Tuition Time

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Teacher and former student, meet later in life.
11.7k words

Part 1 of the 9 part series

Updated 09/28/2022
Created 07/08/2007
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This story was mostly written by my sister. She's been a writer of fine poetry and short stories for years, but she was inspired to write her first erotic short story after a real life experience. She has been single all her life and a teacher for nearly 20 years (you'll actually learn more personal details as you read her story). What she brought to me in draft awhile back was amazingly stimulating, for her supposed first venture into the erotic. For an older brother it was at first a bit embarrassing to read but by the time I had helped her edit the story and use language and phrasing she had never dreamed of using before it got rather stimulating for me to say the very least! By the way, she and I collaborated mostly on-line for this although she lives only 20 minutes away. We did not dare sit in the same room and write together, it would likely have been most embarrassing for the both of us!

So, without further aggrandizement, let me let her story entertain and hopefully arouse your senses (amongst other things) on its own merit.

(As a footnote, my sister knows I have been a Literotica fan and submitter for some time now and I introduced her to the site a few months back. She was taken in by the eroticism of the chat room feature and has admitted to an enjoyable late night or two, or three on-line there. – With all that said, she has asked that I share this story with other Lit fans. I'm sure her young lover continues to enjoy her!)

A woman and younger man had met earlier in their lives and now meet again a few years as more than teacher and student.

David and Reese tell the story in their own words...

According to David... When I got my spring tuition statement in the mail that week, I knew I was going to be plenty short or at least it was going to wipe out my checking account. Last semester had already pretty much taken everything my parents had saved up for my tuition. We had the agreement for my junior and senior year for me to pay for my room and board. I had been a little less than thrifty and spent too much of my summer job earnings on a blowout car stereo and new video games. Knowing my Dad, he would take out yet another loan he and Mom really could not afford to bail me out. I couldn't go asking them to do that for me yet again. I was now twenty-one and officially an adult. I needed to take care of this just as I promised. I had just enough in my account to cover the room costs, but if I wanted to eat and have spending money, not to mention date funds, I was on my own. Only getting a job wasn't the only problem. I was taking a full load the next semester, part of the consequence of screwing around my first couple years and now instead of slacking my final senior semester I had to take an extra two classes to be able to graduate on time with my friends. Finally, if I wanted to keep my place on the wrestling team and the partial scholarship I did have, I had to work around practice and meets somehow. With that overloaded schedule I couldn't be working every afternoon or workday evening. I had to find a job that would pay good enough for just working weekends.

After my last class on a Tuesday, I practically ran to the gym to get there in time for wrestling practice. Later, after a quick bite I went to the library to study for a couple more hours. I was on my way back to my dorm when I saw one of my buddies. He was talking to a very good looking older woman.

As I walked by, he noticed me. "Hey, David, come over here and let me introduce you to Professor Lindsay. I have her for Advanced Lit."

This very appealing woman reached out her hand, "Hi David."

Professor Lindsay was not the typical woman most people would picture being a college professor. She looked to be in her early 30s. And with that long blonde hair and long legs she was more than gorgeous. I took her soft hand in mine, "Hi, Professor Lindsay." The touch of her skin was nice and warm.

Before my sexy daydream of Professor Lindsay was able to get too far along, Nick brought me back to Earth.

"David, Ms. Lindsay was just telling me her sister has this business that she needs some help with and is looking for a couple of guys to work for her. I know you were telling me you were looking to pick up some cash this coming semester."

"Yea, I do need a job. It just has to be on the weekend, and not on some Saturday afternoons, when we have away wrestling matches."

"Not a problem." Professor Lindsay said. "It would be Friday and Saturday nights, usually later in the evenings. You could pretty much work your own schedule. Besides I think you'd be a perfect fit for this job." She said as she looked me up and down and smiled.

I smiled back, wondering just what she meant.

I heard keys jingle behind me and realized I was in a daze again looking at the beautiful Professor Lindsay.

"Hey, dude. I'll leave you two to negotiate. I hope it turns out to be big money for you." Nick turned to go. "See you in class tomorrow Professor Lindsay."

