Truth or Dare with My... Mom? Ch. 02


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"I'll... I'll take my time eating that one," she said finally. The expression in her eyes was so serious I almost burst out laughing. You'd think this was a hostage negotiation, not a mom with a sweet tooth trying to filch her son's cinnamon roll. "So for as long as I'm eating, you can... you can suck on mommy's titties, okay?"

"Best deal I've had in the last five minutes, since the last best deal," I said readily.

Mom nodded, pleased with her negotiating tactics, and leaned back. She also uncrossed her legs and put them on the carpet. This allowed me to lie on my back with my head in her lap. Mom now leaned forward, her wonderful boobs now in my face while she took her plunder from my plate and began eating as slowly as she could.

Mom hadn't told me whether this was a feeding exercise, or if I was supposed to be using my titty-sucking skills like I did with a girl I was going to fuck. With no guidance, but not wanting to overstep, I went for a hybrid model where I did a little (or a lot) of both. I tried sucking like I was a nursing baby again, but I also swirled my tongue around the nipples, kissing and gently biting. Mom shivered and whimpered, but she was also eating her favourite food, so I didn't know which to chalk it up to.

But she was definitely squirming below me.

Almost smothered by her boobs, I was in Heaven. I knew I had yet another raging hardon, and mom could no doubt see it right next to her. It didn't bother me now. After all, that cock had fucked her tits, between her ass cheeks, and even slid back and forth between her pussylips. The only place it hadn't been was inside her. My erection was old news at this point, just accepted as a welcome inevitability of our new understanding.

No idea how much time passed, but it was a goodly amount when mom finally sighed and started to lean back a little. I released her breasts and waited for her to rest comfortably before sitting up again. I turned in toward her and smiled.

"Sooooo, how was it?" I asked.

"The cinnamon roll?" she asked in return, sucking some icing off her fingers. "It was great."

"Well, my dinner was pretty damned awesome too," I said, nodding. "Then again, you've seen me at holidays, I'm a breast meat kinda guy."

"Maybe," mom giggled as she knelt up and then turned and straddled my lap, her sticky pussy mushing up against my erection. She was almost nose to nose with me, smiling.

"Bet I can make a thigh man out of you too..." she whispered, kissing the tip of my nose. "How about it? Want mommy to give you a thigh job, baby? She's pretty damn good at them."

"Mom, I may just dry up and crumble to dust if you make me cum, but it sounds like a great way to go," I said, reaching down and squeezing her butt cheeks, making her giggle and squirm. "Right here? The tub? Upstairs?"

"Upstairs on the bed," she answered, smiling. "I've gotta pee anyway, and we can grab some alky-hol on the way by. But first, go ahead and finish your cinnamon roll, before I do."

She stayed in place and just watched as I awkwardly reached around her and began trying to eat my supper. Mom wasn't much help, making sure she got in the way and causing me to drop bits of the roll, or globs of icing, on one of us. If it was me that got dropped on, mom darted in and licked it up or nibbled it up with her teeth. If it was her, I got the honour of licking or eating it off.

At one point, mom used a finger to scoop some icing from my roll and smeared it all over her mouth, looking at me expectantly. I obliged by leaning in and kissing her, deeply. She wrapped her arms around me and we locked our mouths, tasting the icing and the cinnamon on each other's lips and tongue.

Another 'innocent' kiss between mother and son.

The tongue kissing was getting intense as we cleaned one another, and mom finally pulled back, her face flushed and we were both breathing rather heavily. We stared at one another, acutely aware of my rock-hard cock throbbing between us, her pussy mushed up against it, warm and so very wet.

Mom put her hands to her face and rubbed it for a moment, taking a deep breath. She slowly clambered off me and stood, holding out her hand for me to take.

"C'mon, big boy," she said softly, smiling. "Mommy owes you a thigh job, after all..."

Apparently it was wine time, because mom hauled out a bottle of old vine Zinfandel from her favourite winery in California, Bellerophon. She picked up two glasses and led me upstairs. She walked slowly, an extra wiggle in her step, and I watched dutifully from below, her wonderful ass and just hints of her juicy pussy peeking out.

She stopped suddenly and I had been so focused on her ass that I didn't stop in time, and my face ended up pressed into her cheeks, my nose between them.

"Oops," she said innocently, followed by a giggle. "Silly me..."

