Using a Matchmaker Pt. 03


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"And you would be the umpteenth guy to get injured having sex in a moving car. Start fucking me again."

We laughed, and I went back to pounding away at her swollen vagina. "Are you ready, I am about to come deep inside of you." I looked down at her big smile, and I let go of multiple spasms of semen into her. In return I felt her pussy tighten around my cock squeezing the last drops, as she rumbled through her own orgasm.

We stayed in position for another minute or two, until I sat back up. Megan found her thong to contain any oozing onto the seat of the car. At this point we passed out holding each other. We woke up to Gary tapping on the partition. "We are at the resort," he informed us.

Still a bit groggy we exited the car to retrieve our bags from the trunk. Gary accompanied us to desk. At 2AM the clerk was the only person around. "Hi, last name is Adams. We have two rooms reserved."

"Good evening. I have everything ready, Mr. Adams. You have the suite on the third floor and another executive room on the second." He handed us the room cards and instructions for the minibar, wifi, resort amenities, and a few other things.

"Great. I am exhausted," said Gary as he took his package and walked towards his room.

"Are you coming for a hike with us in the morning?" asked Megan.

"Not so much. The only hike I am taking is to the pool after sleeping for ten hours."

"That actually sounds like a good idea I called out to him, as he disappeared up the stairs."

Megan and I followed up the same staircase to the third floor. The room had a huge king-sized bed and a couple of comfy chairs in a sitting area with a big television. It was not the most luxurious suite I had ever rented, but it would work for the night.

"I am feeling a bit grungy," Megan said as she started a bath. "This tub is big enough for us to go swimming."

I opened the Pandora on my phone to shuffle my stations. We listened to the Counting Crows sing Mr. Jones, as we washed away the sweat and sex from our bodies. "I was going to let my hair grow out again to its curly mess, but right now I want you to shave off the stubble. Make me smooth again."

Megan handed me her razor. She used the shampoo as a lubricant soaping up her entire head. I started around her neck making sure not to nick her. Once I got comfortable the shampoo acted well, I took longer strokes up the back to her crown. A week's growth proved a little more challenging than either of us thought, and I had to lather her head again. This time I got all of the little hairs around her ears and on the back of her head. I used the small bottle of bath oil to rub into her head to soothe any irritation. Her scalp began to shine, and I became hard again rubbing in the oil. We stood up, and I used the hose to rinse off the soap and stubble.

"I will take care of you in a minute. Get into bed and keep your eyes closed. I have a little something to slip into." I lied down facing the wall away from Megan for a couple of minutes. "Ok, take a look."

Without any physical prompting my cock sprang to full attention. She had put on a black silk teddy offsetting her white shinny head. My eyes scanned her from top to bottom, and I needed to take her once again. Megan sashayed over to me increasing her seduction of me. "move to the middle of the bed and stay there face up," she commanded.

I did not hesitate and moved into position. She got on the bed and straddled my face. Through the silky material of her negligee, I gnawed at her pussy. I used my chin to push against her clit. By this point my balls were aching from being aroused again waiting to release another orgasm.

Megan turned around and stuck her ass in my face. "Lick my butt, while I polish your hammer," she commanded again. I grabbed her hips and pulled her in tightly. I literally had my nose up her ass and my tongue licking away at anything fleshy. Meanwhile, she teased my cock mercilessly with a flick here and a suck there. She rubbed her bald head on the sensitive tip causing me to shiver and gasp for air through my mouth.

Megan pivoted around taking position between my legs. "hold my head and enjoy this," she commanded for a third time. I listen to orders from a gorgeous bald woman sucking my penis. I sat up and wrapped both hands around her head. I felt how smooth I rendered her scalp with the razor. I wanted to rub her whole head over and over, but that could wait until later. At that moment I had to take advantage of a compliant partner wanting to suck me dry.

Megan did not resist, as I lifted and lowered mouth up and down my cock. Somehow, she opened and closed her throat to allow full entry. She did not use her hands to speed up the process, she just used her larynx or esophagus muscles to increase the tension on the shaft. No matter which tube my penis disappeared into, I am not sure how she had it completely in there. She did not take a breath for at least thirty seconds, as I came in her throat. "Holy shit, that was the best blow job, I have ever had!" I yelled.

