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Not wanting to molest his sister's body, he simply washed his ass and pussy as good as he knew how to, still getting turned on at every touch of intimate flesh. It was like her body was made for sex because everything he touched made him shiver with excitement. Miraculously, he managed to finish and exit without making himself cum.

Ashe's hard-on had subsided by the time she headed to the bathroom. Like she would any other day, she sat down to piss, grimacing at the fact she now had to push her cock down so it wouldn't spray the front of the toilet seat. That's when it dawned on her she was touching her brother's penis. Now, she wasn't excited about it like Rei was with her body, but it piqued her curiosity enough to examine it when she finished urinating. The thing was even heavy completely flaccid, making Ashe wonder where the small asian cock stereotype came from.

Maybe that's Korean guys, or Chinese guys who have small cocks, because this is one big Japanese dong, Ashe ruminated to herself as she held her brother's meaty member in her hand. She pulled back on it, exposing the soft pink tip from the cool tan colored foreskin. After familiarizing herself with her new genitals enough to elicit a semi-erection, she decided to shower and get her brother ready.

Like Rei, she couldn't help but notice all the differences in her new body as she washed. The hardness of every part of her body made her feel a lot stronger, flexing her many, tight muscles as the hot water cascaded off her. Rei was always in good shape, being pretty muscular though he was rather short and small. The one place that was not so small though, Rei's thick and long cock, Ashe found herself unable to keep her hands away from.

She soaped her big dick up longer than necessary, making it grow from semi to fully erect over a few minutes of fidgeting with it. Then, mimicking the motion she had seen guys do before cumming on her face, tits or belly, she began jerking her girlcock slowly and then sped up. What began as an experimental tug, turned into a desperate attempt to cum as the feeling in her loins grew from good to great to needy. But she was unable to reach her climax just beating off, hot and wet in the shower alone and decided to end things before her brother got suspicious.

In the end, they both figured they wouldn't mind spending at least a few more days in the other's body, though they could never admit it.

Ashe went to Rei's room and picked out a simple tshirt and a pair of jeans, making sure they were a bit looser than the others. When she pulled them up though, she didn't fancy the texture of going commando, and since Rei didn't own underwear, she figured she'd have to borrow a pair of her panties. Ashe wrapped up in a towel made her way to her room, opening the door to find Rei already dressed in form fitting grey yoga pants and a pink, loose fitting crop top. "Why are you wearing my gym clothes?"

"Gym clothes?" Rei said uncertainly, "oh, right, I guess that makes sense why they're so comfy."

"Yeah. But people will just think you're on your way to the gym, so I guess it's fine," Ashe said, walking over to her underwear drawer.

"I have on a bra and panties already," Rei said, thinking she was searching for him.

He had predicted that caging his glorious new breasts in a bra would be uncomfortable, just as it turned out to be. But a curious excitement surrounded the idea of wearing his sister's panties. He had fished through the drawer and sampled a few pair, modeling them in the mirror, enjoying how sexy they all made him feel before settling on a clean little black thong with colorful butterflies all over the front.

"I was just going to grab some for myself, since you don't have any," she explained. After flipping through the drawer for a moment, she pulled out some neon orange, soft cotton cheekies. She discarded her towel and slipped on the panties, pulling them up snug against her ass and crotch. Her cock formed a very visible knot in the tight undies. Rei couldn't help but to steal more than a few glances at his dick protruding out of the sexy panties, noting he didn't look bad in them.

Ashe helped Rei fix his hair into a ponytail, then applied some light makeup consisting of mascara, blush and lip gloss. She then got herself dressed and they headed to the museum.

The two siblings went straight to the room with the large, gold image and listened to another tour guide explain the origin and details of Atlantiades, the goddess of Atlantis. When she was finished, they began to ask her questions about the blessing of Atlantiades and whether there were any legends where the goddess had reversed her curse.

"Well, there are about a dozen legends in which Atlantiades used her powers to do supernatural things, and, to my knowledge, none of it was ever reversed. Greek gods and goddesses weren't always benevolent, sometimes they were evil and vindictive. Atlantiades was kind of in the middle, helping some find love but using others for her own amusement, making people's genitals disappear, or swapping the bodies of men and women, sometimes even keeping humans as sex slaves... well, I could go on and on about this stuff, but to answer your question, no legends end with Atlantiades negating her magic. The subjects would simply learn to live with the changes."

