Valdar Ch. 01-02

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Introduction to a lore heavy erotic fantasy world.
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I Welcome you all to my first entry on the site. After some support from a close friend i built up the courage to put out my odd heavy lore focused erotic story.

The reason there are 2 chapters in this post is due to the first chapter not containing anything erotic, rather its just a chapter to help set the stage for the world and introducing our main heroine. Expect about 90% lore and 10% eroticism. I had to get the stage set before we continued. Expect more erotic activities in future chapters.

If the tags didn't make it clear (I hate having to come up with tags) This is a story about a Lesbian who has a kink for sex of the "No consent" variety. For reasons why would be revealed in the story.

Also, The name of the world this story takes in is named Valdar.

So, Let us begin!

------------------CHAPTER 1------------------

Oh? You wish to hear my story? Really? You want to give me a chance? Well, i don't think i can turn you away now, can i? I just hope you don't mind the self-narration. Its hard to find a proper narrator to tell my story. They rather tell stories of clean heros and heroines always doing the right thing, tied to no vices or scandals.I tried..I'm certainly not a perfect person but even i think i deserve a chance too, you know?

Suppose i should introduce myself. My name is Rosaria Wynrieth. Thats a feminine Eleven name if you didn't catch that. I was born 10 years after the fall of the Imperial sovereignty. Before then there stood two massive empires on our continent of Alederia. The Empire of the Humans led by Emperor Fardarich and the Elven imperium led by chancellor Gretoris. The two factions waged on with their war for land and resources until the costs to continue it wasn't worth it. A call for peace was issues and both heads of state made their way ot neutral ground to sign a treaty to put a stop to their wasteful war.

It didn't end as planned as a unknown third party came in and destroyed the peace summit, murdering both the Chancellor and Emperor. Tensions on both sides flared up again but even more within the social circles of noble houses that made up the great empires. The Humans demanded to know who would take the throne and lead them to destroy the elfs. The Emperor was suppose to appoint a successor from one of their noble houses. Whoever contributed the most would be next to lead but he died before it was time to decide. The Eleven Chancellor was suppose to take on a apprentice early on and prepare them to lead. But he's apprentice also died in the raid.

This created a massive power vacuum. With no one to lead them they had to depend on themselves for leadership. Imperial rule has fallen and in its place came the rise of hundreds of House states. Those that depended on the logistics network of their nation were forced to turn against their own kind to secure the needed resources. Those that desired to take power began violently absorbing the minor houses surrounding them. If you weren't on the offensive, you were on the defensive.

But what does this all have to do with me, you may ask. Well, I'm a victim of this hell our lands went under. I was just a simple farming girl under the rule of House Delmuth. I was taken from my home at twelve like many others when our lord sold us off as slaves to another as a "peace" offering. For awhile our lord struggled to turn around a falling war. Our armies and borders were being threatened by what appeared to be a relentless war machine. Delmuth's only hope was to give tribute in hopes of being given mercy in exchange.

He was, we weren't. While everyone from my village were sent to the fields i was sent to my new lord's personnel chambers. I suppose he just saw another toy in me...Another soft skinned elf with blonde hair to be his play thing. For six damn years he abused me for his own pleasure. I was finally liberated when he's precious lands and estate were raided by a band of marauders.

See, remember when i said the two empires wanted peace because the costs of the war were far too high to pay? With everything broken up into smaller states, the situation only gotten worse. Lords were running short on troops and morale. They were forced to conscript their own working force to feed their war efforts. The commoners didn't take kindly to this and started deserting the lands they were slaves to. Soldiers also started deserting, seeing as they are all being sent to fight a endless stalemate. This led to the start of something called the "fortune wars"

The most common type of grouped formed from these deserters were mercenaries. Due to the increased demand of troops, they could put a dent in the treasuries of lords. But this group didn't want to work for them, rather raid and sack their lands. So, was i now the pawn to this group? No, all slaves that were liberated were offered a place in their ranks. It gave me a chance to get my revenge in the hell i was put in! So of course i joined them. There i became apart of a new family. One that made me strong, one that gave me power. No longer would i be the weakling that can be pushed over! for for the next four years we went on raids of house assets and plundered what we needed. This was survival, our lords neglected their responsible to take care of us. So we got back at them and took from them to take care of ourselves.

