Ultimate Surrender

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Woman enters an Ultimate Surrender wrestling match.
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Short and sweet. This could have gone in Non-con or Lesbian, but I decided to put it here because they signed consensual forms, making it consensual, even though it was reluctant. Anyway, this is just a fun little story that popped into my head recently. FYI, this is a 'real 'competition. There are several videos of this, without the bondage or audience participation, on the internet. Just google 'Ultimate Surrender' and you will find dozens of these videos. Some of them are pretty hot.

Captain Obvious here:

Sorry to interrupt the author's intro, but I feel that I should make a statement here. This is a work of fiction. That means that this is not real. Also, keep in mind that, being that this is fiction. The normal rules of fact do not necessarily apply. I should also mention, because those of you living in Loma Linda or other deeply liberal areas that seek to eliminate free speech for those that disagree with your point of view, the author has stated clearly that no one under the age of majority was involved in any way in any sexual encounters. No words, farm animals, domesticated animals, liberals, conservatives, or any other protected species were harmed in the writing od this FICTIONAL story. OK, so I may have taken time out to fuck up a couple of drug dealers, but nobody cares about them anyway.

I could have put this in either Non-consent/Reluctance, but they signed consent forms. Yes, it was still reluctant, but I figured that this was more appropriate in BDSM.

Ultimate Surrender:

"Come on, Sarah. I'm desperate. Ever since Blake ran out on me, I've been struggling just to pay the bills. Now my car needs repairs, and there simply isn't enough money to take care of it. I just need this little extra this month."

"I really don't think that this is a good idea. Why don't I just loan you the money you need?"

"I appreciate that you would be willing to do that for me, but I really don't know when I would be able to pay you back. I've been told that I will be getting that promotion next month, and that does come with a good pay raise, but that extra money will be used to reduce the debts that I already have. Doing this would give me the little extra to get through this month without having to pay it back."

"I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with this. I mean, yeah, I've flashed occasionally, but that was discrete and maybe only one or two people saw anything, plus, they were complete strangers that had no idea who I am. This is a LOT different."

Mt name is Sarah James. I'm talking to my best friend, June Humphries. As you read, her bastard of a husband left her six months ago, and he took most of the money with him. June is really struggling financially right now. Her lawyer is still fighting to get half the money that he took back, but it is taking a while. Meanwhile, she is recking up debt and trying to pay the bills on her salary.

"What about your kids? What would they think?" I asked.

"I'm hoping that they would never see it. They are too young to get into the venue anyway."

I still had some serious reservations about this. I mean REALLY serious reservations. I took a moment as I sipped my wine again to reread the info and application and acceptance forms that she had given to me. We would each get paid $1,500 if we lost. The winners got $3,000 each. There were a few other perks for the winners as well. The losers also had a penalties afterwards. What June wanted us to do was the main one.

"Why can't you do this one? You wouldn't need me for that."

"That one only pays the loser $500 and the winner $750. I need at least $1,500, so the main one is the only one that pays that much."

"You do realize that this will be videoed and posted on the internet, don't you? That's what this model release form is for."

"Well, desperate times call for desperate measures." She answered. "Besides, we both look really good, so it isn't really anything to be ashamed of."

Obviously, this would include total nudity, as well as some other things. After more discussions and me trying to talk her into finding something else, she was adamant that this was the only possibility of raising that much cash quickly. It might have been the next two glasses of wine, or it was just that I wanted to help my friend, but I eventually agreed. We spent the next half an hour filling out the forms, then we sent them in.

OK, so what did we just agree to do? It is called Ultimate Surrender. It's basically a sex wrestling fight between women. It can be done in singles match or tag-team. Obviously, we were going to be doing tag-team. All competitors start out in really tiny string bikinis. These are the type that tie together on the hips as well as the top. That makes it easier for the opponent to quickly untie and remove both pieces. There are three rounds. The object is to wrestle your opponent, remove her bikini, then get points for sexually using your opponent. There are points when you manage to sit on her face, finger her pussy, fondle and suck her nipples, lick her pussy, and even more points if you can actually make her orgasm.

