Turn Back Time


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"Whuh?" he said, as his brains came back online and forced sleep away from his consciousness.

"Shhh Den," I said. "Don't talk. Don't think about it. It doesn't have to mean anything. But I can't wait another eight years before....It's just been too long, Den." I quickly pulled his boxers down and sucked him into my mouth in one quick motion. I think I might have bobbed my head up and down two or three times before I knew that he'd been telling Claudine the truth. He tried to push my head away from him but I held on for dear life and all of his scalding hot juices flowed into my mouth.

Denton used to be able to last a long time either in my mouth or in my pussy, but this was a Denton who hadn't had sex since he and I had last done it. It had been even longer for him than it had been for me. Not by very much but a few days at least.

"Sorry," he said. "But it's..."

I closed his mouth by kissing him. "I know Baby; it's been eight long fucking years for both of us. You didn't do anything wrong. Besides, that will make the next one last longer. And that's the one I'm looking forward to."

Apparently Den had been working out. He flipped me over onto my back with very little effort. I was fighting him because I wanted to...I needed to kiss him badly but he wasn't having it. As usual my brain worked too fast for its own good and read all kinds of terrible doomsday scenarios into his actions. I imagined that he just wanted to pound me. He just wanted to fuck me like the whore that I thought that he thought I was. He didn't want to kiss me because kissing is too intimate an activity to do with a whore.

I just lay back and got ready for it, because no matter how he treated me, he was still the man I loved. And for all of these years, I've sworn that he could do anything he wanted to me whenever he wanted. It was time for me to live up to it.

All of those foolish notions were very quickly removed from the realm of possibility from the instant that his tongue hit my pussy. Denton always did enjoy the pleasure of having me writhing on his tongue. He tentatively and very gently licked and explored my outer labia and then plunged his tongue into my hole without warning. That piercing searching tongue scooped up nearly all of the fluids I was releasing while his nose tickled my clit. God it felt good....

Blackness....Floating....White hot intensity burning with the brilliance of a million suns. Huh? "Denton, why are you laughing at me?" I asked. .

"You're just as quick on the draw as I was," he laughed. "It's been a while for you too, hasn't it?" He looked down at me and even in the darkness I saw something in his gaze that made my heart flutter

He was leaning over me gently running his fingers over my very sensitive breasts. He was being very gentle because he remembered that I was very sensitive all over my body after an orgasm. He stretched out beside me and started kissing me then. He was giving me all the kisses I wanted or needed. Long wet sloppy kisses full of lips and tongue. Kisses that lasted for hours yet were still too short. Kisses that tasted like my pussy must have. I realized then that I was a fool to ever have given this up.

Bryant had never come anywhere near this and Denton hadn't even fucked me yet. Bryant never kissed me like this. He didn't kiss me at all and he'd never once licked me down there. God I was such a fool.

Denton continued to kiss me and he started rubbing and licking my breasts too. My nipples felt like they were going to explode if he didn't bite them. "Ohh God Den," I screamed. I was already beginning to ramp up again. My body was quivering for more of whatever he wanted to do to me. He never stopped kissing me and rubbing me all over. I think I had another mini orgasm when he finally entered me. We were rubbing against each other very slowly and wrapped in each other's arms. I never wanted this to end.

That second time, when I got close, I remember begging him to hurry up so we could cum together. Just as I screamed, I felt him splashing inside of me. He must have been saving it all for me. Eight years-worth of accumulated semen all deposited at once. It gushed out of my vagina and ran down my legs. But we didn't stop then he flipped me over and took me from behind. This time it was much more frenetic, he pounded the shit out of me and I matched his every thrust. I just needed to rest for a few minutes and then I was going to let him have my ass. I wanted him in every hole I had. I told him that as he kissed me and we snuggled up together.

"Maybe we'll try that next time," he said. "A little nap first?"

"Mmm hmm," I said. He wrapped one of his arms protectively around me and I was in heaven.

