Upon a Savage Shore Ch. 20


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"Not for nothing," M'pel E'kmel said, her voice was low but there was steel in her words.

"Bullshit, Commander!" he growled. "If you cared about them, you would have told them the truth. You would have told me the truth. We should have known what was going on!"

"I was not allowed to tell you!" she said, her tail flicked in frustration. "I was supposed to observe your interaction with the other females. When rescued, I would report my findings. You weren't ever to know about the experiment. None of you. Not until peace was made. And then, if the experiment were successful, you would all have been hailed as heroes. Your actions would have ended the war and laid grounds for a great alliance. Not for nothing!"

"Experiment," he said disgustedly. "If I had known... If you had told me, I would have gone along with whatever you needed me to do. To end the war, the killing, I would have done that."

"And that would have invalidated the experiment!" she said, throwing up her hands. "We had to test our own people as much as yours. If you had knowingly cooperated it would have skewed the results. It would have given a false positive. I love you, Liam, but you're still the enemy! What if the admiral was wrong? You have to understand! My people, my race must come first!"

Liam and Tem'Ma'tel were both struck silent. They stared at her, amazed. For his part, Charlie had understood none of this and decided now was a good time to slip away in case something bad should happen.

"I followed my orders, knowing you would be angered if you ever learned of the reason behind all my actions," M'pel E'kmel went on with passion. "And I would do it all again if it meant my people were saved from defeat and dishonor. Even now this new enemy may be encroaching on our territory. Perhaps they have launched an assault on jZav itself! My people, Liam. What would you have done in my place? I never meant to hurt you, but I was left with no choice."

Very quietly Tem'Ma'tel looked back and forth between them. She had never seen M'pel E'kmel in this state, so vulnerable. As unobtrusively as she could, she joined Charlie in his retreat to give the commander and the sergeant some privacy.

"Are you going to say anything, Sergeant?" M'pel E'kmel asked softly.

"You love me?" Liam asked.

She blinked at him, confused for an instant and then the realization of what she had said crashed in on her.

"I..." she said, but choked on the words. "I was not... supposed to get close to you. I was not supposed to become attached to you."

"But you did," he said.

"Yes." Her voice was small. She sounded much younger than she was and did not at that moment look like an experienced officer.

"Why?" he asked.

"I... I liked you," she replied and turned away from him again. "I didn't want to at first. I didn't want to dislike you, either. I had a job to do and needed to be on good terms. But then you were..."

Liam frowned as he tried to understand what had motivated her.

"You were so much fun," she said finally, sounding frustrated and confused. "You weren't what I expected. I became interested. That night, when the hyena-frogs attacked, you were everywhere at once. You defended us. I had never seen a Human in close combat before then. You killed them and didn't stop until the whole pack was driven off. And then the day at the stream, you charged those blade-beasts stark naked with nothing but a rock and a club."

"You never said you loved me before now," he said into the silence.

"Where did you get that club, anyway?" she asked softly.

"It was under the water. I found it when I was scrabbling around looking for a rock," said Liam and stepped around the pod to be closer to her. "So you love me?"

"Yes." Her voice was small again and more uncertain. She turned and looked up into his eyes.

"I love you too," he said and took her in his arms. There in the forest, next to the alien pod that might signal the end of their world, they kissed and for that moment it was all that mattered.

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oldpantythiefoldpantythiefalmost 2 years ago

Well, she still has the bikini to surprise him with if they ever get to that point. Not sure I believe that the thing in the water came from the pod and was stupid enough to be hauled in like a fish when they have space flight abilities. Oh well, out in the open now. Still a great story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Predictable plot twist

I guess I was hopping (hopeful) for more on this mystery. But, maybe I am getting spoiled by this story. Fawns story twist interesting, but really didn't need more impossible named characters. (what ? don't they don't speak English ??)

Excellent story, To parrot another comment, I too have found myself skipping through "hot + steamy" bits, I mean, it is a cat...

To me, most interesting character is Commander Mel.

