Virus Pt. 01: Outbreak

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A epidemic causes an unusual union.
2.9k words

Part 1 of the 6 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/29/2018
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"Everyone! Come to the TV. There's a report about the health crisis!"

Simon ran down the stairs to join his parents in the living room. The health crisis had put his life, just like everyone else's, on hold. He was 20. He should have been at University during the day, and partying every night. But since the quarantine, he'd spent every day at home with just his parents and his younger sister, Emma. His older sister Jasmine had been staying with her boyfriend when the quarantine was announced, so he hadn't seen her in person for over two weeks.

The crisis was first noticed over a year ago. First they called it "London heartbreak sickness". This was because almost all the first wave of victims were women going through a breakup or divorce. Though soon, others started being identified with the same problems. First symptoms included mood swings and dizziness. Then nosebleeds, and occasionally bleeding gums. About a week after the nosebleeds, the victim would fall suddenly into a coma. After the beginning of the coma, death would come within hours.

The victims of the virus were usually between 18 and 60, though some cases were older or younger. However, they all had one thing in common - they were all women. It was first reported in the UK (London in particular), but soon worldwide reports started coming out.

As the death-toll began rising, the government ordered an immediate quarantine. Everything stopped, and 99% of the population were ordered to stay within their houses. Food drops were provided at each house by men in hazmat suits. The government provided the basics for everyone. However, they hadn't provided anything to beat the boredom.

There was still internet and TV, as well as radio. Some of Simon's professors had begun streaming lectures online to keep the class from falling behind too much. Simon's parents and sister watched an online church service three times a week, and though Simon himself was agnostic, he'd began watching with them just to fight his boredom.

Simon sat down in the living room on one of the armchairs, excited for the news announcement. His dad, Peter, was in the kitchen, making a cup of tea for himself and Simon's mum, Yulia. Peter was exactly as you'd expect a 45 year old Hedge-fund data-analyst to look like. Slightly balding, with a body that played squash twice a week, but otherwise spent most of it's time sitting in an above-average quality office chair.

Yulia was from Russia originally, though she'd lived in the UK for 25 years, since meeting Peter on his gap year. She still had the Russian accent, and some of the Russian face and makeup. She'd been a semi-professional tennis player in the past, and still kept in good shape.

Emma rushed into the living room, excited to hear any news about the quarantine. She tripped over as she tried to land on the other armchair in the living room, and had to try and regain her dignity before sitting back down. She was the most keen out of all of us to hear some good news and escape the quarantine. It had been called about a week after her 18th birthday. Her birthday trip to Greece had been cancelled and in the two weeks since the quarantine started, she'd learned that her boyfriend had been cheating on her. None of us said anything, but we knew that by being heartbroken, she was in the 'danger zone'.

Dad Peter came back in the room with 4 cups of tea (one for everyone) and sat on the sofa next to Yulia. They all watched in silence, waiting to know any news on the virus or the quarantine.

The government minister for health came on. She looked composed and confident.

"Good afternoon citizens of the UK, as well as any citizens from other nations who might be watching today. Thank you for your calmness and patience in this ongoing health crisis. You have shown the world the British spirit for handling adversity."

She paused, before continuing.

"I have both good news and bad news. The good news is we have now fully identified the virus, as well as it's method of infection. We have also identified a temporary cure, along with the reason for its unusual pattern of victims. However, we have yet to find a vaccine or antivirus to permanently defeat the viral menace."

"A cure?!" Said Emma loudly.

"No," replied Simon. "Just a stopgap."

"Shhhhh!" hushed her father.

"Animal lovers" the health minister continued "will be pleased to hear that the virus is not connected to animals, and therefore no cull of any animal species will be needed. However..."

The ministerial woman paused, looking a little unsure as to how to present the next piece of information.

"However, I must ask all minors be removed from watching the remaining broadcast. I repeat, parents please remove your children for the remainder of the broadcast."

Eyes shot to Emma.

"I'm 18 now! I'm not going anywhere"

"Thank you for your co-operation" the TV woman continued, after a 30 second pause to allow parents to remove their children.

"The virus affects men and women differently, including method of infection. The virus is primarily harmless for men. They contract the virus from airborne particles released by an infected woman."

Diagrams flicked up on the screen, showing a woman breathing, and little viral specs falling onto men.

"Due to this highly contagious method of delivery, we believe up to 92% of the UK's male population are already infected with the virus."

Simon and Peter made long eye-contact, before continuing to watch the TV.

"The virus reproduces in the testicles of the male, infecting women during sexual intercourse as per a standard STI. Once infected, the virus multiplies in the woman's nose and mouth, ready to infect men via airborne transmission. We currently believe 67% of the UK's female population to be currently infected."

Yulia's face went white. Emma was desperately trying not to panic, but Simon could see her hands shaking.

"I repeat, this infection is only spread to women by unprotected sex. Anyone who has not had vaginal intercourse within the past two months has nothing to fear. However, for those of you who have had sexual intercourse recently..." The voice continued "...I'd urge you all not to panic. There is a solution until a long-term cure can be found. Men's bodies naturally also produce an antivirus to the infection within their sexual fluids. This is why, though many women are infected, they are not showing more severe symptoms. Anyone having regular sexual relations without the use of a condom should not be concerned.

