Twelve Lays of Xmas Ch. 01

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Some Xmas presents are harder to organise than others.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 10 part series

Updated 09/24/2022
Created 01/13/2003
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As promised, here starts 12 Lays of Xmas, the full novella version. Many thanks for all those who asked for this. This story was originally entered for the 2002 Xmas Competition, but didn’t make the top three (booo!) despite all efforts to rig the voting. I think I had the first two days written at the time (before Xmas).

It’s my intention to post the additional chapters every couple of days or so. Chapter Seven is almost complete as I type this. Be warned, it’s already 23,000+ words long.

Any similarity to any persons living, loving or otherwise - well - you know who you are.

The Twelve Lays of Xmas

by Crown/PaulUK

It was snowing hard in the streets outside our building when I got back to the apartment late that December afternoon, having struggled through the streets from some late Christmas shopping. My breath hung in front of my face as I took the elevator to the top floor. I was looking forward to being warm. I wondered if Jessica was home and could be tempted into taking a hot bath with me, and suddenly I was warm.

I let myself in, and was assailed by the sound of pealing (and appealing) female laughter from the den. Bath time would have to wait, it appeared - we had company. I tucked the gifts I had bought in the closet in the hall, hung my coat and went to see who was here.

The sight in the den was enough to make any scrooge forget about the cold and the snow and the horrors of crowded department stores. Two of our dearest friends in the building had joined Jessica to make war on the eggnog, and they were in a very good mood. Jessica, who rarely drank, was giggling like a schoolgirl, and cooed happily when she saw me in the doorway.

‘Baby! Come in! We were just talking about you!’

‘Oh, really?’ I laughed, and I found a space on the couch between Jessica and Lisa, who scrunched up their feet, then wriggled them under my thighs as if they were cold. Given that the heating was on, they couldn’t have been cold... but they were clearly in the mood to get hotter.

Jessica was wearing a long dark green sweater... and unless I missed my guess, just a long sweater, pulled halfway down her thighs. It had a deep V at the front to show off her full, rounds tits and cleavage. A small train of Santa’s reindeer ran around the hem, which meant Santa and his sled had to be around the back, checking out her ass. Couldn’t blame the old guy for that.

‘So, what have you three been up to?’ I asked, nonchalantly, passing on the eggnog (vile stuff) and pouring myself a recuperative single malt.

‘Christmas presents,’ gurgled Lisa, and she and Jessica set each other off to laughing again. Lisa lived and worked downstairs - she runs a bar in the basement of the building. This late afternoon was like the middle of the night to her, she naturally kept pretty late hours. Work or play, Lisa always dressed sexily, and right now she was wearing a short black skirt, and a lacy black top that was almost transparent. She was slender and blonde, sexy as hell.

I noticed she had our ice bucket on our lap, only it didn’t hold any ice, just a pile of folded papers - small squares, cut neatly.

‘So, what’s this?’ I asked.

Jessica leaned over against me with her hands on my shoulder and her chin on the backs of her fingers. ‘That, baby,’ she whispered, ‘is the draw for your Xmas present.’ She pressed against me so that my head was filled with the scent of her perfume, and I could feel her soft breasts against my arm. I tilted my head back and kissed her slowly.

‘Oh really?’ I murmured.

‘Yes,’ she sighed into my ear. ‘I spent the morning thinking of all the things that turn you on, and made a list, and now all the girls are drawing to see which ones they will help with.’

I felt my heart stutter, and the sheer sultry promise of Jessica’s voice mad my cock stir. OK, it helped too that she reached down with one hand to give it a little squeeze.

‘I thought that would get your interest,’ she purred.

‘There are a lot of pieces of paper in there,’ I said, my mouth suddenly dry.

‘You have a lot of dirty fantasies,’ Jessica replied. ‘And we have a lot of friends.’

Lisa laughed, a conspiratorial and wicked chuckle. ‘I’ve picked mine, and it’s a good one.’ She stretched out and passed the bucket across the floor to Tasha. ‘Your turn.’