Rei and Ashe were stunned. It was setting in on them that the swap may be permanent, an anxiety inducing revelation. They still waited for the group to leave the statue, which took longer since they had opened up a can of questions for the knowledgeable tour guide, Resa, to answer. After about twenty minutes of Q & A, they were finally alone. They touched the golden image of the large breasted, small cocked goddess and prayed humbly for her to reverse the curse. They left the museum contemplating what it would be like to live the other's life.

On the way back, Dimitri called, a bit surprised to hear Rei's voice answering Ashe's phone. "Hey, Rei... uh, is your sister around."

"Oh, uh, yeah... she's driving," Ashe said, again adjusting her mind to her new predicament. Being trapped in her brother's body meant she needed to take his place as Dimi's best friend.

"Ok. I was just gonna make sure we're still on for our date tonight," Dimitri said.

"Yes. She's still going," Ashe said, causing Rei to stare over at her with raised eyebrows, taking his eyes off the road momentarily.

"What are you doing?" Rei whispered.

Ashe glanced over but then ignored him. "What, did she hear me? Am I on speaker phone?" Dimitri asked, noticing how quickly Rei had answered for his sister without asking.

"No, no. She's just been excited about it all day. I know she's looking forward to it," Ashe explained, really to both of them.

"Ok great. Tell her I'll pick her up at seven."

"Ok, will do."

"Ok thanks, love. Bye," Dimi saluted and then ended the call.

Ashe put down the phone and furrowed her brow. "He calls you 'love'?

"He what?"

"Before he hung up... he said 'thanks, love'."

"Oh, That. Yeah, he does. And? Can a man be loved by another man without his sexuality being called into question?"

"Of course he can, its just- never mind," Ashe finally retreated. "Dimi says he'll pick you up at seven, by the way."

"Ashe, why couldn't you cancel or postpone your date until we find a way out of this?"

"I didn't want him to think I was blowing him off. I still want to have a chance with him in case we get our bodies back, but if not, we may just have to tell him what happened..."

"I don't think we should tell anyone about this!" Rei exclaimed.

"I know, and neither do I. That's why we have to play along like nothing is different, which means you have to go on that date. I was too excited about it not to go now, he'll know something's up. Really, all you have to do is hang out with him like always, but only in a girl's body, is that too hard?"

Rei scoffed at the silliness of the zany situation, but alas agreed to do it.


It was approaching seven o'clock and Ashe was helping Rei get ready for his date with his best friend. He had himself all psyched into thinking of it as just another simple hangout with Dimitri until Ahse started her usual ritualistic preparations on him. It started with a hot bath, during which, Ashe barged into the bathroom demanding to shave his legs, armpits and crotch. "What!? Why do I need to do all of this? You said it's going to be like we're hanging out, so why would I shave my... my uh... down there... area."

"Your pussy? You can say it y'know, you have one now," Ashe laughed lightheartedly.

"Ok. Why do I need to shave my pussy for a date that will most definitely not end with him seeing or touching me there!?"

"Oh, Rei," Ashe sighed, "it's not about what he's gonna see or touch. It's about how you feel. A girl needs to feel sensual on a date, to boost her confidence and give her a sexy little secret. And that's also why you're not gonna wear any panties either," Ashe explained to her brother who had just exited the bathtub wearing nothing but a few foam suds all over her own dripping wet body. She wasn't really sure why, but seeing herself like that made her mouth water and her cock begin to rouse. She had to fight her own eyes to stop staring at his glorious tits, let alone his perfect pussy.

"No panties either!? This is crazy, Ashe! Why would I need to feel sexy at all? I think I should play it conservative so he won't try anything with me."

"But, Rei, if you do that, he's not going to get the real me and he might change his mind. I want him to still want me after this and the first impression is everything. I need you to be more like me, more sexy so he'll stay interested. I'm talking flirting, hand holding, maybe a good night kiss if you could stomach it. Of course I don't expect you to fuck him but just give him something to look forward to next time. I need you to do this for me, please."