It lasted for all of what seemed like two seconds before I thought he was after me again. I felt him pull the covers down and I wanted him again, but I was too tired to move. "It's your pussy Denton you can have it whenever you want, but can I please just have five more minutes to nap. I need to get my strength back before you have your way with me again," I said.

Remember my luck?

I heard two things simultaneously. The first was a loud snort of derision and someone saying, "Whore. I thought she was better than that. No wonder she didn't care about the others doing it."

The second was a bunch of giggling and a voice that was obviously Dulce's saying, "Whoopee. Somebody finally got some."

My eyes opened quickly and I noticed that it was broad daylight. I looked around the room and quickly surmised what must have happened. Anya had come in to clean the room and found me. She'd called Dulce to help get me out of there.

The two had differing purposes for being there. Dulce was there as my best friend trying to cover my ass. Anya just wanted to clean the room. She looked at me as if she could barely stand me. Denton was of course long gone.

"He checked out at six a.m. this morning. He's already gone," smirked Dulce. "What the fuck did he do to you? This whole room smells like a brothel. You have cum stains all over your face. There's dried sperm in your hair and it's still dripping from between your legs. Obviously he got you too drunk to remember to use condoms. I'd ask what got into you but I already know. Jeezus, Blanche put some clothes on so I can hustle you out of here."

After I got dressed in the same clothes that I wore the previous night I came out of the bathroom that Anya was waiting to clean. She looked at me and shook her head. "I'm sorry Blanche," she said. "I didn't know he was your husband. How did you survive for so long without...?"

We quickly left the hotel. Dulce was full of questions for me at first. "How the hell did you end up in bed with him? Are you guys back together? Did he forgive you? What happened?"

As soon as she realized that I didn't have any answers for her questions her mood changed. "So you guys didn't actually talk at all?" she asked. "You just showed up in his hotel room in the middle of the night and let him fuck you to sleep, no questions asked?" I nodded.

"Well I guess that's that," she said. "When should I set it up?"

"Set what up?" I asked.

"Your date with the maintenance guy?" she said. "Now that you've gotten your ex out of your system, you're going to need sex pretty regularly."

I looked at her strangely. "Don't look at me like that Blanche. Be realistic," she said. "You guys didn't even talk. If he wanted any kind of relationship with you he'd have told you. What you guys had is over with. What you just had was great but it's like old shoes for him. They're really easy to slip on, and they feel good. But you don't want anybody to see you wearing them. So last night you offered him sex. He took it. You were even begging him to fuck you in your ass like some slut, Blanche. Today he's back in his life. Story over. Roll credits."

The longer I thought about it the more depressed I got. Before we even got to my house I was crying like never before. "That bastard," said Dulce. "And he had me thinking he was something special."

"It's my fault Dulce," I said. "He tried to tell me something when I went into his room. But I just started kissing him and I told him it didn't mean anything." I said that with my mouth but my heart was breaking all the same. The Denton I knew and loved would never have done that to me.

After Dulce went back to work, I ran the events over and over again in my mind. I had after all told her the truth. It was my fault. I was still shocked at Denton's actions. But I had just offered myself to him, no strings attached. All he did was to take me up on what I'd offered. Maybe I needed to get my head out of my ass and think about this realistically. Denton had changed. That was my fault too. The changes in him were probably at least partially due to what I'd done to him.

There were other things I needed to face to. I was at a really dangerous time in my cycle and I hadn't made him wear a condom. He had fucked me at least four times and had left a lot of sperm in me. I could very well be pregnant. Somehow I wasn't upset.

I took a few days off from work and thought about it even more. Denton had actually done me a favor. He'd given me one last wonderful memory and maybe even a child. It was far more than I deserved after what I'd done to him.

Three days later, I was driving in to work and I stopped off at a store. As I stuck my hand inside my purse, I found a card. I looked at the card and dropped my purse and the bottle of soda I was carrying on the floor where it shattered splashing everything in the area. I quickly ran out of the store. I called my boss Steve and told him that I needed a few more days off.

