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He watched in a daze as she prowled around the couch. She moved so smoothly he was mesmerized. Reality returned when she drove him down onto the couch cushions with a hand with only two fingers and a thumb. He gasped at how hard she pressed on his chest as she straddled him to keep him down. His dick was trapped under her and throbbed almost painfully.

Before he could say anything, his eyes widened as he saw the vertical slits of her pupils in her violet eyes. He suddenly wanted to laugh at how ridiculous this all felt. Explosions heralding an invasion of alien babes from space? He clamped down on that impulse. Partially because of how stupid it felt, the rest was sheer self-preservation. This woman was far stronger than he was. Shit! Her body felt like it was solid muscle!

She began to speak, but he couldn't make out any of her words. She... seemed to be conversing with... no one he could see. He couldn't move under the pressure of her hand but listened to hear if someone else had entered his apartment. Nothing. A few more distant thumps and the merest shudder in the ground. Getting farther away?

He suddenly felt the weirdest tickle in his brain and shook his head to clear it. The woman looked at him in shock, quickly becoming anguish and despair. She raised her other hand in a fist, and Leo felt the first stab of fear since she burst into his apartment. She seemed to run out of steam and just lowered the hand to rest it on the back of the couch.

That's when Leo noticed the woman was hurt. The hand pressing on his chest was trembling, and he could see three places on her... coverall that seemed torn and leaking something blue.

What happened to her?


Kaaree sagged as her strength was waning. Just the effort it had taken to walk through the door and trap the being under her on the seating had taken so much out of her.

When Surren scanned the being's brain and discovered the species wasn't compatible with a Vaxian's mind, she almost lost control and killed it. Again, Surren's calm and gentle nature stopped her hand. A hand that had killed so many. She often didn't feel worthy of being his host; now, she would be his last.

"This species has some very interesting attributes! I mean, besides having such incredibly loud and scattered minds," Surren said with genuine interest.

"Anything we can use?" she muttered. Surren went quiet, and that caught her attention. "What is it?"

"I-I might be able to save both of us... but only with a morally reprehensible act. As difficult as it is for one of my kind to say this, I think it might be time to die," he said wearily.

Kaaree felt hope surge through her. She wanted to live, but mostly she wanted Surren to live, morality be damned!

"Tell me!" she insisted. She felt his reluctance.

"It's the nature of the matter this being is comprised of. There's room between his atoms to contain yours."

"What?!?" Kaaree asked in confusion.

"I believe I can merge you and him together. His body will support yours while you heal, and your body will make his much stronger. The whole will be greater than the sum of its parts."

Kaaree was unable to imagine what Surren was talking about, but she hadn't heard the most important thing. "What about you?"

"You'll be there, Kaaree. I'll continue to live in your mind. We'll still be together."

She froze as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. She felt her body's weakness increasing, and she savagely forced her feelings back. She had to save Surren! "Do it!" she said hoarsely.

"If I do, I won't be able to reverse the process. It's permanent. Plus, I don't have this being's permission to force such a change on it," Surren said quietly.

"But you live, I live, and he lives but changed. You told me that change is inevitable, and sometimes, we have no control over where that change comes from. He'll still be alive. You can apologize after. Do it!" she insisted again.

She felt a wave of affection from Surren and humor mixed in.

"Get naked," he said.


Leo watched the woman's face as she had a strange one-sided conversation while sitting on his dick. Intense emotions crossed her expression, and he wondered who could simultaneously make her so happy, angry, and sad.

She shifted her position occasionally, and that kept him stiff as iron between their bodies. Feeling how hard her muscles were, he amended his idea that he felt like iron. Compared to her, every part of his body felt like wet noodles.

Suddenly, she stood next to the couch and touched the collar of her clothing. The seam on the front began opening automatically and split into two seams running down the front of both legs. The garment dropped away from her body, and he got his first glimpse of her naked.

She had muscles on her muscles. She was like a goddess of physical perfection and couldn't have had an ounce of fat anywhere on her. She looked like... power. His superhero comics suddenly came to mind.