Ashe begged him to go through with it and he finally caved. "Ok ok. I'll be my best, sexiest you tonight. But you owe me, big time."

Ashe smiled and thanked Rei, promising to make it up to him later and then got to work. Once she had finished with his armpits, Ashe started to shave Rei's legs one by one, him sitting on the toilet seat, still naked and her on the rim of the tub. She began to grow more nervous and horny as time passed, her cock growing stiffer when time came to shave his pussy. And she wasn't alone. Rei was being turned on too, even to the point his wetness could be felt every time he would move his legs. He even imagined he could smell his own arousal in the air, blushing lightly wondering whether his sister noticed the redolence of his moist sex.

When the time came, Ashe had Rei stand up as she descended to her knees to shave between his legs. Ashe wondered what the hell had gotten into her once she came face to face with the familiar sight of her private parts. It had turned her on so much she started to feel a bit uncomfortable in her jeans and she hoped her brother hadn't noticed. It looked so appealing, the tan lines, the thin stubble she was to remove, the contours of his hips and the plumpish flesh of his mound. It was simply mouthwatering.

Ashe played nonchalant, like she was just shaving herself. Rei was relieved he didn't have a cock at the moment because he'd be unmistakably hard. The way his sister handled his most intimate space with such care and innocence, not knowing what she was doing to his heated libido. When Ashe finished shaving Rei's pelvis and the sides of his vagina, she had him turn around to remove all the hair between his ass cheeks too. Ashe explained that she would usually get all this done at a spa, but they had no time and it was ok since it was her own cracks and crevices she was servicing. When they were finished, Ashe left Rei in the bathroom to towel off, heading to her own room to cool off until it was time to dress her sexy brother.

Rei entered Ashe's room wearing the towel he dried off with, removing it freely and recieving a wicked little kick from flaunting his perky little body for her. In his mind, she should care less about seeing her own naked body but how wrong he was. His antics, though she was unaware of his sensual enjoyment, made her deeply covet a taste of her feminine doppelganger.

Rei didn't mind not wearing any panties since he usually went without underwear, but the dress Ashe had picked out for him made him rethink things. "Are... are you sure I shouldn't wear panties with this dress?" he asked nervously after slipping into it and staring at himself in the mirror. He had good reason to question her, the strappy little weightless piece of sheeny, peach colored material being so tight and short that the wrong move would expose all his secrets. But dammit did he feel sexy in it. His nipples poked straight through the thin material on either side of the cleavage in the deep plunging neckline. Feeling the room's air between his legs made him feel as naughty as Ashe had said it would, if not more than intended.

"I'm sure you'll be fine. I wear things like this all the time without any panties on," Ashe assured, getting more excited to see her brother in the borderline inappropriate (even for her) attire. "Now, go out there and be the sexy bitch I always knew you could," Ashe said, slapping Rei on the booty lightly, caressing it for half a second to satisfy her seemingly curious hands which begged to know the feel of such a perfect ass. Shortly after, she silently berated herself, telling herself she already knew what it felt like since it was hers. After Dimitri arrived and Rei left for his date, she questioned what the hell was she thinking and why was she feeling so horny for her own self.


Rei sat in the passenger seat of Dimitri's car, legs crossed, nervously twisting his hair around a finger, preparing himself to impersonate his sister and trying to get his mind off the scantiness of the slinky dress he wore. "I was really surprised you asked me out. Y'know, I would've asked you first but I wasn't sure how Rei would feel about it."

"Yeah, he's pretty chill about it. But I'm glad you said yes. I've been looking forward to it all day."

"Uh, and, you know that... what I said at the statue the other day... that was a joke. I mean, it mostly was a joke... I do happen to be bisexual... and... um I have been known to crush on Rei a little bit... so," Dimitri said nervously, trying to acknowledge and hopefully dismiss the elephant in the room.

Rei chuckled. "Yeah, I know. And my brother has been turning you down for years, so I thought I'd give you a chance at the next best thing. Me," Rei smiled over at his best friend, proud he could be clever in the way his sister always was. Dimitri felt himself relax as the point of tension had been released. It had always been a nervy experience telling women he was bi. Some of them would accept it wholeheartedly and some would go to the opposite extreme and get away fast. But never had he told a girl that he had a crush on their male sibling. He was glad she was ok with it.