"Is this some kind of female thing?" he asked.

"I guess," I said sheepishly.

"Okay," he said.

I drove like a woman possessed. I might've been reading this the wrong way but I couldn't afford to risk it. I pulled onto a street in a really nice suburb. The house was beautiful. It was about four o'clock in the afternoon. I sat down on the porch and waited. Suddenly my brain came back on. There was a phone number down there too. I should have called first. How the fuck did I even know that he wanted me to really call. He could have simply left me the card out of guilt. Men always say they'll call you after they fuck you, but most of them don't. Most of the time they just leave you the number and when you call them they're vague and defensive.

I'd over reacted again. Denton hadn't actually said that he wanted to see me. And in the three days since we'd slept together he hadn't called me. What the fuck made me drive all of this way? I had a screw loose for sure. I needed to get out of here quickly before he showed up and I ruined any chance of getting back with him.

I'd over reacted for sure. I was still thinking about this like I used to when we were married. Denton used to leave me notes in my purse because otherwise I'd forget them. If he left them on the fridge or the table I rarely got them so he started sticking them in my purse.

Oh shit, I thought. I heard the rumble of a way over sized V8 even as I got to my feet. The car pulled into the driveway blocking any chance I had of getting away with my dignity. Denton got out of the car. He looked up and saw me. I was hoping for a smile, or a confused look on his face. I got neither. He was obviously angry. I had fucked up again. Denton dropped his briefcase to the ground and started towards me. The fire in his eyes must have been the same as when he was pounding me the other night only this time instead of trying to make himself one with me he was obviously upset at me for invading his space. What right did I have to intrude on his life out of the blue?

I wondered as he got closer to me if he'd be kind enough to ask me why I was there of if he'd just spit out something nasty like, "What the fuck are you doing here? Get the fuck out of here, you whore. I already gave you a dose of dick. What the hell do you want now? Holy shit what if I WAS pregnant. He'd think I planned it to trap him. I needed to just politely get out of there.

As he got closer to me I could feel him again and I wanted him so badly. But he was still pissed. I closed my eyes as he took a breath to speak. Oh my God he was raising his hands. I couldn't believe that Denton, my Denton was going to hit me.

"What took you so long?" he asked. "I couldn't concentrate on anything for the past three days. I tried calling you at work because I don't know your phone number. They kept telling me that you'd had a bad experience and were taking a few days off. That big Mexican woman was especially nasty to me. She hung up on me four times yesterday. I think she doesn't like me. Then I thought that maybe I'd done something stupid. I was confused because from all of your crazy little speeches, I had the feeling that you missed me as much as I missed you. I thought that maybe you wanted to give us another try as much as I do..."

I just couldn't help it. I started crying when I realized what he was saying. "Where's all of your stuff?" he asked.

"Fuck the stuff," I said. "You really want me here, with you?"

"More than anything," he said smiling. Just then I swear he was about to kiss me out in public for all of his neighbors to see and I was ready for it, my fucking phone rang.

"Oh hi, Mom," I said. I was surprised. She hadn't called me in months.

"Yeah, I guess I can come for Thanksgiving Mom," I said. "Is Doris going to be there?"

Then I got a really evil thought in mind as Denton grabbed my hand and starting walking me inside of the house.

"Mom, is it okay if I bring a date?"

The end.

Oh wait, sorry I almost forgot to tell you. I actually was pregnant. Both Denton and I were really happy and this time we lived happily fucking ever after.

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ncdeepdiverncdeepdiverabout 2 months ago

I liked the story. I wish the end could have been drawn out a bit more but it was a solid 5 stars for me.

