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They turned from the window walked to Jim's bunk and fucked again. Angie didn't care if one of the other guys did walk in on them. She would just fuck him as well making believe it was a continuation of last night. So she just enjoyed what she was doing.

*************************************************** I drove straight through the town and toward home. I kept to the speed limit even though I was in an extreme hurry to get home and implement the rest of the plan that developed from the idea I had earlier. I kept my mind on my driving as hard as it was. Yet as I drove I couldn't help but remember that Angie spent most of her time with Jim. As the other guys wanted she would perform then return to or near Jim. And the thought did come to me that Angie and the guys would suspect something for I should have been back with the beer by this time.

I took my cell phone out of its hiding place and turned it on. There was a message from Angie. Probably using one of the guys cell phones. She wanted to know what was taking so long and if anything was bothering me. She left me a number to call her on. I erased the message. Then dialed an attorney I knew. Actually we, too, had gone to school together, we just didn't get friendly.

He answered on the third ring. I identified myself, told him briefly what I wanted. He started to ask questions. I told him I would explain fully if he would agree to meet today even though it was a holiday. He agreed and we made an appointment for five P.M. I looked at my watch. It was early enough for me to get home, make copies of the pictures and put into place the rest of my plan. It was two thirty when I drove into the driveway. I got out taking my camera and cell phone with me.

I entered the house and went directly to my computer, turned it on and waited for it to warm up, then I plugged in the camera. The pictures came up on the screen clear and beautiful. The color was much more than I'd even hoped for. Nothing was left to the imagination. Everything was clear and to the point.

I made eight copies of each of the pictures, plus another eight copies of the picture I received anonymously in the mail six months ago of Jim and Angie in a very promiscuous and compromising position. I got out eight manila envelopes, sorted out the picture so each wife got a complete set and placed the pictures in the envelopes. Then I got the prenuptial agreement and made two copies, one for my attorney and one for Angie.

I looked at my watch. It was only three forty-five, but I was getting suspicious of the group coming home since I did not show up with the beer, so I packed a suitcase with some of my clothes that I thought I would need for the next few days, got in my car and left.

I drove around for a few minutes then chose a motel, one that normally would not choose. After getting checked in and my things brought in I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I was more exhausted than I realized for when I opened my eyes and looked at my watch it was nearly time to meet the attorney.

I was almost five minutes late when I walked into his office. It was not overly rich, but it was a far cry from the slums or the gutter. In other words he was reasonably well off but not wealthy. I somehow felt he would not over charge me.

When I sat down he looked at me plainly and asked, "What's going on? Why are you here?"

I explained the situation as fully and explicitly as I could. I showed him the pictures I took during the past weekend. Then I showed him the one I received six months prior and had made me suspicious. I also gave him a copy of the prenuptial agreement.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

I outlined my plan briefly.

He said, "I can have these preliminary papers drawn up tomorrow and you can have them by noon."

I said, "No deal. I would like them drawn up quickly so I can have them when I walk into my office at ten tomorrow morning."

He scratched his head and asked, "Well, can you pick them up at nine-thirty?"

I said, "Probably not for I have a very heavy schedule between nine and ten so the pickup would have to be earlier."

He thought a moment and said, "How about eight-thirty? I'll see if my secretary can come in a half hour early and get them out."

I exclaimed, "That's crowding me but I'll work it in and be here at eight-thirty sharp."

"Ok, fine." He said. We shook hands and I left.

I started back to the motel, but I had to drive around for a while for I'd forgotten which one it was. Then I remembered the receipt I'd put in my jacket pocket. When I got into my room I was so exhausted that I just lay down on the bed, but I couldn't relax. I guess I lay there for a half hour or so. I got up and went outside I noticed they had a restaurant and a bar. I went into the restaurant and ordered coffee. It was brought to me in a bit of a sloppy way. It appears as though the waitress either didn't care or had some guy on her mind. I took a drink of the coffee and it tasted like Missouri river mud. I took another swallow. It tasted just as bad so I left it and went to the cashier to pay for it.