I earned the respect of my peers, wealth to acquire anything i desired and enough to eat so i'd never go hungry. But i was still missing one thing, love. Deep down i wanted that real companionship so many people had. Like the one my parents had. But i couldn't be with a man, i didn't trust them. I felt as if if entered a relationship with one i would be a submissive puppet to them! I never want to return to the feeling of being lower than someone. To have no control, it makes me feel weak and insignificant!

Then I a had the idea, what about other women? They are nice, soft and pleasant to be around. I can remember how easy it was to talk to the other females slaves about what I went though. I'm comfortable around them. I then started approaching the women in our camps or villages under our protection. Trying to flirt with them, let them know I was interested.

I sadly was...rejected endlessly. I was always given a odd look. I was treated with disgust and was being questioned if I was still sane! No one here has heard of a women who wanted to be with another women. The men started trying to get me to take interest in them. Even going as far as to try and get the drop on me while I was slipping in my tent. But I was always prepared to defend myself from such a attack and i cut each one if them Down! SOme say paranoia is a bad thing to hold onto but its something i learned to trust.

My hatred for men only increased but so did my desire for a lover...I was tired of being told no... All this pain and work for something unfulfilling. I...couldn't help myself any more. On our next raid I made a special request that one of the village girls be handed over to me. So I could...fulfil my needs.

We migrated north and started pillaging the border between humans and elven lands. We knocked over a small human village and brought to me was the daughter of the innkeeper. A girl with short black hair and eyes as warm as a hearth.

There she was, at my mercy. She could say no but it wouldn't matter...I had control. I could do what I wanted to her, i decide when to switch it up, I decided what position she take and what she wears. I'll never forget the first time I grabbed those fluffy breasts her. Hearing her cute moans slip out for the first time. It all brought me pleasure I never felt before!

I only wished she just relaxed while I supplied us both with this kind of pleasure. I wasn't trying to hurt her I swear! I...wanted to love her, at first maybe she was just in shock because her parents died in the attack. But, no i realized what truly was frightening her...

After our first meeting, I decided that I wanted her, as a wife. I didn't care the odd looks I was getting after that, I finally had someone to love! Someone i could feel comfortable by. I was happy but she wasn't...I did all I could to fix that by embracing her every night I could but...only after a week did she...


I'm sorry, I needed a moment. I found her dead in my tent from returning from a raid. Using a shard from a broken wine jug to cut her throat. I was, devastated to come home to see her lifeless on the ground. But I still didn't realize the problem after that. No, my desire or love and sex only expanded after that...I wasn't ready to take another wife but I had my way with other villages time and time again. Only after paying attention to these girls did I realize what really destroyed

They were the victims of my selfish, carnal desires. All this time I thought I was bringing love and affection but in reality I was no different than the man that violated me. Could be said I'm even a worst monster...

I bad to run...get away from this. Here, we take what we want. That mindset allowed me to commit these crimes. I needed to make amends with my sins somehow. I sneaked out of our camp one night and made my way south into the Eleven land we torn apart. To get as far as way as possible. I would make things right! Or..try to at least. I was not happy with myself deep down anymore, i became the person i loathed. I did consider just doing the whole of Valdar a service and just end my own life but...Something in me said there was a chance at redeeming my self.

But, i didn't think it would be possible. My desires were still in the back of my head, gnawing at me. Teasing me to "harm" someone else. I had to get by purchasing escorts in towns but i still needed money to rent a room to sleep or buy something to eat...Sex just became something my body needed now. I...had to take someone every now and then, criminals . They deserved it right? Well...No but, certainly no villager deserved it.