Even the host of scars on her didn't detract from her physical perfection. Then, there were the wounds on her torso. One on her chest near her shoulder didn't look too bad, but the one on her left side midway down and the one where her right kidney would be looked terrible! When he looked closer, he saw the wounds were covered by some clear jelly-like substance. Space spackle for injuries? Alien bandaids? His eyes went back to the rippling muscles of her stomach.

He couldn't stop his little sound of awe from slipping out. She paused and looked at him strangely.

"Sorry, you just look amazing!" he stammered. Her puzzled look remained.

She turned her back on him and stumbled, bumping the coffee table. His laptop slid off the table onto the floor behind it. He could still see the screen's glow under the coffee table, so he hoped it wasn't broken.

Then she stepped back over him on the couch, and his attention returned to focus on her. He jolted in surprise. She wanted to have sex with him?!?

He watched her struggle to position herself over him. He'd never done it in reverse cowgirl position before.

Her legs trembled, so he reached down and pointed it up to meet her descent.

Contact! She squeaked, and her legs suddenly gave out, driving him in deep. Her head went back, and she began to topple backward.

Leo lifted his arms to catch her and grunted in surprise as she was much heavier than he expected. His hands slipped, and she fell back, smacking her head against his cheek.

He saw stars and then faded to black.


Surren was surprised to discover Kaaree was unconscious after her surprise sexual encounter with the male. He knew it was her first time as her preference was for females. It was too late to explain things to their new host now.

The Vaxian noted the male was unconscious, too. Fortunately, they were positioned close enough together to allow Surren to begin the merging process.

He hadn't told Kaaree that this effort would draw heavily on his life energy and might even consume him. He hoped it didn't, but he'd never done this before.

Before he lost his nerve, he reached out his energy and flowed over the surface of Kaaree's body. He aligned her limbs above the male's and allowed his energy to sink into the male as well. Once they were both glowing, he concentrated on sinking deeper and deeper into their matter, down deep into their cells, then into their very atoms. He could hear their bodies singing to him, and the frantic and excited energies they contained hummed along side his own. It was such a beautiful harmony!

He'd thoroughly scanned the male's body and mapped it against his scan of Kaaree. With these, he ran thousands of iterations in his mind before determining the most efficient and effective means to intermesh their bodies to achieve the desired result. Maintaining the principle goal of producing a final result that could pass for a local yet surpass their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, he created a blueprint for the process. He reviewed it one final time to find any physical incompatibilities. He ensured that impurities would be removed, like the three pieces of shrapnel from Kaaree, the primitive fillings in the male's teeth, and the metal inserts from the bones of one of his legs.

It was time. He hoped something would still be left of him when the process was done. It wouldn't be easy for Kaaree on this world linked to one of the natives. She needed him. He also knew he couldn't hold back, or they would all be dead.

He sighed and triggered the merging, feeling the enormous drain on his energy begin.

That was okay, though.

The whole would be greater than the sum of its parts.

Chapter 3

Silvana lugged her suitcase up the stairs and unlocked the front door before making her way to her apartment door, the first one on the left. The little badge on the door summed up her life's achievements. Superintendent. This was not her dream, but she'd followed her husband from Poland to America as a young bride to live the good life thirty-five years before. She had no idea how they ended up owning this apartment complex and being its superintendents, but this was where life left her.

Her husband passed ten years ago, leaving it all to her, but she managed. She was smart and tough and didn't take shit from anyone.

Unlocking her door, she stepped inside and locked up behind herself. The floor was littered with envelopes as she'd been away for two weeks. Many would contain rent checks from her tenants.

She bent wearily and picked up the envelopes, setting them on the counter as she walked into the kitchen. She put the kettle on, then dragged her suitcase to the bedroom down the hall.

Returning to the kitchen, she made herself a cup of tea, grabbed the envelopes, and sat at the small table.

The building had nine apartments, not counting her own. Ten, if she counted the dungeon under the stairs. She shuddered, thinking of the dark little hole her husband had built in the front part of the grubby basement. Renting the space was challenging, as no one stayed there for long. She kept the rent low to entice new renters.

The current tenant set the record, having lived there for two and a half years. She was grateful as she hated the interview process and trying to upsell that pit.

