Two Fine Catches

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Bisexual boys caught by bandit women.
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It had been a long ride. Three days, they had been astride their ATV, rolling northeast. Nolan didn't know how soon they would get to where they were going, or even what they'd find on their way. Here in the ruins of the former United States, that was the reality of travel.

But Nolan would never complain; he wasn't facing it alone. Behind him on the ATV, with arms wrapped firmly around Nolan's waist, was his boyfriend Rory.

Like Nolan, Rory had once been alone and on the run, turned out of his home by a war party from who-knew-where. But unlike Nolan, whose black hair was cut short, and who wore a simple, practical, long-sleeved outfit, Rory dressed like a prince. From his luxurious, flowing shoulder-length blue hair, open vest, tight jean shorts and winning smile, he could charm half the world. With a silver tongue to match, he had talked them out of more than a few scrapes. Sure, he had some grease on his skin, his hair was knotted here and there, and the blue hair dye was starting to fade away, but in Nolan's mind, Rory was the same stately, beautiful boy who had crossed the Colorado River with him.

For his part, Nolan was the engineer of the team. Before he was turned out of his home, his father had taught him everything that was still known about mechanics and electronics, and now Nolan knew them as an art. With nothing but a meager toolbox and his father's teachings, he had kept this electric ATV humming for months. At this rate, they'd reach the Great Lakes within just a week, and if the rumors were true, they'd be welcomed with open arms.

All night, they had ridden, and now the sun dawned in front of them. Rory giggled- he seemed to find amusement in everything- and shaded his eyes, while Nolan fished his cowboy hat from his saddlebags and put it on.

"What do you say?" asked Nolan, raising his voice over the scrape of tires on gravel. "A few more hours, then we stop?"

Rory's thin eyebrows shot up. "Only a few more? Oh, you're just too good to me."

Nolan smiled, remembering what was coming; he had promised Rory some pleasure as soon as they stopped, and as always, Rory was looking forward to it even more than he was.

As the hours passed, the two boys watched the scenery go by. Prairies stretched off into the distance, with tree-lined rivers slicing through the dryness. Here and there, old farmhouses or leveled-out plots of Earth marked where people had once lived, but the water crisis had ruined farms in these high-altitude regions. Now the only people here were hunters, gatherers, travelers and bandits. This was a place for passing through, not for living.

"Are we stopping now?" asked Rory, as they passed by the shade of an invitingly huge maple tree.

"Not just yet," said Nolan.

An hour passed. "Now?" he asked, as they passed a cave dug into the side of a hill.

"Almost," said Nolan.

Finally, they reached an old highway bridge that crossed over a stream, and Nolan stopped and said, "Alright. Now we're stopping."

Since the ATV was solar-powered, the boys had to be nocturnal, driving by night and sleeping while the solar collector charged by day. Rory dismounted first, and Nolan followed him, letting his legs stretch out for the first time in a quarter of a day. Once his bones were back in place, he knelt by the ATV and grunted as he unstrapped the three sets of saddlebags they had piled onto the vehicle. Beside him, Rory sat neatly on an old tree stump, watching with wistful eyes. In minutes, the solar collector was charging in the heavy sunlight. The boys took a few minutes to fill their stomachs with bread and dried fruit, then they headed down to the stream.

At the edge of the stream, Rory looked both ways as if he was shy- Nolan knew better- then gently pulled himself out of his vest, revealing his thin, straight back and flat stomach. Folding it neatly, he deposited it on the bank. With a thoughtless flick of his fingers, he undid his belt, opened his jean shorts and slid them gently down his smooth, muscular hips, exposing the Mars symbol tattooed on his right flank. Balancing easily on one foot, Rory picked his shoelaces apart and discarded his left tennis shoe, then did the same for his right. Completely nude, he dipped a toe into the water, winced at the cold, then leapt in.

When his smiling face reappeared on the surface, he barely seemed to notice that he was shivering. "Well?" he said. "It's your turn!"

Nolan followed suit, unclasping the twin utility belts that crisscrossed his chest. All of his tools could have easily fit on only one belt, but Nolan liked the way the two of them looked. 'I can be vain too,' he thought. Wasting no time, he peeled off his sweaty long-sleeved shirt, cargo pants and running shoes. Before he could hesitate, he took a running start and skipped into the river, sinking into the chilled, heavy water. When his feet felt rock, he pushed back up to the surface.

