Turnabout Pt. 02

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Sequel to Turnabout.
3.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 06/11/2018
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The tavern was remarkably lively, considering its isolation. Nestled in a small mining town, it was unlikely they ever received visitors -- much less a priestess and a dragon -- and it showed in their hospitality. Wine flowed steadily as did mouths, the sleepy town coming to life to greet its visitors. A barrage of greetings, questions, and offers of hospitality alike threatened to overwhelm the travelers. Still, the rustic comfort of the town was welcome reprieve from endless desert and a gentle distraction from the events of the day.

On a scale of one to ten, today probably ranked as about two. Sure, John had been raped for hours on end and humiliated by the dragon he swore to slay. On the other hand, he was a dragon now. That was kinda cool. Overall, not the worst day possible, but also one he would like to forget. Fortunately, forgetfulness could be easily purchased for a few copper a stein. Or, if one was a dragon, ten gold a barrel.

By his third barrel, most of the townsfolk returned to their own tables, leaving him and Agatha to sit alone at a table near the back. Rather, his head sat at the table. The rest of his body lay on the other side of the window on account of being about the same size as the tavern. Adapting to the size of his new body was not going to be easy, but at least he would have help. Much to his surprise, Agatha seemed to have dropped her usual bitterness for genuine compassion. She seemed to have declared herself his caretaker, filling in for his missing hands where his new claws lacked the requisite dexterity, as well as providing moral support. If he was being honest, it was a little unsettling. She seemed almost possessive ever since he finished recounting his tale. For a moment, he was worried that she was going to march into the cave and give the dragon a piece of her mind. He had seen her angry before, but this was the first time she had been truly mad. Since then, she had been doing her best to keep him engaged in small talk and keep his mind occupied. It was her suggestion that brought them to the tavern in the first place. As unwonted as her behavior was, it was nice to know that she had his back.

At this particular moment, however, it seemed as though it was his turn to give her a hand. Going drink-for-drink with a dragon had not been her wisest decision of the day and it seemed as though she was now beginning to suffer the consequences. John was far from sober himself, but it did not take the wisdom of a paladin to tell that she was walking a tightrope of consciousness. He decided it was time to leave, picking her up gently in his mouth and pulling her out the window. More than a few pairs of eyes watched with a mixture of expressions, though none spoke. Whether they recognized his intentions or decided that they could not stop him if they wanted to he did not know, though he did not particularly care, either. The day had drained pretty much all of his energy and what he presumed to be all of his semen. He struggled back to camp, tucking in his charge as well as he could manage before collapsing in a disordered heap on the ground.

An incredible heat wrapped around the base of John's draconic member. The fruits of last night's indiscretions blossomed, a splitting headache briefly distracting him from the mysterious pressure. It was not until the smell of hot steel and fire invaded his consciousness that he dared open his eyes and face the worst of his hangover. He scanned the room, bleary eyes taking in only bits and pieces. He lay on his back, legs pointing lamely towards the sky. Agatha stood between his hind legs, silhouetted ominously by a sizable fire. She did not seem to notice his gaze, her attention focused on his groin. Seconds ticked by as he watched her work, not wanting or not able to parse what she was doing. A thick band of steel, dull yellow with heat, wrapped about the base of his shaft. Agatha poked and prodded it with a pair of tongs as she adjusted its fit. A few light taps later, she smiled, seemingly content with her work.

"Oh, don't be a pussy. Fire can't hurt you. I did promise to help you train with your new body, didn't I? I think we should start with teaching you a bit of restraint."

Of course her kindness last night had been a trick. Why would anything nice ever happen? He clawed at the iron band impatiently yet was unable to find purchase. His talons made exceptional weapons but lacked the finesse to remove the device, at least if he wished to stay a whole man.

"Struggle all you want, I will wait. I can entertain myself."

With the pull of a cord, she was naked. He had seen her nude form before, but never this close. He could not help but stare at her perfect body. Wide-hipped and voluptuous, she had the figure of a fertility goddess. She stepped forward and climbed upon him, leg wrapped about his abdomen. She reclined, supporting herself with her hands as she put herself on display. Her back arched, giving the stricken dragon an impressive view of the underside of her breasts. Had he hands, it would have been all he could do to resist groping them, each globe of her ample flesh demanding the full devotion of all ten fingers. Her wide hips lie open, brazenly exposing her already-damp sex. Her arousal was palpable, his enhanced senses picking up the sound of her quickening heartbeat and the gentle smell of sex coming out of her. He watched as a single finger dipped into her flushed folds and disappeared inside. She sighed with pleasure as she drove her finger deeper, knuckles coming to rest against her parted lips. Without pulling out, she slipped in a second finger and then a third before she began pumping.

