Ultra Woman and Mega Girl


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With her free hand, Jo undid the center clasp that held the bra in place and popped it open. Once free, it fell down to Jackie's waist, exposing the pale mounds and the soft hand cupping one of them.

Jackie loved the beach but lacked the nerve to sunbathe topless. As a result, the outline of her bathing suit was clearly defined by the area it had covered. Just off the center of the pale white breasts sat wide areola capped by long thick nipples - the rich pinkness of which attracted Jo like a moth to a flame.

The younger girl reached out with her tongue and licked the hard tip in the center. Then she traced the outline of the pink circle, enjoying the reality of what she had only done in late night dreams. Leaning closer, she guided Jackie's breast to her mouth, until the dark pinkness vanished between her lips.

"Mmmm" Jackie purred as Jo switched her attention to her other breast and duplicated her efforts.

Using both her hands and mouth, Joanna continued to fill Jackie with delight. Hungrily, she sucked at each nipple, covering the soft skin around them with her saliva, leaving wet trails across the pale mounds.

This oral ballet went on for what seemed to Jackie to be an hour, but in reality was only bout a quarter of that. Eventually Jo let the objects of her desire slip from her mouth and against pressed her lips again Jackie's own.

Her appetite for the woman in her arms now ravenous, Jo's kisses filled with fire. Her tongue glided into Jackie's mouth, finding a passion that was quickly building to match her own.

Jackie took hold of the edges of the red trimmed blouse of the Mega Girl costume and pulled it up and over her head, where it also dropped to the floor - cape and all. She also took a few moments to rid herself of the remnants of her own costume top.

Jo's bra locked in the back, but opened just as quickly. Unlike the rounded contours of Jackie's mounds, Jo's breasts were conic in shape. The areolas of which stuck out like the tops of salt and pepper shakers. Jackie had once seen a girl with similar breasts back in high school and remembered other girls referring to them as 'puffies'. Whatever they called them, she found them as inviting as Jo had found hers.

It was also readily apparent by the even all over tan that Jo didn't share Jackie's reluctance to taking off her suit at the beach.

As part of her lovemaking technique, Jackie often caressed the nipples of male lovers, going so far as to ply them with her tongue. Now she quickly discovered it was much more fun doing it with another girl.

"Oh Jackie!" Jo gasped as she felt Jackie's tongue play across her breasts. She took hold of the back of the brunette's head and held her fast against her mounds, running her fingers through the long locks as she did. "I want you to love me so much."

"And I want to love you," Jackie replied as she again kissed Jo passionately, not realizing until this moment just how true that statement was.

Both women held each other tightly, exchanging kisses and rubbing their breasts against each other. Their eager hands explored each other's topless bodies - covering them with both a gentle touch and soft caress.

"I guess I should tell you that I found your drawings." Jackie said as she paused to catch her breath. "It was an accident. I was looking for something for a headache."

Jo froze for a moment, a look of worry on her face.

"What did you think of them?" Jo asked, a touch of concern in her tone.

"Well I guess I should be thankful for them," Jackie said as she kissed the top of Jo's head. "Because if it wasn't for me finding them, we wouldn't be here right now - doing what we're doing."

The concern on Jo's face turned to delight.

"I have only one question though," Jackie asked, brushing away a loose string of hair from Jo's face. "Who are you really in love with? Is it me? Or is it Ultra Woman?"

"You are Ultra Woman," Jo responded with a soft kiss. "Without you she would've just been some old drawings in a notebook. I think that concentrating my sexual attraction on Ultra Woman was a safe way of dealing with it. A way to keep fantasy and reality separate enough that I could deal with you in the real world."

"And now...?" Jackie asked.

"And now I just want you to hold me tight," Jo beamed. "I want you to take me and be my love. Today, tomorrow, and forever."

There were no more words to be said, both women were sure of that. The world beyond these four walls no longer existed, only the beating of each other's hearts.

Jackie undid the clips holding the Mega Girl skirt and let it slide to the floor. Jo lifted her feet and kicked it away. Her panties and boots followed suit.