As soon as he adjusted to the temperature, he moaned with comfort, feeling the sweat and grime wash off of his skin. Ahead of him, Rory brushed his matted hair away from his face, shot Nolan a wink, then turned over on his back and swam hurriedly away.

Nolan knew a challenge for a race when he saw one. After taking a moment to note where the ATV was, he darted off after Rory, forging through the water, dodging around rocks, watching as he slowly closed the distance on Rory. Within a minute, his fingertips touched Rory's smooth souls.

Pulling his legs in, Rory shot upright, panting though a curtain of wet hair. "Almost... almost... got away that time," he said, as he always did.

Nolan smirked.

Rory's face gleamed with anticipation.

"Feel clean yet?" asked Nolan, taking the prompt.

"Yes!" said Rory. "Yes, I'm ready."

"Then get out and find some place to sit."

Quickly, Rory climbed out of the river. Underneath the bridge by the ATV, he found a grassy patch in the dirt and sat down. Nolan followed, not hurrying. Rory sat back in the grass, supporting himself with arms behind his back, giving a clear view of his smooth chest. From the chin down, his whole body was cleanly shaven.

When Nolan arrived, he began slowly. He circled around Rory like a wolf sizing up its prey. He knelt in front of Rory, who was still a half-foot shorter, then grabbed the other boy's chin and tilted his head up into a kiss.

Nolan could feel Rory's excitement through his tongue.

Now Nolan set his hands on Rory's shoulders, feeling them jump under his touch. Keeping steady eye contact with Rory, Nolan's hands crept down Rory's body, from his thin shoulders down his tight chest. Nolan's hands kept going down Rory's stomach, which was trembling with tension, then out to the sides, where they traced his flanks.

Rory bit his lip. "Ooh," he breathed. "You're such... such a tease..."

Nolan smiled. "Now close your eyes," he ordered.

Rory obeyed instantly.

At last, Nolan reached up for Rory's pulsing cock. Squeezing it from top to bottom between his thumb and forefinger, he felt its pressure throbbing beneath his fingertips. Clearly, it wouldn't take much.

"I want you to hold it in," whispered Nolan. "Until I say it's alright. Understand?"

"Y-yes," Rory hissed, his teeth gritted with tension.

With only his right index finger, Nolan traced the base of the cock, then ran up the underside, balancing the head on the pad of his finger. With his thumb, he twisted, just enough so that Rory would feel the friction, then he pumped it in and out, just an inch. Rory groaned, and Nolan knew he could get away with only a little more. Nolan knelt down and blew on the cock, bouncing it on his fingers.

It was time. "That's it," said Nolan. "You can let go now."

Rory threw his head back, and his mouth snapped open. He tried to make a noise, but nothing came out as all of his energy shot into his manhood. A thick jet of white burst up from him, then another, slightly weaker, then one more.

Once his breathing had slowed down, Rory opened his eyes. He smiled lazily back at Nolan. "You were amazing."

"I could tell." Nolan leaned in and stole another kiss. "Let's get you rinsed off. It's time to sleep."

Slowly, almost reluctantly, Rory stood up and ambled back to the river while Nolan dried himself as best he could on the grass and regathered his clothes. Once he was dressed, he looked out at Rory splashing in the river. Nolan folded his arms and laughed gently.

Without a doubt, meeting Rory had been a godsend.

* * *

Levi stood watch. It was all they allowed her do. When she was fifteen, the clan leaders had stuck her up in this guard tower, and now, seven years later, they hadn't given her a second thought.

Ahead of her was the South Dakota wilderness, lit beautifully by the rising morning sun. Behind her was the ruined university where her clan, the Ospreys, had made their home.

Fires crackled in the best rooms of the old school, marking the homes of the clan leaders. The courtyard writhed with life. Women labored at a derelict pickup truck, trying to repair its mangled gas engine, while their husbands held their tools for them. Girls played Soccer in the middle of a field while their peers cheered them on and dogs jumped and barked. Women cooked and crafted wherever there was room. Beyond the old campus, men worked at the corn farms- overseen, of course, by a Labor Mistress.

Before the disaster that broke up the U.S., the Ospreys had been an all-girls city gang, and to this day, Osprey territory was a women's world.