I went from town to town. Taking on whatever kind of work I could put my skills in fighting towards. A violent bandit here...Guard watch there. I sorta missed the freedom my old gang offered. Just go in and take what you can. Now it's do theses long boring tasks for a set amount. Then the fucking taxes have to be collected if a commoner posted the job! It's not there fault, damn nobles just stepping on the people who actually help their subjects.

But where am I going with this? It's through this path where I finally met her...The Hitu.

------------------CHAPTER 2------------------

I was on my way out of the Yuj-kil village. Place was just a rest stop. Nothing to do but stock up on supplies. There were no room vacancies at the Inn so I had to keep moving, even with the unsafety of night lingering above me.

I didn't fear if I found myself in any ambush, I was ready. My kit of leather was perfect for me, flexible, durable, reliable and...easily removable. My skills with blades were almost unmatched. I fear no man on this world. I'm more then equipped to handle any things the woods held.

Thankfully I hear the sound of a battle waging on not too far off. Shouting and steel clashing. The guards in the village usually give travellers any heads up on mercenary outfits traveling in the area so they can move around them. But no sittings any for awhile now...So, most likely they were bandits.

I wish to make up for my crimes as I said before. So I had to go see what was going on. I make a dash through the forest to where the sounds were coming from. But soon I stopped hearing anything, I fear I may have been too late and only hoped I was still going in the right direction.

The corpses I discovered confirm I was indeed close. Foreigners, from Celdrin nobles. .Ask any noble and they would call Celdrin the "Filthy little brother" of Alderia. The Celdrin land is under several sovereign leaders but all come together in a "Union". Within this union are several races that follow their own odd traditions.

The first corpse I discover is of a Jekkion. Some...Lizard like race, they have these long faces and slightly hunched backs. They are the most common sight of foreigner you will in Alderia. While nobles think lowly of Celdrin and they backward ways, they of course have valuable goods and ships to move them overseas for trade. So they are a common sight.

Of course, being elven I of course heard of them first as the Vash'Valk. A cult that w will get into at a later time.

Then two humans but both of them were wearing garments more foreign than what you can see humans wearing here. So, I guess that meanthe theses guys were Motsues. They are pretty much but something separates the two. Easiest way to tell who is a Motsu is to listen out for which human isn't a noble and speaks of "honor".

Found another Motsu corpse propped up by a tree with a stab woundin his chest. My attention is taken away however as I see in the corner of my eye a man. I slip quickly behind a tree and peak over to see what is happening.

A cloaked figure lays mercifully in front of a group of three of them. Trying to taunt them into standing up and fighting but seemingly unable to. I could not let this continue. I stepped out from behind the tree and got the gangs attentions by saying out "Hello boys!"

They all turn to face me with their weapons drawn. The survivor also seems to have been looking my way but I couldn't get a good look of their face.

"Look what we got 'ere lads!" The first bandit says " Got ourself a lost lass!" he says this with a smirk. His friends then join in with a laugh.

The prick then starts walking towards me. I knew what he was thinking...Just some blonde elven maiden who was caught stumbling though the night to get captured by bandits..Little did he know I have a history that would put his petty little ambushes to shame. So when he opened his mouth to spout some filthy comment. I unsheath my blade with a slash and cut him right across his chest.

The man then falls to the ground with a scream of agony. Sadly, I waited till they were juuust in range for a slash. So the cut didn't go deep enough to hit anything vital, but disabled him. So then his friends catch on to what they were really dealing with and approached me with their swords drawn! As in..their actual swords, this is not some innuendo for their dicks.

My first focus was the larger one on the left, he seemed like the greater threat of due his strength. But he was also he was a fat bastard! A slash would not stop him, I had to thrust for some vital to kill him. I walk up and he comes at me with a swipe of his blade with his left arm. Timing was key, with one good parry I had just a second to directly my blade into where his heart is. The life fading from his groan is what told me I hit My mark, but I still had the other bastard coming after my flank and my sword was stuck in some fat bastard. With all my force I turn the bandit my blade was in toward s the other. Using him as a meat shield I block the strike and get his sword stuck in the fat bastards shoulder. Unfortunately for him, I always have a backup.