She smiled back at me and boosted my ego again, "He may be Thor, but you are Odin, my king. At least for tonight." We laughed again and fell asleep with her beautiful head resting on my chest.

The sunlight burst through the window only a few hours later. I got up to close the blinds and take a leak. I settled back into bed and wrapped Megan in my arms. "Let's start our activities later this afternoon," I suggested. Megan agreed, and we fell back to sleep.

After a couple of more awakenings and rolling overs we got out of bed and showered. Gary texted us that he was at the pool, and they served brunch out there. I texted back we would be down in ten minutes. Megan put on a red bikini and a sweatshirt. She took my Mets hat from my head, "I better cover up before going out."

Gary sat at a table waiting for us. "Try the fresh OJ," he said.

We joined him and told him of our plans for the day. "You can take the car back today. We may stay another night. I will rent a car or have an Uber take us back." We ate our eggs and fruit talking with Gary about our plans for the rest of the weekend.

"I would like to take some more footage from today for the show."

"No problem. When you take us to the lake, you can film us at the waterfall. Also, start recording now." I stood up and retrieved the sun block from Megan's bag. She removed her sweatshirt and hat. I started rubbing in the cream right on the top of her head. After a couple of minutes the sun's reflection distracted the waiter clearing our plates. He knocked over a glass splashing water onto the ground.

The waiter was not the only person ogling Megan from head to toe, as she dove into the pool. Gary panned around the pool deck for reactions. He even asked a few people what they thought and for permission to include them in the show. He returned to me as Megan got out of the pool. "Megan, most of the people thought you look awesome with your bald head, and they wish the two of you good luck."

We put together a pack for the day with trail mix, sun block, and a change of clothes. Gary drove us to the lake. We fortunately found a spot as another car pulled out. Gary joined us for the short hike to Kaaterskill Falls. The viewing platform was crowded, and we had to wait a few minutes to enter. Gary recorded the water rushing down both cascades to the second pool 260 feet below us. "Turn around guys let me get both of you."

After the final pictures Gary went back to the car to drive home, and we walked down to the bottom of the falls. The heavy rains from earlier in the week left a muddy trail, and the hike down took much longer than normal. However, the rain also gave extra volume to the falls. We could see, hear, and feel the power of all that water, as we reached the bottom.

"This is so beautiful," she said looking back up from the bottom of the lower cascade. We asked a young bearded man to take a few pictures and a recording of us kissing, and of course of me rubbing her head, with the falls tumbling in the background.

We hiked back up and went right over to the lake to rent a kayak. After stripping down to our bathing suits, we put our packs in a locker. Megan insisted to take the rear, and she steered us to a quiet spot on the far end. "I don't think we can fuck in here, but I can give you another blowjob. There is no one around. Just keep your eye out for anyone."

I did not protest, as I crawled to the back of the boat. It took a little bit of effort to balance the kayak with Megan between my legs. I kept me eyes on the horizon and my hands on her clean scalp, as she bobbed up and down my cock again. I really did not think I had another orgasm in me, but I was so relaxed by the scenery and so aroused from Megan's effort. In this state I came more with a sputter than with an explosion.

We returned to the dock planning to take a more significant hike up the mountain. After ten minutes on the trail I admitted to Megan, "I don't think I can walk anymore. My balls won't stop aching."

"Too much of a good thing," she responded. I nodded with a dopey smile. "Let's get back to the room and put some ice on them or maybe some Icy-Hot." My dopey smile turned into an expression of fear, and she just laughed all the way back to the parking lot.

The Uber drove us back to the resort. I did try some ice, while I rubbed the sun block all over Megan's head. However, after thirty seconds I realized another erection would only cause more pain. So, I let her finish applying the cream that left her scalp with a brilliant shine.

We ordered a salad to share and a couple of beers. While many people gave Megan more than a passing glance, one couple continued to stare and even pointed a little bit. "You are giving that couple something to talk about," I told her.

"Yes, I noticed that."

"I am sure this happened to you a few times this week. Your bald head attracts quite a bit of attention."

"I have been getting stared at since puberty, but never with this much attention above my neck. Usually, with a short skirt or an open top their eyes remain on my body. Did Jaime or Abby mention this?"