Levi looked out at the edge of their territory, and she could have sworn she saw something moving. Her first instinct was to ignore it, but she squinted, shielding her eyes from the low sun. Sure enough, her eyes had been right. A tiny, four-wheeled motorcycle ambled across the hills, tracing the path of a distant river, ambling toward the campus.

Levi hopped down from the guard tower, jumping past flights of handmade wooden stairs. "Captain!" she yelled, as soon as she was within earshot of the guard captain's office. "Captain, I see something!"

A few seconds after Levi had called, the captain stepped out of her wooden hut, her burly form barely fitting through the thin doorway. "Yes?" she grumbled. "Levi? Now what?"

"I saw something," said Levi, not discouraged. "A vehicle, a small one. It had two riders, I think. They were out south, coming right at us."

Without a response, the captain climbed up the creaking old metal ladder to her crow's nest and stared South through her binoculars. "I think you're crazy, Levi."

"They're following the river," Levi kept on. "By now, they should be getting close to the cliff with the notch under it."

"I don't see- well, I'll be!" Finally, the captain perked up. Hurrying down the ladder, she said, "Tell the girls to mount up! We've got a trespasser on our territory!"

Levi sprinted to the alarm, got a firm grip on the crank and turned it, sending the acoustic wail of pounding metal echoing out over the village. Once the other guardswomen were roused, Levi dashed to the Osprey's War Horse, a dune buggy that had been outfitted for fighting. She took up her spear- they didn't trust her with a gun yet- and climbed on to the back of the buggy. In short order, the other warrior girls had piled onto the War Horse, crammed into the seats or clinging to armor panels on the outside. The captain stepped behind the wheel, the War Horse rumbled with torque, and they were off.

Levi had only been in one fight before in her life, and now she was remembering the thrill of combat. She could feel her adrenalin rising, that sweet thunder in her spine.

Up ahead, the four-wheeled vehicle sped up, but the War Horse had it cornered against the river. In a minute, the two vehicles were running side by side.

Levi was nearest to the four-wheeler. She could see the two boys riding it, one with long, womanly hair and the other tall and muscular with black hair.

The War Horse drifted into their path, forcing them toward the trees, but the four-wheeler braked, drawing brown streaks in the wet grass behind it, then sped up and turned around.

The captain cursed as she brought the War Horse around for another pass.

The other girls started chanting their victory cheer, obviously expecting to win, but Levi spotted something they didn't. The four-wheeler was making for a sloped boulder that overlooked the river. If the boys hit the boulder right, and they avoided all the trees, they could jump over the creek and the War Horse would never be able to follow. Levi clambered to the front of the buggy and hefted her spear, determined not to let them get away.

As soon as the two vehicles were close enough, Levi thrust at the vehicle's handlebars, hoping to make it swerve. Instead, the driver boy caught the spear's shaft in his hand.

Now Levi had him. Yanking back on the spear, she pulled the driver off his balance, and he veered into the War Horse. Metal slammed on metal, and the boys' four-wheeler reared up. They landed in a flat spin and slid to a stop, the blue-haired one nearly tumbling off the vehicle.

There was no escape for them this time. The War Horse parked in front of them, and the warriors disembarked and surrounded the two boys. Guns, knives, spears and machetes aimed at them from all angles.

Levi saw the black-haired boy look around at his captors, and she could see the panic in his eyes. Clearly, he was out of ideas. Levi tasted victory.

The captain stepped out in front of the boys, all business. "You two boys are property of the Osprey clan now," she announced.

The blue-haired boy huddled up against his partner. "I knew it!" he whimpered. "I knew I saw farmland! People live here! I knew it."

"You're right," said the black-haired boy, his voice steady even as his hands trembled. "Damn."

"You boys," said the captain again. "Strip to the waist. Unless you want the girls to do it for you."

Churlish grins flashed across the faces of the warriors. The boys traded glances, and the blue-haired one gradually started opening his vest. The black-haired one hesitated for one moment longer, as if making one last check for a way out, then started rolling up his shirt.

The catcalls began. These boys were beautiful, some of the prettiest Levi had ever seen. They were fit, which wasn't uncommon for a drifter, but they were also well-kept. The blue-haired one, especially, was clean-shaven, and there wasn't a single sunburn on him. How he had managed to keep himself so well-groomed, Levi had no idea.

Walking around behind them, the Captain grabbed each one by the scruff of his neck and forced them against the side of the War Horse. Holding one down with her elbow, she grabbed the other one's arms and tied them behind his back with a length of rope from her pocket. After binding the other boy the same way, she tied a collar around each boy's neck, strung them together and fixed it to the War Horse's tow hook.

