Uninvited Ch. 04: The Way Home


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My body was coated in a veneer of sweat, it was soaking my shirt and my underwear, I was burning up. I could hear my blood pumping in my ears and my heart pounding in my chest, as if her venomous kiss had sent my entire vascular system into overdrive.

"Vi...I can't..." I managed to whisper, and her hand left my neck to cradle my red cheek in her palm. She leaned her head down and pushed her oversized lips against mine, her tongue worming its way into my mouth. Multicolored stars drifted across my vision as the organ roved and twisted, filling my head and bulging my cheeks, the tang of her metallic saliva tickling my taste buds. Every glance of her tongue set my mind fizzing, I felt as if someone had replaced my brain fluid with cola, and I leaned into her in a vain attempt to meet her kiss with my own woefully inadequate example. Lubricated by her copious drool, the long, thick organ pushed deeper into my gullet, my throat muscles fighting the intruder as she gripped my face in her hand to keep me steady as the sordid embrace dragged on. The impossibly deep and violating kiss made my eyes water, and she withdrew a little as I began to choke, returning the tapered tip of her winding tongue to my mouth where she painted it across my palate and tasted the lining of my cheeks. God this wasn't a kiss, it was a sex act, wanton and base. A string of her thick saliva escaped our locked lips as she ravaged me, dripping to my chest, and her sinewy tongue curled around mine to wrestle with it. The two slick muscles battled, Vi's breath hot on my face, the sound of her wet smacking filling my ears from the inside.

She didn't stop her stroking, running her fingers up and down the shaft of my cock, tracing the bulging veins as my now tainted blood coursed through them. It felt so good, my fear and uncertainty mingling with the crippling, overriding pleasure that wracked my body. She pushed into my throat again, her tongue curling and teasing, it was like trying to swallow a live snake. I arched my back, and she squeezed my erection, my groan muffled by her puffy lips. My vision was blurry and out of focus, my surroundings still swaying and shifting drunkenly, all I could really see were her amber eyes peering at me intently as she subjected me to her invasive kiss.

Finally she withdrew her tongue, rolling it back into her mouth, breaking away with a wet pop to look down at me with a satisfied expression on her face as I squirmed beneath her heavy coils. Punishment my ass, she was loving every second of this, I twitched as she caressed my burning face with her pointed claws. She started to jerk me more rapidly, her pace hastening and her grip tightening as I began to buck and writhe in response. Damn it, why did this feel so good? The venom was fucking with my brain, I couldn't think, the sensation was drowning out my consciousness like the cacophony of a crowd at a concert. All I could do was react to her cruel touch, what little resolve I had left melting away as I began to pant like a beast, much to her amusement. Her eyelids drooped as she watched me, seething with barely contained arousal, but unwilling to take full advantage of me until I had been taught a lesson for teasing her.

My lip began to tremble as I felt an orgasm welling, her relentless stroking reaching a fever pitch and driving me towards sweet release. I could taste it on my tongue, see the colors of it as some kind of synesthesia set in, the damned venom scrambling my senses and crossing wires in my brain. She watched me with her yellow eyes, bold and clear in the blurred soup of colors and shapes, at once loving and merciless.

I loosed a sharp cry, feeling the spasms of my climax begin to tear through my lower body, but she closed her fist painfully around the base of my cock and cut me off. She stemmed the rising emission, driving a fresh wail from my lips, and I hung my head as she huffed at me and my orgasm receded.

Beads of sweat dripped from my face, falling to her shining scales, and I felt her fingers delve into my damp hair to stroke me apologetically. Her hard claws tickled my scalp, sending pleasant shivers down my spine, and I pushed against her despite myself. Did she want me to ask for it? To beg? Probably, but my body was under tenuous control at best.

"Please...more..." I heard myself whine, "I love it..."

I hadn't intended to say that, who was...what...

She kissed me again, deep and greedy, and my questions fizzled out as fresh sensations flooded my mind. I felt her coils shifting around me, moving me downward, she was manipulating me in her tail with a dexterity and care that even now surprised me. I soon found myself completely cocooned, the chubby rolls of her scaly body encompassing me and blotting out the light. I saw colorful stars pepper my vision despite the darkness, almost like static on an old television screen.