"Sure, Nick. Remember, we'll be discussing Keats and Yeats. Do that reading assignment."

Professor Lindsay turned her attention back to me. Again she eyed me up and down. It actually made me a bit uncomfortable getting the once over from a professor. But another part of me kind of enjoyed it.

"So David, do you think you'd be interested in seeing what my sister has to offer?"

"What the heck," I said, "I need the cash." I took the card from her well manicured fingers and agreed to meet her sister the next day.

The next evening I found myself sitting in front of another 'Professor' Lindsay. Nick's Professor Lindsay had failed to tell me her sister, Annie, was her twin right down to the same long tanned legs.

"Are you twenty-one?" This Ms. Lindsay asked. "Yea, I turned twenty-one last August," I answered.

"And you play a sport?" she asked.

"Uh huh, I've wrestled since I was a freshman in high school."

"You're a real athlete then. Excellent!" Annie smiled and jotted another note on her clipboard. "Have you ever modeled before?"

"No." I said, "Well, unless you count that calendar thing we did my sophomore year to raise money for our trip out to California for the Greco-Roman tournament."

"This is a bit more 'active' modeling David." Annie added. "But if you are really interested we can talk specifics later."

"I think I can handle modeling," I said, "can't be that hard getting dressed up and walking around for pictures."

"Well, it might be more than just getting dressed up. Actually it more involves getting dressed down." Annie said and I caught the smirk on her face as she bit down on the end of the pen looking for my reaction.

I was honest, and really felt it when I said, "I can handle wearing trunks or stuff like that."

"I'm talking about a bit more 'dressed down' than that, David." Annie peered over the top of her glasses now.

"You mean like an underwear model?" I knew my eyes responded along with my voice. "David, I'll be honest with you, this is where I lose most of my applicants. This job is one of a more personal nature. It's more of a service and involves less modeling than it does dancing. When I say dancing, I mean getting up in front of women at sorority parties and for other groups of women that enjoy the sight of a young man's virile body."

"Oh," was my simple response.

"Just something about you tells me you are truly cut out for this kind of work or rather entertainment. It is entertainment David. I can guarantee you at least a hundred dollars a night and for some of the jobs three times that. And that does not include tips you can earn. You've got the kind of body the ladies will pay big bucks for, trust me."

My eyes had to have widened at the sound of that kind of money. Annie was biting her lip now, maybe she anticipating me turning down her offer like so many others.

I thought of the possibilities. The pros included making some good money, in just weekend nights like I was looking for. The cons were standing up in front of a bunch of women showing off my body, that and what the guys would think if they found out. The latter I figured I could handle, especially for the money. As for the former, getting up in front of a bunch of women was both appealing and exciting to think about.

"So, do you think you'd be interested?"

"The pay sounds more than okay." Now I bit my lip. Thought for another moment and then said, "What the hell, it's worth a shot."

"Great, come back tomorrow night and we'll get you set up with outfits and I'll show you the ropes."

So that weekend I went to work...and worked on through the spring semester.


Reese... The last couple of weeks of school had been so stressful. It was so close to summer vacation, and my young students knew it. I couldn't complain too much, this group of boys and girls were some of my best and I had been teaching for years now. I started with the younger ones in my early years and moved on to junior high school. I had just started back with third graders when I came up to Northern Virginia and to this school two years ago.

Only three more weeks to go, I thought as I pulled out of the parking lot Friday afternoon. As I got on the highway, my cell rang. I looked over and saw it was Jenna, a teacher friend of mine. She taught at the high school.

"Hey girl, how're you doing?" Jenna said before I could even say 'hello'.

"Great, I'm ready for the weekend now though." I answered honestly.

"So you're still going to be here tonight, right?" She asked.

"I wouldn't miss it. I'm ready for a good girl's night out." I replied.

"Okay, see you soon. Bye. Kisses." she said quickly and hung up.

I had received the invitation from Jenna a couple weeks earlier to come to a lingerie party she was hosting.