"Now," said the captain, getting back in the War Horse, "We're walking you two back home, and when we get there, we're going to marry you off. Today's best warrior gets first pick of you."

The women cheered again, filling the air with their victory chant, and Levi joined them, then stopped suddenly, realizing something. The captain had said that today's best warrior could have first pick of the boys. 'That could mean me,' she thought. All her life, people had pushed her aside. Now, at last, it looked like she was about to have a day in the sun.

* * *

Nolan could barely think. With enough time and space to ponder his options, he always made the right call, but with a rope around his neck, being led behind a war buggy to who-knew-what fate, his mind jammed like an old gun.

He looked back at Rory and saw blue eyes pleading from beneath equally blue hair. They didn't just beg; they accused. 'You were supposed to protect me,' they said.

Nolan looked away.

As they reached the settlement, he kicked himself for not noticing that it was inhabited. The signs were all there.

They were marched into a garage, where the buggy finally shut down, and someone took their leash and guided them through a sheltered walkway, into an empty room with grass on the floor.

"Alright," said the oldest woman, a big muscular one who seemed to be the leader. "Girls, if you want to get showered, do it now. Otherwise, have at 'em. Just remember the rules."

It took one moment for every female eye in the room to focus on either Nolan or Rory. Then the dam burst. Hands were all over them, and soon the ropes came undone. Nolan's first thought was to fight, but it was impossible. Too many hands were holding him. With a painful yank on his right shoulder, two women pulled him away from the pack, while the rest closed around Rory, pinning him on his back. Women picked at Rory's mouth, ground at his stomach and one was even massaging his feet, but they left his pants on. That must have been part of the rules the leader had mentioned.

Before Nolan could see any more, he was pressed against the crumbling plaster wall, dust falling into his hair, and a sharp female face stared him down from inches away. She was his age, he could tell, with a narrow face, black hair to match his own and thin, sleek eyebrows. Her focused eyes and unabashed smile spelled out victory.

"How do you like me, boy?" she purred. "I'm going to own you soon."

"Just let us go," Nolan ordered, even though he felt anything but authoritative. "You've already robbed us. You've got nothing else to gain."

Her hands ran up and down his legs, and he couldn't help but take a shuddering breath. He loved Rory sincerely, but after so long, being touched by a woman felt better than he had ever let himself imagine.

"Nothing?" said the black-hired girl. "Really?" Without a warning, she pressed her lips onto his. Before he could close his mouth, her tongue was in him, then just as quickly, it darted back out. "You know," she said, "today's best warrior gets first pick of husbands."

"Husbands?" Nolan tried to stall for time, even though he didn't know what he was waiting for.

"That's right. And today, I was the best. You're mine, boy. When this is over, you'll be mine for the rest of your life."

A small part of him wanted to let her do what she wanted with him, but he kept his face firm, even as a second pair of hands began feeling his legs, sliding gracefully over his strong, tense muscles, massaging him, every stroke encouraging him to give in.

"Nolan," said the black-haired girl, her eyes scanning his monogrammed belt. "My name's Levi. You'll get to know me very, very closely tonight..." She smirked for a moment, seeming lost in thought. "Until then, your mouth is for anyone. But it's my turn first, so open wide." She whispered something in her blond friend's ear, the other girl giggled, and together they forced him down to his hands and knees, where the blond girl, held his arms behind his back. Levi kept one hand on her hip as she undid the zipper on her jeans.

Nolan had never seen a vagina in person before, but he knew well enough what to do with one. He was ashamed, but not shocked, to feel a quickening in his pants as Levi stroked herself, then grabbed his head and brought him in.

The first thing that struck Nolan was the warmth. Rory was always sweating with heat when Nolan pleasured him, but this was even more intense. She felt like freshly-boiled water, just barely cool enough to drink.

"Come on," prodded Levi, in a singsong voice. "Make me feel good."

Nolan focused. The sooner he pleased this maniac, the sooner she'd be done with him. He extended his tongue and brushed it up the side of her womanhood, feeling her slickness beneath the tip of his tongue.

Levi's fingers tightened around Nolan's scalp, pulling on the roots of his hair, but she made no sound.

Nolan kept going, swiping up the middle this time, and he felt a hard nub pass beneath his tongue.