As she went through the envelopes, she frowned as she didn't see one from Mr. Lamb. Everyone else was accounted for. She wondered if she'd jinxed herself by thinking about how fortunate it was to have him.

It was unusual for him to be late with his rent. She glanced at the clock. It was only a little past seven in the morning, so maybe she could catch him before he left for work. She was grateful he was there but wouldn't let him get away with not paying on time. She smiled to herself. She enjoyed seeing men squirm. Especially soft men.

Returning to the front door, she checked herself out in the floor-length mirror. She was no longer the slim beauty of her youth, but at least she hadn't turned into the babushka her sister and cousins had all become back in Poland. She shuddered and pushed that image away.

She ensured her heavy breasts were still being presented nicely in her blouse, then paused before opening another button. Leo was a young man. He would be such easy prey. She took another quick look in the mirror and hiked up her already short skirt. Her black panties were almost on display. She grinned to herself as she imagined Leo's reaction.

Silvana liked to tease.

She grabbed her keys and let herself out of her apartment, locking up before she headed outside and down to the front basement door. She felt a little tingle pass through her as she anticipated confronting young Leo dressed like this. She wasn't going to do anything to jeopardize having him continue as her tenant. Just have a little fun.

She reached out and knocked firmly, but the door swung open. Frowning, she looked at the door knob and saw it looked crushed. Granted, her late husband had installed the cheapest lock he could find, but someone had forced the lock. She pushed the door all the way open and called out. "Mr. Lamb! Are you home?"

She boldly stepped inside and looked at the dingy little dungeon as a shudder ran through her body. How someone could live here... she couldn't imagine.

She spotted the bookshelf of toys and smiled. Leo was no longer a child, but it seemed he still believed he was one. No matter.

Walking further inside, she spotted someone on the floor between the couch and the knocked-over coffee table. Leo! She rushed around the couch and stopped suddenly. It wasn't her tenant! The man was big... and naked! He was lying on his chest, but his head was turned to one side, so she saw his face in profile. This huge man looked a lot like Leo. Maybe a relative, crashing on his couch?

Silvana would have called the police if he hadn't looked so much like Leo. For now, she'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Besides, she wanted to see his front side. She wondered if it was as big as the rest of him.


Leo felt a sharp poke on his shoulder and moaned. The pain seemed to ripple throughout his body then it was gone. He heard something.

"Hey! Get up! Who are you?"

He lifted his head to blink blearily at the painted toes in strappy shoes. Was he on the floor?

"Get up!"

Leo got his arms under himself and pushed. He felt so heavy and lethargic. Hunger suddenly cramped his stomach, and he moaned again.

"Are you sick? Do not be sick on my floor!" came a sharp command.

Leo shook his head. My floor? Wasn't this his apartment?

He managed to push himself to his knees and rubbed his eyes. That took effort, too. God, he couldn't get over how heavy he felt! He was also very hungry!

"What is your name?"

The accent made him look up at the woman, and recognition flared. It was Mrs. Kamiński, his landlady! He spotted his bookshelf behind her, so he was in his apartment. Her comment about this being her floor now made sense.

His name? He tried to say Leo but it came out a garbled mess. She frowned at him.

"Are you on drugs?"

He shook his head.


He shook his head again.

"What is your name?"

Leo wondered if he looked like he'd hit his head. This might explain why she kept asking that question. "Laarszz..." he managed to get out before he gave up. Something was wrong with his mouth.

"You are Laars? Leo's older brother, maybe?" Her voice sounded funny. A little breathless. He looked her in the eye, and she seemed to freeze in place. Then she frowned. "Leo owes me rent!" she blurted.

He frowned, too, as he had another day before he had to submit the check. Still, he couldn't rock the boat as this was the only place he could afford. He pushed himself to his feet and staggered away down the hall towards the bedroom where his check book was. He tore off a check and filled it out before returning it to the woman standing at the end of his couch, watching him with hungry eyes.

She read the check and shrugged as she stuffed it in her purse. Then, her eyes were roaming his body once more.

