Unusual Conditions for Employment Pt. 02


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Linda almost lost it with that action, but she composed herself as he started to slip on those stiletto pumps. He dragged out the whole process, to Linda's delight, and then set both of her shod feet flatfooted on the carpeted floor in front of her so that they were far enough away to, in turn, cause Linda's ankles to be flexed to the point where her insteps were essentially positioned at 110 degrees. That was the arch angle that would be required for her to comfortably walk in 100 degree, past-the-vertical arched, 6-9/16 inch, heels which would be the final goal of her ultra high heel training other than ballet heels, which was the supreme goal of her ultra high heel training.

"Does this position hurt your ankles," Mark questioned as he held them firmly in place on the floor while Linda tried to flex her ankles to relieve the slight pain she felt as her ankles were stretched further than ever before.

"Yes, I feel some slight pain, but it's not even moderate, it's just enough to know that I'll need to do a little more training to get to that arch angle and comfortably walk in past-the-vertical heels, but I don't think it will be too long before I can," Linda replied in a positive manner.

"Good, I'm glad to hear that. You have done so well in the last few days. In fact, it's unbelievable how you have adopted to ultra high heels, it must be a genetic thing since you have not even worn regular high heels or have had any ballet training," Mark replied positively.

He then positioned Linda's feet so that her ankles they were pitched to 100 degrees or that required to walk comfortably in 90 degree, vertically arched, heels like the ones she had on now.

"How does that feel now? Do you feel any pain?" Mark questioned.

"Oh, that really made a difference. I don't feel any pain at all this the angle," Linda exclaimed.

"Well then let's go to dinner and show you off to the Vegas crowd. First, I need to get your skirt and vest properly arranged for our evening out," he continued as he helped Linda stand up in those, vertical arched, D'Orsay stilettos.

After Linda stood in those 6-5/16 heels, she got the feel of what was required to properly balance in them by shifting her weight from toe to heel and from side to side and figure out what her center of gravity should be in this heel height.

"I want you get the feel of walking in them before I adjust your skirt and vest, Mark declared.

"Yes sir," was her only reply.

At that point Linda took her first stride and almost pitched forward since she slightly misjudged how she should have shifted her weight backward during the stride forward. Linda quickly realized that she needed to put more weight on the heel of her forward foot when stepping ahead. After making that mental adjustment, she took another step and executed it perfectly.

She now realized that her center of gravity shifted forward at a greater rate even though there was only 5/16 of an inch difference in heel heights when moving from 6 to 6-5/16 inch heels, but there was still a larger 11 degree difference in arch angles, 79 to 90 degrees in this case. In the previous situation when moving from 5-5/8 to 6 inch heels which is 3/8 (or 6/16) of an inch difference, it only involved an 8 degree difference in arch angles. Linda knew that the higher the heel, the greater the arch angle change was for the same increase in heel height. Now Linda understood the full effect of this mathematical fact much like the effect of a sinewave algorithm.

With this quick change in shifting her weight properly when walking, Linda now was prancing around the room as if she had been born in them. She had stretched her ankles enough over the past few days that there was no pain involved in walking in this heel height and perfecting her balance would be easy. Linda's next goal would be to stretch her ankles to achieve a comfortable 110 degree angle for walking in the past-the-vertical arched heel height.

At this point, Mark had her stand in front of him so he could adjust her vest so that it had about a two inch gap. With that amount of space between the two halves of the gold silk material, it covered her nipple tips so that it hung over them without tenting the vest material itself. It was still obvious that she had a tremendous breast projection since lower end of the vest material was draped at least six inches out from her tightly cinched belt.

He then knelt down and buttoned the hobble skirt to limit Linda's strides in her vertical arched heels to about 12 inches which was about 3 or 4 inches shorter than the strides she took when practicing a few moments ago. Linda then took a few steps to see how this affected her natural ability to walk with the skirt. She had to take sexy mincing steps which, in Mark's mind, presented a very sexy appearance. The exhibitionist side of Linda's new personality returned again as she quickly gained confidence in walking in those vertically arched stilettos. She further flaunted her mincing style while walking around the suite to impress Mark with her new-found ability to skillfully maneuver in the next step of her ultra high heel training.

