Violent Ex and New Boyfriend Pt. 01

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Overlaps between old and new relationships can get violent.
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Some transitions between relationships can be smooth, with nice long gaps of healing and getting over your ex. Sometimes it's a lot more complicated than that. David had broken my heart one too many times with his commitment issues, and though I said I was done and got back on tinder, I still cared for him deeply.

I only meant to get on Tinder to get over my anxiety about first dates, but surprisingly, I found someone who I truly liked, maybe even loved, and who felt the same about me. Unfortunately, I still had feelings to work through with David, who desperately wanted me back.

My relationship with David was always kinky and possessive, in fact that's how we started. With just a little BDSM amongst friends to relieve some tension. It quickly became more than that. All our darkest desires aligned, and soon he was choking me until I lost consciousness will fucking me from behind and whispering in my ear that he could kill me if he wanted at any moment. And I loved every moment of it. He was territorial and violent, but only in ways that felt good. But there were too many emotional wounds to heal from, so I had to step away.

Adam was just as kinky in all the same ways, and was similarly bisexual. I suppose I have a type. I told him of all my woes with David, and he understood that I was still working through those feelings. He understood I was still deciding between them in a way, and was completely comfortable with my planning to meet with David one last time to get everything out on the table and get some closure. And break it to him I was dating someone else now. Even if it wasn't official, it was butter to say it was and make a clean cut. I wasn't excited. I was acutely aware of a dark hickey on my neck as well that David would NOT like. I tried to cover it with my hair.

It was nearly midnight when I met David at the park. I lived at home and he lived with his ex still, so we were used to sneaking around here. I sighed knowing it wouldn't be fun this time.

I parked and got into the passenger seat of his car. I had been trying so hard to convince myself I was over him, but my body melted just a touch when I saw him regardless. Just a touch taller than me and slender, his long pale fingers gripped the steering wheel. Memories came flooding back of those hands around my throat. Of those hands inside of me... I tried to push those thoughts away. I was with Adam now.

A shock of straight black spilled down his face, concealing his eyes from my view.

"You're dating someone else."

It wasn't a question, but a statement.

"How did you know?"

"I just do."

"I...I still have feelings for you. Strong ones. And he knows that too I just... You know we can't be together anymore. I'm sorry."

His muscles tensed but he sat in silence. He jerked his head to look at me. Those eyes. He looked sad and desperate but also... Hungry.

It was a look I'd seen many times before, and it made me shift in my seat and my cheeks felt hot. I hoped he didn't notice. But his eye twitched. And something dark fell across them.

"I probably don't want to know the answer but I have to ask... What have you done with him so far?"

He was staring directly at me, his breathing heavy, knuckles still white against the steering wheel.

"Not that much sheesh. I haven't even seen.. It ya know..." I avoided his gaze but I could feel it boring a hole into my burning cheeks.

"Has he seen you?"


"..And has he touched you?"



"I came here for closure and to discuss what went wrong between us not to tell you everything I've done with-"

"HOW." He slammed his fist against the steering wheel, shaking the car. I swallowed hard.

"... He's fingered me, there. Happy?"

Adam was eerily quiet.

"You say you have to leave this time. You say you can't stay with me. But you still tell me you care about me. But you let another man put his hands inside you?"

His voice shook with anger. I had seen him angry and possessive before and it always got me irrationally hot. Unfortunately, my body betrayed me and this time was no different. I could feel the growing wetness just from being yelled at. God I did miss him.

"I didn't know I fell in love with a fucking whore." He was leaning in closer to me at this point, his eyes focused on me like a predator stalking its prey. I realized he didn't have his seatbelt on, not to mention the doors were locked.

"I mean you would think I could have assumed with all the times you let me fuck your ass in the back of a car while you begged for me to use you as nothing more than a dirty little fuck toy. But this is a new low even for you. I bet you're already begging him to hurt you and bruise you huh?"

He was starting to scare me, legitimately. He was nearly climbing out of his seat as he slowly got closer, toned body rippling with rage. He yanked up my skirt to reveal a few tiny bruises on my inner thighs.

"Stop you can't just pull my skirt-"

"Is this what you call the work of a sadist? Pathetic."

He roughly grabbed my upper thigh to dig into the bruises, but his hand brushed against my panties instead. He froze.

"Are you wet? Now of all times? Has there ever been anything in your head other than sex? You may have a new boyfriend, but your body clearly misses me."

He dug into my thigh harder and I flinched, knowing the existing bruises would now be twice as dark. I avoided his piercing gaze. He grabbed my chin and yanked my head back to face him. His eyes hardly looked human. They looked like the eyes of an animal.

"No I just.. Just.. Quit it I'm not here to-" I fumbled through my words but was interrupted.

"To make me jealous?" He moved his hand holding my chin to slowly wrap around my throat.

"Oh honey. You'll always be mine. You can't get rid of me this easily. Besides."

He slowly squeezed my throat as my eyes rolled back with pleasure.

"Clearly he should be jealous of how your body reacts to my touch."

He yanked me closer to him by my throat and slapped me lightly in the face. I whimpered as he did.

"Oh sorry, I forgot how much you can take."

He wound up and slapped me again, full force, and I fell against the seat, my head spinning.

"God you're so fucking pathetic."

He roughly reached his hand between my thighs to run his hands up the front of my panties, now soaked.

"Soaking wet from me smacking you around for being a slutty fucking whore. What would your new little boyfriend say huh?"

He slapped me again.

"I should give him a little present. Remind him whose territory he's treading on."

He removed his hand from my throat and leaned in close. I could feel his hot breath on my neck. I was frozen. This isn't what I came here for... But I couldn't deny that I wanted it. All the strength I had mustered for this conversation was leaking out between my legs. And he knew it.

He bit my neck and I yelped. I briefly tried to push him off but my arms were immediately pinned to my side as David bit and sucked my neck. I don't know how long we stayed like that, but the deep purple hickey on my neck the next day would give me a clue. When he finally released my neck from his mouth he sat back to admire his work.

"That should give him a good idea of how weak you really are around me. He may think he has you, hell you may think he has you-"

He looked directly in my eyes, a sinister smile creeping across his face.

"But he doesn't."

Finally snapping out of it, I start to collect myself.

"Yes he does. I'm over you okay? This was... this was just...This was a mistake and it won't happen again. We're done. David actually cares about me, he listens, he supports me, he doesn't run away when things get hard."

I could see he wasn't buying it. I leaned in to him this time, right in his face.

"I don't love you. I'm over you. Leave me ALO-"

I was cut off by his hand suddenly around my throat again.

"Don't. Speak to me. Like that. Whore."

I shook him off (I know he let me). I adjusted my shirt as best I could and got out of his car. As I stomped away into the night I could hear him laughing in the car behind me. I needed to go home and... Well unfortunately I desperately needed to get off. I wasn't sure if my ending things was successful, but I prayed it was, and prayed Adam was understanding of the hickey.

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