The match that we signed up for was the main event of the evening. This went a bit farther. This match included bondage. There would be several pieces of rope on the mat. The object of this match would be not only to strip and force your opponent to orgasm, but you also needed to put them in a tight bondage where they were completely helpless. The match would end when both opponents were naked, bound and had an orgasm. If neither team has both members bound and orgasmed, the match is decided on points, and the losing team is then bound up and used. Sounds like a good time, said with sarcasm.

Oh, the perks and penalties? The winners get to dominate, humiliate, and fuck the losers for 20-minutes in the ring while the audience cheered. After that, the losers would be given to everyone else for a two-hour gang bang. All three holes on both losers would be available. And, for clarification on this, about 80% of the audience would be men. At least the audience size would be limited to 50 people.

So, it's probably time for me to describe June and myself. June is 32 years old with two kids. Their names and descriptions are not important, as they are really not relevant, except to say that June has them. She is 5'4" tall, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and is in pretty good shape from spending an hour a day doing yoga. She is slim with B-cup breasts, flat tummy, a small tight ass, and slim hips.

I am 35 years old and have never been married or had kids. It wasn't for lack of opportunities; it was strictly my own choice. I am 5'6" tall, with long red hair, green eyes and also in great shape. I do yoga and taekwondo. I also dabbled in some martial arts when I was in the military as an MP, and I continued through college once I got out of the military. I have 35DD breasts, a tight flat tummy, and a really nice set of hips with an ass that stop a freight train. I should also mention that I am bisexual with a significant leaning towards women. It's not that I don't enjoy good sex with guys, but I've found too many men are pretty selfish during sex. Yes, some women are as well, but most women give as good as they take.

So, it's not like we were two out of shape old ladies walking into a wolf den. We were strong, in shape, and did have a few skills. Still, given that, we had a week to prepare. We spent a couple hours every night practicing. I taught June several holds and some basic skills and maneuvers that she could use.

It was the night of our bout. June and I were in the locker room getting ready. There were several other women in there as well. The organizers had supplied out 'costumes' with consisted of tiny string bikinis. As I mentioned earlier, the bottoms tied at the hips, and the tops tied on the back and on the back of the neck. They were not much more than a microscopic triangle that barely covered my slit and two postage stamps to cover my nipples. I realized too late that I should have shaven by pussy bare. My entire landing strip was exposed above the bikini bottoms. The back was just a string that disappeared in the crack of my ass. I did notice that June had shaved completely.

Once we were ready, we were taken into the green room where they posed us in competitive and confident poses to take promotional photos, then we were given a script to memorize and give to the video cameras. It was only about 30-seconds long, and it basically said how we were going to dominate our opponents after we defeated them. We then went back to the locker room to wait until our match was called.

As we waited in the locker room, we could hear the cheering from the main room. Occasionally, we would see the last competitors coming back in. It was obvious who the winners and the losers were. The winners were happy and giving high-fives. The losers were sometimes walking a bit funny and had that dazed look on their faces. Some of the losers even had red asses and a few other marks on their bodies.

I wasn't sure who our opponents would be until four of the remaining eight of us went out for the second to final match. That just left us and two fit looking mid-20s girls remaining in the locker room. Other than being fit, they didn't look like real fighters. They looked more like former cheerleaders that thought that having taken some gymnastics and being in great shape made them formidable opponents. I thought that we at least stood a decent chance against them. June and I used that time to quietly talk strategy. Glancing over, it looked like they were doing the same thing.

Finally, we were called out. Once we got to the mat, I glanced at the audience. Yep, lots of guys with a few women scattered around. The ring announcer was giving his speech and introductions. He also informed the audience that the two losers of this match would be available for a two hour gang bang with anyone that wanted to join at the end of the match. While that was going on, June and I began stretching again and limbering up. I noticed that there were cameras videoing us as we did that, and several times they were zooming in on our asses when we bent over.