For some time after I had been more than a little embarrassed by what happened at the party. But in the last few days I've come to appreciate just how pleasing and satisfying a time we all had, during and after the party. That's why I'm writing this story...


David... After a couple of months working my new job, I couldn't deny the paycheck was more than good for only two or three hours of work on Friday and Saturday nights. Needless to say, I soon found other fringe benefits came with the part-time job. I got to meet some very hot women. I ended up with a handful of dates out of it, mostly from the sorority gigs.

Another, more subtle benefit was being able to act on a life-long fantasy of being a little bit of an exhibitionist. My new job was the ultimate, being a male dancer.

And it was a few months into the job, now close to June and I had one of the most exciting gigs I had ever had. At first it had been somewhat of an embarrassing experience. But by the next day I had felt just how lucky a man I had become. That's why I'm writing this story...


Reese... We were all friends and we had been meeting like this for the last several months for a girl's night. This month was Jenna's turn and she was having it at her house. Jenna's husband was on a business trip, so we women had the whole house to ourselves. Little did I know when I walked in her front door that I was in for an experience I would not soon forget.

By nine-thirty, Lisa, the party hostess, had all of us hyped on the sexy outfits and accessories she had on display. The alcohol had been flowing since we all had walked in the door at 7:30. Personally, I am not much of a drinker, so the two drinks I had had already and the third that Jenna had just put in my hand was warming me through and through.

At this point, the door bell rang, and Jenna jumped up off the floor.

"Okay now ladies, everyone needs to freshen up their drinks," she said as she walked toward the stairs, "while I go get our dessert!" Jenna practically skipped out of the room and up the stairs, assumedly toward the front door.

We all looked at one another and shrugged. None of us appeared to have a clue as to what Jenna was doing. We heard the door open and close, in between voices conversed, but all too low to hear what was being said.

"I'll be right back, too." Lisa then said and headed upstairs herself.

I took another swallow of my drink and told the other girls in the room, "I keep drinking these things and I won't be awake long enough to have dessert."


David... I got the call from Angie last Wednesday. She had set me up with a private party on Saturday night. I had not thought anything different about this job; it was just another one in a woman's private home. I parked down the street and walked up to the house. I had never been in this neighborhood and just walking by each house on the way all I could think of was who could stand to live in houses this big.

I came to the one, 416 Mahogany Place. The house had to be the biggest on the block. It was beautiful though, built with a nice stone front. My client and her husband must have some real money. Selfishly at that moment all I could think of was how much of a generous tip I might earn from someone like that.

I was to be there at 9:30. I was told the party would already be in full swing by the time I arrived. I looked at my watch as I stepped up on the front stoop. It was 9:28. This was my thirtieth or thirty-first party, but only the fourth at a private residence. Although I had gotten the routine down, for some reason I was anxious about this party and my heart was racing more than usual as I rang the doorbell.

The door opened and before me stood a very stunning woman that looked to be in her late 30s. But the most extraordinary thing about her was I was practically looking her directly in the eye. I'm about 6'2" and she was almost right at my height. She had to be almost six feet tall herself.

"Hi, you must be our dessert, I mean entertainment, for tonight, young man." The striking woman extended her hand to me with a huge smile on her lovely face. "I'm Jenna Caldwell."

"Good evening, Ms. Caldwell. I'm David." I took her hand, but found myself focusing down on her chest. She was wearing a print blouse and it was cut and open enough to provide a very ample view of her more than generous breasts. Her long brown hair cascaded down over one breast and down to where it reached nearly down to her waist. When my lingering gaze finally made it back up to her face I was met with a set of deep brown eyes that seemed to burn right through me. "Please, call me Jenna. Come on in." She said as she stood aside and let me step into her foyer. "The party has already started as I told your employer, but you are right on time. We just need to get you dressed."

"Yes, I just need a bathroom to change in." I told her as I held up my little outfit bag.

