Vivian Laaning Ch. 02

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Vivian: no longer a virgin.
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Part 2 of the 63 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 09/19/2017
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As she was surreptitiously rubbing his cock, Ray Gainer was enjoying contemplating fucking the virgin: Vivian Laaning. However, his excited happy mood soon became tempered as he wondered how he could practically take advantage of this apparent opportunity. He inwardly cursed himself for making his move so late, while the party was beginning to break up. Obviously, it was not possible for Vivian to be absent from the party at this particular time without attracting notice.

He now realized that had he approached her say an hour earlier he might have been able to entice her for a quickie tryst probably somewhere in a nearby unattended barn. He was not inexperienced in fucking on hay in a barn. Given her current and immediate boldness he realized that she would have agreed to sex without any protest or apparently any reluctance. Since most of the young guests were not used to alcohol consumption probably none of them would have noticed a temporary absence of Vivian. In any case considering the unpopularity of Vivian, none of her guests were prone to pay much attention to her despite the event being her birthday party.

Regrettably, he had agreed with his father beforehand to still do his chores that evening, and the time was fast approaching when he had to leave the party to attend to them. So, there was now no possibility to act upon the opportunity to deflower Vivian immediately. Given her displayed wantonness Ray expected though that her immediate acquiescence for sex would survive the unavoidable delay before ultimate fruition. As he reasoned that even allowing for alcohol induced lack of inhibitions on her part, he should still be able to entice her to surrender her virginity soon. After all, she was cognizant that she had consciously agreed to have sex with him.

And so, he whispered into her ear, "Oh god Vivian that feels so good! But I can't take it to the next level right now, as I promised my dad that I would do some chores, that I can't get out of. Why don't you give me your number and I'll call you to arrange a suitable time to finish what we've started."

Vivian broke into a huge lascivious smile, as she was now certain that she was about to lose her virginity with only the details to be ironed out. On this point she was mistress of the situation, as she replied, "As it so happens starting very soon, I have to milk four cows by hand who stubbornly resist being milked by our machines. These cows are kept exclusively in a small barn, where I have a room to myself. I've even got shower facilities to allow me to conveniently reside there.

"This barn has its own driveway, which I'll show you, to link to the county road going by our farm. There is a gate at the road entrance, but it is not locked so that you'll have access. I'll be finished with my chores around eight o'clock. So why don't you come over then using the driveway. We can have the whole night to ourselves. No one will notice your entrance."

Ray was a bit surprised by Vivian's decisiveness. It may explain why she was not popular in school. Most people are wary, if not fearful of those who display dominating self-assuredness. For females in particular, it seems like a fatal characteristic flaw to possess in contemporary society. However, Ray was not troubled by such niceties, but instead was overjoyed by the prospects of becoming Vivian's first lover.

And so he replied, "Bravo Vivian! You have the answer. It'll take me about the same time to finish my chores and then I'll be free to spend the night with you. But can we really get it on as you suggest without being noticed? Do you actually have a room for us in the barn suitable for some undisturbed love making?"

Vivian replied, "Most assuredly my doubting Thomas! My parents are not prudes. Instead, they are both avant-garde in their outlook especially with regard to sexual morals. They believe if society has decreed that a person is an adult when one reaches eighteen years of age, then surely one's own children as well become adults at that age. They truly believe they have no right to dictate my sex life except only to caution that I practice safe sex and use birth control so that I'll not be forced to compromise my academic ambitions. On that score you can rest easy that I've heeded such advice. I have protection so that I won't become pregnant as a result of you taking my cherry."

Ray was absolutely floored by such a pragmatic speech. It seemed to his mind totally incongruent for a female virgin to utter. He had expected most virgins surely would be shy and reticent in contemplating their first sexual experience. Vivian's matter of fact comportment belied her sexual inexperience; it surely rivaled that of a truly wanton. In fact all of his previous sexual conquests were initially met with some resistance as opposed to the absolute lack of same from Vivian. As for her parents apparently acquiescing and providing the opportunity for their daughter to have sex virtually at home, completely amazed Ray.