Something wet and hot impacted my face, and I felt her steely abdominal muscles flex as my red cheek rubbed against her belly, the hard tissue protruding from beneath her smooth skin. I mouthed in my daze, running my tongue along their chiseled contours and biting her wide hip softly, tasting the salt of her sweat.

She rubbed her genital slit against my cheek, her puffy labia glancing my lips and her juices sticking to my face. I felt her hard clitoris press into my skin as she angled me towards her dripping loins. Still overcome with maddening desire, I plunged into her slick flesh, lapping at her vulva as I felt her body constrict around me in response. She shuddered and crooned, goading me on with a nudge of her powerful tail. I spread her thick lips with a trembling finger, barely maintaining control over my extremities as the venom addled my brain, and sucked her inflamed clitoris into my mouth. I teased it, holding it between my lips and running my tongue over its swollen surface, enjoying the twisting of her massive hips as she ground her sex into my face. I moved down towards her twitching opening, forcing my tongue between her undulating muscles, strong and tighter than her immense size would suggest. Her familiar copper taste flooded my mouth as her excitement leaked from her spasming entrance, and I felt my stiff, almost painful erection pressing into the soft fat of her tail that still imprisoned me.

There was something more though, she tasted...too good. The smell, the flavor, it was all twisting into a haze of colors and sounds, my brain short-circuiting under the influence of her hallucinogenic venom. She huffed with amusement, rubbing her thick coil softly against the bulge in my pants as I traced her folds with my tongue, her rhythmic thrusting and muscular contractions threatening to pluck it from my head as her walls undulated around it. I teased her for a while, sliding my tongue across her slimy walls, roaming deeper and driving soft vocalizations from her lips. She pressed one of her coils hard into my pulsing erection, and I groaned into her tunnel, which made her shiver and croon as the vibrations tickled her. I roamed back up to her clitoris and sucked it into my mouth, flicking my tongue over the hard flesh.

She grunted, and I felt the tip of her long tail sneak up my back to curl around my neck, forcing my face into her warm crotch. I worried she might strangle me in her fugue, but she didn't grip me so tightly that I choked, keeping my head where she wanted it. The tapered end of it slid past my burning cheek and pushed its way into her tunnel below my mouth, penetrating deep inside her, and then began to thrust rhythmically. I understood what she was doing, and started to suck harder, playing my tongue over her engorged protrusion. She fucked herself with her own tail, hard and deep, her squirming and bucking reaching a crescendo as her viscous emission escaped to drip down my chin in hanging strands. Her hold around my neck was becoming tighter, and through the confusing haze of my arousal and the effects of the poison I felt a pang of panic, she wasn't letting me breathe. The edges of my already bleary vision started to darken, then just as I felt as if I might be strangled, she came hard. Every muscle in her body tensed, her coiled tail crushing me in an iron maiden made of taut flesh, and I gasped as I felt her supple body jam against my erection.

She coated my face in a flood of sour fluid as she withdrew her tail, a rope of juice linking it to her quivering loins, convulsing as she rode out the waves of her powerful orgasm. She uncoiled from me, dropping me to the carpeted floor where I sat, dazed and unsteady as she convulsed. Muscles rippled up and down her long body as the climax tore through her, a strand of saliva escaping her lips as she wriggled, her loins leaking thick juices.

Finally she seemed to recover, looking almost as disoriented as I was, and her eyes fixed on me with a renewed intensity. Before I could muster a protest she swept me off the ground, placing me firmly on the couch and looming over me as she drooled. She was greedy, rapacious, she wouldn't be satisfied with just that one orgasm. Sweat dripped from her skin, falling to my clothing as she lowered her hands and tugged them loose. I still had tentative control over my extremities, my limbs hanging almost limp as she disrobed me, rough and eager. She left me lying naked on the cushions, my skin tingling from the effects of her insidious venom, as if static electricity was collecting around my body. My erection was tall and proud, jumping gently in the air as my heart pushed poisoned blood through it, even the air felt like it was teasing my sensitive glans.

She placed her fingertip on the head of my member, making slow circles as my leaking precum lubricated her finger, a smirk crossing her lips as she watched me twitch. My breath grew ragged, coming in sharp spurts as she ran her fingers up and down my shaft, huffing softly at my reaction. I was in for it now, I thought, through my drunken haze. What did she have planned for me next?