"As much as I've been warming up, there's no way I'm taking you inside, so I hope you enjoy the show."

She built a steady but slow rhythm, plunging her fingers into her depths while her thumb rolled in slow circles over her pearl. She groaned and bucked against her hand, plump yet firm ass rubbing gently across the soft scales of his belly. Her hair fell from her tilted head, tickling the underside of his member. He throbbed as she moaned, her incredible display bringing him to full hardness in spite of the uncomfortable pressure about his base. Trapped by the ring, blood continued to fill his cock, ballooning it obscenely and making him even more sensitive. Her thrusts grew quicker and sloppier, droplets of her arousal splattering about as her fingers plunged in and out of her sex. Her breathing grew erratic, gentle moans transforming into grunts and gasps as she neared her peak.

She slowed her hand as she laid back on his engorged dick, freeing her other hand to play with her breasts. Her face hid behind the swell of her breasts, though he felt her every movement as she writhed and shook on his shaft. Her head rolled back as she pinched a nipple between two fingers, rubbing her scalp on the underside of his dick. Her hips drove up with every thrust as she struggled to find footing on his smooth, cum-slicked belly. Her back, toned by a lifetime of training, rubbed against his dick, sending a shiver up his spine. More and more liquid flowed from her sex, running in strands down her legs and onto his scales. With a strangled cry, she lifted her back entirely off him, thrusting her hips into the air as she came. Her body froze in ecstasy, arched and stiff as she cried out in orgasm.

Her body fell as her orgasm subsided, sprawling atop his supine form. She gasped for air as her body trembled with aftershock, fingers twitching and digging gently into his scales. Slowly, she withdrew her fingers, unstopping the flow of arousal that now ran from her groin to join the pool between her legs. With her other hand as support, she sat up with some difficulty, running her wet hand up her firm stomach. In contrast with her padded, lush hips, her stomach was that of a woman in peak form, a barest layer of softness barely hiding her firm tone. Her fingers traced the faint lines of muscle as it traveled, a thin trail of her juices marking its path. They ran between her breasts before slipping slowly between her lips and into her mouth, strings of mixed juices hanging from her lips as she sucked. Throughout the whole erotic display, her eyes remained locked on his, savoring the way he watched her, predatory lust as clear as his bright yellow irises. He lay under her, panting in sympathetic arousal. She felt the way he throbbed under her as she came, clearly desperate for his own release. How unfortunate.

Still sensitive from orgasm, she shimmied carefully backwards, mounting his cock. Pent-up and tied-up as he was, it was truly majestic. It stood longer than her arm and thicker than her thighs, meaty as they may be. Such a proud cock. Not for much longer, though. Not when she would make him beg. Her thighs squeezed around his erection as she sat down, enveloping his cock in her wet thighs and dripping slit. He may have talked a good game earlier, but his complaints seem to have disappeared now. Perhaps he knew that it was pointless; without her help, he could not possibly find release. She giggled as she pictured him alone in the desert, swollen and needy dick dragging through the sand like a plow. How pitiful. Then again, maybe he enjoyed this. Some of the other paladins loved being tied up and dominated by a woman, or so she had heard. She smiled as she began to rock back and forth, squeezing his cock as she did. When she was done with him, he would be begging for more. He would be hers.

A warm tightness ran up and down his length as she rocked her hips. She glided smoothly over his bumpy cock, her sopping cunt providing more-than-ample lubrication. It was far from the most intense pleasure he had felt since adopting his new form, but this new sensation had its own appeal. Her thighs wrapped only a small portion of his length at a time, teasing him with light sensations. Her hips rolled from side-to-side, grinding against the sensitive bumps that covered him, eliciting small gasps as she hit each one. Slowly, she worked her way back to the base as her hands ran along his belly, their passage eased by her copious juices. Skilled fingers worked their way under his scales, tickling gently at the sensitive flesh underneath. Her fingers massaged him as she worked her slit up and down his length. His head fell back with pleasure as her hands worked slowly down his stomach and onto his cock.