"Well, Jaime's haircut definitely caught Thor's attention, and many men at the golf course could not take their eyes off of Abby."

"What about other women? I noticed so many more looking at me than ever before. Like that one across the pool."

"Funny thing about that. When Abby and I went for dinner by the beach, a couple came over to talk. After we ate, she was so excited to get a short haircut. She even went to a barber shop across the street, but she chickened out."

Almost on cue the other couple walked over from the other side of the pool. "You caught us, so we figured we would say hello." She extended her hand to Megan. "Heather, and my boyfriend, Tom." We completed shaking hands and Heather continued. "I told Tom my ex husband loved short hair, and I had a pixie or bob for most of my marriage. After the divorce two years ago, I grew it out."

"You have such a great chestnut color and the right texture. I have a curly mess I am always fighting. Keeping it short makes things simple," said Megan.

"I have a great colorist, I started going gray about the time of the divorce. Stress, I guess."

"Did you ever shave it?"

"Not to the scalp. Maybe a half inch once. Can I touch your head?" Megan leaned forward, and Heather rubbed her head for about ten seconds. "Wow, that feels great. I loved having my head rubbed with short hair. This would be even better. Tom, what do you think?"

"Tom, you can take a rub," Megan said nodding her head in his direction.

He gave a quick stroke, "pretty cool. I never dated a woman with short hair, but Megan you totally pull it off. Heather, you would also look pretty amazing."

I told them about the dating show with Patti, and I repeated the story to Heather and Tom about the night at the beach. "It takes a lot of courage or incentive."

"No one is giving me $3000, but I am serious," repeated Heather. "Tom, do you have your beard trimmer with you?"

"No, but I am sure there is a barbershop in the town."

"I will have another clean shave. We can go together," Megan added.

Tom drove to the shop ten minutes away. There were two men already in the seats, but no one else waiting. When the first barber finished, he asked me to come sit down. "Not me," I said.

Megan took the lead and got into the chair. "Make it smooth again."

I used my phone to record part of Megan's head shave. The barber spread the hot lather on her head and deftly scraped away with a straight razor. About half way through Megan's shave the other barber finished, and he asked for the next customer. Heather did not hesitate, "give me the same cut as her."

"Are you sure about this," he asked, while fastening the cape around her neck. "I have time to cut it in stages just in case you want to stop."

"Nope. Get right to it. I don't want the option."

I switched recording Megan's shave to Heather in the chair. The barber used a heavy-duty clipper with no guard and started right down the middle of Heather's head leaving short brown stubble in its wake. He continued to move around Heather's head with little hesitation. Heather sat stone faced not belying any emotion. Conversely, Tom's reaction was clearly noticeable both on his astonished face and with the bulge in his shorts.

After finishing with the clippers the barber used the shaving cream and razor to render her head completely smooth. He used some oil to relieve the irritation and to leave Heather with a glossy shine just like her fellow shavee. Megan now took her turn to rub Heather's head. "Feels real good. Just like mine," Megan said.

We paid the barbers and left with two freshly shaved women reflecting the sunlight. Tom drove back to the resort. We decided to forego our second night at the resort because we both had a busy Monday morning. The girls connected on Facebook, and we made a commitment to meet in New York for dinner in a few weeks. "Let me know everyone's reaction," Megan said to Heather.

"I work from home, so no worries there. However, I am not sure how quickly I can show my kids. They liked my short hair in the past, but a bald mom may not go over so well."

"No reservations I hope," responded Megan. "They may love it."

Tom interjected, "I know I love it, and I can't wait any longer to show Heather how much."

We said good-bye to Heather and Tom. They went to their room to fuck, and we went to our room to pack.

We had a car drive us home. Megan stayed over, and we made love one more time on Sunday. We agreed to pursue our relationship, and she would come on the show and to film all the updates on our relationship.

On Monday I called Patti. "Megan and I had a great time this weekend."

"She soothed your ego, I gather," Patti quipped.

"Yes, she did in many ways. I sent you a few more recordings of us. That other couple will sign any releases you may need."

"The show won't air for a couple of months, so I will be in touch. Hopefully, you and Megan will still be together. I need to improve my batting average as a matchmaker."

"Patti, no worries about that. I think you found me my soul mate."

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