As I was taking change out of my pocket I commented, "That is the worst coffee I've ever tasted."

I went to the bar and ordered bourbon on the rocks, and sat there nursing it.

Pretty soon I felt a presence near me and a female voice said, "Buy me a drink?"

I looked up and saw a female, not too shabby to look at, getting on a stool next to me.

I said, "Why should I buy you drink?"

The voice came back at me, "You looked lonely and I thought you might like some company."

I retorted, "If you are anything like my wife you've fucked more than one man and probably have a disease. Besides I don't pay for pussy."

She replied, "Who said anything about paying for it. I'd be happy for a meal and a bed for the night."

"OK", I said. "I've two beds in my motel and there's a restaurant next door. Let's go."

So we went to the restaurant, with the terrible coffee, and ordered some food. I let her order what she wanted and I noticed she was conservative and didn't order the most expensive nor did she order a large amount. Even the coffee was better. After we'd finished eating I led the way back to my motel room. I indicated one of the beds and told her to shower and go to bed. She showered and crawled into one of the beds. Then I showered and crawled in the other one.

She rose up on one elbow, looked over at me and asked, "Aren't we going to sleep in the same bed?"

I retorted, "Little missy after what I've been through for the past six months and spending this past weekend watching my wife gangbanged by five of my so called friends I'm in no mood for sex." With that she turned over and I went to sleep.

When I awoke the next morning it was later than I expected, looked around and she was gone. When she left I do not know, but I had a hunch so I got up and looked in my bill fold. I normally do not carry much cash with me, relying on either my debit card or one of my credit cards. Sure enough the five and a couple of ones were missing. So I guess I did pay for pussy after all.

I washed my face to get the sleep out of it, shaved, dressed and at precisely eight-thirty I was at the attorney's office and picked up the divorce papers. I was waiting at the bank when they unlocked the doors. I talked to the bank president, since I'd been a customer of theirs for many years, and explained the situation to him. I cancelled all Angie's credit cards and drew all the money out and closed the account. I fully intended to open an account in another bank, but since this is a community property state I decided not to and keep the money until after the divorce. I'd have to hide it somewhere and just tell everyone I'd spent it or gambled it away.

I made one last stop at a real estate agent and put the house on the market with instructions that it was not to be sold at not less than fair market value, and the proceed were to be divided 50-50. This way neither one of us could "sell" the house at a ridiculously low price, and then after the divorce buy it back.

Then I delivered the envelopes to the five wives by dropping them in their individual door mail slots. In Beth Arlington's envelope I had inserted a note, along with the pictures I took, telling her to get a physical for V.D. and pictures of Jim and his four other women, along with a copy of the report from the private detective I'd hired. All the other wives received just the pictures.

I got to my office just before ten A.M. and went directly to Bob Harrington's, my boss, office. I laid the envelope, with the pictures and my letter of resignation, on his desk and asked him not to open it until I said so. He agreed. Then I went back to my office. It was just on ten A.M.

My secretary, her name is actually Jane Walton, told me I had several calls from Angie. But since she didn't know what was going on or where I was she could only say I had not yet arrived. I told her that the next time Angie called to just tell her that I had just arrived but was not taking any calls from her.

Knowing Angie she would show up in person and demand to see me. So I instructed Jane that when Angie arrived to show her into my office, follow her in and remain there as long as she was in my office.

Shortly after that the phone rang and Jane answered. I could hear voices but could not distinguish words clearly, but I assumed it was Angie. I looked at my watch. True to my prediction Angie arrived about ten minutes later and demanded to see me.

Jane got to her feet and walked over to my door and opened it allowing Angie to enter. She stormed in with Jane right behind her. She placed her hands on my desk and leaned over in a very domineering and authoritative manner, trying to make me look submissive, or cuckolded, and demanded, "What the hell is going on here? What do you think you're doing?" I gestured toward a chair indicating for her to sit down. She sat.

