Try Walking in My Shoes


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This fear was reinforced when by coincidence I met some people who turned out to know her and who were convinced she and Ralph were still a couple.

I realized that the tables were turned completely. Now we were living together as a couple and Ralph was the threat to our relationship. I was constantly living in fear that his abilities in bed might improve, given enough time and motivation. If he got as good as I was, I was afraid she wouldn´t need me anymore. He was more handsome than I was, bigger, she admittedly still loved him. These thoughts were probably irrational, but they still killed me. I even had these fears in mind while we were having sex and it started to diminish my fun.

The Karma credit plan was in full effect.

The situation was less than perfect, but what could I do about it? Confront her? And risk driving her back into Ralph´s arms? No. Better not rock the boat. She didn´t know that I suspected she was cheating on me and so far life was good for me. Well, it was at least acceptable. The problem was that Ralph had tried to use a similar denial strategy while they were still a couple and it hadn´t worked for him. This was driving me insane.

After a few weeks of growing insecurity, I almost couldn´t stand it anymore.


"Tom, honey, what do you think about having a baby?" Wow, that surely came out of the blue.

"Ah, Tina, I don´t know..."

"What? It´s because we´re not married? Tom, I´m willing to change that any time you want."

"No, it´s not because of that. It´s because you´re still seeing Ralph and I´d never know who the father is."

Well, there it was, the cat was out of the bag. I HAD rocked the boat now and I was anxiously waiting for what would happen next. She just stared at me in shock and ran out of the room. Shit. Had I lost her? After a few minutes she returned with teary eyes.

"I´m so sorry, Tom. Of course I´ll stop seeing him. At least without you."

"Without me? I´m not into guys."

"What? Are you suspecting me of still having sex with him?"

"Well... yeah... kind of."

"You can´t possibly be that dumb. I promised you to be yours only and I intend to keep that promise. Yes, I´ve seen him for a few lunches. I think I owe him that much. But I´m faithful to you."

For some reason I believed her.

"I´m sorry Tina. But you have to admit, given our history..."

"Yes, I´m a cheater. I have to live with that stigma. But I never actually lied to Ralph. Sure, I didn´t tell him about meeting you, but I never told him a direct lie. And I´m telling you now that I´m faithful to you."

I was feeling like a fool now. But I also felt like the weight of the world was lifted from my shoulders. We were both still paying the price for cheating on Ralph.

"So you could stop seeing him?"

"Sure. You think I have to?"

"If you can, why haven´t you? I had to assume you still love him."

"Tom, honey, Ralph and I were together since forever. We and everybody else thought we were made for each other. Our mutual future was never in question. We´ve been friends forever, we took each other's cherry, we were destined to grow old together. I always thought that I loved him. Well, it turned out that I did on some level, but only after meeting you I found out about real, true love. And it´s not just the sex. With Ralph I share some kind of camaraderie, friendship, affection. I like him and you could also say that I love him like a brother. But with you I feel deep, real love. So of course I can stop seeing him if I have to. You win hands down. I kept seeing him more out of obligation than love. I think he loves me as deeply as I love you and I tried to let him down gently."

"I see." Wow, talk about feeling relieved. "Don´t you think you´re still making it even harder for him this way? He probably still has hopes to win you back. It must be torture for him."

"Yes, you´re probably right. I even knew this, but I was too weak to finally break it off."

"Good." Although it was probably inappropriate, I was smiling widely now. She was finally and truly mine. I felt muscles in my body relax that I wasn´t even aware of. A feeling of contentment swept over me.

"Tom, would it be okay if I saw him from time to time? Without sex, of course. And with you present," she added quickly.

"Well, given your history, I´d prefer if you not. I admit that it would make me feel queasy. But I´d understand if you feel like you have to."

"Thank you so much. For allowing this and for forgiving me for seeing him secretly." Well, what else could I do? In our group of serial cheaters, I could hardly blame her for a small thing like this, could I?


For the weeks to follow we pampered each other to the extreme. We were ultra-considerate during sex, bought each other small gifts, brought coffee to the bed, the whole package. My motivation was to make sure she didn´t look at Ralph again. Her motivation? I didn´t know. Guilt maybe? Staking her claim? Making sure I wasn´t suspicious? Whatever it was, it was fun for a while, but it was also a little too much. After a while, we both toned it down a little and our relationship relaxed and turned into a stable, long-term thing.


We were sitting at the breakfast table on a lovely Saturday morning.

"Yes, Tina," I said out of the blue.


"I accept."

"Honey, what are you talking about?"

"You proposed to me, remember?"

Her face lit up like the sun.

"Seriously? You´d marry a cheater like me?"

"Tina, you don´t have to bring that up time and again. Both of our histories are less than stellar in the regard."

"Boy, are you not going to regret this!"

I was just grinning like a moron.

