Vivian Laaning Ch. 01

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Introducing Vivian Laaning: a virgin.
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Part 1 of the 63 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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Vivian Laaning grew up on a large dairy farm in southwest Wisconsin. The farm chores she was required to do, was a major factor contributing to the development of her character, as a very industrious woman, with a take charge attitude, and completely sure of herself. Her personality, as such, became very pronounced after she reached puberty. Although she was as curious, and absolutely totally interested in sex as any heterosexual female, she found her male compeers uninspiring, and not worth her while to court their company. For that matter she did not find her female compeers interesting either.

It was not that she was nasty or overtly arrogant in her demeanor, when dealing with anyone she met for the first time. Actually she was always very polite. Instead, the way she acted towards someone she did not deem worthy, left a subtle but no doubt a clear impression in the mind of the other. The message was that she regarded him/her lower in status than a slug. She had developed an almost automatic response of rolling her eyes, and sighing exasperatingly at the foolish antics, or conversation of those she encountered. In other words, Vivian did not suffer fools gladly. This attitude on Vivian's part was not derived from any sense of absolute superiority. Rather as she was compelled to do so much multi-tasking in her daily life, she was disappointed when others were not so inclined. She just could not abide the inherent laziness of most of the persons she knew who were of her own age.

Vivian was tall and at six feet and one inch, she happened to be the tallest female (including the faculty) in her high school: the Arthur MacArthur High School. The school was located in the nearby town of Lydiaville, and was named after a short term (four days) 19th century governor of Wisconsin, who was the grandfather of the famous WW II general Douglas MacArthur.

As a teenager Vivian was not considered pretty by her peers. However she did have a strikingly dominant face which would appeal to some. And what was most startling about her appearance was the color of her hair; a vibrant, fiery copper red. Those seeing her, and not knowing any different, would assume she colored her hair to achieve this remarkable visage; but they would be wrong. Her hair color was exactly what nature had bestowed upon her, and it matched the color of her pubic hair as well. Her bold physical bearing tended to intimidate those unsure of themselves especially her female compeers. As a result no other girl would by chance approach her for the purpose of befriending her. Likewise, Vivian was not inspired enough to seek out a friend since none of the females in her school seemed interesting to her. Consequently Vivian was virtually friendless.

As for the males in the Arthur MacArthur High School, her demeanor was so off-putting and uninviting, that she was viewed as unapproachable. No male was even interested in engaging in casual conversation with her. For her own part, although definitely interested in the opposite sex and having sex with them, none of the boys at her school were appealing enough for her to make the effort of being friendly. As a result she never had a date during her first three years of high school.

In addition to her perceived unfriendliness and aloofness, Vivian was a top student always achieving the highest grades. There was no denying her superiority in academics amongst her fellow students, but this only added to her negative reputation. So despite possessing attributes that an indifferent person might laud, she became the most detested girl in school. In self defense against their own short comings, the other students in the school would constantly mock and bully her. One favorite method of belittling her was to taunt her by making fun of her height. Being a rather small high school, it just so happened that there was no other female student taller than 5'8" in the school. Thus this method of derision was the common procedure to ridicule her. It was a given in the minds of everyone at the school, that her height was a negative attribute.

Invariably she was greeted by the puerile question:

"Hey Vivian how's the weather up there?"

There were various permutations of such greetings such as:

"Is the air mighty thin up there?" or

"Careful of the low ceiling Vivian."

And such list was endless. Vivian developed a thick skin as retaliation was useless; given the malicious intent of her tormentors. If she chanced a witty rejoinder such as:

"Fine as the air is much better free from the ground dirt."

Such witticisms were ignored, as her tormentor would just snort and repeat the taunt, or continue jeering with further inane invectives. The taunting and bullying by her fellow students became progressively more vicious in each succeeding school year. To her credit Vivian never complained of the ill treatment by her fellow students to the teachers, but defiantly continued to refuse to cower to them.

During mid September of her first senior year, Vivian contracted mononucleosis. She was so severely stricken by the viral illness, that she was sick and fully incapacitated for some eight months in total. She was forced to withdraw from school that year and start her senior year over again the following September.

She finally recovered in May in time to celebrate her eighteenth birthday in July. Because of the misfortune of her having been ill and losing a school year, her parents decided to provide a gala party for the occasion, if only to cheer her up. The party was scheduled on the Saturday, after her actual birthday on the prior Tuesday.

Curiously enough, although Vivian was the most detested girl at the Arthur MacArthur H.S., all of the fellow students she invited to her birthday party agreed to and did attend. The attraction for her guests to come to the party was the fact that alcohol would be served; just beer and wine, though. Although Wisconsin's legal drinking age was 21 like all of the other states, it was the only state that permitted legal consumption of alcohol by minors when in presence of their parents and/or guardians. That being the case, her parents decided to plan for a double outdoor party on their spacious farm grounds; Vivian's birthday party for the teenagers, and an adult party for the parents so they would ostensibly be chaperoning.