Chapter 9

Later, on the way to the restaurant, Linda put on quite a show for all the gamblers on the main casino floor, with her mincing steps in those vertically arched gold stilettoes, not to mention the hobble skirt and gold silk vest. When they reached the restaurant reception desk area, which was two steps up from the main floor, she made sure that the young lady there saw her purposely struggle up those steps when all she had to do was raise her skirt slightly to make the ascent much easier to accomplish.

Mark had made reservations, so the girl started to usher them into the restaurant when she stopped and said, "I just love your heels. I've never seen heels anywhere near that high. I wear 5 inch heels all the time since I'm so short, but I can't imagine what it would be like to wear something like you have on now," the young girl gushed apologetically.

Linda, now at the peak of her haughty aggressiveness with the extreme outfit that Mark had picked out for her replied, "What's your shoe size?

The girl was somewhat taken aback with the question, but stuttered, "6-1/2 B."

"Well, that's my size as well. Do you think you have any chance of standing in these heels, even if you held on to the desk?" Linda demanded.

"Oh, my God, would you actually let me try?" she blubbered.

"Only if you can attempt to stand straight with your knees locked back so that you're your ankles are stretched to their fullest," Linda demanded.

"OK, I'll try my best. I think I can do it since I've worn 5 inch heels since I was in high school," the girl almost begged.

"Step behind the desk, stand and kick off those puny little 5 inch heels. I couldn't begin to put yours on since my calf muscles are so shortened with ultra high heels that it would be impossible for me to even stand in them without severe pain," Linda said as she laid it on pretty thick regarding her ultra high heel experience.

Mark listened to Linda's statement knowing that she had only worn ultra high heels for a little over a week at the most and that her statement about her shortened tendons was an outright lie.

The young girl however was definitely caught up in the whole turn of events and quickly kicked off her five inch heels while Linda stepped out of her 6-5/16 inch, vertically arched, gold kid D'Orsay pumps and slid them over to the girl behind the podium-type desk stand. There were only a couple of guys at the bar which was to the left of the reservation desk, and they were watching some sports event and were paying no attention to the proceedings involving Linda and the young woman.

The girl did not do as Linda expected when she didn't reach down and try to slip on those pumps, but rather flipped them upright and proceeded to step into them while holding on to the tall desk. She did so very proficiently and then moved her knees backward in an attempt to feel the full effect of the vertical arches on her stretched ankle muscles and ligaments.

To Linda's surprise, the young women was able to actually fully lock her knees back and stand straight in those heels.

"Do you feel the pain in your ankles when you stand straight in them? Also, do you think that you could stand straight and balance in them without holding on to the desk" Linda questioned.

"Oh, I can feel a little sourness, but that's not a big deal since I do a lot of heel raises and ankle stretching exercises to help me wear 5 inch or higher heels. And, oh by the way, I have a lot of practice balancing in high heels since I had ballet training in middle school," she announced while she took a few steps in Linda's heels and returned to the desk and stepped out of them effortlessly.

She slid them back to Linda who also stepped into them and said sternly," I can tell you need a lot more training to wear the upper end of ultra high heels, but you do have potential. Give me your card with your personal number and possibly you could be a potential trainee, since I am a project coordinator for a company that is marketing a new cone bra line and we are looking for young women to wear ultra high heels and vintage lingerie in some of our ads. Are you interested?"

"Oh yes I certainly am. Let me give you my card with both my home and cell numbers. I work here most ever evening, but am available before 4:30 at one of those two numbers practically every day," she excitedly explained.

"OK, I may be in touch, so now why don't you show us our table since we're ready to eat," Linda responded.

The young woman then led them to a rather secluded table in the back of the room and went back to the front of the restaurant to resume her duties. They both noticed that she moved flawlessly in those five inch heel stilettoes even though Linda had given her a less than stellar review when she had on those 6-5/8 inch heels.

