Under Centaurian Protection Ch. 05

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Julia finds happiness, but is it the end?
2.5k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 02/29/2008
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To young Haley's mind, the centaur camp was the most wonderful place to live and she never wanted to leave. She had a big family and playmates that taught her how to find squirrels. That night she lay in her comfortable bed, watching from a distance as her pet squirrels settled down to sleep. She wasn't sleepy at all and wanted to go play. She wondered if Rhamnes was asleep yet.

Mama and papa were nowhere to be seen. They hadn't come back from their walk yet and she thought it strange anyone would want to walk in the darkness.

Unable to sleep, Haley sat up in her bed. Then the memory of seeing Paul earlier popped into her mind. She couldn't comprehend why he was tied up or why he was here. Was he going to live here, too? Mama and papa had said he was a bad man, but how could a man like Paul be bad? Every time Paul came to visit them when they lived in their cabin, he always brought her a small bag of sweets.

Any man who brought her sweets couldn't be that bad.

Knowing it was cold out, Haley put on her coat and was quite proud of herself for doing it without anyone's help. With slippers on, she left her home.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw centaurs on guard and almost yelped in surprise. But she caught herself and ducked behind a tree.

Suddenly, it was a game, hiding behind things and seeing just how far she could get without being caught. She was little, and so hiding behind objects was no problem and the growing fog made it even easier. She kept quiet, pretending she were a centaur colt training in the hunt. She remembered some of the things Rhamnes told her, stories of skill and talent that fascinated her.

Before she knew it, she was across the way to the prisoner hold, knowing Paul would be inside. She slipped into the tent and allowed her eyes to adjust to the darkness. The tent was cold, unlike her home which had been cozy and warm.

"Paul? Are you here?" She whispered giddily.

The excitement of hiding from the guards had yet to wear off.

She heard a small grunt coming from a slumped figure tied to a pole.

"It's me, Haley." She said a bit more loudly.

Suddenly, Paul jerked awake.

"Haley -- Haley, come over here." He urged. "Come here and untie me."

Haley stepped closer, but then stopped as his words sunk in. "Papa says you're a bad man."

Paul frowned. "That animal isn't your papa, Haley. He's saying so because he likes your mama."

"But he is my papa."

"Listen carefully, Haley. This place isn't safe. You and your mother are both in danger. These centaurs act friendly now, but they plan on hurting you and your mother."

A sliver of fear and doubt pierced through her.

She shook her head insistently. "Mama's safe with papa. He loves us. And so do my uncles and aunts."

"They're lying to you, Haley. Those guards out there, did you see them?" Paul said, desperation in his voice. "They guard this place to keep people from leaving. That's why your mother can't leave. But if you untie me, I can help you both. I can save you. The centaurs are dangerous."

"You are lying. Papa wouldn't hurt me."

"Listen to me carefully. Think, Haley. Have you seen any other little girls like yourself here?"

Haley thought for a moment. "No." She answered carefully.

"Exactly. You are the only one. They only like boys in this camp. They use little girls as sacrifices to their gods."

"But aunt Rose has a little girl."

Frustrated, Paul kept his temper in check. Haley was going to get him out of this. He kept telling himself this and took a deep breath.

"They aren't going to kill babies. They wait until they're older and then kill them. You don't want to die, do you?"


"Then you better untie me so I can save you two."

"I better talk to papa about this." Haley said, unsure of what to do. She didn't want mama to get hurt, and she couldn't comprehend why papa would hurt her.

"He's only going to lie to you. You better untie me so I can talk to him."

"You can't do that. He's going on a walk with mama right now."

Paul's face turned red with what he just heard.

"Untie me right now, Haley. He's hurting her as we speak."

"No, you are lying." She shook her head once again.

"Who takes walks in the dark? Can you answer me that?"

She was silent for a moment. "I'll untie you. You will help mama, if she's in trouble?"

"You have my word."

The knots were difficult to undo, the rope thick and tied in ways that seemed impossible to her. Her hands were growing too cold to work them and she wished to go back to the warmth of her home. After awhile, she grew too warm from the attempt and her hands were tired and raw. But then she pulled through a length of rope that loosened the rest and triumphantly, she declared that the knots were undone.

Paul grabbed her by the arm and told her to stay quiet.

"We have to get away and find your mother."

He was holding her arm too tightly and she winced in the pain, but nodded silently. With her in tow, he practically dragged her to the doorway, where he listened for guards.

