Trials of a Planeswalker Ch. 01: Rising


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"Today is it. Our last day in this world." Blayne sighed. He walked down the tall steps leading from the Shrine of Seven Stars. His clothes were clean and he had a number of new martial art techniques under his belt. The Pandarens had been happy to teach him as he traveled their lands. They seemed to revel in meeting new people. He and Varia's packs wore heavier on their shoulders because of all the trinkets and things they had collected in their travels. Things from beautiful gems to carvins to paintings. The Pandarens's kindness and generosity seemed to know no bounds. It was as if each new encounter heralded new gifts and it made Blayne feel uncomfortable sometimes. One of the things that had bothered him was a ruby the size of his fist sitting nestled among pieces of velvet in the bottom of his bag. In his world it could be worth millions, being completely flawless and cut in a gorgeous heart shape.

"Your eager to get home, I know." Varia said. She seemed a bit down to Blayne, her gait a little slow and her voice quiet.

"What's wrong Varia?" He asked her.

She grasped his hand and looked into his eyes. They had shared quite a few moments of romance through these passing days. The land of Pandaria was not short of magnificent sights and beautiful sunsets. It had made her reach out to him a little more, open up to him more. However, he hadn't seen her looking like this, looking sad.

"Blayne, I want you to stay with me." Varia stated flatly. Her lip trembled a bit and a clench of worry grabbed in Blayne's chest.

"I'm not leaving you Varia. What ever would give you that idea?" Blayne stated in surprise as he raised his eyebrows. It shocked him a little to hear her speak so bluntly about her attachment to him.

"You're going home. You're going back to your sister." Varia stepped closer to him and her eyes seemed to be fighting to remain on him. "You're going to stay there, leave me behind."

"Why in the hell are you..."

"Blayne! I see the way you look at that watch. I see how your eyes get all lost when you wind it and how you sigh." Varia said loudly. She stamped her foot and her eyes hardened with anger. "You know full well what I mean and don't you dare deny it."

"Varia, I miss my mother. I'm worried about going home. It would never please me more than to just stay here in Pandaria with you. We could live among the cherry blossoms and spend our days napping in the midday sun." Blayne's voice was slowly choking. "I'm scared that... If I go home, I'll never want to leave. My own longing for my mother might get too strong and I'll not have the strength to leave."

"Blayne." Varia hung her head as she heard what she had been saying. She realized that he was right, all those times he had seemed to stare off into the sky, he had been sorrowful. "I'm sorry. I didn't think about that."

"Well neither did I... I had you to distract me... you and this magic power..." Blayne sat down on the step and he stared at his hands. "But now that things have calmed down a bit and I've had time to think... it's losing you that scares me too."

"That's just nuts Blayne. I mean, come on. If you did wuss out and stay at home, I'd just butt my way into your life and stay there with you." Varia huffed, her voice quite back to her old self. She stood with her hand on her hip, looking down at him through those cute silver glasses. He glanced up at her and smiled. The way her red hair fluttered across her face in the breeze and that strong will that glistened in her eyes just made his worries melt away. He knew she was right. If for some reason they did stay on Earth, she wouldn't leave him. What they had grew too strong for either of them to just leave it behind.

"Alright. Are you ready then?" Blayne asked her as he got to his feet and brushed off his pants. She grinned and clenched her fist, nodding eagerly.

'What of me Blayne?' Shyara asked. She stood at the bottom of the steps in wait for them. In the recent travels, she had grown to finally call Blayne by his name and actually ask things of him. She slowly grew accustomed to her freedom.

"Would you like to just remain here? Live in Pandaria while I go home? I mean, I can summon you at any time, but you would kind of stand out in my home. On Earth, lions are scary enough, but a flying lioness with wings of flame might draw a bit of attention." Blayne chuckled.

"Hey Shyara, where were you before Blayne summoned you? What world did you live in?" Varia asked suddenly.

"You know, that's something I hadn't thought of asking. Yea, where were you?" Blayne asked.

'I was asleep. Held within a magical sleep in the creator's realm. I don't remember anything, just what the creator told me. When I have no master and I am sent away from Azeroth, I go there to sleep and await another master. But if you wish to remain my master, then I am allowed to stay. I think I would enjoy it here while you're away.' Shyara nodded her grand head.