They ordered from the top of the menu and both Mark and Linda had shrimp cocktails followed by steak and lobster meals. When the waiter served the main meal, Linda had unfastened the tiny chain that held her fancy vest together and let it play peek-a-boo with her nipple tips teasing both Mark and the waiter.

Finally, when the waiter returned see if they needed anything more with the main meal, Linda had removed her vest and asked, "Could you hang up my vest since it's warm in here and I don't want it to get wrinkled?"

"Certainly; I'll take it to the coat check room and you can pick it up when you leave," he gleefully stated while pretending not to stare at Linda's nipple tips about to rip through her white sweater.

He wasted no time in returning to the table, in order to deliver the claim check tag and to take another look at Linda's thrusting breasts while she nonchalantly continued to eat her steak and lobster.

After they ordered their after-dinner drinks, she asked the waiter where the lady's room was located and he volunteered to escort there before turning in their drink orders. He held out his hand to help Linda up from her chair. She accepted his offer, stood up, and followed him through two small dining rooms with four or five table each before he turned around, directly facing her, and gestured to her left that it was in the nearby alcove off that room. He got a fabulous frontal view of Linda's leather bound pointy nipple tips. The tan leather binding strips at both areolas and nipples were supple enough that they did not show through the white blouse, but certainly displayed her nipples as sharp pointed spikes as if they were encased in some sort of an extremely pointed bra. And as she turned and walked towards the lady's room, he got a long look at her wiggling butt as she minced away from him. When Linda returned to the table, after turning several heads, including some of the women, the waiter followed behind with their drinks which he had carefully timed.

They finished the meal, and Mark paid before they walked to the front of the restaurant to retrieve her vest. Mark presented claim check to the check girl who returned the vest. As he slipped it on Linda, she made an exaggerated move tp put her arms through each arm opening and threw her arms back which forced her chest up and forward, giving few men at the bar quite a show before leaving for their room. Mark planned to go over some of the details of the presentation that he had worked up for the meeting with Fit and Form Lingerie the next day as well as to surprise Linda with practicing a damsel-in-distress scenario.

Mark had teased Linda at dinner of his plan to surprise her with a role play scene involving a 'damsel in distress' situation in the suite. He indicated that he might even present it at the meeting tomorrow as a possible ad, either by print or video that should appeal to their more erotic oriented customers. After all, the men and women who would be interested in bringing back this vintage fashion trend from the fifty's and early sixty's, would generally be the ones to love a modern update of those old Maidenform bra ads.

When they got to the suite, Mark instantly took over his dominate roll and said, "OK you are now under my control and I'll tell you what you should and shouldn't do for the rest of the evening. I saw how you played the bitch roll with that little girl this evening. From now on, you can only do that with my permission; do you understand?"

"Yes sir," was her only reply.

"It's time now to get on with the practice session that I originally had planned for tonight in St. Louis, but with what's happened today, I think you'll enjoy it even more. I want you to go to your room and dress for the session that I have in mind. Take off everything except your panties, stockings, garter belt, stilettos, and bondage bra. Remove the Tampon and come back out here and we'll go to my bedroom where I'll replace the other items in order to get you ready for the session that I have planned. Be back in no more than five minutes when you are ready," Mark ordered in a stern and somewhat demanding tone of voice.

"Yes sir," Linda again responded dutifully, while she quickly minced towards her bedroom in that hobble skirt and vertically arched D'Orsay pumps.

In less than five minutes, Linda opened the door and pranced back in the main room, since she wasn't wearing the hobble skirt, and simply stood in front of him waiting for further orders. Mark noted that she really looked sexy in nothing but the bondage/training bra, panties, stockings, garter belt, and those 6-5/16 inch stilettoes.

"Lets' go into my bedroom and finish getting you into the rest of your outfit, although you really look fabulous with what you on, but for now I need you to look like an office secretary," Mark commented as he motioned for her to go to his room before he turned and followed.