Lisa spends almost as much time in our apartment as I do, and it was no surprise to see her and Jessica having fun, and plotting something outrageous. It was an added delight, however, that they had been joined by Tasha, who rarely gets time off from her job as a legal secretary with a corporate office uptown. I assumed from her clothing that she had come here straight from work - she wore a pencil thin skirt, a soft grey sweater and had tossed her tailored jacket over the back of the armchair. She sat with her feet tucked under her rear in the huge armchair by the bookshelves, her black hair frizzy and framing the warm chocolate colour of her face. She took a sip from her eggnog, placed the cup down, and drew out one of the squares. Her eyes were fixed on mine as she read.

‘Oh yes,’ she sighed. ‘That’s perfect.’

‘What? What?’ I cried, and they all laughed at my impatience.

‘You’ll have to wait, damn man,’ Jessica laughed, slapping my shoulder.

I found myself laughing too, though in my heart I didn’t believe that there was anything written on those pieces of paper other than ‘cufflinks’ or ‘book’. But it was a lovely thought, and it was hard not to feel aroused about the idea, especially with Jessica’s fingers coaxing my erection into stiffness. I watched Tasha, who smiled her dazzling white smile, and slid her hand under her skirt to secrete the paper inside her panties! Lisa hooted with delight and we all four laughed and drank some more.

‘Seriously,’ I said breathily against Jessica’s lips, ‘that is a BIG bucket...’

Well, it was impossible to get much sense out of any of us for a while. We giggled and talked, and Jessica filled me in on this plan of hers, which all the girls had agreed had to be completed during the twelve days of Xmas.

‘Today is the first,’ I reminded her. She giggled, and just said ‘uh huh’.

OK, I think I need to explain a few things at this point. Jessica and I had been lovers for about three years, and I can’t begin to tell you what a rollercoaster it had been. We had lived together this last year, in a converted warehouse building she had invested in, and gradually taken over. Friends and lovers had been invited to take some of the other spaces, including Lisa - a friend of Jessica’s from way back - and Tasha, who had taken one of the apartments. I started thinking about who else lived in the building, and just how far this latest plan my beautiful lover had concocted had spread.

I was indulging in a little conspiracy myself. I had arranged for a friend I knew who had a small film company (shooting commercials) to take some footage of all Jessica’s favourite women, many of who now shared our building, and then I had compiled the ultimate screensaver for her, along with some high gloss art prints, which I had a sneaky feeling might end up lining the entrance vestibule, if I knew my Jessica!

That’s what so few people - guys - understand about Jessica. She is one of the most sensual, sexual and desirable women on the planet, and men and women flock around her all the time. But she had a few dark moments in her past, and she didn’t feel comfortable having sexual relationships with men any more - well, with any other man than me. What can I say... it worked out that way.

My current line of work, another Jessica inspired project, takes me away from the city regularly, and when I am gone, Jessica spends time with her many girlfriends. Her ‘harem’, as we call it. And even when I am home, the girls are around all the time. It’s our space, our life, and I never have to worry about my lover’s security and happiness.

And yeah, I know, I do all right out of the deal too.

‘So who else is in on this plan of yours?’ I asked, shifting in the seat as Jessica’s fingers continued to work at my cock. She didn’t answer at first. My eyes flickered across first to Tasha, then I turned to face Lisa. Neither seemed at all embarrassed that my lover was stroking me quite flagrantly in front of them.

‘Julianna stopped by earlier, and I spoke to Orla and Charity on the phone, and they had me draw for them. Trish, Elizabeth, Laine... Katherine and Laurie...’

I laughed as she reeled off this list of almost every attractive woman we knew, believing I was sharing the joke now. This was pretty much the same line-up as I had arranged for Jessica’s Harem Film, and I assumed the secret was out.

‘Now I know you are bluffing,’ I grinned leaning in to kiss Jessica’s mouth. Katherine and Laurie? They were two lovely women who lived together across the street, having not yet been snared into Jessica’s building. Katherine, for certain, was 100% women only.

‘We’ll see,’ Jessica chimed, happily, and her nimble fingers worked the zipper down on my pants.