Our scientists currently believe one dose of infected semen injected vaginally is enough for three weeks of protection, though we would encourage weekly doses as a standard guideline. Anyone showing moderate to severe symptoms should receive sperm twice a day for at least a week, until the symptoms subside."

Emma sneezed loudly, blowing her nose before quickly sticking the tissue into her pocket.

"I repeat, regular sexual ejaculation into the vagina is the only currently known treatment. Oral or anal intake is not effective. We will continue to inform you of any changes. We fully believe our scientists will have a full cure within a month. All this information will be available online, and printed information will be distributed as soon as possible."

Simon could see his mother was looking a little more relaxed now, and his father was positively beaming.

"The quarantine" the voice continued "will now be lifted for personal travel, though car use will still be for emergency use only for another week. The government recommends that businesses also stay closed for another week, though this is no longer mandatory after today. Public transport will begin again tomorrow. Thank you all for listening."

The national anthem began to play, showing the end of the broadcast.

Peter turned off the TV. "Well, at least there's a temporary cure. Thank the Lord for that."

"And thank the Lord for that too," said Yulia, pointing at Emma's purity ring. The ring she'd received at the church, after promising to wait until marriage before having sex.

"Yes, thank the Lord" said Emma, almost too confidently.

"We should take a walk," said Peter, standing up. "We've been in this house for far too long."

"Sound's good" replied Yulia. "And I want to check on Miss Everton in number 73. Oh, and Mr Bradshaw too. He'll have been quite lonely these past few weeks without the bridge club."

"Why not!" Said Simon. "I could do with a walk."

"Umm..." said Emma, slightly nervously. "Do you mind if I go to Rachael's house?"

Peter thought for a second. "I'd rather you didn't. Today is Sunday, and we'd all agreed Sunday is a family day. I know the quarantine just lifted, but Rachael will still be there tomorrow."

Emma looked very nervous, before looking at her father, then Simon and then down to the floor. "OK, Dad. I understand. I'll just stay home and pray, if you don't mind. I want to thank God for saving us."

"Sure honey. Oh, and pray for your sister too." Yulia said, hugging her daughter. "You know we weren't happy when she moved in with that boy, but at least being quarantined together probably saved her life, if that news's fluids... is true."

"Of course Mum."

Simon started walking with his parents along the road. They weren't the only ones. Most of the street seemed to be out and about, enjoying their first taste of freedom in two weeks. Some were out on the grass lighting a BBQ, while others were just strolling aimlessly. The quarantine had prevented car use, so people were walking in the middle of the road without a care.

About five minutes into their walk, Simon received a text. It was from Emma.


"What's up Son?" Asked his father as Simon was reading the message.

"Umm..." Simon thought quickly. "My university lecturer wants to do a Skype call immediately. You know how Dr Bretner is. I'd better go back home. I'll need my laptop. I'll see you later?"

"No problem" replied his mother. "Uni always comes first. Run back, and we'll see you at home later."

Simon ran back to the house, wondering what was happening. He had half a suspicion, but he was unsure.

He practically broke the front door as he rushed in, slamming it open, then shut.

"I'm upstairs!" called Emma's voice.

He went up quickly, finding her sitting uncomfortably on her bed. A pile of bloody tissues on the side.

"Emma!" said Simon, gasping from his run. "Why didn't you tell us!"

She looked down at the floor. "They only started 2 days ago. I was hoping for some miracle drug or something. I'd been praying so hard too."

Simon shook his head in disbelief. "But...your purity ring! You've always been a church girl. And mum and dad never let you be alone with Callum when you were dating."

"When we went to the cinema the day after my 18th birthday...we didn't go to the cinema. His parents were away...It was the only time...and now..."

She pointed at the bloody tissues she'd been using to stop the nosebleed.

"We've got to get you to the hospital," said Simon frantically.

"NO! I can't let mum and dad know. And they'd give me the same can..."

She let the last of the sentence slide away. It took Simon a few moments to understand what she was asking.

"No way. You're my little sister. Call your ex or someone"

She shook her head. "I already tried a couple of people, but they're too far away. And I'm not just going to ask a random stranger to fuck me. Plus my symptoms are getting worse! Come on. You're not a virgin...I think. And I've already walked in on you masturbating before now. Just...cum inside me."

"NO!" Simon repeated. "You're my sister!"

"...i'll die..." she spoke in an almost whisper.

Simon looked at his sister, begging him with sad desperation in her eyes. He looked at the pile of bloody tissues.

"OK. Nobody knows. EVER. And you'd better not get pregnant."

"I really don't care about that right now!" She leapt up from her bed and kissed his cheek, a spot of blood landing on him from her still wet nose.

She pulled down her shorts, and then her panties. Small black hairs littered her pubic region, two weeks regrowth since before her time with Callum. She unbuttoned Simon's trousers and pulled them down, revealing bright red boxer shorts. Simon, still in a state of shock about what was happening, didn't blink as she pulled down the boxers.

"It's not hard!" she said in shock.