She resumed walking and I followed her with a sigh. Like I said, mom thought she was the funniest person to ever live. She led me back to her bedroom, and it occurred to me that after this weekend, it was very likely I'd be sleeping in here with her a lot of the time now. Not that I objected, mind. What guy doesn't want to go to bed every night with a really hot chick?

"Let's see if we can give the poor shower one final show tonight to clean the stickum off us," she suggested. "After I take care of some business, of course..."

We stepped into her bathroom and mom went up and just sat down. She smiled up at me. "Do you need to go, baby?"

Oddly enough, I didn't, and I told her that. She shrugged and held out her arms. "Wanna sit with mommy anyway?"

Now that I wanted to do. She wiggled backward, spreading her legs while I settled down onto the seat. To make things less precarious than last time, I hooked my hands under both of her knees and lifted her legs, making her squeak. I moved forward and then dropped her knees over my thighs. We were both over the bowl now, and quite secure.

And my erect cock was prodding her pussylips again.

She looked down at the juncture of our middles and then up at me, smirking. "You are, by necessity, about to get so wet, young man."

My response was a shrug. "Worse things have happened to me, mom. And not many better things."

Mom nodded and put her arms around my shoulders, looking into my eyes. "Y'know, if you can keep control of yourself and not try to push it in, it might be fun to have you slide that big ol' knob up and down my lips while I'm doing my business. That's a kick I haven't tried with a boy yet, not that I remember."

"Done it with a girl though, right?" I asked, grinning as I reached down to take hold of myself so I could direct the action. She was gonna pee on my hand, possibly, but why on earth would I care? We were cleaning up afterward, right?

"Oh, Tracy and I peed all over one another's pussies all the time when we sat like this," she said casually, almost waving it off as a perfectly normal thing to discuss with her teenage son. "If we were feeling really naughty, we'd napalm each other's tits, too."

Mom stopped talking and concentrated, looking into my eyes. I waited silently, letting her go first before doing my thing. She bit her lip and shivered for a moment before I felt her begin to pee on my erection. I remembered to begin stroking my cockhead up and down her lips, as far down as I could casually get with the wrist action, them back up to touch her clit. Mom shuddered and gasped, making a whimpering sound, but she kept doing her thing.

Sure enough, she caught my hands and bathed me right down beneath my thighs, but I didn't care. Not like she was firing off in my face or mouth, right? Mom leaned in and kissed me, an earnest kiss, but no tongue. She was basically releasing emotions she was feeling right at that moment, and I let her, kissing her back, but letting her control the show. I just kept on rubbing my cock up and down her pussylips while she peed on me.

The flow finally stopped, and mom finally leaned, almost sagged, back against the tank of the toilet, sighing deeply and looking at the ceiling. I was getting ready to stop teasing her pussy, but she just patted my arm. "Keep going, Aaron. See if I can cum from the teasing."

I didn't need any encouragement. I kept sliding my cockhead up and down, feeling it slip between those lips and then pressing against her clit. Mom sighed and moaned, her eyes closed, and she began to squirm her hips. I never went inside her, but I was as close as I could possibly be, and it was making me nuts.

"Gnnnn, gottny uses for that free hand, baby?" she sighed, still off in her own world of pleasure.

I took the hint and began fondling and groping her tits with my free hand, making her shudder and hiss at the contact, arching her back. I even leaned in and molested her nipples with my mouth, tongue, and teeth. Mom keened as I took one of the nipples in my teeth and tugged gently, the sting obviously delicious to her.

"Hahhhhh, Aaron..." she almost whined. I somehow kept up the teasing motion with my cock, which was becoming challenging. You know that coordination game where you pat the top of your head at the same time as you make circular rubbing motions on your stomach. I was running into a version of that. I was getting confused with all the stimulation. Soon, I'd be patting her tits and my cock would be biting her clit.

Mom gasped and arched her back, hard. She jammed her hips forward, and my cock was against her clit at that moment, suddenly jammed straight up between us, trapped between her pussy and my belly. I felt my crotch getting wet again, and I knew mom was squirting. Third time I'd seen her do it. Even better, I felt this one. She made incoherent, almost choking sounds, slapping one of her hands against the vanity top. She bucked and ground against me before flopping back against the tank again, her chest heaving.