I pulled a dagger from my belt and step from being the meat shield. The bandit gives up trying to liberate his sword and prepares to block a punch to his face. Instead he is greeted with a few sharp stabs in his stomach. He falls to the ground then I'm reminded of the first one still being alive. What gave it away? The sound of a musket pistol being primed.

There was nothing for me to dive behind and I froze up. But either or luck or one of the hundred gods made up showed me mercy. The damn trigger jammed on him! The look on his face was so priceless that I couldn't help but break out with a small laugh...Oh, how so many dumb bastards think muskets are the future,they are unreliable I tell you! Your less likely to have a bow or crossbow jam or not work. The discovery of gunpowder is what allowed the house's to train troops easily. Takes time and money to teach someone to weird a sword but to aim and fire a musket was cheaper and easier. Of course you risk the junk not working at the worst time.

So I walk over and end his fear by sliding his throat. Quick and easy! I look over at the robed figure who appears to be far less shaky than before. I walk over and pull my blade from the fat one before walking over and helping them to their feet.

"Come on, probably not best to stick around here." I tell them. Still can't get a good look at their face. They looked ill almost. But from getting a better look I can tell they have a frame of a female...I guess you can tell where this will eventually go.

They nod at me and I lead them off, far from this site incase more showed up. We keep going until we come across a cave entrance. Peering in we find that appears to be some small cave, possibly the former den of some animal. We could see all it had to offer from where we were standing. It got us out of the opening and offered us just enough light from the moon to still look around.

I lead the survivor into the cave and leave her there while I go back to see if we were followed by anyone. No, doesn't seem like it. Dodging royal bounty hunters for so long gives you a 6th sense of sorts to get a feel for anyone after you. Once comfortable we were fine I turn back to see a stunning a sight.

I never seen someone like it before...her skin was almost entirely white, her long hair being a good comparison to how close it was being to pure white. Then two horns that were curved backwards. Accompanying all of this was a soft and mature face. To me she was beautiful, but I had no idea what she even was. I standed there frozen until she spoke to me in a warm voice "Thank you for rescuing me." she then smiles at me.

After seeing that smile I felt all those butterflies in my fade away. I never been so captivated by someone's beauty before. Figured the best question I could ask at that moment was "What are you..." I felt like I already knew the answer but it didn't seem like It would be right.

"Are you familiar with the Hitu?" she asks me that same smile. Something seemed obviously sincere about it. Not unrealistic overjoyed but just...happy.

But her answer of a question served as my answer. I didn't believe it at first. To those active to Alderia, none of us knew anything factual about the Hitu. They were on lyrics ever described through their myths and legends. Tales would be told to misbehaving children about how the Hitu would come and drag you away at night. Or how they were the true masterminds behind the Union. The Union was made up as several races but Hitu were the ones that had just myths behind them. None ever seen in Alderia and those foreigners from Celdrin either refuse to speak on it or don't know anything.

"You're...a Hitu? You're not what I expected..." I said, still trying to put this gorgeous creature besides these morbid legends I learned over the years.

"Yes there's quite a lot of stories about us...They like it that way.."

"They? Who's they?"

The Hitu woman was hesitant at first but after thinking on it for a second looked up to me and said "I suppose you deserves some answers, you saved me from a terrible fate. But there's still only so much I can say. My name is Valutia. I'm a member of the Celdrin for my purpose on Alderia, i cannot say. I have gone far enough by reveal my identity. They wish to keep my species a secret to outsiders."

So she's apart of the Union and the same must go for those dead Motsues and Jekkion. You know...never really cared much for the women native to Celdrin. Never my taste but this creature I took some interest in. So...I took a chance to be flirty with her.

"Well...I'm grateful you revealed that lovely face of yours." I say with a grin. Valutia is surprised by the comment but is quick to accept it