Up North Ch. 06

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Further adventures of Jimmy, Mom, Auntie and more!
5.1k words

Part 6 of the 10 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/26/2014
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After the extraordinary turn of events of the last couple of days its small wonder that I slept in on Saturday morning. In fact, I slept soundly until nearly noon. I woke up energized, jumped out of bed and ran down the hall doing the complete bath and shave... then I was hungry, starving in fact.

One drawback to renting a room, no kitchen and no cooking; but then I thought about Ida - why not? Out the front and quietly around to the back; I knocked lightly on her door and in short order she peered out questioningly. As soon as she recognized me she gave me a big smile and opened up, hurrying me inside.

"What do you need honey?" she said.

"Well, to tell the truth I'm just hungry and wondered if I could get kitchen privileges? I'd be happy to stock the fridge and clean up after myself," I said.

She smiled again and patted the nearby kitchen chair, "Put your pretty bottom right here honey, I'm gonna' fix you a good breakfast and you won't owe me a thing," she said.

"Now Miss Ida, I can't have you doing all that without me paying you and replacing the food, I just can't."

She laughed a big belly laugh and said, "Now baby boy, there's lots you can do for me. I'll trade you all you can eat on a regular basis in exchange for you sharing that big pretty dick of yours with me. Now then, you wanta' trade with me?"

"I don't see how I could turn you down Ida... well, maybe face down."

She laughed a hearty laugh at my joke and went to work putting sausage in the skillet and starting a fresh pot of coffee. After a huge breakfast of sausage, eggs, toast, sliced tomatoes and coffee; we sat talking about school and things, then she said, "Tell you what, I suspect you've got things to do and I need to give my old pussy a good wash; so you go about your day and when you have time later, come by and give me some of that real good lovin'... how's that?"

I agreed giving her a hug and kiss, then heading out to my truck to go to the library and do some research on my courses. I learned a good trick when I was going to community college; most libraries carry teacher's guides to all text books used in standard courses. I would check out the guide and then do all the problems for each chapter checking my results and the logic of my solutions. Always worked perfectly, whenever I did that I made an A+ in the course. I'm pretty smart, but the best result comes from doing all the work.

Turned out that the library had 4 teachers' guides only leaving out "Engineering Principles;" the pretty Librarian's assistant assured me that they would have that one available in just a few days. With the books tucked under my arm I wandered around campus enjoying the beautiful park like setting. It was cool with fall setting in and I've always enjoyed watching the trees changing colors. A truly beautiful day, before I knew it the time had gotten to nearly 5:00 pm and I knew Ida would appreciate my being early for my service work - it was turning out that she was a darn good woman to know.

I got things squared away in the truck and drove to the nearby Shell Station for gas; mine is a good old truck, solid and reliable but it really does enjoy a big drink of gasoline. I checked all the parts and pieces and filled her up to the top. As I left the station I turned onto South Boulevard...

Lars Pedersen...

Lars Pederson was a 56 year old Norwegian farmer, third generation Dakota farmer, mostly wheat with a few sunflower and oat fields. Lars was a good farmer, didn't care much for live stock and kept only what he and his sister might eat. His sister, Alma, lived over to Clymer Creek with her husband and 3 daughters; Lars didn't think much of her husband, he seemed always to be looking for work, not actually working. Even so he loved his sister and the girls were very sweet too. So he always bought a couple of Bull Calves and a few pigs to keep on the farm for slaughter so that Alma's freezer would be full of beef and pork.

Lars had a big garden as well; he preferred vegetables and not so much meat, he didn't smoke and only drank a day or two a month - never kept alcohol at home as it was just too convenient. Lars liked to drink but he was no sipper; Lars liked to drink to get blind drunk. Although he was a good farmer and by all accounts a good man, when he drank he could forget the war and always being alone and for a time blot out his feelings of perpetual sadness.

It was Saturday and Lars had spent the last six hours at the VFW Hall downing Gin and Tonics one after another - he was not completely, totally blind drunk and the Post Bartender figured he'd be fine to get home by himself. So, Lars staggered out to his truck and headed for the farm. After a block or two he turned off East 15th Street and onto South Boulevard, running a steady 60 miles per hour in a 30 mile zone. He almost didn't see the old blue truck as it turned into the street from the Shell Station.