I politely, slowly, and deliberately took the manila envelope prepared for her out of the center drawer of my desk and shoved it in front of her. She looked at me rather dumbfounded. The envelope was bulky so she knew it had several items in it.

When she pulled the contents out the pictures of the weekend were on top and she got a good look at herself and the guys. I had the pictures of her and Jim Arlington on top.

She looked over at me with a stunned expression on her face and said, "You took pictures during the weekend? When? How? No one saw you taking pictures except those of the two B.B.Q.s and outside the cabin?"

At this point I picked up the phone and punched the key for my boss's office. He picked right up.

I said, "Bob you can go ahead and open that envelope now."

"Ok", he said. I hung up.

I turned back to Angie, took out the pictures of Jim and his four other women.

I handed her the one of her and Jim and said, "I received this anonymously just over six months ago and got suspicious."

Then I handed her the other four, that I also got anonymously, one by one and when I got to a certain one I said, "This 'lady' has been busted for prostitution a number of times and been in to a doctor at least three times for v.d.

"Here is a report from a private investigator I hired to check on your activities with Jim Arlington. It appears that Mr. Arlington is a poon hound and has been cheating on his wife, Beth, for a very long time. Now, I have no documentation of him ever having treatment for v.d. but he could be a carrier, and you have been having unprotected sex with him for at least six months.

"Did you ever wonder why I suddenly started wearing a condom during our sexual encounters?"

I didn't refer to it as love making. Just sex.

Angie was stunned, stupefied, dumbfounded and humbled. She stammered, "David, - daring, I can explain."

I yelled, "Explain! – Explain! How can you explain your breaking your marriage vow to 'forsake all others in favor of your husband'?

"How can you explain sneaking around, meeting and having sex with that cock hound? Not to mention the prenuptial agreement we signed before our marriage."

With this I reached over, spread the photos and papers out in front of her and pulled out the prenuptial and laid it on top of the pile.

She bowed her head submissively then humbly and quietly asked, "What do you want me to do?"

I came back, "I want you to go pack whatever you are entitled to by the prenuptial agreement and get out of MY house."

I emphasized the word MY.

"I want you completely out of MY house today. If you can't haul it all at once perhaps you can get that fuck head to haul it for you. That is if he is still capable of moving when Beth gets done with him. Or maybe you have another fuck hidden somewhere. Now, get out of my office."

Angie slowly got to her feet and started for the door, I stopped her, gathered up the photos and papers, shoved them back in the envelope and handed it to her stating, "Better take these with you. Your lawyer may want them. Or you can keep them for a souvenir." She took them and walked out the door. My secretary went back to her desk. I didn't know what transpired with the five guys. I assumed they had lunch together, as usual, and reminisced and relived the weekend.

I was exhausted after the meeting with Angie so I told Jane I was leaving for the rest of the day. I drove around for a while and wound up in Central Park. I stopped, got out of the car and started walking. I just walked. Thinking of nothing in particular. Not even of Angie. Letting my mind clear. The air smelled fresh and I acted as though I hadn't a care in the world.

Time passed rapidly and before I really knew it, it was five P.M. I wasn't really ready to go home and I discovered I was a bit hungry. I drove to a McDonalds, had a hamburger meal then drove back to my motel. I wasn't ready to face the house yet. When I got to my room I took out my cell phone and discovered I hadn't turned it on from when I turned it off for the meeting with Angie. I turned it on.

I found I had five messages. Two were from Angie begging me to reconsider. No apologies, no 'I'm sorry'. Just for me to reconsider. I erased them.

One from Bob Harrington, my boss, wanting to know what I suggest he do about the situation. I'd have to think on that one.

The last two were just telemarketing nuisance calls. I erased them.