"I´ll stay faithful to you, you don´t have to be afraid."

"I know." But I didn´t. That was probably exactly what she had promised Ralph as well.

"I´m going to make sooo sure you´re not going to regret this, Tom."


Six years and two kids later I still haven´t. She still spoils me rotten and so do I her. But I´m also not dumb. Without having talked about it, we made our smartphone tracking function available to each other. I still discreetly check her emails and her phone from time to time. So far she has proven to be faithful. Our marriage started with cheating and that flaw will never leave.

Officially, Ralph has come to terms with the situation. To my chagrin, he visits us frequently with his new wife and their little son. We try our best to be cordial with each other, but there is a definite tension in the room whenever he´s around. I also see the secret longing glances in her direction and they unsettle me quite a lot. Keeping our mutual track record in mind, I do my very best to keep her pleased sexually and otherwise. Being unhappy with her sex life was what lead her to drop Ralph and that´s a situation I´d rather not find myself in. So I´m under quite a bit of pressure, but as long as I have her, I can live with that.

Despite that nagging and probably unjustified doubt in the background I´m finally starting to believe it. I´ve won the absolute dream woman from a far more attractive man. But I did it at the price of my moral standards. Was it worth it? Hell, yes.

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oldtwitoldtwitabout 2 months ago

A really good story, full of life, yes of cheaters' lives, but it was kept in the real world for a change, great character set, nicely told from start to finish.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This is a marriage going to shipwrecked going long term. The mc gives serious incel vibes, so insecure of himself given his wealth one would wonder he starts looking after himself, but after one night with the girl he's attached wow, I wouldn't even mind if poor Ralph wins his wife back.. this type of mc wimpy characters is the worst. No likeable characters,

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos5 months ago

I'll have to agree with the others, none of the three characters are particularly likeable. Tom is the closest, because he has the least sin - he was roped into Tina's plan after all, but his self confidence is actually quite low. He settles for being a weasel in another mans marriage and then forges ahead having children with a woman who he knows has serious moral issues herself. The only way I think this would be tolerable, for him to still be checking up on her years later, is because his self confidence is basically in the dumps. It's sad and the only real attractive quality Tina has is frankly her looks - she's described over and over again as beautiful, a goddess, etc - but looks fade. Pregnancy changes bodies. Time marches on relentlessly. It seems like he made a poor trade to me and the only way to justify it is because he thinks he can't do better.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Honestly, any man who "steals" a woman from another man is a fool who should stay away from casinos, because statistically the failure rate of these relationships is over 80%.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Black and white is boring. Good writing. I enjoyed it.

MarrttyMarrtty6 months ago

I don't know what to make of this one. She kept seeing and ducking Ralph. Even after the divorce. She started seeing Ralph behind his back and going into Ralph's apartment. I know they started out in an affair, but after the divorce, the procamations of love, she should have dropped Ralph. Long term friend with Ralph is ridiculous.

DeanofMeanDeanofMean6 months ago

wow not sure if they are all assholes or none of them are I mean Ralph had the tools all he had to do was learn to use 'em great twist on the genera

gatorhermitgatorhermit8 months ago
The Skylight was the Best Part of this Story

No likable characters in this story. And as HDK noted, no interesting twist. No humor. By the end I didn’t care who screwed who.

CookiecreamyCookiecreamy10 months ago

Loved this story. Creative and charming. I love when a writer can take a normal scenario and spin it witj a twist of l I me and tequila, like you did.

Very good!

5 cookies

To anonymous,

and you know who you are. For the amount of effort you put into dissecting this story, analyzing it to death, and lecturing the world, why dont you just create an account, be a man, and stand by your positions. Nobody can take you seriously if you hide behind the "anonymous mask."