"You do realize that I won't be coming back here right? I mean, probably not. I mean to go back to Ravnica after I go home. I need to speak with Lizz and Tazz. I need to thank Jace for his help." Blayne said, looking over at Varia, "And after that, I may just go on another adventure."

"You haven't told me much of Ravnica. Why do you need to go back there?" Varia asked.

"One second. Shyara, is that alright? I mean, I'll be summoning you to another world when I need you." Blayne explained.

'It's fine Blayne. I will remain here and enjoy myself. There are no shortage of new people to talk to, new creatures to eat and new mountains to soar over.' Shyara said and her eyes flicked to Varia, 'You take good care of him. He gets a scratch and I'll eat you next.'

"Shyara! Becoming a little protective are we?" Varia laughed as she patted the lioness' shoulder.

'Yes I am. I rather like my current master. He holds the promise of wonderful worlds to see and he's the first to consider me more than a steed.' Shyara huffed in a menacing manner.

"Do you want me to take off the armor and saddle before we go?" Varia asked her.

'No. If the master needs me, I won't have time to find someone to put it back on. It matters not, I have worn it for thousands of years. You are the first to remove it for many masters. I am quite used to it.' Shyara said.

"Then I think that's it. We'll be off." Blayne said, petting Shyara's mane one last time, "I'll see you later Shyara."

'Good bye Blayne.' Shyara nodded.

They continued down the path, heading away from the Shrine of Seven Stars.

"Where are we going? You said we were leaving, I thought you meant this world." Varia asked Blayne as they walked.

"Just thought it would be easier to Planeswalk in a place without a dozen people watching." Blayne said with a shrug.

"Probably for the best, although I think it would be fun to give those fluffy butts a scare by disappearing into thin air." Varia smiled. She interlaced her fingers behind her head and looked up at the sky. The sun was just barely peaking over the mountains and golden streaks of light her glistening in the clouds.

"With some of the things we've seen here, someone disappearing wouldn't be a surprise. I just hate distractions when I'm trying to Planeswalk. Only done it a few times and of all those, peace and tranquility were the best companions." Blayne said.

Varia nodded and they walked a bit faster. A ways down the path, they found a still lotus pond. He led her over to it and they sat down by the water's edge. Their packs weighed a bit on their shoulders, but it wasn't enough to distract. He held her hand as they both closed their eyes and prepared. It was but a few minutes when Blayne felt that familiar sensation creeping up his back. That cool feeling that washed over him, but seemed to come from nowhere. The AEther was within his grasp. Within another moment, he and Varia hurtled forward, the Blind Eternities surging forth around them.

"It worked." Varia pointed out.

"That it did. I'm glad." Blayne nodded.

They had discussed how best to Planeswalk in the recent few days. It was Varia that had the idea that if they were touching, they might Planeswalk together. Since Blayne never left his clothes or anything else behind, her logic seemed to make sense. It had worked when they had left Vryn together with Lucius, so it only seemed sensible that it would work again, and it had.

"Come on. My home is this way." Blayne said, pointing down the path.

"How do you know?" Varia asked.

"Close your eyes and think about it. Feel around. You know right where your home lies, don't you?" Blayne asked. She closed her eyes and looked down at her feet for a moment.

"I... Yea, I do." Varia looked up quickly.

"It's something I learned after Jace restored my memory. Something about your home, where you were born. It just calls out to you like a beacon in the dark." Blayne said, continuing his walk down the twisting AEther path.

"Not that I'll ever want to go home. Innistrad holds nothing for me." Varia shook her head in a tone of disgust. She followed Blayne closely, still unsteady in this strange world between worlds. Blayne led them through the AEthers for a number of minutes before turning to a cloud.

"Take my hand. I don't want you showing up in France or something." Blayne said, holding it out to her.

She grasped it, nodded to him and they stepped forward together.



Blayne took a deep breath and shook his head. Varia stood at his side in the dark room.

"Robin?" Blayne said. Nobody responded and he glanced around. The clock above the television said it was two in the morning and he groaned.

"Why's it dark?" Varia asked.

"It's two in the morning here. I didn't think of that when we left Pandaria." Blayne sighed, scratching his head. He took his bag off and set it on the floor next to the couch. Varia did the same, stacking her pack next to his.

"So this is a television." Blayne said, sitting down on the couch.

"What is?" Varia asked, taking a seat next to him.

