Twin Angels


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Finally I felt my arms quivering as they held me over her small body with my head hanging down. I opened my eyes and saw her sweet lips and pressed mine to hers. I eased myself down alongside of her. She put her arms around my neck.

Andrea's tongue slipped between my lips and slowly and gently explored my mouth. She sighed, "Donny, that was absolute heaven. I love you so much I think I am going to burst with the explosion of my love for you. Please never leave me."

I looked into her eyes and told her I was afraid I had hurt her. I was afraid I had been too rough in my insane zeal to breed with her. She said I had been perfect. I had been sweet and gentle at first then seemed to perfectly match her growing passion. We bonded rapidly. We hated to be apart. Our sex was wonderful. I asked her to marry me a week later. She told me she all ready had a small wedding planned. She wanted to have a very short engagement.

I asked her how she happened to have all the plans for a wedding ready so fast. She laughed, "I started planning and writing things down the fist day we ever made love." She smiled, "All my plans to get an education, see the world and become a business executive suddenly became trivial. I just want to be the best wife you could ever have."

I told her my income was enough that she could complete her education if she went to a local college. She looked at me, "What else can I do. I could never stand to be away from you. A local school wouldn't be too bad. I have been going to the University of Florida for two years; it's only thirty miles away, that's where I wanted to graduate anyhow. Mom and Dad have had it all paid for anyway."

"We'll see. I love you my sweet baby girl."

They kept the girls overnight for observation. Charlie and I stayed as long as they would let us then we headed home. I looked at Charlie, "I tried to talk to Andrea and find out where the went, She pleaded with me not to ask her questions and that she would tell me everything tomorrow."

"Betsy was the same way, but she did say they had stopped for a drink at Angelo's."



I remembered the first time I ever heard of Angelo's. Andrea and I were at Charlie's and Betsey's house and Uncle Chuck dropped in. We all had a good time and Betsey said she would order pizza for all of us. Uncle Chuck said, "You want Italian, I'll order Italian." He pulled out his cell phone and pushed one button and lifted the phone to his ear. He started speaking Italian. He talked for three or four minutes and hung up. He smiled, "We gonna have a nice Italian dinner tonight. Pretty damned fast too."

About fifteen minutes later a van pulled in the drive. Charlie opened the door and three guys entered carrying aluminum cases. They went out and came back with more cases. Uncle Chuck sat at the head of the table. The three guys put place mats in front of each of us. Silverware, glasses and even wine and flowers in a vase appeared as if by magic. We were served wine and then an antipasto. Then came Ravioli, Lasagna, Chicken Cacciatore, Baked Ziti, Eggplant Parmigiana, and last but not least, Tiramisu and Cannoli. It was a lovely meal. We later learned Uncle Chuck owned a large interest in Angelo's. The dinner had been ordered by some one else and was diverted to us. The folks who ordered it ate a little later but were not charged for the meal.

We went to Angelo's quite often. We insisted on paying for our meals but everything we ordered seemed to be 'on special'. We paid about half price. Uncle Chuck's partner always came out and talked to us if he was there. He was a very nice man. Uncle Chuck was often there and if he were alone he would have us join him. Often he had other men with him and sometimes a woman. All of the women were beauties. He told us they were not ladies and weren't fit to meet his family.

The next morning we went to the hospital and signed some papers. We met the girls and they were really glad to see us. They told us they had to go to the Police Headquarters and look at mug books and work with the police artist to get a composite drawing of the men who raped them. We held their hands while they talked to the cops.

They worked together on the drawing. They thought the result was very close to being correct. I had excused myself and saw the officer in charge of the case. He seemed to think there was little chance of the case being solved. They had had about two of these cases a week for months now without solving one of them. They thought that two guys might be responsible for all the cases.

I got a copy of the statements of each girl. We stopped for lunch at the Sonic Drive In. I still don't know how those little girls can eat so much as stay so slim. We went to Andrea's and my house after lunch. I ran off copies of everything and Charlie took the statements and copies of the drawings over to meet Uncle Chuck at his office.