Everyone in here who has taken the 5 minutes to set up an account does so with pride and enjoys their identity. Do that. Because you spend so much time writing comments, put your skills to work, and actually write some stories. You obviously have the skills. But dont be a condescending kitten, and hiding your name really diminishes anything that you have to say.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Creative story with an interesting set of perspectives. On one hand Tina and the MC are truly awful cheaters who end up basically destroying Ralph, who did nothing overtly wrong besides agree to let Tina screw someone due to giving her a crappy gift (huh?). That being said she was so swxually frustrated and Ralph refused to change anything or alter his bedroom game plan that she was going cheat soon anyways. The fact that the MC was a considerate lover, sensitive, empathetic, fun to be with, financially sound, and quite in lust with her, certainly made him attractive to her. During the first phase of her affair with the MC, it changed for lust to love. But so what. Yeah a lot of affairs are don't turn into love. But she was still married to Ralph and supposedly loved him. Complicating factors was that Ralph is not actually a good husband. He is a loha male wannabe blowhard, who also isn't too bright, not financially competent, and quite immature, though a physical Adonis. He had no empathy for the bedroom issues and his inexperience. Ironic because if he had half a brain, he would have gone to sex therapy sessions with Tina and figured out how to improve quickly for her needs. But his stubborn pride got in the way. That being said their betrayal of him was quite ugly. Luckily no kids. And wow he was so codependent and smitten with Tina that he was willing to take her back after after the first couple of months after his discovery. But Tina weirdly out of her own guilt, kept stringing Ralph along. Ok they had great aex the first time and shook her world. Can sadly understand with a husband like Ralph despite her vows and their history that the temptation to see if it was a fluke is incredibly hard. Doesn't make it right. But woukd expect some repeats as she adjusts to her new sexuality. But here is where it just goes morally bankrupt. Either confront Ralph that is he doesn't got to a sex therapist with her, she will divorce him. Or jsut flat out divorve him. The latter is hard because she did care for Ralph and felt guilty and Ralph was falling apart at the thought of her leaving him. Ralph showed no spine for a supposed alpha male. In real life, after the second discovery of her repeat cheating, would expect a normal.husband would have performed a double murder-suicide. I mean really? Ralph just was obsessed with Tina despite her hurting him incredibly and being execrable as she falls in love with Tom. So yeah if she had gone back, said I had sex with Tom three times, and it is everything I ever wanted sexually, and Ralph if you don't change bith with the attitude and being a dud in thr bedroom, I can't be with you any more. Given the other crap later in the atory that Ralph agreed to, and his seemingly endless hope of reconnecting with Tina, he would have caved on an ultimatum about his poor skills in the bedroom. Btw she says she never lied? Wtf? Not sure her definition. Broke her vows, then later reconciliation promises, running around behind Ralph's back many times, falls in love with Tom, and faked all her orgasms with Ralph. Just don't see Ralph accepting her back and then proceeding to do nothing to change things. Early on it was about the sex and lust and infatuation. If Ralph coukd get past betrayal at an early stage, even crazily enough after his first discovery after several months, he could have affected change and combined with her guilt, their history, and his feelings for her, with her having no moral leg to stand on, if he improved in the bedroom, he could have gotten Tina back (whether he should is up for debate, but she separate discussion). But in reality the onus was on her. The only ethical thing to do given her total lack of sexual fulfillment, Ralph's poor attitude and insecurities manifesting as an alpha male wannabe, his intransigence to any change, sexual or otherwise, wss for her to confront and deliver and ultimatum to save their marriage through counseling and sex therapy. Get it out in the open and have Ralph fight to change their hideous bedroom routine. And work with him on it as husband and wife, nad if he is relying, then ghost Tom. Period. Again even after the first pahsw of their affair, if she did this when she left Tom for a month and saw Ralph exclusively, they coukd havebfixed their marriage, provided Ralph didn't kick her to the curb anyways like a more normal, less insecure husband woukd do. Quote a mess. Entertaining but wow rhe main characters were just objectively terrible in different ways. Yeah it turns into a love story but can't imagine all the guilt, shame, pain, and immorality hanging around these three characters, with Ralph the real victim, his life turned upside down, hisbtrue love fornher not reciprocated despite being married, and her inability to set him free and instead stringing him along. How does that not lead to a btb ending? Quite unreal. Entertaining but not plausible. Sigh poor Ralph. At least he found someone else, though he still fantasizes about getting back with Tina. MC and Tina were real hypocrites too. Yikes!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Fun and interesting, glad I found it.

As my Daddy used to say, "It doesn't take all kinds (of people to make the world go 'round) there just ARE all kinds of people."

... and, no, no woman is good enough looking to be worth this.

Still a good, fun read though!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yeah, it's a strange, strange world we live in, master jack.

All too real.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Creative perspective. None of the three main characters are likable. There are the two cheaters and Ralph, while not an adulterer, has a terrible attitude (basically a pompous alpha type who is in fact woefully insecure and a terrible self centered lover). Ralph is bad enough on his attitude and demeanor I felt sorry for Tina at the beginning. Being consigned to a marriage with no hope for any orgasms or pleasure while being still so young and despite being together already for 7+ years with Ralph, is a bitter pill to swallow. Tom won her over notnjust with making live but being the opposite of Ralph. But they were shamelessly cheating, them comes the wife sharing / divorce. It was almost comical seeing Tom's insecurities about Tina still seeing Ralph either when still.msrried or especially after her divorce where she sees Tom mostly out of guilt snd obligation. Anyways quite the crazy love triangle. MC can't rule out her unfaithfulness completely, but she seems really in love with Tom, wants his children and has amazing sex with Tom. While she strayed from Ralph, Tom is nothing like Ralph, so she will remain his (true).loving wife. Have to admit some of the earlier dialog was hilarious.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

After reading 3 of your stories and finding out they are filled with recurring elements of lack of self worth self respect and basic logic i'm just going to skip to the last page and just 1 star everything.

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