Guided by Jackie's hands, Jo climbed onto the closest bed. The taller woman crawled right behind her. Leaning over her, Jackie kissed Jo's belly button. Then she kissed her way downward, quickly reaching the edge of the thick patch of strawberry blond hair. She shifted position to glide in between Jo's outstretched legs.

An aroma of arousal filled her nostrils as Jackie kissed the damp patch. She'd never imaged she could be so turned on by the scent of a woman. Her tongue reached out and traced a line along the center of Jo's wetness, giving Jackie her first taste of another woman. She closed her eyes for a moment to savor the experience. It made her feel just a little lightheaded. Much later in retrospect, she would decide it had come easier than the first time she'd tried to take a man into her mouth.

"Oh yes, Jackie," Jo said as her body jumped at the touch. "I've always imaged it would feel this wonderful."

Encouraged, Jackie moved her pulsating mouth closer and sought out Jo's clit. Like she joked before, she had no experience to guide her, but her imagination would surely serve. What amazed her most was how natural it all seemed.

Jackie reached out and parted the wet lips with her fingers, moving her tongue between them, driving it deep inside. Holding the folds with the outstretched fingers of one hand, the brunette gently slid the index finger of her other hand inside Jo's pussy.

Quickly covered by a thick coating of lubricating juices, her finger effortlessly slid inside. Slowly, Jackie pushed her finger in as far as it would go, then eased it back. She repeated the motions again and again, moving faster and faster as she went.

Alternating between her finger and her tongue, Jackie delighted Jo more with each stroke. A rhythm quickly developed as Jo reached down and held her friend's head between her legs, then lurched forward with each movement of her lover's tongue.

"Oh yes, Jackie," Jo moaned as she squirmed on the bed. "Fuck me with your tongue!"

It surprised Jackie to hear Jo use the F-word, it was the first time she had ever heard it spill from her lips. But then again, she couldn't think of any place it would be more appropriate.

Spurred onward, both by Jo's verbal and physical encouragement's, Jackie thrust her tongue deep inside the younger woman's love canal. The analytical side of her mind wondered why so many men were hesitant to go down on a woman when she was finding it so much fun.

"Oh God, Yes!" Jo shouted as Jackie's darting tongue found just the right spot.

Jackie took her cue from Jo's cries and centered her attentions on that mark.

Jo thrusted her pelvis forward, trying to drive Jackie deeper within her. More than happy to accommodate her desire, the older woman began a series of furious motions with her darting tongue. The light haired woman moaned loudly as Jackie gripped her ass cheeks and pressed her face hard against her wetness, sucking hungrily.

Jo began to gyrate faster as she felt herself nearing climax. Jackie could feel the changes in Jo's body and tried to drive her tongue even deeper within her lover, increasing the speed of her caress.

Jackie was taken by surprise when Jo suddenly tensed up and pulled her head tight against her pussy, holding her in place with both her hands and legs. Her body quaked and sweat ran down her breasts as her vaginal muscles contracted around the instruments of her pleasure. Then like a wave breaking against the shoals, Jo orgasmed with a frightening intensity.

Instinctively Jackie opened her mouth to call out, only to have her words cut out by a sudden eruption of feminine nectar. Held close as she was, her face was soon covered with the warm honey as Joanne trashed about in ecstasy. It had been a long time since she'd had a sexual release other than masturbation. It was her first orgasm at the touch of another woman - and it had been explosive.

"I have to be dead," Jo said as she opened her eyes and stared at the blank whiteness of the ceiling above. "Cause I can't image anything in life being better than that." She laughed.

"I guess that's a compliment." Jackie replied as she climbed up alongside Jo. "At least I'm going to take it as one." she smiled.

"And now it's my turn to do that for you." Jo gushed, the excitement in her voice causing her words to race.

Jo took Jackie's face in her hands and kissed her long and hard. She could taste small residues of her orgasm as she licked the corners of the brunette's soft lips. It was a flavor she was familiar with, having sampled her own juices over the years. How much more exciting it was, she thought, to taste them on the lips of a lover.