"Hoooooo," she exhaled wearily, her eyes finally opening and she tilted her head up to look at me. They seemed rather glazed and unfocused. "Damn, son. And you weren't even in me."

Mom wiped her brow of sweat. "And we still need to clean up so I can give you that well-earned thigh job. Thank you, baby. Let's get going."

For the umpteenth time today, we stepped into her shower and she knelt to begin the process of wiping me down with a soft cloth, somehow avoiding my hardon, which was right in her face. Once she was done, I knelt and returned the favour, cleaning her off wherever she was sticky.

"Thank you, baby," she said as we dried one another, tossing the cloths and towels in the hamper then then taking me by the hand back to the bedroom. She gestured to the bed, indicating I should get on it. I sat down on the edge while mom retrieved a very large beach towel from her closet. I watched her wiggle on over and lay it down on the bed. It was more than large enough for me to lie on.

I watched mom uncork the wine and then pour two glasses, passing one to me. She sat on her side, smiling as we clinked our glasses and then took sips. Mom's sexy brown eyes watched me over the rim of her glass, a naughty glint in them.

"So, handsome," she purred in a sultry voice, her eyes still locked on mine. "Cum here often?"

"Only recently," I replied, continuing the banter. "Met a smokin' hot chick, I think she might be into me."

"How could she not be?" she quipped, looking me up and down and making sure to stare directly at my cock. "With a beast like that, the girls must be throwing themselves at you."

"They've got nothin' on her," was my response. "She's the total package. Beautiful, smart, sexy as all get out, naughtier and more liberated than I had ever imagined her being."

"She sounds pretty amazing," mom said, her eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Y'gonna cuff her?"

"Ohhhhh," I sighed, draining my glass and looking at the ceiling. "If only I could, y'know? Talk about bein' the luckiest guy on the planet."

Mom had finished her glass too, and poured us both another, almost filling the cups. "She'd be lucky too, you know, because you're pretty amazing, young man. Luckier than she's ever been."

We drank in silence for a bit, letting the implications of our banter sink in. I was feeling slightly buzzed and rather brave, and I wondered if my mild drunk had actually ever left over the course of the day. Maybe it was always there and I just hadn't noticed because of everything going on? I was getting a little blitzed again.

"So she's smokin' hot and sexy, is she?" mom asked as she took a sip.

"I'd fuck her," I said with a shrug, causing mom to lurch a little as she almost choked on the wine in her mouth. She shifted around and swallowed loudly, then exhaled, turning to look at me.

"You're supposed to warn me," she gasped, a little pink in the face, although whether this was from choking or blushing, I couldn't rightly say. "We agreed you'd warn me."

"I mean, I guess what I said could be construed as funny," I allowed. Mom sighed heavily and muttered something into her glass as she knocked it all back. She poured more wine into her glass, then topped mine off. Before long, we were snickering and laughing about silly things, the awkward moment forgotten.

"Well," mom said as she put her empty wine glass aside, now that we'd killed the bottle. "That's about as much liquid courage as I can handle. Y'ready, slugger?"

I put aside my glass and nodded. She invited me to lie on my back, which I did. Mom was now kneeling beside me, smiling down at me, adoration glowing in her eyes and her angelic face. My heart was thumping in my chest at the sight of her, this woman who loved me more than anything, and who I loved more than anything. I felt bad for anyone who didn't have the bond mom and I had.

With a wicked smile, she stretched across me to reach the nightstand on the far side of the bed. Mom dragged her tits, her tummy, and her pussy right across my hard, throbbing cock, finding what she wanted in the drawer before pulling back. I tried not to groan at the welcome, forbidden contact. She smiled again and held up the massage oil tube.

"I'm gonna drizzle some on you, Aaron, and then you work it in, got it?" she instructed. I nodded, and she popped the top and held it upside down, drizzling the transparent lubricant down onto the head of my cock. It spilled over, trickling down my shaft. My hand wrapped around my erection and I began massaging it in, getting myself nice and slippery.

"And just a little for mommy," she whispered, pouring some in her hand and then applying it to the insides of her thighs, greasing them good before smearing it all over her pussy and her ass. "Just in case you get caught on some friction..." she assured me.

Once she was done making herself slippery, she put the lube aside and smiled at me. "Okay, my love," she said gently, tracing a single finger up my cheek. "Let mommy do all the work, okay? You've been so good to her all day, it's her turn to make you feel good."