I lay down on the bed and stretched out letting my mind go blank or numb, closed my eyes and just rested. I dozed. When I opened my eyes again an hour had passed. I dialed Bob Harrington's home number. It rang three or four times and a female voice answered. "Hi Marsha, this is David Pershing. Is Bob around? Is he available? Can I speak to him?"

She answered back, "Hi David. Yes he is here and does desire to speak with you, just a minute."

A few seconds passed and Bob's voice said, "Hello David."

I spoke, "I'm returning your last call to me. In answer to your question as to what should be done to or with the five is not a decision I can make for I'm not in a high enough position to have authority. Plus, if you do anything too harsh they can retaliate and say the firm is interfering in their private lives. And it would be so. All I can do is make known my feelings and make a suggestion.

"My feelings: Angie and the men involved did an act that affected the lives of six families or at least twelve people. I've dealt very severely with Angie. I feel the men should be castrated, then hung up in the lunch room with their testicles worn as a boutonniere.

"My suggestion is: Let's see what the wives do. I think their form of punishment will be more severe and memorable than anything you or I can do. The most you can do is discharge them for indecent or inappropriate behavior. And, as I said before, that is interfering in their private affairs."

"OK" Bob said, "I'll take that under advisement and make my decision accordingly. Now, about your resignation. There are two openings coming up with the firm. One is in Chicago and the other in Tampa, Florida. They are both equal and pay the same. It would be a good promotion for you. Will you reconsider and withdraw your letter of resignation?"

I replied, "I will reconsider on one condition. That is that none of the five men nor their wives, nor my soon to be ex knows about it nor can they even find out about it. On that condition I will give it some very serious thought and let you know in a day or so."

"Fine", Bob said, "Ill expect a call from you in a few days. Goodbye."

When I got to my office the next morning, I noticed that Jane, my secretary, was very quiet and forlorn. "What's the matter" I asked.

"Haven't you heard?" She answered, "It appears that when Jim Arlington arrived home from work last evening his wife Beth was waiting at the door for him, as usual. Only this time she had a very large cast iron skillet in her hand.

"When he came through the door she swung that thing like a baseball bat, hitting him with the flat bottom, smashing his nose over his face and breaking his cheek bones. Then as the momentum of the swing carried her around, she swung again like an upper cut, shattering his jawbone. He passed out and she called the police. Not 911, but the police. He was taken to the emergency room at the hospital and, I guess, had extensive bone reconstruction surgery.

"This morning Beth was sitting by his bed when he woke up with his head in bandages and his eyes swollen shut. She couldn't show him the pictures she had but she described them to him, and told him she was getting a divorce. And from the sound of things, she retained the same lawyer you did."

"That's ironic." I said.

"Not only that, I got word that when Ray Dalton arrived home he was met with a 410 gauge shotgun blast. It seems that Marion tried to take his genitals off, but aimed too low. The shot just missed them, but did give him a very serious vasectomy. He will never have children.

When he woke up this morning she was sitting by his bed. She showed him the photos and informed him that she was pregnant and of her decision to get an abortion and a divorce. I haven't heard about Bud Dalton, Brad Dubrinski or Jason Remske. I assume the results will be basically the same."

"Thank you, Jane." I went into my office and phoned Bob Harrington. When he answered I identified myself and informed him I had considered his offer. I chose Florida.

A month and a half later I phoned my lawyer and asked how the divorce was proceeding. He informed me that it was going well and that Angie had not contested it in any way, and that the house had been sold. Now all I have to do was wait for the closing and my share of the proceeds of the sale.

He also informed me that Jim Arlington and Angie had moved in together. And that she came home from work one day and caught him and another woman in bed. That's not all. She discovered she had a very serious STD that will take some special medication to treat. (I bet that will be expensive. Serves her right.)

The other three guys are separated from their wives pending the girl's final decision as whether or not to divorce them.

