knew our kingdom's history quite well, and there was no such person as prince Arthur in our history books. I only knew the truth because of my time spent living with Mistress Morgana.

"That doesn't explain who Arthur is," Jolleff impatiently pointed out.

"Twenty three years later," Morgana continued. "I fucked that first born twin. I also taught him a much needed lesson, about gender identity and living outside of the binary. Two weeks later he approached the king and had a little talk. He explained that he was male, and taking the name prince Arthur along with the rightful claim to the throne. The king forbade it. Arthur insisted. Now I'm locked up here and he's locked up in the Chamber of Eternal Torment. And now it's time to get out of these cells."

She tried to rise, but Jolleff pushed the rod into her throat.


I'd detached my rod of attachment and used it knock his obnoxious ass to the ground. Rungar helped him up and we all sprinted away together before more Imperial reinforcements could arrive.

We rushed out into a full blow orgy of passionate prison guard lust, as the last of the prisoners waited for their chance to slip away. It seemed they might not get that chance. The overseer was tied up and surrounded by a dozen guards who'd managed to resist the temptation of the orgy. They charged us when they realized that Morgana was escaping.

The powerful sorceress snapped her fingers and unlocked the remaining cells. She made it look easy but I could tell that the effort sapped her of all her remaining magic. We followed the last of the prisoners up and out through the stairs. Rungar was the last one up. He waited at the base for everyone, then pulled the bottle of lube out of his beard and lubed the steps as he ran up up up and out of the dungeon.

On our way out the front door, Alphina and Jolleff stopped to pick up the heads of Morgana's stone golems. Meanwhile I grabbed one of those magical stopgags.

We easily made it out of the city in the ensuing chaos that followed. Then DM woke us up from the intense session.

"Wake up on the count of five," She said. "Return to the real world more with each number I count up. One. Thoughts returning as your brain awakens. Two. easily remembering all the fun you had as you awaken from trance. Three. Feeling the feeling in your body and your limbs as you wake up. Four. A final step and then you'll be awake. Five Awaken completely, refreshed and aware."

The many aches and wounds on my body seemed to heal before my eyes as DM slowly woke us. 'Was that all in my head?' I shook myself awake and smiled to my friends.

Brandy noticed something quite foreshadowing before we called it a day.

"Wait a minute," She said, pointing to the sex toy that I was still holding in my hand "Is that a Naughty Dragon XCalibur insertable cock?"

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