Words couldn't express how fantastic her orgasm at Jackie's tongue and fingers had been. Bill hadn't had that phobia that she heard a lot of guys had, about going down on a woman. But even so, he usually only did it long enough to get her wet enough for penetration. Not that the orgasms she'd gotten from intercourse hadn't been good, she was honest enough to admit they had been. But the one she'd just experienced had been really great.

Now she was determined to give Jackie the same.

Jo stretched Jackie out on the bed, letting her eyes run across her naked body from head to toe. It had to be, she thought, the most beautiful sight she had ever seen.

"I feel like a kid who got locked overnight in the candy store," Jo laughed. "Everything looks so good I don't know where to start."

"You make me feel like I should cover my body with chocolate syrup." Jackie laughed back.

"Well, I could call room service," Jo grinned as she crawled back onto the bed. "But I've got a better idea..."

Taking hold of each of Jackie's long legs, Jo spread them apart and slid between them. Both of her hands glided along the soft flesh of Jackie's thighs until they came together at the damp, hairy mound between them. Her left thumb rubbed along the center, briefly parting the pink folds beneath the dark patch.

Then, with a wide smile, Jo brought her face close enough to replace her thumb with her lips. The first kiss was soft, and ever so brief. At the same time, it was endless - the fulfillment of a thousand dreams.

Joanna thought back to the first moment she became aware of her interest in other girls. It was back in junior high school, when most of her girlfriends had begun discussing boys. They'd talked about their cute smiles, how nice some of their bodies looked - which boys had the best muscles. On a few late nights, there had even been some interesting speculation about who might have the biggest cocks.

It was on one of those nights that Jo realized that she was more interested in the gentle curves of her friends developing bodies, the emerging bosoms they all secretly compared. The gentle softness of their lips. It was a secret she had kept to herself - until today.

As much as she wanted the touch of some of those girlfriends, it was nothing compared to the secret fires that Jackie had ignited within her. Fires that now filled her young body like a raging bonfire.

With skill practiced in innumerable daydreams, Jo reached out with her tongue and parted the way to Jackie's clit. Up and down it glided, sending ripples spreading out from Jackie's sexual core - increasing with intensity with each passage.

Soft moans issued from Jackie's lips, manifestations of the joy Jo had brought her. The sound filled the younger woman's ears, matched by the pounding of her own heart.

"Oh yes, that's the spot," Jackie purred as she felt Jo's tongue send a jolt of rapture through her supine form.

Jackie truly loved having her pussy licked, it was a talent she highly prized in a lover. Joanne didn't quite possess the skill others who found themselves between Jackie's legs might have had, but she did have enthusiasm. And right now that was more than enough.

Jackie laid back, eyes closed and waded in the waves washing across her. Her pussy throbbed with excitement as Jo's tongue drew more and more sweet nectar. She buried her face between Jackie's thighs, causing the brunette to erupt again in a burst of sweet honey.

"Mmmmm" Jo moaned as she sucked the fruit of her labors into her mouth.

Jackie was now lost to the world as succeeding torrids of ecstasy raced through her. She gripped the sheets beneath her tightly as her body shook twice more. Finally she could take no more, feeling both exhausted and satisfied. All resistance faded from her body as she gave way to the thunder crashing within.

Jo lay there for long moments, cradled between the softness of Jackie's legs. The warmth of contentment filling both her face and heart. Nothing in her life had ever felt so right. Happy seemed such an inadequate word just now. But then again, right now she didn't need words.

Words also seemed to fail Jackie as she reached down and gently stroked Joanna's hair. If she could read minds, as one of Creative's more successful characters could, she'd find that her thoughts mirrored Joanna's. The lovemaking she's just shared was as close to perfect as she could imagine. And deep inside, she knew that it could only get better. She wondered what Jo's opinion was on the use of toys.