"Oh, no, I've got it all set up for you down in our study, just follow me." I followed this drop-dead gorgeous woman down a short hall. Her heels clicked on the hardwood floor. The heels looked to be at least a couple of inches high. So, even with those she was still pretty tall. When I walked in the study behind her I saw another woman already there. She was sorting through what looked like an array of women's lingerie. My nervous meter started clanging immediately. "Oh Lisa, this is David, he's here to model the men's underwear." Jenna said to the woman. "David, this is Lisa. She's our hostess for Nicolette's Lingerie."

"Hi, nice to meet you," I offered. But I didn't get a return cordiality.

"What? You didn't tell me about this. I've never used a model before. In fact, I'm sure I'm not supposed to. I've only been selling for only a couple of months now though. But I'm sure it's not right."

"Oh, calm down girl. I think the ladies downstairs will be very interested in seeing your line of male undergarments displayed on a real model. And I think we have just the right young man for the job. Come on what do you say?"

"I don't know." Lisa pondered in front of us both.

I began to ponder myself just what I was getting into here. I had come to dance for a private party, pretty much my usual routine. And now...

"Tell you what, I'll buy everything he wears and promise you at least another $500 in business whether the girls downstairs place that many orders or not." She talked to Lisa, but turned to look in my direction and eye me up and down again. "I have a feeling you are going to get a lot of orders looking at what our model here is going to do for filling out those nice male things."

I could swear her gaze ended at just below my waist at that last comment. I self-consciously crossed my arms down in front of myself as I stood there in my jeans.

"Uh, Mrs. Caldwell." I started to stammer nervously I knew, "actually, I thought I was going to be performing a routine like I usually do. Are you sure all you want me to do is model some boxers?"

"Yes, we need you as a model for tonight, David. Is that okay?" Mrs. Caldwell asked. "And please, no more 'Mrs. Caldwell', I'm Jenna, please."

"I guess, but did Annie tell you I've never actually modeled before?" I had to admit to her.

"Oh I know. Annie mentioned that, but she also mentioned you have received rave reviews from all her other customers. You come highly recommended for your, well let just say, your attributes." Again, I got the 'look' that ended up with a not so casual gaze down the front of my jeans again. "Also, besides doubling your normal fee, I expect you'll pick up some very healthy tips with a good performance tonight. My friends are mighty generous." "I'm very glad to hear I have a good reputation with my prior work. I'm also glad you feel I can do this job for you." I was building my confidence as I was trying not to let the compliments go straight to my male ego and the dollar signs flash in front of my eyes.

"So, can we get on with this and get you changed now?" Jenna said, as she and Lisa sorted through some of the clothing.

"Ok, I'll model your underwear."

As Jenna looked me up and down, a sly smile formed on her lips. "There are at least five outfits, well, more like boxers or briefs and a matching robe that we want you to model. You can choose the one you want to start with."

"I can do that." I said.

"Good, then get changed and let me know when you're ready." Jenna said and turned toward the door. "Okay, Lisa, lets give the young man some privacy and get back to the girls." With that the two women left me alone in the room.


Reese... A few minutes later, Jenna popped back downstairs with Lisa following behind her.

"Okay girls, I need just a minute or two more to get our treat for the night ready." Jenna then turned to our hostess, "Lisa you go ahead and start passing out the order forms."

Then she turned to address the other six of us in the room again, "Ladies, be generous now, and place orders on what you've seen so far. I'll be back with our treat so you can have another opportunity to spend some more cash out of those designer handbags you all carry."

Before any of us could ask a question, she turned and bounded back up the steps.


David... I shed my 'street' clothes and picked up the paisley patterned silk boxers that were on top. Next to them was a matching silk robe. I had never worn anything this fancy before, but the minute I slipped the boxers on over my shiny g-string, my outfit for my finale most nights. These boxers were more than just fancy and expensive, they felt very comfortable. The material was light and cool against my skin. It felt so good, and rubbed against my crotch just so right.

I was starting to feel too good. This was a paying job and it wouldn't do to get excited in front of the women in some sales lady's clothes. I closed my eyes and thought about my physics exam coming up next Tuesday and that helped. I picked up the robe and slipped it on.