He grabbed the remote and clicked on the television. Bright light filled their eyes and the sound of a racing car met their ears.

"Whoa!" Varia cried in surprise, jerking herself backward.

He clicked the channel to an action movie. A large burly man stood up from behind cover and began to shoot at his enemies with a large machine gun. He pulled the pin on a grenade and threw it before ducking down to reload. Varia's eyes were wide and she watched in awe as the soldier's enemies were killed in gory eruptions of blood and intestines.

"Is this real? What kind of magic..." Varia gasped in surprise. She sat forward, eager to see more.

"It's not magic. It's technology. In my world, we didn't have magic and so we opted to discover new technologies like electricity and computers." Blayne explained.

"Hey, we're in your sister's home, right? Aren't you worried about waking her up?" Varia asked.

Blayne chuckled and put an arm around her. "Not a chance. Robin sleeps like a brick."

"So we can make some noise?" Varia cooed, her attention quickly leaving the television. She leaned over and kissed him on the neck, hand sliding down his chest. She undid one of his shirt ties and slipped her hand inside his shirt.

"Oh yea, you know I can't turn you down." Blayne grinned widely. He clicked off the television and Varia straddled his waist. Her hands deftly undid his shirt and she locked her lips with his. In the dark of the living room and the sounds of New York, the heat of passion grew between them. He grasped her ass in both hands and their tongues played around one another.

A moan escaped Varia's lips and she pressed her hands to either side of his face. Blayne could see that look of feral desire in her eyes. She pressed her lips to his again, stuffing her tongue into his mouth.

"I want you Blayne. I want you bad." Varia hissed, sliding back off his lap. She sank to her knees in front of him and pulled his pants open. She squealed with joy at the sight of his cock. Her mouth enveloped him and she licked around his head. Over their weeks together, she became more and more in love with his genitals. She pushed his head into her cheek and rubbed her tongue against him, savoring the delicious flavors.

"Oooh. Yea. Only a virgin a month ago and you're already so good at this." Blayne moaned, hanging his arms over the back of the couch.

Varia glared up at him and jabbed his thigh with a sharp nail before continuing her blow job. She was, in all reality, very good at this. She moved and slurped loudly on him. Her head slipped forward and took his cock to the back of her mouth.

"Oh honey, that's it! Yes!" Blayne groaned, clenching his hands and toes.

She pressed her hands to his legs and deep-throated him, actually taking his cock a ways down her throat. She gave a muffled moan as her body grew hotter. It was incredibly erotic to Varia, having her lover's erection and his flavors filling her mouth. Her hand slid down the front of her tight black shorts and touched her wet clitoris. Her moans vibrated through his cock and she pushed her head down, trying to take in more of his shaft.

"Whoa! Yea!" Blayne grunted.

Varia worked the front of her shorts open and pushed them down a bit. Her fingers slipped across the soft black silk of her panties and she rubbed her wet mound from outside. Pleasure coursed up her back and her eyes started to roll back. Her throat swallowed and her moans shook Blayne with ecstasy. He moaned again and came, a huge spurt of cum leading. It exploded into her mouth and she backed up. He grunted and spurted cum in her mouth. The taste of his seed very nearly set her off, her fingers drawing forth more sweet juices through her panties.

"Ahhh... Ha ha ha..." She giggled and panted.

A gentle lick cleaned the tip of his dick and she swallowed his seed.

"Come on, let me pleasure you." Blayne said, shoving himself to his feet.

His pants and boxers fell to the ground, leaving him in just an open shirt. Varia stood shakily next to him, her hand holding tightly on his shoulder. She pushed her pants off and kicked them past her boots. He watched her flop heavily down on the couch, her body still shuddering slightly.

"You are so sexy." Blayne cooed as he knelt before her. Her red hair was stuck a little to her sweaty head and her black, lacy panties were soaked in sexual juices. She looked at him with a disheveled face and a pulled her legs open.

"First, the boots." Blayne grinned.

Varia sighed in annoyance and weakly held up her left foot. Blayne had a thing for bare feet and Varia's were especially cute. He unlaced the boot and slowly pulled it off, savoring the sight of her bare leg slowly being revealed. He pulled it off and set it aside, holding her calf in both hands. His nose led him up her leg, taking in the sweet, delectable scent she was giving off. Her entire body enticed him and made him excited, scents included. He moved back to her feet, rubbing his face along her leg. She cooed gently, setting her head back in relaxation. Slipping his hands down to her foot, he touched it over and rubbed his thumb up the arch of her foot.