The sudden ringing of the phone interrupted both their thoughts. Jo rolled over and off Jackie in order to let her sit up to answer it. Swinging her legs over the side of the bed, Jackie picked up the phone and began talking.

Jo ignored the short conversation, preferring instead to run her fingers up and down Jackie's back. Planting a kiss at the base of her neck as she did.

"How bout that," Jackie said as she hung up the receiver and turned back to her lover. "It seems we were such a big hit this afternoon that they'd like us to headline the costume call tonight. I told them that we would. I hope that's okay with you?"

Oh yes, of course," Jo smiled as she extended the line of her fingers path until they crossed Jackie's breasts as well. "That's was the second most fun I had today." she added with a grin.

"Well," Jackie said as she took Jo's hand in hers and kissed it. "I guess we should make some kind of attempt to clean ourselves up. They want us downstairs by five thirty. I want to make a few calls back to New York so why don't you hop in the shower first."

Jo looked a little reluctant to let go of Jackie. Now that they'd shattered the barrier between them, she didn't want to leave her side for even a moment. Then reality reimposed itself and she realized how silly that was. She kissed Jackie softly and then headed for the bathroom.

Jackie waited until she heard the sound of the shower running before she got up from the bed and quietly walked over to the bathroom door. Just as silently she opened in, catching sight of Jo thought the opaque shower curtain. She lied when she said that the organizers wanted them downstairs by five thirty. Actually they wanted them at seven. A little turnabout was fair play after all.

She stood there a few moments watching the outlined form of Joanna's back through the curtain. The image brought renewed warmth to her breast.

"I guess this is a job for Ultra Woman!" she said silently to herself as she pulled open the curtain and stepped inside.

... and the Adventures continue...


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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Fluidity to ones convenience - never an arrow.

ReesertonReesertonabout 2 years ago

I disagree with Anonymous. We didn’t need to see some kind of grand epiphany from Jackie. All she had to do was consider if she actually liked Jo, decide that she did after years of close friendship, let it marinate for a few hours, and then act as she saw fit. A testament to the fluidity of sexuality. I enjoyed this story greatly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I thought there should have been more self-questioning and doubt on Jackie’s part. She looks at some erotic drawings and suddenly sleeps with a woman? Maybe she could have had some prior yearnings or lesbian experiences.

kathy2012kathy2012over 2 years ago

Lovely story! Both being Sapphic virgins is absolutely precious! I could taste their orgasms!

All the best,


FranziskaSissyFranziskaSissyover 3 years ago
10 ******* stars

Great ..... This truly would have been a great deal for a long longer extra long story or better chain story ..... Thank you for

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

This is a great example of nerdy/geeky girls being truly awesome. To quote one of my favorite songs "the geeks get the girls". Thank you for a great read, you combined two things I love comics and romance. All that is missing is an epilogue or something like that, something perhaps saying the convention became a tradition for the pair. Something like that would have been nice, but your story your choice I can't fault you for when you choose write end.

Maddie624Maddie624over 5 years ago
More of Jackie and Jo

I just loved this story and was wondering if you had any plans to write another story involving those two and what is hopefully the beginning of their relationship after Comic-Con. I know that you wrote a piece set in the world of the comic but I am hoping that you choose to also bring us another story set in their "reality" because the connection between the characters is so interesting and endearing. Fingers crossed! I love your work.

TSreaderTSreaderover 5 years ago
A wonderful story!

I love this story, it’s superbly written! Thank you for sharing this story with us!

RastanuraRastanuraabout 6 years ago

I'm old enough to have read the classics, Red Ryder, Bugs Bunny, Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, Gene Autry, Roy Rogers, and the original horror comics before they were banned. They taught me to read and to enjoy stories and tales. Used to get locked in to the extent they had to shout at me. Always loved the comics. Shazaam!

gpond49gpond49about 6 years ago
Ultra-Mega Cool!

Nothing quite like years of unrequited love finally breaking the barriers into yet another fantastic story! Once again, Ann, thank you ever so much for sharing your skill with us!

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