"Shush! We don't know when mum and dad will be back. And of course it's not hard. You're my sister. You'll have to get it going."

"Get it...oh"

She moved her hand down to his crotch and slowly began playing with his cock in her hand. It started stirring as she fondled his balls.

She moved her mouth close to his, and slowly kissed him on the lips, all the while playing with his balls. She went to open her mouth for a more passionate kiss, but he stopped her.

"No kissing. It's weird enough as it is. Let's just get this done." He pulled her top off over her head, revealing two small breasts. "suck it."

She looked at his semi-erect cock. "OK, but don't cum in my mouth. You've GOT TO cum inside me."

Simon nodded as she knelt down in front of her big brother. Slowly she took it into her mouth, before beginning to suck.

She'd seen four cocks in her life. Twice she had walked in on Simon masturbating in the shower. It was the first ever cock she'd seen, so she hadn't know at the time that is was quite long.

She'd also once seen her mum giving her dad a blow job, when they thought she was out at college. They were naked in the kitchen, and neither of them noticed her quietly open the back door. For a couple of minutes she just watched as her mum sucked on her dad's thick cock. She'd wanted to watch them fuck, but instead backed away before being seen. Still, since the quarantine started, she'd become more and more horny, and had played with herself every time she could hear them making love through the walls of their home.

Of course, she had seen Callum's cock the time she finally agreed to sex the day after her birthday. She'd been told a black guy's cock would be large, but it seemed no larger than her father's, and shorter than her brothers.

The other cock belonged to a guy called David. She'd met him at a church camp. She thought he was a perfect gentleman, until he'd pulled out his wang at the end of their only date together. She'd only seen it briefly, but it was the smallest of the few she'd witnessed.

She'd only ever given one blow-job before, the day she lost her virginity. She hadn't really enjoyed it, and Callum had cum into her mouth within a minute. But that meant he needed time to recharge, and so he went down on her. And THAT she had enjoyed.

Simon saw she was daydreaming as she sucked. Not to be nasty to his sister, but she was a rookie. 'My sister!' he thought. 'I can't believe I'm getting a blow-job from my little sister!'

Amateur as she was, she was getting the job done. He was fully erect now, and could feel a deep ache in his balls.

"Stop," he said. "On the bed"

She stood up and then sat back down on the edge of the bed, but clearly nervous, because she sat sideways with her legs closed.

"Lay down" he commanded, putting one hand on a small breast and squeezing as he pushed her body down onto the bed. Then with two hands spread her legs open, revealing her glistening pink pussy.

"Do you want me know?" he licked the air.

She shook her head. "Just cum inside me."

He slid his cock up and down, picking up her juices, before finding her tight hole. He slowly pushed himself inside her. It felt both so natural yet so taboo. He'd not had many lovers, but she was by far the tightest.

"I can't believe..." he said more to himself than to Emma "..I'm fucking my sister. This feels...oh wrong. But...oh! feel so good!"

Emma too was enjoying herself, far more than she had with Callum. Far more than she should, knowing he was only fucking her to save her life.

"Yes, big brother!" She replied with energy. "I love your big cock! Oh, big brother. Cum inside me big brother!"

That was all he needed. He grabbed her hips with both hands and pushed himself hard into her, shooting his seed deep into her throbbing pussy. She in turn wrapped her legs behind him, holding him close until every drop had poured out of his cock, and she felt him shrinking inside her.

"Thank you, big brother. You've just saved my life."

"Don't mention it," Simon replied, while looking on the floor for his boxers. "I'm serious. Not to anyone. And it was..." he hesitated, as if regretting the next words ..."a one time event."

Emma was putting her clothes back on too. "No. You heard the news. Twice a day for a week. Then once every week after."

"OK" replied Simon, a bit too quickly, still pretending to be hesitant at the idea. "Just for your health."

"Yes, big brother," she said with a smile. "Just for my health."


To be continued...

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DocWordsDocWordsover 2 years ago

Very interesting twist to a virus story. Well told. Thanks. I’m looking forward to reading more.

tmark0099tmark0099almost 6 years ago
Just try it this way....

Make it dark story. Kill the dad at part 3 from heart attack after fucking his then big sister gets pregnant , then mom only leaving little sister getting jealous going full psycho

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Add the ass

There should be some really good cornholing here.

TheOtherTeacherTheOtherTeacheralmost 6 years agoAuthor
Thanks for feedback

Thanks for the feedback everyone! (Except the spam bots that is!)

I agree, it's a bit short, because I wanted to gauge people's reactions - I've never done an incest story before.

Don't worry, I've got plans for further parts, and yes, daddy might be going away for a work trip, leaving mum needing some medical intervention. Likewise there'll be time for some father daughter bonding.

And don't forget there's big sister as well..

SomethingInTheWaySheMovesSomethingInTheWaySheMovesalmost 6 years ago
I think you should turn the tables on the parents.

Come up with a scenario where Mom & Son are separated from Dad & Daughter, and must have sex with their respective partners. Maybe Dad decides the family should take advantage of the situation to leave the city, but Mom & Son end up stuck in the city for some reason and are then unable to rejoin Dad & Daughter in their country getaway.

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