"Ow! You're hurting my arm." She said, and he covered her mouth with his large hand.

"Quiet, Haley. Centaurs will hear you."

Suddenly, the regret of untying him started to spread within her. She suddenly wished she had not let him go and stuck with her instincts to return home. When he was sure she would remain quiet, let took his hand away.

"Let me go. I want to go home." She said, her bottom lip trembling.

"I'll take you home as soon as I can, little one." He said, his focus not on her but the view of the outdoors from the tiny slit between the tent flaps.

"I want my mama."

"If we can find her, I'll take you to her myself."

When the coast was clear, Paul pulled Haley out of the tent and they made their way slowly toward the edge of the wood. How he managed to get that far without being detected was beyond him, for they had tracked his men with the sharp senses of any other wild animal. A low mist dragged along the ground, and swirled around their feet as he moved them quickly deeper into the trees.

He had no weapons, no food or tools. He hardly had a plan; he only knew that it was impossible to return for Julia. But he saved Haley from a fate worse than death and that seemed enough for now. Maybe with Haley in his possession, Julia would pursue him. His mind raced with these thoughts, but the majority of his focus was on getting away. Haley was his now. He had to get them away.

"Stop whimpering." He demanded of the child. Haley was practically running to catch up with his pace and she tripped several times on tree roots and rocks. Finally, he gave up and lifted her into his sore arms and picked up the pace.

"Where are we going? I thought we are going to find mama." The tears were in her voice and he thought quickly to soothe her. One loud wail from her would give away their direction.

"I have to return with my men, so we can bring her back safely. Don't worry, Haley. We will find her. And I will bring her back to you. But right now, we must find a safe place."

"A safe place." She repeated, barely audible. Inside, her heart broke and she looked back into the darkness. Biting down on her bottom lip, she wiped her tears away. The feeling of never seeing her mama and papa again seemed to grow overwhelming.


The reverie of having made love all night with Soren stayed with Julia as he led her back to their home. But Soren's behavior changed drastically even before they entered the shelter.

"What is it?" She asked, slightly worried.

He pulled her down from his back and quickly went to the doorway of their home. He pushed at the flap and let it go with a grunt.

"Stay here." He demanded and started for the center of camp. Unwilling to comply with such an order, she hurried to follow him.

"Soren, please tell me. What's wrong?" Then it dawned on her. "Is it Haley?" Panic rose quickly, infusing in her the motherly instinct to search and find Haley.

"Haley?" She called out, already anticipating Soren's answer.

Soren let out a furious shout as he left the prisoner's tent, in his fist a small scrap of ribbon.

"He's taken her." He said, his eyes becoming an unearthly color. "Were the guards sleeping? What has happened?" He demanded.

Julia gasped. "Paul." She shook her head, her eyes already filling with tears. "Oh no, my little girl. He's got her. He will hurt her."

His angry words had woken several residences and soon, the entire camp was brought back to life. Torches were lit, and the elders gathered with Soren and his brothers.

"He can't have made it that far on foot." Callum assured Soren. Thayer was speaking with Polonius a few feet away, but Soren seemed bent on heading straight into the woods to search out the animal. He'd tear him apart with his bare hands if need be. No man threatened a centaur's family.

"We must leave now." Soren said in a low voice. The fog was growing thicker as the night went on and in such weather, it would be harder to track the man down.

Polonius came forward and set a firm hand on Soren. "Take caution, Soren. We don't know what the human's intentions are. He has suffered much from our hands and may seek vengeance with the child."

Julia shook her head as if in denial, Rose and Lila there at her side to comfort her. Both as new mothers knew the fear of losing a child. Julia's cheeks were wet with tears.

Thayer spoke to several other centaurs as they devised a search plan. In the fog, their senses were less heightened and with a child's life at risk, they could afford no rushed decisions. Thayer then looked toward his youngest brother.

"We shall find her, brother. As Callum has pointed out, on foot and in the fog, he will not have gotten too far. He will not know the land as we do."


But Paul moved as if he did, perhaps because his life depended on it. His body sore and bleeding, he continued to hold Haley in his arms as he ran through the woods. She was crying and he could feel the tears dampen his shoulder. At least she wasn't a wailer, he thought gratefully. No, Haley was being a good girl.