Excellent story enjoying it and wondering, will it end like "ET" or "Dances w/wolves" or even "Cain Mutiny Trial". Yeah too much, too far on that one.

Thank you for enjoyable story!! I have never been able to write dialog with your skill. The hard work shows.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I'd like to see some artwork of these things. Hyena frogs, blade beasts and the 8 legged beast. Along with any character you have

Great story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
So good!

Not quite what I was expecting, until very recently that is.

Super story and what a twist!


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Damn you!


phillipmichael2phillipmichael2about 7 years ago
With Friends Like These.../

i was surprised with this new twist about a two front war i like it that they may become allies great story

sviedsviedover 7 years ago
In addition

I also think It's adorable. ☺

sviedsviedover 7 years ago

It does when they realize "I love you" is attached to nookie!

But seriously the end was a bit sappy and some would even say unreasonable. However, I defend the reaction. It's definitely possible and depending on the emotions and thoughts of the individuals involved it could happen. This could be the revelation that releases all that tension that's been building for weeks.

FYI- I am a guy and, assuming it's the right girl, I could see myself reacting similarly. I reserve the right for it to be an angry, reluctant kiss though. :-P


newtinmplsnewtinmplsalmost 8 years ago
I love you doesn't usually work that way on men

But it's adorable all the same.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

We had some hints of a danger for M'pel E'kmel's people - now there it is. A really good story, and I really hope the final wordcount will be much higher than your estimate.

BleedingShadowsBleedingShadowsabout 10 years ago

I am so excited right now. I have been waiting to learn what she was hiding from everyone. I have also been waiting for those two to get together. When i finished the chapter i just threw my hands up in excitement and yelled. "Finally"

dloold87dloold87about 10 years ago

YAY FINALLY, omfg its about time they finally admitted they loved each other. Seriously you could tell from early on that Liam and M'pel E'kmel had a thing for each other, I thought it would happen sooner than this. However I am glad it finally did.

Sid0604Sid0604about 10 years ago
Meaning to say...

RF... something I have been meaning to say for some time. I'm sure every one of your huge number of now very dedicated fans would agree with me in saying that this is a most outstanding story that sets the benchmark much higher in Lit. From the very 1st chapter it was easy to see the care, time and effort you put into writing this remarkable tale. As much as I am looking forward to reading the final chapter and everything between now and then... I don't want it to end and I'm hoping you have plans for a sequel. In addition, I'd have to agree with all your other readers who have said that this story would make a great movie.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great story

No matter what people say or do, I love your story. Please keep up the good work. It is one I would gladly pay for just to show my appreciation.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Great work

Can't say I'm too surprised, what with the foreshadowing. Though I suppose that just means you've written it well enough for someone with a close eye to pick up the hints. Great job with the story, you're going to break some hearts with the ending (us readers are greedy for good quality stuff)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
At work

Ripper, damn it. I'm at work and on a whim I checked to see if the new chapter was up, now I'm hiding in the restroom so I can finish it. Please don't disapear on us my good author.

DarkPulseDarkPulseabout 10 years ago

Forget that it is all hitting the fan and you were an experiment, forget all that and hold up... This gal got feelings. Shift whole focus to that and let the rest slip out your ears.

Very natural reaction on Liam's part. Very interesting twist. Very large amount of sleep lost to read this series. And all I can say is, very nice.

kinkykayekayekinkykayekayeabout 10 years ago
so good

This is one of those stories you you want a good cup of coffee, a comfy spot and a light cover to spend the afternoon reading. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Enjoyed every chapter

This entire series has been a pleasure to read. Well written and thought out.

cittrancittranabout 10 years ago
'tis a wonder of the emotional mind:

How strongly negative feelings can, with the right stimuli, become strongly positive.

(Thank you, Psych 101. Also TWGOK.)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

There's no way this story should end after ONLY 35,000 more words.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
so good

I love this story. More soon I hope. Thank you for sharing this with us.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

Want more!!!!! MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
spell nazi

boarder =>border

Ebronco1968Ebronco1968about 10 years ago

And now we come to the worst part of this chapter,,, waiting for the next :(

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