MountainMan1336MountainMan13364 months ago

I liked this one and gave it 4 stars, okay Blanche is a bit of an airhead. But you have to love her and yes she fucked up years ago but she had the sense to understand her mistakes and she even owns up to them. I also liked Dulce and her Mexican proverbs. A very well written tale and very entertaining, keep up the good work.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos4 months ago

As usual an extremely funny and romantic tale. Probably one of your better ones if I'm thinking about it. Blanche is a bit different than most of the cheaters you write, it's probably necessary since you gave her a happy ending - she needed to be just enough of an airhead to be lovable, but smart enough to understand how deeply she fucked up.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

S..T You did it to me again. SO GOOD> Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The MC is one of the best characters on the site. A lovely tale. Hilarious and heartfelt.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Ignoring the tawdry events, her betrayal for a few months "earning bonuses", and maybe worst of all, her listening to Bryant, and instead of apologizing, going on the offense to take control and belittle Denton (which blew up in her face)... it was freaking hilarious. Like some LW SS06 version of "I love Lucy" with the MC and Dukce playing the parts of Lucy snd Ethel in a set 8 years after her divorce with Denton. Zany schemes. Funny dialog. Crazy scenes and stunts. And a lot of hilarious monologuing and meta commentary on BTB stories. A very fun and entertaining 5 stars. The hilarity made the reconciliation worthwhile. Lol. In the world of the immortal Sgt Hulka from Stripes: "Lighten up, Francis!"

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Good but weird, hilarious story. Yet it comes off as Disney fairy tale RAAC on steroids. Yes her betrayal was huge and made no sense as she got bonuses for mediocre at best sex with her boss. Yes she was an idiot for taking Bryant's advice and going on the attack instead of coming clean. Yes they got divorced and her husband burned pretty much everyone involved to the ground and she ended up as a maid working in a hotel where apparently the cleaning ladies also part time as hookers. But this is fiction. And somehow it works. In large part because the dialog and the MC's internal thinking is entertaining. The interactions between Dulce and her were priceless. Hilarious at times. And we.end up with the Disney sweet ending. So what? Though it is certainly a RAAC, it was enjoyable.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

3 Stars as I did not care for this Story

A_BierceA_Bierceabout 1 year ago

Very nicely done, sir, even if the Mustang did play only a minor supporting role. Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ Ѡ

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 1 year ago

I love a happy ending

SomeOneTwoThreeSomeOneTwoThreeover 1 year ago

Typical older story.

When I come across an older story, I haven't read,

I check the comments first.

The stories have changed a lot last 20 years

and so have the comments.

I'm grateful for that.

It's fun reading the comments.

Those who haven't done much of that should try it.

They're sometimes better than the story itself.

Sure they might reveal to much of the plot,

but they always point out the faults and the quality.

Makes it easier to see if the story is one you'd like to read.

I had my doubts when I started reading this one.

Didn't make it far before those doubts were confirmed.

Not because of the writing.

The writing is very good and so is the humor.

It's because I believe Disney belongs in children- and family films.

Not in LW stories.

Comments pointed out that Denton went without sex for 8 years.

That belongs to Disney.

In real world that would make him one gigantic loser.

Only a loser would shoot the horse he fell off.

A man gets back on it.

Now, I knew that part from comments.

My doubts were confirmed when I read he told that to a cleaning lady.

That sparked a question in my mind.

In what universe would a male guest tell cleaning staff

that he hadn't had sex in eight years?

A man with any pride at all wouldn't.

But yeah, a loser might.

I don't do loser stories. Just not my thing.

But good writing got a star from me and humor another.

So 2 out of 5 from me.

xhristianjxhristianjover 1 year ago

Just a question and the whore deserved reconciliation because......? Suffering remorse is normal every prisoner on the Planet suffers remorse after they're caught it doesn't make them worthy of forgiveness.

Martyr2002Martyr2002over 1 year ago

Loved the characters and how silly they were. Great story AND a good chuckle.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

this is the only time ive ever given a reconciliation story more than 2 stars.

5 stars , well done .

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

i HATE reconciliation stories ...

but , man this one got me .

i liked this one a lot , thanks for writing it .

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