He came back in several hours. He had a bunch of CDs from the security system at Angelo's. The whole interior of the restaurant was covered. Charlie had a map of the restaurant showing which camera covered which area. The films were not motion pictures. They were still pictures taken every ten seconds. Andrea and Betsy found where they thought they were sitting. We put the Disk in our DVD player and ran it at high speed until the clock said 10 PM.

We found them. They were sitting for a while then they were asked to dance. They returned to the table and talked for a few minutes then danced again. The two guys sat at the table with them. The two girls went to the lady's room. The guys ordered a new round of drinks. When the girls returned they drank and talked for about thirty minutes more. They danced again then they appeared to be sleepy or drunk. One guy led and half carried Andrea out the front door. The other guy went out the side door with Betsy.

We played it back a couple of times, nothing changed.

We went back and went through the sequence where the new drinks were brought to the table. We saw one guy but his hand in his shirt pocket. The next frame showed his hand near one of the drinks. In the next frame he was leaning toward the other drink with his arm stretched half way to the other drink. We never saw conclusive proof the drinks had been drugged. I looked down at my hands and they were shaking. I was getting pissed. I jumped up and walked into my den. I stood and looked out the window. I thought about what I had seen on the DVDs. I walked back out and got the disc and took it to my computer. I ran the sequence again only this time on my computer. I put the sequence into a separate picture file. I ran them as a full screen slide show.

The pictures were now much clearer and you could see the expressions on the faces. Everyone looked very friendly. There was nothing I saw that said the girls were drugged. Were they drugged when they went off somewhere with the two guys? I went back in the living room. I said, "I think you guys should take a closer look at these pictures. I have them on my computer now."

I ran the pictures with a one-minute delay on each frame. I commented on what I was seeing. "Nice flirty smile there Andrea. You too Betsy. They are a couple of hot looking hunks. Everyone is having a very good time. Lots of smiles and laughs in this frame. Is that an arm around your shoulder Andrea? Now you all leave to dance I guess. We'll have to go to the dance floor shots to confirm that. Lets finish this first. Ok, here you are all back from dancing. Now the guys leave. You two look like you have your heads together about something. You both look happy. Oh! Here the guys are back. Andrea is that your hand on the guys thigh?"

Charlie said, "Betsy, are you holding his hand?" The two girls jumped up and ran from the room. I paused the show. I looked at Charlie, "Buddy, I don't know what to think. I am beginning to wonder what was going on. Before they get back I'll tell you they are seem to get a lot friendlier towards the end."


"I don't know what..."

The girls came back in. Andrea said, "What don't you know?"

"I don't know what we are seeing here. It is hard to tell who is chasing who."

"WHAT? What the hell do you mean by that?"

"Just what I said, are the two of you doing a little harmless flirting or what?"

Charlie said "Or are you guys teasing the hell out of those guys?"

I looked at Andrea, tears coursed down her cheeks. She sniffled and half sobbed. "God I don't know. I do know that there was no way in hell I was going to screw either of them." She looked up at me; "I could never cheat on you Donny, never."

I smiled at her, "I think you are telling the truth, if you guys were willing, why drug you. I do remember getting on your case about flirting once before. As I recall you said something about how it would never happen again. You said you would never do anything that you didn't want me to see you doing. Is that still true?"

She was crying harder now. "No. Sob! I wouldn't have acted that way if you were there. Sob! I told them we loved our husbands and would never cheat on them. Right Bet?"

"Yes, god knows we love the two of you too much to take a chance of hurting you or our marriages for a couple of arrogant jerks who think their shit doesn't stink. We would die first."

"I have a feeling you guys came pretty close last night. It is a wonder one of you wasn't killed or hurt real badly. What kind of man would send one of you off with a taxi driver in your condition? Who would let the other drive when they can't even walk? Jesus Christ Girls! You wonder why we are so fucking pissed we can't see straight? You guys are our lives. We can't live without you. How could you go out dancing and flirting around and not get in trouble. They are lots of men out there who would do anything to jump your bones. You just don't know how beautiful and sexy the two of you are. Some guys get really ticked off and beat the shit out of cock teasers."

"Oh! Please, we were just teasing back at the guys. We didn't mean any harm."

