Unforseen Outcome


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With that assurance, we got on with the rest of the arrangements. The honeymoon suite was booked. I had no intention of driving home afterwards and sharing the honeymoon suite with my wife would be a nice romantic touch and go a long way to healing the rift between us. My son and his girlfriend elected to stop over in the hotel as well, so we offered his room and our house to Amy. She was on a tight budget now and she was very grateful for any help with her finances.

Our best man, Pete Briggs would be there with his wife along with many workmates from both our professions. In all we expected around one hundred to attend. The band was booked and Pete had promised to keep his speech short. I didn't care for long speeches, but at an event like ours and knowing Pete, he would be up to something to embarrass Sheila and I. He was a great pal and he and his wife, Andrea had shared many a holiday with us, so he warned me that he had plenty of photographs that he would be using to help with his speech. That worried me more than a little, we had some pretty wild times after the kids were in bed! Nothing that would shock anyone, he assured me, but who likes to see old photographs of oneself, albeit, a much younger and more immature person in stupid situations? He had plenty to go at, but I knew he would not embarrass us too much.

Our big night came and we had a great meal, plenty of wine and everyone was enjoying themselves. Sheila looked absolutely stunning in a dark green silk dress that fitted her like a glove. Everyone complimented her on her appearance, some the males looked at her barely concealing their lust, when they thought I wasn't looking and the ladies with envy!

The dancing had started and Sheila and I led the way with the first dance and soon the party was in full swing. I lost contact with Sheila for a little while and went to find her. The band was going to take a break shortly and Pete wanted to make his speech during the interval. I found her after a quick search and was angry to see that she was dancing in the arms of her Doctor Mistry! He hadn't been present for the meal, so he must have been a late arrival and my temper was not helped by the fact that she didn't seem to be bothered about his presence. She was smiling at him and exchanging some whispered words as the danced around the floor together.

So much for her promise about him not attending I thought to myself and as I watched I considered what my response should be.

This was the man that had fucked my wife and sent her home with love bites on her tits and his semen swimming in her pussy! He knew when he marked her that she wouldn't be able to hide those marks from me, therefore, I must have accepted her infidelity and forgiven my wife for that. He also, allegedly, blackmailed my wife into having sex with him and another man and again sending her back to me covered in love bites!

I wanted to confront him, but this was not the time. To confront here and now would embarrass both Sheila and me but by the same token, he had to understand that he was not welcome to join our anniversary celebrations.

When the dance was over, I strode towards him and he must have noticed me coming and he whispered something in Sheila's ear. She shook her head and then looked towards me and broke away from her lover, reaching out her arms to intercept me. I took her arm and guided her away from him and practically shoved her into Pete's arms. The music had started again as I pursued the Casanova doctor out of the room and into the gents toilet. I didn't notice at the time, but I was followed into the Gents by two pretty large black guys!

I grabbed hold of him and he looked scared for a moment until the two black guys pulled me off him. Still restrained by his two companions he smiled at me and said, suddenly brimming with confidence, "Sheila must have told you that I would be leaving town, next week as it happens and that I would not be bothering her again. I must say, she is a very good and enthusiastic companion and I couldn't leave town without saying farewell to her. These two gentlemen are colleagues of ours, Marcus the large gentleman to your right, is a fellow nurse and Jerome on the left is an orderly. They both so admire your wife and I advise you to watch her carefully or they may usurp your place in her life. She is a very passionate woman and has a lot of needs, needs that you apparently cannot fully assuage."

He paused for a moment and nodded to Jerome and Marcus and they spun me round and Marcus held me as Jerome punched me once in the gut. My legs deserted me and if Marcus had not been supporting me I would have collapsed on the toilet floor.