Round 1:

June went out first. She was matched up with the smaller girl. It started off OK. June managed to get behind her and take her down. She managed to get one tie loose on her top before the other girl slipped out of her hold. They continued to grapple for a bit, then June got her close enough for me to tag in. On a tag-in, both team members can gang up on the opponent for 30-seconds before the one tagging out needed to leave the mat. We managed to remove her top and bottoms before June had to go out. I was a lot more skilled than my opponent, so I managed to get some good points on her. I got a bit cocky. She was acting really exhausted and not really putting up much of a fight, so I tried to spin around and get her in a better hold. She was sandbagging. She waited until I loosened my grip, then she suddenly spun around and escaped. I managed to keep hold of her, but she had pulled us over to her side of the mat and tagged her partner.

I fought like my life depended on it. Still, two against one is not a good situation. By the end of the 30-seconds, they managed to get my top off, but I had put one of them in a leg-lock and still managed some pussy fingering. The new girl was more skilled and was fully rested. While not really tired, I had been grappling for a minute. I managed to keep my bottoms on and remove her top and bottom. I decided that I needed a rest, and I figured that she was getting a bit tired, so I moved us over to tap June in.

June grabbed her in a full nelson and leaned her back. I took that opportunity to begin licking her pussy and fondling her tits to get more points. It was then time for me to go. June fought hard, but she ended up losing both her top and bottom. The other girl managed to get June in a pretty serious hold and fingered her pussy until the bell rang, ending the round.

Round 2:

As we were resting, I glanced up at the scoreboard and saw that we were in the lead. Now, don't get the wrong idea here, it wasn't like we were walking away with it. While they didn't have the skills I had, they were both extremely fast and agile. Basically, June was able to hold her own while I was able to score more points. If we could keep that up, we could win on points alone. My problem was being able to minimize the damage when I was getting double-teamed.

We had managed to take a few gulps of water to rehydrate as we rested and talked a bit more strategy. The next round was called, and I went back onto the mat. I was going first this time, because June started the last round. They had changed strategy during the break. During the last round, they fought like demons to prevent us from scoring points. This time, instead of trying to keep my fingers away from their pussies and tits, they concentrated more on scoring their own points at the same time. I didn't figure this out until my own bottoms were removed, and she had two fingers in my own twat.

I should mention my one real weakness here. I already mentioned that I am bisexual, and I am into girls. I also have a bit of a dominant streak, so sexually dominating women is a REALLY BIG turn-on for me. Now, having been an MP in the military for 6-years, I had seen more than my share of rape cases. I hate that. It is one of the worst crimes that I have dealt with. It leaves the victim scarred for life, and, in most cases, it really fucks up their minds. It isn't just the physical trauma; it is the emotional and psychological trauma that is left behind. In this case, it is different. Sure, they may not want the sexual abuse, but they knew coming in what could, or even what probably would, happen. They consented. They signed their signatures on multiple documents that stated explicitly what would and could happen. They agreed to it. So, as far as I as concerned, this was a consensual agreement to sexually dominate them against their will. The key word here was consensual. This was not rape, this was giving me permission to sexually abuse their reluctant body. When I agreed to sign up for this to help June with her financial issues, I completely failed to consider my reaction to it. In case you haven't figured it out, I was hotter than a firecracker on the 4th of July in Phoenix Arizona. FYI, it's fucking HOT in Phoenix in July. I was a drooling mess by the end of the second round.

Because of the last paragraph, I had made a few mistakes. I tagged out to June before I should have, just to try and clear my mind. She didn't adapt to the change in strategy as fast as she should have and ended up losing her top and bottoms in a double-team. She also lost several points. When I managed to tag back in, it was obvious that she would not last much longer. To help her recovery, I stayed longer than I should have.