‘My cue to leave,’ said Tasha, which only added to my certainty that Jessica was teasing me. Tasha placed the bucket on a shelf behind her. ‘Plans to be made, la-la! Will you walk me out, Lisa? You might be able to help.’

‘Sure will,’ said Lisa, sliding gracefully from the end of the couch. They both kissed Jessica, and then me, and left the room. I heard their heels clicking on the wooden floor of our living room, and the opening and closing of the door.

Jessica, meanwhile had me lean back at the end of the couch, her hands deftly extricating my cock from inside my boxers, and I moaned loudly as her small, warm mouth closed on the head of my cock. She pressed the flat of her tongue on the underside, wrapped it around the glans, nibbled and sucked as I grew. I sank back on the seat, felt her pressing her mouth down on me, and as I became fully erect my wicked lover came up onto her hands and knees, hovering over me, and throated my cock deeply. It was hard to resist, and my hips pushed up to meet her, and I felt myself tense, and my balls twitch. Moments later I was gushing in her soft mouth, feeling her suckle and clean me with her tongue, drinking down my semen with even more relish than she had hit the egg nog.

‘Nice,’ came a voice from the doorway as Jessica was nuzzling in my pubic hair, licking and kissing and catching every drop. ‘I’ll be back for you two later. Meantime...’ She reached across and took the ice bucket. ‘I’ll make a few calls for you, Jessica. Bye, lovers!!!’


A Partridge in a Pear Tree

I cooked dinner, while Jessica busied herself decorating the tree in the living room. Its lights winked out through the huge bay window that overlooked the street, catching on the drifting snow flakes of that first heavy fall of winter out in the dark night beyond.

Lisa reappeared sometime around eight. She and Jessica kissed in the doorway, touching lightly at each other’s hair, whispering, communicating something at some profoundly intimate level that a mere male would never understand. Then she breezed in and turned off the TV where I had been catching up on the news.

‘Get your coat,’ she demanded, ‘we’re going out.’

Jessica had changed into a short plum-coloured skirt, with dark boots and the silk top I bought her for her birthday. She pulled on a hooded coat, drew the hoot up and pressed her dyed red hair back inside, before fastening a scarf about her neck. Lisa was wearing a brown leather coat that made her look like a dominatrix dressed for the Winter Olympics. I flicked some snow off her shoulders and the blonde hair that reached down there.

‘Where are we going?’ I asked.

‘Out,’ she repeated. ‘Put something warm on.’

We left the building and turned down the sweeping avenue towards the bars of the Art Centre and the galleries Jessica loved so much. I made a mental note to ask about what it would cost to have a painting of her commissioned - and would nude photographs be enough for the artist to work from?

The girls linked arms with me on either side and we strode off, our footsteps muffled by snow underfoot, the streets relatively quiet. I was a little surprised when we turned off the main street and entered the park, but this was the short way to some of the clubs Lisa liked to hang out in - when she wasn’t prowling the floor of her own place in the basement of our building. Which reminded me.

‘Who’s watching the club tonight?’

‘Tasha said she would open up, but I’ll have to be there by eleven to take over.’

‘That was good of her.’

‘All part of the plan,’ Lisa insisted, with a wry smirk, her voice offhand and casual, but something in her face suggesting that a great deal of planning had taken place. ‘The things we go through for you and Jessica.’

Jessica had been quiet for most of the walk, almost huddled in her woollen coat. I would have thought there was something troubling her, except when she looked at me there was a light in her eyes, and her hand stroked at mine as we walked, as if she was restless and impatient, even aroused. She pressed close to my arm as we passed a few early partygoers and others heading in the opposite direction to us, perhaps making for the theatre. I was about to ask Jessica what was on her mind, when she and Lisa turned as one and led us off the path into a small stand of trees.

‘Will this do?’ Lisa asked. I felt Jessica’s hand slip from mine; she was hanging back, standing on the margins of the path, looking left and right as the voices of the passers-by faded. Snow fell onto her lashes. Her eyes were gleaming.

‘Perfect,’ she whispered. A smile of pure bliss lit up her face. She gestured with a nod of her head that I should face round. I turned my head slowly, feeling a little confused. That was nothing compared to how I felt a moment later.