"Ohhh Blayne." Varia breathed as her leg slowly turned to jelly from his massage.

He pressed his fingers in all the right places, making her muscles relax and her body slowly tingle with pleasure. He leaned forward and ran his tongue teasingly up the arch of her foot. The reaction was impressive.

"Blayne!" Varia cried out with a lusty moan. He grinned and gently set her foot down while she laid limply on the couch, having almost cum from just her left foot's massage. "Please don't make me wait Blayne."

"Oh you'll wait. You'll wait and you're going to go mad from it. But the first time I touch your drenched little cunt, you'll die from the pleasure." Blayne chuckled. She watched in desperation as he pulled off her right boot in agonizing slowness. He began to work her other foot, making her moan and sink her fingers into the plush cushions. He sneakily slid a hand over to massage her other foot as his tongue worked up her sensitive arch. She moaned and rolled her head from side to side. Waves of pleasure washed over her relaxed and jellied body.

"Blayne... Blayne... That feels so good..." She cooed as he massaged and pleasured her feet.

He settled her feet back on the floor and pushed her legs open. Her panties were a wet mess, having already soaked her thighs and created a wet spot on the couch. He slowly moved up, licking down her thigh and tasting her sweet juices. He met her panties and touched his tongue to the front of her panties. They were wet and shiny, made of soft black silk that clung to the curves of her nether lips. A gasp escaped her lips as he licked her. Pleasure exploded up her body at the touch of her clitoris, making her arch her back sharply.

"Blayne, yes!" Varia squealed, clenching her thighs against Blayne's head.

He dug his tongue deeper, pushing the wet silk into her snatch. She squirmed and moaned, pleasure growing ever higher. The astronomical difference between masturbation and sex never seemed to stop astounding Varia. Her head was reeling and she was slowly losing control of her body as his cunnilingus became more vorcious. He pressed his face into her panties, bathing himself in the smell of her delicious cunt. She moaned and moaned again.

"I'm gonna cum! Blayne, I'm gonna cum!" Varia gasped and shook. Her back arched and her head pressed into the couch, thighs clenching tightly around his head. He never stopped digging his tongue into her delectable slit as the orgasm exploded over her. Powerful and heavenly, it made her muscles shake and shudder uncontrollably. Her mouth hung open in a breathless moan and her mind went blank. Something about his foot massages seemed to make her first orgasm hit as hard as a bolt from heaven.

Her pussy squirted fruitlessly, unable to get her dripping panties any wetter. It splattered in Blayne's mouth and wet the couch further. She thrashed violently and fell limp as the peak of it faded away. She was left panting and half-conscious, body completely useless. In the dark of the room, her eyes stared intently at Blayne behind half-closed lids.

"Told you." Blayne whispered as he leaned close to her. He ran his tongue playfully around the lobe of her ear and up the side of it. He whispered soft nothings to her as he gently slid her body down and held her closer. He teasingly fingered the edges of her panties and started to pull them off. He retreated back slightly, pulling the wet cloth off her legs.

He ran his hands up her sweaty thighs and pressed his lips to hers, keeping the mood hot and sensual. Pleasure and desire surged wildly in Varia's body and she wanted to scream out how badly she yearned for him, how terribly lustful she was for his dick. Her body, vocal cords included wouldn't respond to her conscious mind. Her begging and pleading cried out inside her mind, every fiber of her being dying for him to penetrate her. Every touch of his hands on her body made the fire burn brighter and ever tender, passionate kiss made her ever wetter.

His hard cock neared her pussy as she felt her body slowly coming back to her. Just before she could finally cry out for him, he slipped himself inside her. She gasped and her arms wrapped tightly around him. Her entire body felt traced with lightning as her pussy was slowly filled with hard cock. He filled her in a steady, gradual push. The sensation of it all easily overwhelmed her mind and drove her bodily control well out of her grasp again. All she could do was clench her arms and legs tighter around him. Pelvis moving in slow circles, he ground his enormous erection against her womb in glorious, pleasure inducing humps.

"Blayne~!" She finally managed to hiss as his head pushed against that glorious spot in her pussy that just made her gush.