Vivian's parents were of a mindset that if one is old enough to vote, and for that matter old enough to serve in the military, then surely one is old enough to drink. Besides being heavy drinkers themselves, they saw no harm in allowing teenagers to drink at a chaperoned party. Most of the friends and acquaintances of her parents were of the same mindset. Since Vivian was virtually friendless, she felt that this was the most pragmatic method of selecting guests for her party. As the sheriff of the county, and his daughter were amongst the attending guests, the other parents had no trepidation in accepting the Laaning's invitation to Vivian's birthday celebrations.

The party started at twelve noon with the intention that it would end in early evening. The Laanings naturally employed some farm help to assist in the daily labor of their large dairy farm which consisted of 212 milking cows plus three bulls. Still Vivian's father and mother had to wake up at 4:30 AM everyday to supervise and handle the farm activities; and Vivian's birthday party would not alter such required imperative. In addition, Vivian herself had the chore of milking four cows by hand, starting at 6 PM so the teenage party would end by that time.

The afternoon hours for the party were especially attractive to the parents of Vivian's birthday guests. Since they were prepared to allow their children to imbibe beer and wine at the party, they believed that these early hours would prevent terrible consequences befalling on their children. Either their children might pass out before they could get into real trouble in the evening. Or having consumed enough alcohol to get a desired buzz, they just might not have the energy to think of participating in abnormal Saturday night activities that might otherwise cause them harm.

As it transpired the heaviest imbiber of alcohol at the party was the birthday girl herself. What the guests were not aware was the fact that at eighteen, Vivian was quite used to consuming alcohol. It was a natural consequence of having parents who were both heavy drinkers bordering on alcoholism. Her parents led a very austere lifestyle where hard work consumed a majority of their waking hours; seven days a week, fifty-two weeks per year. They seldom took vacations, averaging only about one week off every two or three years.

The Laanings' goal was to retire to either Florida or Arizona, once Paul, Vivian's older brother, by two and a half years, was prepared to take over managing the farm. Paul had just finished his second year at Iowa State University pursuing a four year Bachelor of Science Degree from the University's Agriculture Department. It was hoped that after finishing his education at ISU, Paul would only need to work on the farm two years under his parents' supervision, before he would be able to fully take over the control of the farm.

Given such a grueling hard work regimen without hardly any leisure time available, it was no wonder the senior Laanings were heavy drinkers. As a result, their three children followed their example, and consumed alcohol consistently more than their peers. As Vivian was the youngest Laaning child, she had two older siblings in addition to her parents to influence her into drinking, starting at a relatively early age.

The highlight or rather the lowlight of Vivian's teenage drinking escapades, occurred when she was 15. Her parents held a party celebrating the retirement of a substantial farm improvement loan. As the party was joyous and raucous, no one paid any attention to how much Vivian was drinking. That was until she was spotted passed out, lying partly under the buffet table. As Vivian was already big at that age, it required both her father and her brother Paul to carry her limp body to her bedroom to sleep it off.

When Vivian recovered from her drinking binge, she was mortified by the spectacle she had made of herself. She hated any exhibition of weakness in her character, as such would imply that she was in no way superior to those she would otherwise tend to think meanly of. Thankfully, except for her brother and sister, there were only older adults at this party so that this drunken episode was not known amongst her school mates.

She did vow to herself not to get so wasted again, but by the same token she had no intention to curtail this perceived vice. Like her parents, though, as well as her older brother and sister, her consumption of alcohol never interfered with her responsibilities such as her farm chores or her school work. Instead her drinking allowed her to endure better the endless and relentless ostracism she faced in high school. Actually whenever she was under the influence of alcohol her character mellowed so that she was more inviting to whomever she was in contact with.

With her drinking habit, Vivian's tolerance for alcohol consumption increased exponentially. Thus at her birthday party, if any of her guests had drank as much as she did, most of those would have passed out. However her actual consumption was within her norm, so that she could still act and think rationally. She had already developed a sense of her level of tolerance and was sure not to exceed it especially since she was well aware that she still had her farm chores to do later that day. She did not get a pass from them simply because it was her birthday party.

Mind you the alcohol she had consumed did make her giddy and more affable than her usual demeanor. One of the guests that took particular notice of Vivian's drinking was Ray Gainer; a fellow student at Arthur MacArthur H. S. Ray was nineteen years old, and had just this past spring graduated from high school. He had been held back a year as he failed his first senior year at the high school. He was totally ashamed of his failure; especially disappointing his family.

However, he reacted positively, and buckled down to take his schooling seriously. So the second time around at his senior year, he successfully completed his graduation requirements. The improvement in his grades allowed him to be accepted at the nearby University of Wisconsin-Platteville. Like Vivian's brother Paul, he was destined to eventually to take over his family's dairy farm, so he elected to enroll in the agribusiness program. He had no conflict with his ambitions from his sibs. His two younger brothers evinced no interest in becoming farmers; they truly hated doing the farm chores assigned to them.

Ray Gainer was a rugged looking individual accentuated by his hirsuteness. He was actually about the same height as Vivian, but his solid male frame made him appear far more formidable. He wasn't particularly handsome, but for compensation he had a truly agreeable nature, which proved seductive to most females he interacted with. As a result since the age of fifteen, he led a very active sex life for a teenage high school student. He had had significant sexual relationships with four different girls from his school.