As it was, I was gasping for breath and they waited patiently until I had recovered a little and then he continued, "We don't want this to get violent tonight of all nights for you both, so this is what is going to happen. I will not be staying here much longer, I have achieved my objective. Sheila will be attending to my needs shortly and you will not interrupt us. Marcus and Jerome will see to that! I assure you she will come to me willingly, so you will have no reason to call the police and when I have finished with her, you will be free to resume your celebrations. She may be a little bit sore, but she likes a bit of pain and I'm sure that all your needs will be catered for fully. Now, Jerome and Marcus are going to release you, but please don't be stupid, they will hurt you if they have to. Good evening and thank you for inviting me."

He turned and left as I was released by my captors. Then they to, left me and I immediately threw up the contents of my meal into the urinal. I was just trying to clean myself up when Pete found me and asked me what had happened to me. They were waiting to do the speech and needed me there so they could begin. I told him, "It must have been something I ate and that I would join them shortly.

I was forced to stand beside my cheating wife as Pete made his speech. At another time or another situation, it would have been extremely funny, the audience seemed to enjoy it, but my smiles were forced throughout. He wound up his speech with a series of photographs of Sheila and I, from our courting days through to earlier this year. I had tears in my eyes as I watched the history of our marriage unfold. Sheila held my arm tightly as I struggled to contain my emotions.

When Pete's presentation was finished, she tried to kiss me on the lips, but I turned my head away at the last moment she kissed my cheek instead. I could see the hurt in her eyes and as she withdrew and then I prised Sheila's fingers off my arm and gently pulled her into a quiet corner of the room.

"You had better circulate and talk to our friends. I can barely handle speaking to you at the moment. You promised me that he wouldn't turn up tonight and he has and the way you were hanging onto his every word when you were dancing with him made my blood boil. I tried to tell him to fuck off, but your co-workers, Jerome and Marcus prevented me. Just in case you're in any doubt, enough is enough! I am giving you the message loud and clear! Do you understand what I'm referring to?"

Sheila looked stricken and more than a little drunk. I knew for a fact that she had only been drinking tonic water all evening except for our toast earlier, but now she appeared to be in that dreamy state that alcohol induces, where nothing seemed to penetrate ones consciousness. I made a note to check with the barman about who bought her last drink. My chain of thought was distracted by her reply.

"I'm so sorry, I tried to keep away from him, but every time he beckons, my resolve not to respond just seems to turn to jelly! I don't want to fuck him, but he just has to summon me and I start to flood my knickers and my nipples get so hard, it's hard to think of anything but responding to him as he demands!"

I held her by the arms and looked her in the eye and said, "Sheila, you must concentrate on what we have just watched. You have seen those clips from, a happier time. If you like, it's a potted history of our life together in home videos and stills. Please focus on that when you feel tempted. You only need to keep control of yourself for a few hours more then, I will take you to our honey moon suite and prove to you that making love with the one you adore is far more satisfying than being used as a fuck toy by him."

Her eyes filled with tears which she quickly dried with a tissue before she turned away from me. I watched as she circulated amongst her friends and colleagues, but carefully away from her lover. I also noted that she had another drink in her hand as I walked over to Pete and spent some time with him and their other friends. I danced a few times with Amy and with Dawn, Pete's wife. I tried to keep track of what Sheila was up to, but stopped bothering when I spotted her going out the room in a hurry. She was alone, so maybe she was just going to the Ladies and I started to go after her and check on what she as up to, then thought, what's the point, she's going to do whatever the fuck she wants and if I am not part of that equation, so be it.

At last the long evening was over and our friends were starting to drift away, Sheila was nowhere to be found but I also noticed that our Casanova doctor and his henchmen had disappeared. I didn't have time to go and find her, our departing guests were taking all my attention.

I set about collecting the many presents we received and making notes about who had made them, so we could thank them formally. We had specifically stated that we didn't need or want any, but many of our friends ignored that detail. I looked for Sheila to help me cart them back to our room, but yet again she was missing. Her sister, Amy gave me a hand to gather them up and the hotel provided a trolley. Together, we loaded them on and with Amy's help with the doors, transported them back to the Honeymoon Suite. I used the card key and opened the door and found Sheila lying naked on the huge bed. Amy started towards her sister and stopped abruptly, her hand going to her mouth in shock!