So, she was going to be a secretary, Linda thought to herself. Was she going to be like the ones that were in those classic fifty's and early sixties detective movies where a sexy and helpless secretary was frequently tied up and gagged in her boss's office, as the bad guy was trying to get some information from her while the boss was out of the office? Linda hoped that would be the case since she realized that she was becoming aroused at just the thought of her being helpless in this type of scenario.

When she entered the room, Linda saw that Mark had laid the remaining items of her costume on his bed. Mark told her to stand facing the full length mirror on the back of the door and said that he would help her change from her bondage/training bra into Fit and Form's prototype cone bra. At that point, he then began un-wrapping the leather bindings at her nipples and breasts. This caused an increased amount of blood flow, particularly at her nipples which, in turn, caused them to tingle and become much more sensitive.

"Oh, my God, my nipples are now so unbelievably sensitive when you un-wrapped them. I can feel every slight breeze in the room!" Linda hissed as she saw how stiff they responded in just a few seconds.

They both also observed how her nipples, and to some extent her breasts, temporally retained some of their extreme pointy shape, even after Mark had removed all of the leather wrappings. Linda's areolas also tended to stay puffed up to some extent.

"You responded very well to that training bra, and as you continue your figure training program, I think we'll have to increase the daily use of it during the day and night along with some other training implements I have in mind. I'll talk to the experts at SHAFERLINES and see what they think," Mark observed casually, almost as though he was talking to himself.

As for Linda, she was still trying to maintain some sort of composure since her sexual arousal was building at a rapid rate. Mark then helped her put on the cone bra and made sure he laced it fully tight, continuing the conical shaping of her protruding breasts. Next, it was time for the tight white sweater that she had worn to work on Monday, together with a short black pencil skirt, and a 4 inch wide black kid leather belt tightly cinched at her waist. Mark also had her put on the matching black suit jacket that emphasized her shapely figure. Finally, he sat her down in a chair in the room, and removed those Gold kid 6-5/16 inch, vertical arched, D'Orsay pumps

"I think that for this scenario, a pair of good old fashioned black calf Opera pumps, with needle toes and low cut throats, would be more appropriate for a high-class secretary to wear in the office. She would be professional and yet be appealing to the visiting men with her ultra high heel height and toe cleavage," Mark stated in a manner of fact manner.

With that commentary, he picked up a pair of black calf pumps with 5-1/4 inch heels from the bed and slowly performed his shoe salesman act and after much to do about feeling up her legs, pretending to straighten her stockings, Mark slipped on those classic stilettos. By this time, Linda was becoming wet, but Mark didn't replace the Tampon since he thought that it would be more appropriate, for this scenario, to let nature take its course. He did, however, slip a thick absorbent pad into her panties as a final act of his shoe salesman routine after tweaking her clitoris through her panties causing her to moan. After Mark finished, he said that they would go back to the main room where the damsel-in-destress scene was going to take place. From that point on, he quickly dictated what she must do to get ready for the upcoming session.

First, she was to sit down on the chair that was at the desk in the suite and pretend that she was typing on Mark's laptop computer as if she was working in an office. Mark explained that he was eventually going to tie her up in that chair and gag her as if a bad guy had come into the office and surprised her from the back while her boss was out. He said that they could come up with any number of reasons that the guy had come to the office, but the thing that the ad was to emphasize was not the reason, but the bondage that would display the cone bra that they were marketing.

Mark further explained that for tomorrow's presentation, he would be taking a series of short videos with the video recorder he had brought with him, that would first show her setting at the desk in her business suit with her jacket on while typing a typical letter or report. The next video would be the same shot except that she would have her jacket off with the bra thrusting the pointed cone tips against the tight-fitting sweater in a dramatic fashion.

The following scene would be the same except that she wouldn't wear the sweater and just show the cone bra while typing. The print version of the ad's caption would read, similar to the classic Maidenform ad, "I dreamed I went to work in my Fit and Form's "Perfect Points" cone bra." Perfect Points was the name he temporarily used for this particular model of cone bra. He would use it tomorrow at the presentation and see what the people at Fit and Form thought of his idea.