Later he told the police that he meant to swerve around that old truck, but somehow he didn't get it done. He remembered the look on that young man's face when he T-boned the old truck and the glass shattered and flew out of its windows. He most certainly did not see the young man fly out the side door of the truck and roll down the concrete street - he was in a daze.


When I opened my eyes I was confused and I hurt. Damn, I hurt all over, what the hell happened? Then I remembered the farm truck slamming into me, but not much else. As my eyes focused I could see that I was in the hospital, with my history I can damn sure identify a hospital. Then I panicked, I started wiggling my toes, I was terrified my back was damaged... but no, the toes wiggled and I could feel my legs so I tried to sit up.

"Whoa there bud! Hold on, don't try to move, just lay still now..." said a large, middle aged woman in white, Nurse Davis it said on her name tag.

"The doctor will be back in here in just a little time, so you just lay there and be still," she said.

"Am I alright?"

"You were pretty beat-up by the street, but when the doctor examined you there were no broken bones, just lots of scrapes and bruises. Even so, just keep yourself quiet in the bed... alright?"

"Yes Ma'am, I'll be good," I said. "Could I have an aspirin or something?"

"When the doctor gets here," she said patiently.

About then a blue eyed, glasses wearing, taffy haired girl came in carrying a large envelope. "I have the contents of your pants here, you know, your wallet, change, keys and such. I'm sorry but, your clothes were pretty much torn to shreds so they were thrown out."

I must have looked really confused as she patted my hand and said, "I called Mrs. Winters at the rooming house and she is going to being fresh clothes for you."

"Ahhh... How did you know..."

She smiled quietly and said, "I found your rent receipt in your wallet, lots of folks around here know about her place. So, I called and explained your problem and she said she'd be here in a bit. I also got your insurance information from your wallet too."

I stuck out my hand and said, "Jim Braun, pleased to meet you."

She smiled a bright smile, pushed her glasses up on her nose and took my hand in a firm grip, "Kelly Miller, Business Office Clerk, at your service Sir." She laid the big envelope on the bedside table saying, "Nice to meet you Jim, sorry it's under these circumstances; but, I need to get back to work. Hope you get better soon."

With another quick smile, she turned and walked away. I enjoyed watching her tight bottom sashay away. She made blue jeans look very good... I guess it's true, even broken up I'm still a horn dog.

Just then a grey-haired doctor looking very serious hurried in carrying a sheaf of x-rays. "You are a very lucky young man. You x-rays are clear, you've got lots of scratches and bruises and you may have a mild concussion - nothing serious though. Damn lucky, you are. I'll give you a prescription for some mild pain medications and if you feel up to it you can go home; but I don't want you sleeping tonight. Do you have someone at home who could sit up with you, just in case there is a concussion I don't see?"

Apparently Ida was standing just out of sight and I heard her say, "No problem doctor, I can stay with him and if necessary find someone else to help - that is if he wants to go?"

"Alright then, I'll write the discharge orders and he can get dressed, although he may need some help."

Ida said, "No problem, I have his fresh things right here."

The doctor nodded, shook my hand and told me that if there were any problems to come straight back to the hospital, otherwise I should see him in five to seven days. He pulled the curtain around my bed area and disappeared.

Ida looked at me and said, "Well, it don't seem like you should be left alone, let's get you dressed."

I sat up on the side of the bed and found myself dressed in a tiny hospital gown and nothing else. Ida stepped over to me and pulled my gown up exposing my cock and balls. She reached down and gently felt them all over. "They look fine honey, but the rest of you is going to need some attention."

"I didn't think to bring you any underwear, but I've got everything else. Give me a foot..."

I lifted my feet one at a time and she slipped on clean socks then eased my feet into jeans one leg at a time. I was a little woozy but she was gently and as I stood to pull them up Nurse Davis stuck her head in for a moment. "You guys doing OK?" she asked.

Ida turned to her saying, "We're doing fine, one leg at a time."

I stood there naked from the knees up, my cock slightly swollen, as the nurse said, "Mrs. Winters, you got one big boy there."

Ida laughed and said, "I'm just an old woman lending a hand."

"Well if you need any help just sing out!" and she was off to her rounds.