She gripped him softly, pumping the tip of his dragon dick with both hands. She stroked towards herself as she rode forward, twisting her hands as she pumped. Her grip strengthened as she worked his shaft as if unsure how much strength was appropriate. Aroused as he was, her combined assault made short work of him, reducing him to a panting mess in a matter of minutes. He could feel her own pleasure growing as she pressed herself harder and harder into him with every stroke, but he was clearly going to cum before she. Incredibly, his cock swelled even larger as blood pumped in preparation for orgasm. Pressure built in his groin, pubic muscles working overtime to pump out a massive load. Yet release never came. His seed pushed against the constriction and stopped, swelling painfully at his base. A strangled cry escaped his snout as his cock jumped, lifting his mistress off his belly as it bounced. She cried out in mixed surprise and pleasure as she rode him, yet he barely heard her as the sound of his heartbeat flooded his thoughts. His body would not be denied release, pushing harder and harder against the barricade. His tail thrashed about as he struggled, his mind knowing what his body refused to believe. He could not cum.

Flesh pulsed between her legs as she literally rode out his orgasm, suddenly regretting the copious lubrication as she struggled to maintain her grip. Her own orgasm sneaked up on her, massaged to climax by the rippling muscles of his dick as they worked in vain to push out a load that would not come. Muscle bulged in waves from base to tip, pressing into her sex and refusing to let her down from her orgasmic high. She wrapped her legs about his girth, squeezing his shaft between her knees for extra support. Her entire lower body devoted itself to this unique carnal act, squeezing and sliding up and down his shaft with every pulse. He writhed under her for what felt like minutes, gasps of pleasure turning to a roar of frustration, both music to her ears.

When his bucking calmed enough to not fling her to the ground, she turned about, presenting her ass and dripping sex to him in exchange for satisfying her curiosity. Behind the iron ring, his urethra distended beyond what she thought possible. A fist-sized bump grew beneath his skin, looking as though it may burst at any time, a distinct possibility if she kept him tied up so long. Actually, it seemed like the ring was starting to bend, the butted end opening slightly. She probably should have locked the ends with a mortise and tenon or even a rivet, but did not plan that far ahead. Always plan before first heat, her teacher had always said. Unfortuantely, it's rather difficult to plan when you're resisting the urge to fuck yourself with a hammer. The split ring gave her an idea, however. An incredible idea. A sexy idea.

"Get up and stick your dick in the fire. We'll see about getting that ring off of you."

The frustration of being denied for the second day in a row vied with horror as John's still-human brain struggled to parse "stick your dick in the fire". His body took over, dragging his mind with it as he marched obediently to the roaring fire and lay his painfully stiff member atop it. The fire was surprisingly comfortable, almost relaxing as the flames tickled his aching shaft. He watched with dull interest as the band smothering his orgasm heated, turning to a dull cherry red before Agatha returned. To his surprise, she held no tools, only an empty potion bottle. Wordlessly, she sunk to her knees under him, practically inside the fire. At least that answered what the potion was for.

Sight blocked by his enormous body, John was caught by surprise as a wonderful softness wrapped around the tip of his cock. Hard nipples grazed his belly as her breasts caressed his dick from tip to ring. Working her way back up, her tongue joined her breasts, licking a line straight up his cock before dipping into his urethra. His legs shook as pleasure overwhelmed him. Every stroke of her tongue was a pinpoint of pleasure immeasurably greater than anything he had felt before. Her tongue explored inside his cum slit as her lips wrapped about and sucked the tip of his cock. Two hands gripped his shaft and pulled it to her in a lewd parody of a lovers' embrace. Faster and faster she licked him, practically eating out his cum slit. Unable to bear the pleasure, he sunk to his hind quarters, his proud draconic body already giving in to her ministrations. His hips bucked softly, wary of Agatha's much lighter body. She struggled to take even an extra inch of his tapered head, gagging and choking around the massive insertion. Drool hung in thick ropes from them as his pointed tip grazed the back of her throat.