"Right but you ended up getting fucked by god knows who. You may have AIDS or some other STD. You are asking a lot of us. Think about it. If the situation were reversed, Andrea, what would you tell me? Would you welcome me back to your bed with open arms, or would you kick my ass out?" I think we both know what you would do. If you didn't kick me out I would be sleeping on the couch for the next year or two. Right?" She hung her head and couldn't look at me. She was softly crying. She looked up at me and said, "Please don't kick me out. You know I can't sleep without you. I didn't sleep last night until they gave me a pill."

"I'll have to think about it. I just don't know. Have you done this before and will you do it again? Charlie probably won't let Betsy go anywhere with you anymore."

"Oh! NO!"

Charlie looked at his wife, "I feel just like Don does. I think we need to keep the two of you apart. Don't plan any 'Girl's Night Out' deals anymore. No talking on the phone either until further notice." He looked at me.

I said, "Right, No phone talking until we say so."

I looked in her eyes, "no more sex until you have a clean bill of health from a doctor."

Betsy looked up at Charlie, "Sniff, me too?"

Charlie glared at her. "What? You think I want AIDs. No kissing either, Right Don?" Two sets of red eye jerked around to look at me.


"How long?" wailed Betsy?

"I don't know, thirty days I think, you will have to ask the doctor. I believe that kissing someone before you are cleared is a criminal offense. Gets you ten years in jail. If you kiss someone if you know you have AIDs it is 'Attempted Murder'." We looked at each other. We couldn't stand to see our wives crying. I said softly. "Hush girls, hush now! I don't speak for Charlie, but I will be kissing Andrea very soon. If she has AIDs it will kill me too, one way or another. Either the disease will kill me or I will die when she does."

"Those are my sentiments exactly." Said Charlie. Andrea looked at me. "I can't do that. No kissing until I have a clean test. If you caught it from me I would have to go through eternity knowing I killed the man I love. I just can't bear the thought of that." Betsy sobbed, "She is right. Oh God! I can't chance that, no way."

The women cried softly and hugged each other. The phone rang. It was Uncle Chuck. He said he was on his way over if it was all right. I told him we all would be delighted to see him. He said he would be there in two minutes. I walked to the door just as he knocked. I let him in. The girls ran to him and he hugged both of them to his chest. They cried and told him they were so sorry if they had embarrassed him. He growled, "Me, how about your husbands. That's who I would worry about. I've known broads to get kicked out on their asses for a lot less than that. Good wives don't hang around bars and dance with strange guys. If it was me, the least would be that ya couldn't sit down on your spanked asses for two weeks. Then I'd whip your ass once a week so you wouldn't forget it."

The girls cried on his shoulders. Betsy sobbed, "We didn't go to do anything wrong, we love our husbands with all our hearts."

Uncle Chuck patted their shoulders, "I know you guys were just naïve, those guys do that all the time. I know who they are and where they work and live now. Incidentally, your composite drawing was right on the money. I suggest we go ahead and press charges against them. That will mean you will be asked to testify in court."

The girls looked at each other. Andrea looked at Uncle Chuck, "If that will get them off the street we will do it. We didn't do anything wrong."

"I know that baby, but these guys usually take videos of the whole thing. By the time they start recordin' it you were most likely begging them to do you. Those drugs make you unbelievably horny and take away all your modesty and inhibitions. They will introduce them to show it was consensual sex. It will be embarrassing and a tough defense to beat even with the test showing date rape drugs in your bodies. We will consult some good attorneys first either way."

"Betsy said, "What can we do?"

"First I want to get those discs back. Then I think I can persuade them to change their ways."

Andrea looked at me. "I don't want Donny to see those tapes. I don't know what I did on them but I don't want to hurt Donny."

Betsy said, "Me too!"

I smiled, "Uncle Chuck What do you think, should we take them back after we punish them?"

"That is up to you guys, I'm not married to them and they about broke MY heart with their shenanigans."

Andrea stared into my eyes. I could see the fright there. I reached for her and she came to me. I held her in my arms and kissed her forehead. I heard her whisper, "Donny, I love you, I could never cheat on you."

"I believe you didn't intend to but the fact is that you did cheat on me."

She pulled back and looked at me, "I know, I can't tell you how sorry I am. I was stupid, I would never have willingly done that."

"I believe that."

"But it doesn't change what happened does it?"

"No. You can never change that. You just have to make sure it never happens again."