The cause of her sudden halt was obvious, Sheila was lying naked and spread-eagled on the bed, are arms and legs were stretched apart and she was bound to the bedposts by adhesive tape! She had a sheet covering her lower half and she was muttering to herself, almost inaudibly in fact. Sheila's face was flushed, but her eyes were a little vacant, as if she as lost in a dream world I moved to her to try and hear what she was saying and when I touched her shoulder to check if she was OK, she screamed as if I attacked her! Then I noticed the welts on her upper body! It looked as though someone had taken a belt and whipped her! Her breasts had suffered badly with four or five red weal's already starting to turn to purple hue and one was even bleeding where a buckle or something had pierced her skin.

Amy had recovered from her shock at seeing her poor sister's abused body and helped me to remove the sheet and the binding tape. Another shock awaited our eyes, as my wife had even more welts across her tummy and thighs, but it was the sight of blood on the sheets that had me transfixed for a few moments. My wife's attacker had forced what appeared to be a complete banana from the complimentary fruit basket in the room, up her vagina and it was still lodged between her splayed legs! We could see it was an banana from the hard kernel at the end, all that was visible in her exposed pussy. It was the most obscene sight that I had ever witnessed and whoever had perpetrated this vile act must have used considerable force, as the blood was still seeping round the edges of the misplaced fruit.

Part of me wanted to go to her assistance and the other part just wanted to flee the scene. I was shocked and disgusted by the sight of my wife and the knowledge that I had started this whole situation by conspiring with her to take a lover. Now the result was this, a bleeding and broken marriage!

It was Amy who shook me out of my reverie almost shouting at me to call for an Ambulance.

Sheila became animated at this prospect and screamed out "No! Please no Ambulance. They will take me to the Royal and all my colleagues will see me like this. It will finish my career, so please if you love me at all, do not call 999! If you do, I will never regain their respect when they find out what a slut I am! Amy, You and Barry can fix me up. All you need to do is remove the banana and put a Kotex in to stem the flow."

She was sobbing as she said this and then by way of an explanation said, "I told them that I was having my period, but they wouldn't listen. It's just my period that's causing the bleeding. Please, just help me to get it out of me and I will explain what happened tonight."

Them! That implied that there had been more than just the Doctor Mistry involved! I suppose that I shouldn't have been surprised at that news, but somehow it caused me to pause and consider just what the hell we were doing? I was genuinely upset at how my wife had been treated by her doctor friend and his friends. The beating they had given her made me extremely angry. Granted she had, as far as I was aware, gone with them freely and the abuse she had suffered as a result horrified me. I decided to wait and hear her side of the story before deciding what to do about it, but one thing was certain, her assailants would not go unpunished! Regardless of whether Sheila had been complicit in her abuse or not, I was determined to dish out some retribution.

Amy took charge and asked me to hold her knees and pull them up towards her abused breasts. Sheila moaned and gritted her teeth as Amy tried to prise the offending fruit from her sister's vagina. She couldn't get a grip on a big enough portion to pull it out and realising it was futile and gave it up and went to wash her hands and get a towel to clean up some of the blood seeping from my wife's pussy. When she released her grip on the banana, I still held my wife's knees up to her chest and took a look to see if maybe I could do better a better job than Amy.

I was able to see past Sheila's pussy to see her anus was gaping open and a mixture of watery excrement and semen was oozing out her arse! The bastards had fucked her arse after finding out that she was telling the truth about her period! I don't know why that surprised me, but it did. I would have thought a doctor would have a bit more consideration for his own personal hygiene.

Amy came back into the room bearing a bowl of hot soapy water and a towel. She instantly saw the same sight as I did and once more took command of the situation.

"Go back to the function room and get me two forks! She commanded me and like an obedient soldier I practically ran from the room to do as I was bidden. It only took me a few moments to get the implements and return with the forks.

I again held my wife's legs apart and open exposing her womanhood as Amy first cleaned up the area around Sheila's nether regions and then using the forks, she prodded the banana and managed to spear one fork through the outer skin. She then did the same with the other one and started to work the banana out of my wife's vagina. It took a bit of effort and Sheila was squirming and twisting in an attempt to assist, but really all she was achieving was making Amy's job harder.