Round 3:

Round 3 began with June back on the mat. We discussed this during the break. She was still not really ready to continue, but, since I started the last round, she had to start this round. The plan was to get close to me as soon as possible, and I would tag back in. Within 30-seconds of the round beginning, her foot was close enough for me to tag it. I immediately jumped onto the mat and got her opponent in a solid hold. June began fingering her pussy and playing with her nipples. It was then that I remembered the rest of the requirements. Up until this time, I had been concentrating on winning on points alone. Aftetr all, we had been doi g pretty well, so why change strategies now? I grabbed a piece of rope and just managed to loop it around our opponent's wrist when June needed to leave the mat. I was in a bad position to restrain her, and she managed to get close enough to her side to tag-out. I could tell that June had used the last of her endurance in that maneuver. She was done, and there was not enough time left in the round to let her recover. It was up to me to finish this round with enough points to win. With the lead we had, as long as I ensured that they didn't rack up enough points to overtake us or have them bind ne up and force me to orgasm, we should be able to win.

Suddenly, I was overcome with a force of nature. I hadn't seen the tag, so I was completely unprepared for the intrusion of the second member. Before I understood what had just happened, I was laying face down on the mat with one body straddling my back and pinning my arms, and another person looping a rope around my ankle. I tried to fight, but my arms were trapped, and I had no leverage to fight with my legs.

Before I knew it, I was forced face down on the mat. The bigger of our opponents sat on my shoulders with my arms pinned in back of me. They worked together in grasping ropes, then I felt the loops of the ropes cinched to my ankles. They bent my knees until my calves were pressed into my thighs, then they wrapped my thighs with the rope and tied them off. They worked together as one bound ine ankle and thigh together, the other was binding the other leg. That's when the tagged-out girl finally needed to leave. I was still in a very vulnerable position. The girl sitting on my back quickly spun around. She used my vulnerable position and her leverage to bind my wrists and elbows behind my back. I finally understood their strategy. They simply didn't care about the points. Their entire strategy was to wear us out and finally win by bondage and orgasms.

I was trussed up like a turkey on Thanksgiving. My wrists and elbows were bound behind my back. My ankles were bound to my thighs, I was completely helpless. It was the smaller woman that was left with me. She was holding me from behind. She turned me to face the audience, then leaned back and began fondling my nipples wit one hand as her other hand began toying with my drooling pussy. "This is inevitable. Just let go and enjoy it, she whispered to me. Look at the audience. I'm going to make you cum in front of everyone. It's all over for you. You're gonna have a massive orgasm while everyone watches you. Let it go. You will love being my bitch" I just had to hold out for a couple more minutes. To help June. I glanced at the scoreboard, and despite my predicament, we were still ahead on points. If I could just refrain from an orgasm, maybe Jume would be able to maintain our lead.

Her left hand was toying with my nipples while her right hand began flicking my clitoris and occasionally plunging in and out of my pussy. Thirty seconds until the end of the round. I thought that I could hold out. Then she destroyed me.

"You know? I used to have this girlfriend that had a rather strange trigger. I've always wondered if that was common on women. You see, if I was to bite right here," I knew exactly what she was saying. I could feel her hot breath on that particular spot. She sunk her teeth into that one little spot where my neck began to flare out to my shoulder. Not hard, by the way, just enough to leave a mark and trigger my response and leave a mark.

"OPPHHHHHH, FFFFUUUUCCCKKKKKK!" I exclaimed as my orgasm overtook me. Weakness 2. Getting bit at that location when I am already aroused triggers a massive orgasm.

"She would have an orgasm." She whispered deadpan as the orgasm continued to wrack through my body.

It was over for me. I was done. She left me there in the middle of the mat as I tried to recover from my massive orgasm. I watched helplessly as she strode over and tagged her teammate. They both strutted over to where June was. I saw her shaking her head, but she couldn't do anything about it. They grabbed her hands and drug her onto the mat. Withing a minute, she was bound up and being fingered to her own orgasm. Once the match was called, we were the losers. Our opponents claimed us. Our wrists were rebound to our ankles in the center of the ring. That's when our ordeal really began.