Her moans joined the lustful chorus of their rutting. Clearly, she was enjoying this as much as he. He wanted -- no, needed -- to cum, to fill her mouth with gallon after gallon of his seed, to watch her sputter and cough as it poured from her mouth in thick spurts. The mere thought of her lying before him, white with his cum and utterly satisfied was enough to push him to the edge of orgasm. Again the pressure built in his base, his orgasm halted just on the precipice by the constricting band. His release denied, he shook not with pleasure but with exertion as his body fought to ejaculate. A single, long cry escaped his mouth, head thrown back in agony. Again and again he thrust in time with the contractions, no longer concerned about the woman attached to his cock. Two full loads of draconic vigor strained against the iron ring, desperate to escape and coat everything in reach. Instead, the pressure built, the heat of the fire softening the steel enough to bend. Just one more orgasm was all it would take to break the ring and relieve the pressure. Just one more.

"Does Mr. Dragon need to cum? Does it hurt?" She gently squeezed the melon-sized ball distending his cock. "If you're a good dragon, I'll help you get all this out. Now be a good boy and relax, it will make this a lot easier."

Before he could protest, John felt a gentle prodding against the head of his cock. A pair of fingers ran around the edge of his urethra before plunging in. It felt nowhere near as good as her tongue, but the stimulation was more than welcome. She wasted no time playing with him, driving her fingers in and out as quickly as she could. Soon, a third and fourth finger joined, then her entire hand. What her hands lacked in finesse they more than made up in size. He was panting in pleasure, the rest of the world slipping by unnoticed as she penetrated him. She thrust as hard and as fast as she could, hours of built-up precum easing her passage. Each thrust was deeper than the last and before long he felt the cap of her elbow brushing against his tip.

The pleasure was unlike anything else he had felt before. His interior walls squeezed against her fist as it drove in and out of him, muscles resisting her every movement. His cock jumped and pulsed like he was cumming, her hand being forced out as his body fought to expel what it thought was his semen. The contractions and her not-so-gentile fisting blurred together into what felt long one long, slow orgasm. Mixed messages assaulted his mind as the feeling grew more intense with each thrust as the sensation of ejaculating and the need to cum fought. Blackness invaded the periphery of his vision as blood rushed away from his head. His own strained moans sounded distant as the thudding of his own heartbeat flooded his ears. Feeling left his limbs as his entire being focused one one point, one singular desire.

With one final thrust, she pushed all the way in, fingertips bumping the obstruction at his base. Slowly, agonizingly slowly, she withdrew her hand. Vision left him completely as he started to cum. Weak at first, his cock throbbed and squeezed around her arm, pushing it out. She fought for every inch as his body shook and fought to push her out. Each contraction grew stronger, each pulse of pleasure growing until he could feel nothing else, his mind consumed with the pleasure, with the need for release. His head grew lighter by the second as his mind threatened to shut down. With every inch she relinquished, the pleasure grew, as though she was pulling out his orgasm with her own hand. His jaw dropped, pointed tongue lolling out of his maw as her hand approached his slit. As she withdrew, the dam -- both literal and figurative -- burst.

She wanted him, wanted his cum so badly she couldn't stand it. To feel the seed of a dragon -- of her dragon -- cover her, to be overwhelmed by the musk of the greatest beast to stalk the land, to soak in his seed. She wanted it, wanted all of it, wanted to be soaked and spoiled by it. She needed it. She sat, mouth open and ready as the first shot hit. Intense heat covered her as it found its mark, filling her mouth and coating her face and chest immediately. It was hot, almost scalding as it covered her. Moments later, another followed, running down her cum-soaked body to dirty more of her body. Gallon after gallon poured out with incredible force, overwhelming her senses with the smell. Four loads of draconic semen, the sire of legends ran down her body in thick ropes. Her own orgasm caught her by surprise, her body quivering suddenly as her arousal proved too much for her to contain. She didn't even need to touch herself, the ecstasy of being coated in his seed enough to trigger her climax. Her moans turned to gurgles as he filled her mouth, her breathing difficult with the sheer amount of cum coating her body. As her own orgasm subsided, so did his, each rope thinner and weaker than the last until a mere drizzle poured out from his tap. Her lips wrapped around his cock as she suckled, unwilling to waste even a drop of his seed. Fingers ran across her stained skin before sliding into her throbbing cunt, forcing great handfuls of him inside of her. She came again as her fingers danced inside. Filled and covered by his seed, she had never before felt so content. At the peak of her pleasure, her mind gave out, relinquishing her grip on her exhausted body as she gave in to sleep.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Very hot.

I'd love more stories about either him or another dragon and romance would be nice awesome job though.

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