Mom then clambered into position, lying on her back on top of me, facing the ceiling. Her legs were still spread wide, and she slowly squirmed her body down until my erection was lodged below her ass and her pussy, which kissed the upper side of my shaft. Her warm, soft body on me was just... bliss. I would never grow tired of this feeling. Of doing this.

"Remember, baby," she said breathily as she prepared herself. "Don't lose control, there are still lines, after all."

I nodded my assurance, which she could feel, even if she couldn't see it. Her head was now nestled against mine, perhaps slightly lower, her body wedged against my hardon. She slowly brought in her legs now, closing them so that they rested on top of mine. I felt my her inner thighs holding my cock in place now, throbbing between them. Mom sighed and the sensation and then turned her head to look at me.

"Here we go, baby. Cum hard for mommy. I love you..." she whispered.

And then mom began to slowly squirm her thighs around me. I could feel the silken softness of her skin, but the feeling was enhanced by the lube, which grew warmer as she continued. She also began to push down and press up with her ass at the same time, almost as if she was jerking me off with her thighs. Mom had skills, no two ways about it.

I lay still and let mom do her thing, and soon she reached a comfortable rhythm. She sighed and cooed, clearly enjoying herself. When she pushed down, the head of my cock was poking up in front of her thighs, exposed. When she pressed up, I could feel it getting squeezed between her slippery thighs. It almost felt like being held and squeezed inside a pussy. I shivered in response, and let out a groan of pleasure.

"Mmmmm, good boy," she cooed, turning her head slightly and kissing my cheek and my jaw affectionately, tracing a fingernail along the other side of my jaw as she did. "My good little boy..."

She brought my hands up to her boobs, and I began to fondle and squeeze them, groping just how she liked it. Mom groaned in bliss while she squirmed on me, her ass grinding down while her thighs fucked my raging hardon. She turned her head and pressed her lips to mine. We were locked in a deep kiss, and once again, we had no pretense for our tongues tangling and slithering around one another, it just happened. I squeezed and groped while she squirmed on me.

Mom broke the kiss to pant, her body getting flushed and slick with sweat again. Mine was too, had to admit. Not that I blamed us, mind.

"Hnnnnnnn..." mom murmured, her eyes closed now. "Are you gonna cum, baby?"

"Uh-huh," was what I managed for a response, mauling her tits and beginning to push up and down a little. I know she said to let her do the work, but at this point, I had to be moving, pumping. I couldn't stop. Mom had me almost in a frenzy. Sure, she'd let me use her body to cum already, but this time she was directly getting me off. Intentionally.

"You gonna cum all over mommy's pussy and her belly?" she panted. "You gonna cum on mommy?"

I grunted my response, doing my best to hold on, but she was making it damned difficult.

"Can mommy..." she gasped, almost writhing on me. "Can mommy play with herself, baby? Mommy wants to cum with you..."

She didn't need my permission, of course, but she wanted my assent, I guess it felt naughtier to her if she gained my permission. I nodded and mom's hand snaked down to begin massaging her pussy and teasing her clit. She mewled and whimpered, and there were times I could feel the back of her fingers bumping against my cock while she diddled herself.

Her free hand came up and parked on top of mine, helping me grope her tits. I began pinching the nipples, rolling them between my fingers and tugging on them, causing mom to let out the most shameless groans. This all spurred me on toward a massive orgasm that I knew was coming, and if I survived it, I owed her big.

Mom was clamping her thighs tight and almost bouncing her ass up and down now, mimicking fucking me with her thighs. She was still slippery, but the friction was there, and it was absolutely incredible. I tried to time my thrusts opposite her movements, pushing up while she came down, increasing the pressure and sensation for us both.

Mom's fingers were flying over her clit before burying themselves inside her pussy, right above my captive cock. We were gasping, panting, and moaning, sweat streaming from both of us. I somehow resisted the urge to reach a hand down and massage her pussy along with her. I wasn't going to do anything she hadn't asked me or prompted me to do. I knew her tits were fair game.

Mom keened as I pulled on the nipples, lifting and almost bringing her breasts taut. The tingling in me was almost a fire now, and I knew I was seconds away from cumming. I was just doing my best to hold out for mom, so that we could cum together.