After a couple of starts and stops I was finally dressed and an orderly showed up with a wheelchair to roll me to the front door and help me into Ida's old Ford coupe. I was glad for the help. A few minutes later Ida got into the car carrying a small bag with my medications from the hospital pharmacy.

"Now is there anything in your truck that you need?"

I said that I would really like my books and off we went. In just minutes Ida had us at the town impound where she managed to salvage all my books and other materials, bossing the poor impound man around like he was an unloved step child. I have to say, that old woman could be a terror.

And in short order she had us home and helped me to my room. Once there she stripped me naked again and sat me on the bedside chair. In just minutes a hot pan of soapy water and towels appeared and I was given a good cleaning, each and every spot.

Then it was into bed. She stepped quickly to the door and flipped the bolt lock, then turning to me she smiled and said, "The doctor said not to go to sleep until after noon tomorrow, sooooo... we're gonna' have to keep you awake."

"I know you're stiff and sore so I want you to just lay there while I give you some personal attention."

I started to protest, being so beat-up and all, but she shushed me...

She pulled my sheet down exposing my cock and balls. Her hands gently spread my legs giving her full access to me as she fondled and rolled my balls in her fingers. After this day it felt wonderful and my cock began to grown. Soon I was fully hard but she ignored my stiff cock as she fondled my balls and kissed my thighs, sucking on my balls before finally running her tongue up and down my shaft.

"Oh Miss Ida, you're a wonder for sure..."

"Jimmy, Jimmy, you are a sweet boy for sure."

For what seemed like a very long time she did everything but touch my cock, it was so hard that every time my heart beat it throbbed and leaked precum like a fountain. Then finally she slipped my cockhead into her mouth holding the base of my cock firmly in both hands she sucked... harder and harder until the burn exploded up the pipe pulsing jets of hot sperm deep into her mouth.

There were sparkling lights in my eyes as my bottom lifted up off the bed attempting to get deeper into her mouth - it was wonderful as the sweet pleasure of cuming swept over me. Ida sucked and swallowed not losing a drop; every bit disappeared down her throat into her comfortable belly.

As I softened she allowed my cock to fall gently out of her mouth, licked her lips and sat back smiling at me. "If I didn't know better I'd think you was backed up a bit, that was a real mouthful."

As she spoke she gently caressed my thigh and softly touched my ball sack with the back of her fingers. "You know Jimmy; my husband never liked me to handle him much..."

"Ida, you can handle me all you want, anytime you want. That was one sweet suck you just gave me, I sure appreciate it."

She smiled a shy smile and continued to fondle my cock and balls with her soft touch. It was a wonder to me that this woman was so interested. I suppose it was a product of my youth and inexperience. She smiled at me and rested her head on my leg staring at my cockhead as it began to swell.

I would have never believed that I would have such warm feelings for this old grey headed woman. She sat there in her old fashioned house dress, her ample breasts filling out the top and her wide bottom filling the chair seat by the bed. It wasn't so long ago I had her naked and bent over her bed, her butt cheeks spread wide by my hands as my cock plundered her juicy brown asshole. As I thought about it my cock continued to swell as Ida gently stroked me from bottom to top.

Just then there was a gentle tapping on my door and it opened into the room. Ida stopped stroking me and turned in her chair to face the door. Darlene's pretty face peered into the room as she said, "Oh Jimmy, I just heard that you were hurt... Well what's going on here?"

Ida never missed a beat saying, "Hello Darlene, come on into the room, you're not supposed to be on this side of the house, so get on in here and close the door."

"Honey, as you can plainly see, Jimmy here has had a pretty bad encounter with the street. I've just finished getting him washed and cleaned up; what brings you here?"

Darlene blushed and stammered a bit... and my cock continued to swell, not fully hard but going that way as she said, "Well, you probably that Jimmy is my friend and I was worried... but, ah, well... just look at him he's naked!"

Ida laughed and said, "That would be right, he is naked - hard to wash him all over with his clothes on, and at my age there is very little I've not seen on a man. But then I suspect he's a lot more than just your friend, would I be right?"

Darlene continued to blush and look fully flustered and Ida said, "Pull that chair over to the other side of the bed and sit down Darlene, you can help."

Without taking her eyes off me she did and Ida suggested pulling the chair up close to her side of the bed, her eyes focused on my hardening penis, my cockhead was turning as pink as her face as it rose into the air.