I'm in the process of moving to Florida and staring a new life.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story, fuck the haters

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Hey, nyminus

The reason you can’t ‘see’ the appalling grammar in this story is because you were dripped on your head as a baby, you retarded fuckwit cunt. Shove a blowtorch up your ass as you suck this dumbass writer’s cock and literally fuck yourself to death, you laughably moronic gimp

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
This is by far...

...one of the biggest pieces of shit ever. Your fucking grammar is terribe, forone. Your poor grasp of the English language has fucked this story harder thn the guys fucked Angie on the trip. 1* for the most unoriginal fucking story in history

gifoncegifonceabout 9 years ago
you serious?

Absurd, irreal, stupid, this story doesn't make any sense. Never read anything worst!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Well done

I only wish I new of my slut wife so I could have had the same satisfaction

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 14 years ago
A little twist to this story

A good storyline and well executed.A sneaky way the story ended, and I enjoyed read the whole story.Thanks

jmikeyjmikeyover 14 years ago
Good job

I don't expect perfect grammer. I was able to read the story without any problems.

This story seems to have an opening for an additional chapter. One from Angie's POV and what her motives were with Jim. Their conversation would lead one to believe they did have a plan. Maybe a potential cuckold that wasn't.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Watch the Details

I definitely liked your first story! But please watch the details in the future ones I hope you will write. For example, in the last line your text is "staring" his new life, not "starting" and earlier Angie called him "daring," instead of "darling." Another missing detail is the girl David met at the bar. Why mention the $7 theft if you weren't going to have her return the money with interest or some other gift?

Ducky7Ducky7over 14 years ago
Well it sounds like he just delayed his plan

until after the weekend at the cabin. I think something was up for the cabin and Jim but was delayed by Angie. As a result Angie also impacted 5 other families. What a smart girl she was.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
It's a thin line 'tween fishin' an' standin' on

the edge of the river like a soft cunt. 50 for a first timer...Mancelt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Unusual story

This was not your typical Loving Wife story.It had an unusual plot with his wife insisting on joining him on typical batchelor's weekend during which she had sex with all the boys while hubby snapped picures of all her couplings. The divorce papers he had served on her were typical but what was unusual was wife's shock and surprise at divorce and all the photographic evidence. Having fornicated all weekend I would think she would have expected divorce.

60 year old George

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Good first story

I have seen way, way worse first efforts. Better than average for a first story. You really do need at least a proof reader.

Keep writing and just dismiss the rude comments and remember your the writer - NOT THEM.


EspressoBolusEspressoBolusover 14 years ago
Not bad!

A 410 makes a very small pattern and at close range would have peppered the target's legs, crotch, whatever. There would have been lots of blood and some damage, depending on angle, distance, etc. A 12 gauge would have been more effective at castration. The story seemed rushed, but was believable once we discovered that Angie's behavior was not really as atypical as it first appeared. Our hero's motives are plain, but why did Angie rock the boat? Was she trying to make hubby a cuckold? Also, the other guys on the trip were cardboard cutouts. No character development wasted on anyone! That is OK if you just want to tell a simple "I'll show her" story.

nyminusnyminusover 14 years ago
Hey "butcher commenter"

Fuck you anal retentive asshole and the horse you fuck in it's ass. I liked the story and did not see any bad grammar or anything like that. I read only the story. Do you write any anything or do you just blow smoke up real writers asshole just to have them fart in your ugly face. Leathercarver ...pay no attention to buttholes like IT. I liked the story. NYMINUS

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Leather carver or word butcherer?

Where were you when your friends were going to school?

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago
Sorry six months is a long time

The story was good but as was said it needed to be smoother and more balanced. A good proofreader and editor would help. Sorry I would have fucked her even with a condom.

AnonymousAnonymousover 14 years ago

Is why you have to read at least part of the story to find out what is going on. As with 99% of husbands he didn't want a slut for a wife. Story could have been smoother but good try, thanks.

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