"So, where're we going?" Rei asked.

"You'll see," he replied with a warm smile as he drove. Rei was curious but content to wait since he liked when Dimitri surprised him with secret outings, and this time there was a hint of romance in the air he was comfortable to enjoy, being Ahse and all.

The couple arrived at a large park with open, green grassy areas surrounded by plush, full trees. The place wasn't extremely crowded but people were not scarce since there was still some daylight left. Some parents sat on benches as their children ran around, others jogged on a path that ran through the park and people played fetch with their dogs. "Come on, our little nook is this way," Dimitri said, leading the way along a path until they came close to a sizable lake, then went through a line of trees off to the side, revealing a blanket spread on the ground with a basket and cooler.

"A picnic," Rei smiled, "I love picnics!"

"I'm glad. I wanted to take advantage of this last bit of warm weather. I probably should have told you though, so you could dress for it," Dimitri said, looking Ashe up and down and smiling at the sexy sight. "You look amazing by the way."

"Thanks Dimi," Rei said, taking the moment to do as Ashe might have and checked him out. He was kind of a small guy of about 5'8" and 135lbs. For some reason, Rei was now able to more appreciate how handsome his friend was. His short, black hair and brown eyes were so attractive as was his slim but toned upper body he could see contouring the white, fitted polo shirt. He also found the bit of rugged hairs on his strong looking legs very sexy beneath his linen shorts. He was just seeing his best friend with fresh eyes and he liked what was in front of him. "You're really sexy too, Dimi," Rei said in truth, later trying to assure himself he was only saying what Ashe would have.

The couple then walked over to the blanket and sat. Rei adjusted his body for a minute to find a comfortable position that didn't give Dimitri a clear view of his pussy. Finally, he settled across from Dimi on his hip, legs closed together to the side. He was pretty sure his friend's sight couldn't reach up his dress but the light breeze coming off the lake surely made it's way in, making him aware of the slight wetness.

Dimitri and Rei began to unpack the wicker basket of food beside them, talking and eating and drinking wine coolers. Over time, Dimitri was getting to know Ashe rather well as Rei did a fine job of being her. The attraction between them was continuously kindled by conversations that went from work to leisure activities to relationships and then eventually to sex. They had also switched positions on the blanket as sunset approached, now lying face to face on their sides not a foot apart. Dimitri had set a hand on Rei's hip, caressing there as they conversed.

Rei figured he must have inherited Ashe's attractions as well, never having been this horny to be touched by Dimitri in his life. He started to think sex might not be completely out of the cards tonight.

"So what's the craziest thing you ever did sexually?" Dimitri asked, a glint of excitement in his face as his hand slipped beneath the edge of Rei's dress to caress bare, smooth thigh.

Rei wasn't sure what the answer was so he decided to make up something instead. "I once had sex with this hot guy in a park." When he said it he smiled into Dimitri's eyes, but internally screamed, what the hell are you doing!?

"Oh, is that so?" he laughed. "How'd you two pull that off?"

"Well, it was a pretty secluded area, near water I think. And, if I'm not mistaken, it was getting pretty dark so the park was just about empty," Rei said, ignoring his inhibitions and convincing himself to just go with it.

"I see," Dimitri smiled, resuming caresses on Rei's thigh. "So tell me, what else happened?"

"I don't know. It's all a blur from that point," Rei giggled prettily, flirtation still in his eyes. "Maybe you could refresh my memory."

"Maybe I can," Dimitri chuckled. "Well, it's hard to imagine anyone having sex without kissing so, maybe that's what happened next?" As he said it, he moved in for a kiss. His lips impressed on Rei's, both pairs soft, wet and hot. Without hesitation, their lips opened up and Dimitri slid his tongue into Rei's mouth, exhilarated to have it caressed and sucked by the gorgeous girl. They drove each other hot with each other's tongues, slithering them along one another's, letting their mouths get really slick with saliva until it made sticky sloshing sounds, and moaning into each other. Rei rolled onto his back and Dimitri followed, never taking his mouth off him.

"I think you're right," Rei panted, breaking their first kiss. "I remember being really wet after we kissed."