She leaned closer, her snout blowing warm air into my hair as she hovered over me, her ample cleavage pressing into my face. The soft globes enveloped my head, the smooth, delicate skin wet with her sweat as it slid across my cheeks. Her scent filled my nose, sweet and musky, alien yet distinctly feminine. She cupped the back of my head with her hand, delving her fingers into my hair, and pulled my face into her breasts. They shifted and yielded, the doughy flesh molding around me as I sank into them.

I jerked as I felt something press against my erection, hard and slick, and I looked down between her heavy boobs to see her chiseled abdominal muscles rubbing against my throbbing cock. The bulging abs glistened, catching the light as her sweat glazed them in a reflective veneer, like wood polished to a shine. I could see beads of it dripping downwards, following the channels that her abs carved in her taut belly and wetting my member. She slid her hand up her tight body, moistening her smooth palm, then gripped my member and stroked it slowly. I pulsed between her fingers as her sudor made me slippery, then she placed her hand on top of my erection and pushed it against her stomach.

I bucked as her glass-smooth skin teased the sensitive underside of my glans, and she allowed it, letting me grind against her abs as her sweat lubricated us. I buried my face between her breasts and moaned into them, muffled by them as they rested heavily on my shoulders, Vi lowering her head on her sinuous neck to slip her tongue into my ear.

I arched my spine and thrust against her belly, her hand applying just enough pressure that my member could slide between her palm and her protruding abs, their defined bumps stimulating me. I felt her flex and shift them, the firm muscles seething beneath her burnished skin and her pliant fat, crooning in my ear as she sucked it into her warm maw. Her fangs unsheathed from the roof of her mouth just enough to nip at me, and I squirmed under her, her grip pulling back my foreskin and letting her slick scales rub against the tender tip.

She squeezed my member in her hand, painting my leaking precum on her abs, her slippery skin scouring my glans. I grated my teeth and closed my eyes against the searing pleasure, smelling the scent of her musk and tasting the salty sting of her sudor on my tongue. Her steely tissue massaged me as she rolled her hips and flexed, her cut abs playing up and down my shaft. She was so lean and muscular, like liquid metal as she tormented me, goading me into fucking her belly as my hips bucked reflexively.

She applied more pressure with her palm, grating those maddening abs against me and sending shocks of electrical pleasure up through my body, mouthing my ear as her tongue coated it in her saliva. I was overwhelmed, my body completely outside of my control as it twisted and thrust, desperate for more pleasure as my conscious mind watched as if from a distance. The fading heat of the venom still burned inside me, muddling my mind and amplifying every pinch and stroke.

She pulled me away from her chest suddenly, and I gazed up at her with my red face, no doubt with an expression more reverent than I would ever have allowed her to see under normal circumstances. Fuck...I was completely smitten, it was hopeless. She was beside herself with arousal, hardly maintaining any more control over herself than I was, then I saw her bare her long fangs again. They were like ivory needles, droplets of green venom pooling at their tips. I braced myself for another bite, my hear skipping like a record as I anticipated the pain, and the wave of crippling pleasure that would follow. God, I hoped you couldn't get addicted to this stuff, whatever it was.

She plunged them into my shoulder, opposite to the first bite which was swollen and rapidly bruising now, and my spine curled as I loosed a wail of mixed pleasure and pain that what sense remained in my addled brain was ashamed to hear. She held my head in her hand, supporting me as I leaned back, shivering as I felt a fresh wave of heat spread from the bite to course through my body. She withdrew, lapping at the fresh wounds with her tongue, and a new flood of dizziness made my vision swim. My heart was pounding like a drum, my chest heaving as I panted, harsh pleasure creeping up my spine like molten fingers as Vi watched me and wet her lips with her pink tongue.

I tried to dig my fingers into the couch, but my hands were trembling too much, my muscles practically vibrating as she started to stroke me again.

How much more of this could I survive? Would I just pass out? I realized that I didn't care, an odd, self-destructive desire to see how far she could push me tickled the back of my foggy mind and urged me to see it through.

The venom seemed to dull the ache in my shoulder as it spread through me, warming me like a shot of vodka warms the stomach, and I felt my renewed erection drive against her taut abs. Vi squashed my member against her belly again with her hand, leering down at me as I ground against her, the sensation now screaming through my nerves and making white spots drift across my vision. I was losing my mind, her smell, her taste, the sensation of her damp skin on my cock, my senses were all muddled and confused. I couldn't think straight, I couldn't reason, all I could focus on war her.