"Stop fucking twisting around like that! You're making it more difficult for Amy. I commanded and for once in her life, she did as I ordered.

Amy worked some more at removing the offending fruit from my wife's vagina and suddenly, Sheila uttered a little half scream as the fruit exited her pussy with aloud plop, followed by a stream of bloody fluids. Amy gently used the washcloth and hot water to gently clean her sister's ravaged pussy and then dried it off with the towel.

I waited until she had finished cleaning up my wife and then said, "Amy, thank you for all your help, I couldn't have handled it alone, but I think Sheila and I need to be alone now. We have a lot to discus and I don't think it's going to be a very pleasant conversation, so it would be better if you leave us."

Amy just nodded and after a quick glance to her sister, she quickly gathered up her stuff and left without another word.

Sheila had risen from the bed and started for the toilet, when I stopped her and forced her to sit back down on the bed.

"You just couldn't resist the temptation, could you?" I asked bitterly. "I asked you, no pleaded with you to resist, but you still went with him! You promised you would stop, all I had to do was say enough, but you still persisted. Well, I want you to know that as you refuse to stop, you have left me no option, I'm leaving you here on your own and suggest you think about our marriage and where it's heading, probably to the divorce court they way I feel right now!"

She tried to speak, but instead started to cry. Normally, I would have taken her into my arms and comforted her, but not this time. She had humiliated me and dishonoured me once too often. Revenge was the single thought running through my mind, my marriage problems would need to wait, I had unfinished business with the a certain Doctor Mistry, but my problem was, I didn't have any idea of how to go about it!

I waited until she had composed herself once more and as she tried to tell me some excuse about blackmail and protecting her reputation, I stopped her short by saying, "Fuck your reputation, you didn't give it a thought when you let him and his gang fuck you in the arse tonight, you simply surrendered to your lust. Maybe the beating was more than you expected, but only you know the truth about that! I don't want to continue this conversation at the moment. I think it's best if we resume this discussion tomorrow morning! Goodnight."

With that said, I turned and stomped out the door, leaving behind a crying wife.

The receptionist called me a cab and I was home thirty minutes later. I was emotionally exhausted, so went straight to our room and stripped before crawling into bed and into a troubled sleep. Sometime around dawn, I was disturbed when I felt the bed shake. A warm naked body joined me and before I realised my morning erection was engulfed in a warm, wet pussy. I opened my eyes to see that it was Amy! When she realised that I was awake, she was quick to get astride me and moving so sensuously that I knew I was going to erupt very quickly. I tried to say something, but she just placed her finger to my lips telling me not to say a word.

Instead she said, "Remember, we talked about some Irishman getting lucky a few weeks ago,

I nodded my head to confirm that I remembered the conversation.

"Well none of them came close, I decided that you were the one I wanted to end my celibacy, so lie back and let me fuck your brains out!"

Amy proceeded to do just that. When I had spent myself inside her hot pussy, she sucked me back up again and getting on her hands and knees said, "This time from the back. Ride me and ride me hard!"

When we both came once more, we fell asleep in each other's arms and it wasn't until much later that we were awakened by my clearly angry spouse. Sheila was standing at our bedside, spitting feathers that I dared to cheat on her and with her sister at that!

I decided to go the attack for once and retorted, "What's so different about me taking a lover, you've been doing exactly the same thing, breaking our agreement in the process. Now you are experiencing the same reality as I do every time you went with him! Learn to live with it or we separate, because I'm not going to accept being the cuckold wimp any longer!"

"But you're not a wimp, a cuckold maybe, but definitely, no wimp and you're my cuckold. I'm sorry about last night, I don't know why I responded to them, but I was feeling euphoric for some reason and everything in my world was rosy. I tried to remember what you said about focus, but it just didn't seem that important by that time. You know the rest, they abused me and I couldn't do anything to stop them!" she wailed.