The woods were dense and obstacles like deep tree roots and stones had stopped him more than once. But he was vigilant, listening for hooves on the ground. He knew that by now, they would know he was gone. But he assured himself that in no way would they attack by arrow, for he had the child.

He just needed to get to the nearest town. And to his guess, it was still hours away even with him running. He would have to rest sometime. But they needed to get away.

"I want my mama." Haley wailed quietly.

"I'll bring her back to you one day, Haley." Paul said gruffly, through his panting.


Hours had gone by and dawn was approaching. Still, the fog lingered, though it had lightened a little, but not enough to allow them a clear land to search through. Soren returned to the camp with his brothers after the sun was high, as he had sent the other centaurs back hours before. He returned with a heavy heart, dreading the moment he would have to face his mate. He had failed her and he had failed Haley.

"Do not feel shamed, brother." Thayer said quietly. He laid a hand on Soren's shoulder. "You are not to be blamed for such an event. We had no control over such things."

Soren didn't bother to look at Thayer. "What will I tell my new mate? That I have failed to return our child to safety?"

Both Callum and Thayer were silent for awhile. They had not yet entered the camp, for Soren wanted just a few moments to speak privately with his brothers.

"Gods know what that human will do to Haley. He may hurt her or abandon her to fend for herself. She is so young." Soren said with a frown. "You tell me not to blame myself, but it is what I feel. I fear Julia may blame me as well."

"She is your mate." Callum replied. "If she blames, she will also forgive."

Soren found her crying in their home. He couldn't bear to look at her directly when he entered, laying down his weapons on the table. At the sound of metal hitting wood, Julia looked up. Seeing the graveness of her mate's face, she wept even harder.

"I am sorry, Julia." Soren said. He came forward and knelt down beside her on their bed. He saw her clutching the dress Haley had worn when she first arrived at the centaur camp. He felt his heart ache more and wrapped an arm around Julia. For a moment, he feared she blamed him enough to deny his comfort, that she would voice her hatred of him and this place. Instead, she accepted his comfort, curling up beside him.

He held her while she cried, as he swallowed his own grief. She must have wept all night for within the hour, her crying slowly quieted to a few tears and then exhaustion took over and she slept. His own tired body gave in as well and he lay beside her to rest.

He didn't know how many hours had passed when they woke, but Soren found her still clutching Haley's dress when he opened his eyes. Her eyes were wet, but no tears fell.

"I do not blame you, Soren." She whispered brokenly.

An immense relief lifted from his heart, but the grief he felt for losing Haley, for Julia's pain was still over powering.

"My brothers and I will continue searching when the weather clears."

"But Paul will be far away." She closed her eyes, unable to bear the thought. Her little girl. Haley was gone. She had no idea what Paul would do with Haley. Did he wish to ransom her off to Julia? Did he wish her harm? Paul was unpredictable. Her heart wrenched at the possibilities.

"Still, we will search. You have my word, Julia."

Her head moved in the slightest of nods and she cuddled closer to him, seeking the strength and warmth of his body.

"Haley will be all right. I promise you that she will return to this camp."

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AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Please finish this story. I have enjoyed all of this series. I’m hanging by a thread here. Need to read more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I hope you continue this story. What happens to Haley???

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

I know this was written a long time ago- but PLEASE finish the story!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

This is a great series! Please continue it and tell us what happens to Haley!

SidheSiofraSidheSiofraabout 2 years ago

Please continue this story. I, and I am sure others want to know what happens to Haley. I was not into Centaurs before g to his series of stories. I wasn’t against them just rather blasé. Your writing is not the basic sensual related ones found on this site. They have their place and can be enjoyable. You have a way of creating your characters that allow us to become emotionally involved with them. I can even overlook the grammatical errors because of getting involved with the characters and plot. Thank you for all of this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please finish this

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

I apparently love this series. Love all of the centaur series, I hope you keep writing more, and please write another chapter. I'd like to see them get Haley back. It's a solid story, very creative, well thought out on the anatomy part of the centaurs.

skippersdadskippersdadabout 3 years ago

Like many others I would like you to finish.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Please finish this story.

I love this story! Please come back and finish it, I wanna see more stories like this. The world you've built is amazing.

sweetone66sweetone66over 3 years ago

I've read this series before... I enjoyed it then and I enjoyed it now. Your characters are great, and the storyline is very nice. I don't understand why you didn't finish it; then go on to write the other Centaurian stories you previously mentioned were your intentions to write.


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