Charlie smiled a little smile at me, "Why don't you girls go lie down in Andrea's guest bed room while we talk to Uncle Chuck." The wives got up and reluctantly left us.

Uncle Chuck looked at us; "you guys are going to have a rough time for a while. Watch them carefully, they re going to have bad guilt trips, really bad if they start remembering what happened. You should maybe take a couple of weeks off and go somewhere nice."

Charlie looked at me and nodded. Uncle Chuck said, "I will tell you right now what I know. They took the girls to a motel, The Trail Motel. The have used it several times before. They have hung around other Bars along the strip there. They usually try for two girls but often take just one. They have blackmailed several of the women into more sex.

"Now guys, here is the big question, what do you want to do to them?"

I said, "I want them dead. I really do. But I don't want it bad enough to take a chance on going to jail for it."

Charlie agreed with me and asked if Uncle Chuck had any options for us."

"Guys I think we should think of several ideas. My gut feeling is to go with the law. We need to see if we can find other victims to testify against them. If that doesn't work we will put out a contract on them."

Charlie said, "We appreciate the offer but we couldn't let you take a chance like that."

He laughed, "Hey, I'm no dumb hick, I just mention that it would be a shame for it to happen to the right person. He says something to someone else. He does what he has to do. The job request goes through maybe twenty people; there are cutouts and switchbacks. Untraceable. No money will ever change hands. Oh! In six months to a year there may be a deposit made to an off shore account somewhere. Who knows? It can even happen in jail if the court route works. Maybe just have them castrated."

Charlie looked at me, "Donny, lets take the girls off somewhere for a while. We need to take care of them before anything else."

"Right, Uncle Chuck, I'll withdraw some money from my savings for a lawyer to get the case started. I want the case underway before we leave."

Uncle Chuck smiled at me, "Donny, I'll let you know when I need some money. I have a lot of favors owed me. It may not cost a thing. You and Andrea are part of my family. No body messes with my family without paying the price. It is a matter of pride with me. I have been hoping I would have a bunch of grand nieces and nephews popping out soon."

"I think Charlie and I are going to insist on it very soon. That will slow the two of them down a little."

It is now a year since the rapes. Both our marriages have survived quite well. All is forgiven but not forgotten.

The front door opens and the two girls walk in, each carrying a baby with a grinning Charlie behind them. He is loaded with baby gear, diaper bags, bottle bags and little blankets and other necessities.

Andrea hurried to me and handed me our son, "Here Donny Junior. Your grandpa wants to see you." I smiled at the light of my life. "Hey babe! How is everything?"

"Fine, the doctor says they are both healthy and happy little guys."

"I'm happy to hear that, however something else bothers me. Betsy, can you hold Junior for a second."

Andrea froze and looked at me. Betsy and Charlie stopped what they were doing and listened too. "Andy you know I don't like being called 'grandpa', especially to my son. He is not MY grandson, He may not be MY son but he damned sure isn't my GRANDSON. I think I'll have to take Uncle Chuck's advice, you need your ass paddled." I jumped up and grabbed her and threw her over my shoulder and headed toward our bedroom. She giggled until I turned her over my knee and pulled her little shorts down. She screamed when the first slap connected with her sweet little butt. She looked frightened when she looked back at me. That didn't soften the next slap one bit. That got another yelp from her. She was crying now, I knew I was getting her attention now. Three more slaps were all I was able to bring myself to do.

I pulled her to her feet and held her in front of me and looked into her eyes. They were wet with tears. She looked at me and slowly reached out with her little hand and rubbed the tears from my cheek. "That really did hurt you as much as it did me didn't it?" I nodded. She sniffled and looked at me so soulfully, "I love you, will you kiss it and make it better?" There was no way in the world I could resist.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Made no sense. What a hot mess.

Ursus1932Ursus19324 months ago

Suxxx! No beginning and no end. mostly just meandering around without intent. N o star.

goodshoes2goodshoes2almost 3 years ago

Story sucked. All over the map. No clear explanations.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Their shit stinks

Being cute is not an excuse.

mcbsmcbsabout 5 years ago
Didn't make any sense

The author needs to delete this story, then either start all over, or just trash it. Two stars.

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