"Looks like Jimmy is sure pleased to see you honey," Ida said as she reached over me taking my cock by the base squeezing it firmly and pointing it to the sky. "I'm just guessing, but you're probably well acquainted with his nice pecker, am I right?"

Darlene cleared her throat and softly said, "Maybe... ah, ah, yes."

"Ok then, take a hold here..." and she waived my hard cock directly toward Darlene.

Darlene dutifully reached out and grasped my cock in her hand and Ida let go as she stood up. "Now this may seem odd, but when we left the hospital the doctor said Jimmy should not fall asleep until tomorrow morning and one of the best ways to keep him awake was to keep him sexually stimulated. So that's why he's all nice and clean and naked." As she said this she looked directly at me and winked.

"But do not let him squirt his manly juices until the morning when he can go to sleep. I've been playing with his balls and such keeping him up. So, if you're willing to take over for a time I can get some sleep and relieve you later tonight - are you willing to help?"

Very softly, Darleen said, "Yes, I'll help you."

"Good" Ida said firmly, "You keep him awaked and stimulated and I'll go get some rest - now you stay awake, right?"

I said, "Yes Ma'am, thanks so much for your help." It seemed silly at the time with me all scratched and bruised and my cock all hard in Darlene's hand, but it was feeling pretty good.

"Now honey, if you want to, you might want to show him your pretty tits once I'm gone... I was considering showing him mine, but they're pretty old and saggy - you Ok with this Darlene?"

"I'll be right here Mrs. Winters, you can trust me to help," Darlene said in a more normal voice.

"Good enough, you kids mind your manners now and I'll see you later." With that Ida stepped out and closed the door firmly behind her.

"Jimmy is all that true?" Darlene asked.

"Absolutely" I said.

"Well then, would you like me to take off my sweater?"

"I sure would, you have beautiful breasts..."

Darlene slipped out of her sweater and removed her sturdy bra revealing her large white breasts. They are truly spectacular large pink-brown areolas with jutting reddish nipples and plentiful milk buds, a full double handful each, alabaster white breast defined with fine blue veining... spectacular.

As she sat back down they swayed and danced bringing even more life to my swollen cock, her hand caressing my cock so softly. "What can I do to help you get better?"

It was late and I really wanted to go to sleep, so I said, "Would you get in bed with me and just cuddle a while? I would really like that."

"Can you stay awake?"

"Oh sure, no problem..."

She smile and stood as I shifted over in the bed to give her room. "But would you mind taking your clothes off so I could feel you next to me?"

She snorted softly and smiled saying, "Why not, I'm half naked now."

She moved her chair back a little and carefully folded each piece of her clothing, sitting her loafers under the chair as I looked at her naked body with real wonder. She was truly beautiful. Snow white hair, a lovely face with bright blue eyes, a long slender body with real hips and long lean thighs, her pussy sat at the junction of her legs and hips with a nice wide space holding her thighs apart providing what I like to call "face space," just enough room to easily place your face between her legs and snuggle up against her pussy. And what a pretty pussy it was... long canoe shaped lips naturally pink like her nipples covered in a fine spray of soft white hair matching that on her head.

As I looked at her, my breath caught in my throat.

"Jimmy, are you alright?"

"Yes, I'm just stunned by how truly lovely you are!"

She blushed a bright pink flushing up from her throat across her face and down over her breasts turning her upper body pink as though she'd been in the sun too long. "Jimmy, you've got me out of my clothes, you don't need to flatter me..."

"Dee it's not flattery it's the truth, you take my breath away."

She sat quickly on the mattress and snuggled against me pulling the sheet and light blanked over us, resting her breasts on my side and her head on my shoulder. Her hand caressed my chest and she said in a small quiet voice, "You are one sweet talker Jimmy Braun... almost too sweet."

"Not too sweet for you; now just stay where you are, I'm sore and I hurt and I've never felt better in my life with you here beside me."

We lay together quietly for a long time before we drifted off to sleep.

. . .

It was just after 7 am when Ida heard the knocking at her back door. Opening the door she saw two women, the first a small woman, barely over 5 feet, dark brown hair, brown eyes and a very serious expression on her face, maybe 40 years old; the other a full 6 foot tall, broad shouldered, blue eyes, blond hair also with a serious expression.