She pressed me against the springy bumps of her abdominal muscles, crooning at me as I thrusted into her hand, feeling my orgasm begin to swell inside me and threatened to overflow. Her flat belly was coated in a mixture of her damp sweat, catching the sunlight and accentuating the contours of her six pack, and the emission that leaked from the tip of my cock as my excitement mounted.

She leaned into me, pressing me deeper, the ache in my engorged member worsening in response. A strand of her saliva fell into my hair as she loomed over me, watching me with an odd mixture of almost maternal care, and predatory cruelty. She wanted to do terrible things to me, but she expected me to enjoy every second of it, and I did. I felt her long, sinuous tongue slip out from between her smirking lips and worm its way into my ear, the wet sound sending a pleasant shiver down my spine. She seemed to want me to finish, and I complied as she crushed my cock against her rock hard muscles with her hand.

A crippling climax pulsed through me, like a seizure as my muscles cramped and drove my emission from my body in a spray of thick, ropy fluid. It splattered her abs, coating them in heavy strands of my cloudy fluid, clinging to her smooth skin. She watched it come with a sultry gaze, her eyes low and lascivious as she held me steady, enjoying the sight of me arching my spine and groaning as the venom added a kick to the raw pleasure that I had never experienced before. It came in great, wracking waves, my pelvic muscles clenching painfully and forcing out everything I could give her. My mind went completely blank, erased, my body thrusting and quivering like a directionless animal.

Tingling pleasure spread through my nervous system, joining the burning of Vi's insidious poison as I came all over her toned belly.

My mind steadily returned to me, like climbing out of quicksand as I came to, watching my emission drip down her abs and follow the channels they cut in her skin as it seeped sluggishly towards her navel. She huffed at me, releasing my still twitching cock from he hand, globs of my fluid hanging from her long fingers.

It wasn't enough...

The heat still coursed through me, interfering with my senses, spinning the room around me as Vi stood in place like some kind of monolith in the chaos of shapes and colors. I was still hard, I needed more. She placed her hand on my shoulder, her fingers pressing into the bruised puncture marks, sending an ache through my torso. She pushed me down into the couch, taking position on top of me, letting more of her weight lie on me than was necessarily comfortable. She released me and rested her hands on the headrest, her massive breasts hanging an inch from my face, and she maneuvered her hips so that her leaking loins were hovering over my erection. Was she going to start again already? I was still recovering from the last orgasm, the afterglow mixing with the high from the venom. I was still erect though, my cock aching and burning, begging for relief.

She rubbed her vulva up and down my shaft, my come still coating her belly. An obscene mixture of bodily fluids, sweat and juices, come and saliva lubricated my pulsing member. I was on fire, my blood boiling as she gripped my cock between her fingers and angled it towards her opening. Without a moment of hesitation she dropped the weight of her bulky body down on me, driving my member deep inside her, the forest of spongy papillae that lined her depths raking across my still sensitive glans. I bucked and yelped at the sudden stimulation, grunting like an animal as she slowly dragged me back out of her, the fleshy barbs clawing at my tender flesh like soft teeth. It was unbearable, the intensity of it darkening my peripheral vision as I gritted my teeth against it.

I glanced up at Vi, and she was leering at me from above, enjoying her power over me as a lascivious smile spread across her fat lips. She rumbled, the purring coming from deep in her throat, a sign of contentment. If she could speak I was sure she would be mocking me, taunting me and whispering obscenities into my ear that would send shivers of guilty arousal down my spine. For now her sultry stare was enough to convey how she felt about the small human that was bucking and writhing beneath her.

She lowered herself again, more slowly this time, the pleasure excruciating as the slippery walls of her tunnel gripped me. Even her fleshy walls were strong, her pelvic floor muscles undulated and massaged me, drawing me deeper as they strived to force another load from my aching loins. She was so wet and gooey, there was so little resistance that it would have been almost frictionless, were it not for the strength of her powerful grasp. She squeezed and milked, sending sparks through my brain and tremors through my beleaguered body as she wrung me like a dishcloth, watching my anguished expressions with her amber eyes from her perch atop me.