Despite such success in engaging with the opposite sex, Ray kept a very low profile in the school. Except for the girls he had sex with, and his one year younger brother, Gary; he was virtually unknown to the rest of the students at the school. He certainly was under the radar as far as Vivian was concerned. She knew Gary, but was barely aware that Ray was his brother. Since she needed bodies for her party, Ray was incidentally included in the invitation simply by that fraternal connection.

Because of Vivian's notoriety, Ray Gainer like the entire student body of the Arthur MacArthur H.S. was well aware of her presence. However unlike most of the students at the school, he had no issues with Vivian's personality; he actually marveled at her self-assuredness. And unlike other males at the school, he was not intimidated by her aura, and believed her to be attainable. He was intrigued by her and was interested in pursuing her, but because he had other love interests to entertain, he had not got around to seriously make a play for her.

At the start of his repeat senior year, Ray broke up with his then girlfriend du jour. He was at the point of contemplating approaching Vivian, but that was the time when she contracted her mononucleosis illness, which put her out of the social picture. Instead he settled with another girl for that year, but by graduation time their relationship had disintegrated. Thus he was free to look for a new amorous conquest, and the invitation to Vivian's birthday party seemed like a mystical sign for action.

Ray suspected that Vivian was a virgin given her unpopularity. Besides she had not had a known boyfriend or a date; which obviously reinforced his belief. Assuming Vivian was a virgin made her more appealing to Ray's sexual machinations. He had been rather disappointed in that each of the four girls he had sex with, were each sexually experienced before succumbing to his charms. He had a notion in the back of his mind that if all things being equal, then every male should by law of averages be entitled to deflower one female; just like each female would lose their virginity once only.

Given his age now being nineteen, Ray knew that practically speaking, the window of opportunity for fucking a virgin was closing in on him. He obviously was now too old to date sixteen year old females or younger, and thus Vivian would probably be his only and probably his last opportunity left to fulfill the desire to deflower a virgin. As he watched Vivian drinking at the party, his hopes for seducing her were raised. He was confident of his charming enticing personality, but he was also encouraged by Ogden Nash's well known adage for prescription of sexual success: "Candy is dandy, but liquor is quicker."

Little did Ray Gainer know, but that his chances for having sex with Vivian were not determinative by her substantive drinking at this party. As has been already noted, Vivian could hold her liquor. Of course she was influenced by her consumption. She was definitely more unguarded in her conversation, but she still had her wits about her, and knew her mind. So it wasn't her alcoholic consumption that made Vivian susceptible to sexual seduction.

Instead Vivian was susceptible to indulging in sex simply by her own desire. Since puberty she had developed as potent a sex drive as any of her female contemporaries; but she had trouble relating to males of her age. Her male role models were her father and brother who were to her mind the epitome of male virtues, that she would be attracted to. Alas, none of the males she encountered at school were nowhere close to possessing the characteristics that Vivian would find alluring or appealing. She just wasn't willing to settle for second best, and consequently she remained dateless, and hence a virgin.

Her attitude towards potential partners for engagement in sex changed during her illness. As Vivian was very ill for most of the period between the past September to the middle of May, she was naturally excused from her normal farm duties. So she had plenty of time to ruminate on her goals and ambitions in life, particularly in regards to participating in sex. She came to the conclusion that it was foolish of her to have remained a virgin for this length of time, especially since her desire to have sex seemed to be constantly on her mind. Certainly the frequency of her masturbation activity was proof positive of her compelling desires.

Her change in viewpoint was assisted by her sister; Erica Laaning, who was about five years older than Vivian. There were just about exactly two and a half years age differences between each of the three Laaning children. As a result Erica, and Paul became toilet trained on the day the next younger sib came home from birth; and Vivian became duly toilet trained when she reached the age of two and a half. This caused Vivian's father to wryly observe to his wife, that they had to endure seven and a half consecutive years of constant diaper changes.

Although just as sharp witted and intelligent, Erica was not as scholarly as her two younger sibs. She graduated from high school, just barely completing the minimum requisites; but then again she exerted very little effort to achieve her high school diploma. She remained on the family farm marking time until she could secure a husband; most probably a farmer or at the very least a farm worker. Erica unlike Vivian was universally and undeniably considered pretty. In addition she was blessed with a much less abrasive personality. As a result she was never without male admirers and was extremely sexually active for a single female of her age.

With the onset of Vivian's illness, Erica took over Vivian's chores, while her own chores were temporarily relegated to the hired help. This allowed Erica time to devote to her new additional assignment to take care of her sister. Because of their age difference, Erica and Vivian had not been close sisters when they were children; Vivian had a closer relationship with her brother Paul. However with Vivian now 18 and Erica 22 the difference in age was no longer a bar to closer intimacy.

Naturally with the amount of time they were together the sisters engaged in lots of discussions about sex. The pivotal conversation which had a profound impact on Vivian's outlook went as follows, when Erica asked, "You're still a virgin aren't you Vivian?"

Vivian somewhat bitterly responded, "You very well know I am."

Erica replied, "I know you haven't had a date yet, but I was wondering if you had gotten some on the sly."