"I think maybe you are trying to seduce me, yes? Trying to get Leo a better deal on his rent?" she said with a sly smile as she moved closer.

Leo was confused at how she was using his name—GEEZUS! A shock went through his body as her fingers wrapped around his cock and squeezed. FUCK! That felt intensely good.

Wait... he was naked?!?

"Mmmm, you feel so good in my hand. I must know how you feel in my mouth," she purred, and Leo felt his cock surge in her grip.

She slid down his body, pressing her tits against him all they way. Leo trembled with nerves and excitement. He wasn't very experienced, and he'd never been with an older woman. He thought Mrs. Kamiński was attractive, but he'd never imagined her coming on to him. She'd always treated him as a kid. Not today!

"MMMMM!" Leo grunted when she ran her tongue up the underside of his cock. She grinned up at him then she drove him deep into her throat.

"FFFFUUUUHHHH!!!" he gasped then jolted when she purred with her mouth full of him. She pumped him in and out of her throat, and each time, he felt like his whole body was throbbing!

She finally came up for air, and he popped free of her mouth.

"That was as delicious as I expected!" she said with a sexy smile.

She suddenly stood and took a grip on his cock to lead him to the arm of his couch, where she sat and looked up at him expectantly.

"It's your turn. Put that mouth of yours to better use than grunting at me!" she said with glee as she spread her legs.

Leo spent a second in shock then he knelt before her. He was staring right at her black panties, so he slid his hands up the outside of her thighs under her skirt and tugged the panties down her legs. He glanced up and saw the excitement in his landlady's eyes as she bit her lip.

He'd never done this before, but he'd seen it done in the porn he'd watched, so he hoped that wasn't too far from the truth.

He moved his face closer, all the while looking up into her eyes, and felt her trembling under his hands, which he rested on her thighs. She reached down to slide her fingers into his hair and took a grip. Then she pulled his mouth against her pussy firmly.

Leo slipped his tongue out to tease her lips, and she jolted.

"YES! Fuck me with your tongue!" she growled.

He stroked her once more, dipping the tip of his tongue into her hot depths, and her head went back as she clung to his head tightly. His upper lip was pressed hard against her clit, and she was grinding against him, so he plunged his tongue deeper into her, and she shrieked as her whole body began to tremble and shake. He couldn't see her face any longer as she was arching her back, but she seemed to like it, so he continued thrusting his tongue deep into her pussy as he ground his lip against her clit. He spent a few minutes working out exactly what she liked and didn't until he found what she really loved.

"Diabeł! Diabeł! Diabeł!" the woman cried as she was struck with a powerful orgasm.

Leo had to hold her in place on the arm of the sofa as she thrashed. When she pushed at his head, he pulled his tongue from her, and her back arched once more. She lay gasping and panting on the sofa, uttering Diabeł over and over. He had no idea what that word meant.

He stood at the end of the sofa and looked down at the older woman, her thighs spread open, her pussy puffy, wet, and red from his attentions. He felt his cock throb with need, but she didn't look like she'd be up—

"You will fuck me now!" the landlady insisted as she pushed herself up onto her elbows to stare at his large and very hard cock.

He wasn't sure how good an idea that was considering her state, but his need was overruling his better judgment. He grabbed her hips and flipped her over onto her stomach as she squeaked in surprise at his rough handling. She was still hanging over the arm of the couch when he moved between her legs. He looked down and pressed the thick head of his cock against her wet lips.

He paused for a moment and stared stupidly at how swollen he seemed. He knew he wasn't small down there. That's what had caused the painfully awkward sexual encounters he hadn't wanted to talk about with the ladies online. Today, though, it looked... thicker.

"What are you doing? Don't tease me! Fuck me!" the older woman growled.

This jarred him from his frozen state, and he automatically thrust forward, driving the head between her lips.

"AHH! Fuck! You are so big!" she cried.

He began to pull out.

"No! Fuck me, you brute!" the woman snapped.

Leo jumped to her bidding and shoved half of his length into her hot pussy.

"FUUUCCCKK! You're killing me!" she wailed.

Frightened, he drew back, but her heels struck him on the ass as she tried to stop him. "Don't stop, idiota!"