Lisa was leaning back against the broad trunk of an old elm, almost in shadow save for slatted beams of light from a lantern back along the path that was filtered through the branches above her head. Her head was tossed back defiantly against the tree, her cool blue eyes fixed on me. Her gloved hands had drawn open the leather coat. She was completely naked underneath.

I say completely naked, but of course she was still wearing her heeled boots and, I noted warm woollen stockings that came up to her knees. That was all she had under the coat, however, and judging by the way her nipples were standing out like pink beads, she was already feeling the chill of the night.

‘Come and warm me, Paul,’ she moaned, her voice sounding just a little husky.

I stepped into her embrace, and she wrapped the floor-length coat about us both as I came against her naked flesh. We kissed heartily, breath clouding around our faces. She moaned as my hands closed on her breasts, moved one leg against mine, her delicate foot stroking at the back of my calf. Nimble hands went down to my pants and fumbled with my fly.

‘Quickly, baby,’ she moaned, though whether because she was freezing her pretty ass off or in desperate need, it was hard to say.

I felt her warm wool-covered fingers close around my cock, guiding me to her. I was vaguely aware of the cold winter air on my back, under the hair at the back of my neck, on my cheeks, but not at all on my penis as she guided me straight to the heart and core of her body, stretching up on her toes and lifting her pussy onto my penis. I went up inside her quickly, marvelling at how wet she was, and just how warm her pussy was.

‘Oh God,’ she moaned. ‘Fuck me and warm me.’

I gathered her up in my arms, using the tree as support, and fucked my cock deeply inside her as she wrapped her legs around my waist. The coat fell open, and her naked body was more and more exposed. I tried to cover her skin as best I could, but I knew cold air was kissing more of her flesh than ever I could. She moaned again, even more deeply than before. This time I knew she was deeply aroused, filled with a fierce hunger, but I also knew she was feeling the ache in her bones, the sharp nip of winter’s teeth on her skin.

I pounded her harder, faster, my penis deep within her, my body wrapped in hers, blanketed by her even though she was the one naked. I felt my opened trousers sag a little; a touch of cool air at the base of my spine.

‘Oh fuck,’ sobbed Lisa. ‘Oh fuck, just there, baby... don’t stop. Oh fuck yes... fuck me hard... oh fuck, come on, warm me baby... warm me with your cum.’

I slammed hard into her, hard enough, I swear, to shake loose snow off the branches overhead. Lisa was crying out, orgasming graphically. Unlike earlier, her voice now sounded shrill in the cold air, echoing off distant surfaces in the dark park. I heard Jessica step up behind us.

‘Someone’s coming,’ she whispered into my ear, and I knew she didn’t just mean Lisa. I felt her soft hand sneak under my coat, cradling my balls in warmth, and my lover leaning on my back, her own cloaked body shielding our fucking from view. I heard footsteps briefly, but I didn’t turn to look. Instead, driving into Lisa faster, our hips grinding together, I shot a long stream of semen into her pussy. She bit my neck and shoulder as she orgasmed.


‘That was fun,’ I whispered in bed later, with candlelight playing on the walls, and Jessica lying along my body under the covers, idly toying with my chest hairs, and with the small square of paper which she had laid on my breast. In her neat hand, the words ‘fucking outdoors (in the country)’ lay in two lines on the paper.

Jessica was purring. I could actually feel her mouth curl in a smile as we lay in the dark, aware of the candles spitting and crackling, the distant sound of music from Lisa’s bar, movement in the street outside. We had just made love, slow, close and so greedy for each other. I could feel the moistness from her pussy on my leg as she stroked her body up and down against me.

‘Is that a kink of mine?’ I asked, taking the square of paper again, and reading it. ‘Outdoor sex? The fear of getting caught?’

‘Not especially,’ Jessica sighed lazily, kissing my nipples. ‘But just because this is your Christmas present, it doesn’t mean it all has to be about you.’

We laughed together, and even though I tickled her, and then licked her clit and anus until she was screaming in the night, she still wouldn’t tell me who else was going to be spending the twelve nights of Christmas with us, or how. I was just going to have to wait.

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