He could not help but ask, "Are your parents really OK with this? Have they actually told you that it is all right for you to be alone with a guy in your room?"

Vivian answered, "They haven't said so in so many words. I've been given this completely habitable room since I recovered from my illness. I'm to reside there until I leave for college as I'm the only one that can milk these cows efficiently. I even have a hot plate and fridge in the adjoining room so that I can snack and prepare my own breakfast; I only go to the main farmhouse for lunch and dinner, and sometimes on weekends to watch TV with my family.

"The idea is that by occupying this room I can utilize my time more efficiently while attending my last year in high school and still do this time consuming milking chore. Now it is common knowledge on our farm that both my brother and sister have on occasion utilized this room for their romantic adventures. Thus, my parents would not be shocked to learn that I've followed my siblings' example."

As a prospective dairy farmer, Ray was intrigued by the circumstances of Vivian's milking chores. So setting aside for the moment the resolution of their now certain pending sexual tryst, Ray asked, "How is it that you're the only one to be able to milk these cows efficiently?"

"These four cows right from the get go balked at being milked by machine. They would kick at the machine and at any person in the vicinity. Even when a worker successfully got a machine hooked up, the cow would be concentrating on trying to detach itself from the machine and thus little of its milk was extracted. So, my dad had no option but to have these cows milked by hand. Since I was only twelve at the time, I was given the assignment as the other workers and my older siblings had more demanding responsible work to do.

"The cows naturally got used to my hands exclusively on their teats and so became skittish to others. When I was unable to milk them during my illness, it took my sister Erica, who mostly did my chores, and others more than one hour to milk one of these cows, whereas I could do it in half the time of half an hour per cow. So when I was able to resume milking them, my parents had me move into the room in the barn to make it more convenient for me. The room and the barn are adequately winterized so I should be just as comfortable there as I would be in my room at the farmhouse.

"My Dad has indicated that these cows are likely to be on their last cycle to be milked and they would be slaughtered when their current milk gives out sometime next year; probably when I embark for college. So, it made sense for me to occupy this barn throughout my new senior year at high school. Usually, I only need to milk three cows at a time as a fourth cow, having finished its milking cycle, is about to become impregnated or is pregnant. Unfortunately, tonight and for the next three weeks I have all four cows needing to be milked. I think once school starts that luckily for the most time, I'll only have three cows to milk per session."

Ray marveled at how everything seemed to have fallen into place so conveniently to allow him to have sex with Vivian. Even better was the fact that the opportunity for deflowering Vivian had required little effort or planning on his part. Best of all she was obviously acquiescing to sex without the usual typical coy female initial resistance to seduction.

Accordingly, he said, "Great Vivian! So, I'll be able to bust your cherry tonight after all. So where is this driveway that I can use to get to visit you at eight?"

The Laaning dairy farm comprised of four large barns each housing fifty-two milking cows, and two other smaller barns; one for the three bulls and the other for Vivian's four skittish cows. As Vivian's barn was located quite close to the passing main county road, a separate driveway had been constructed for direct access. This roadway became convenient for drivers of the dairy companies doing business with the Laaning farm, as well as for the farm itself. Using the main farm access driveway to gather the milk products from the four main barns, the drivers continued along the inner farm driveway to Vivian's barn to pick up the milk products there. Then they could get back on the main road without the necessity of inconveniently doubling back. It saved Vivian's father the excess chore of carting these milk products to the main barns for pick-up by the dairy company truckers.

Thus, the situation was set up for Vivian to be a totally independent resident. In addition to milking the cows, she prepared the milk for pick-up each morning by the dairy company drivers, and so she needed to have no contact with the rest of the farm workers or her family. She just went to the main farmhouse for meals and occasionally watching TV with the family. About the only contact she had with the other workers on the farm occurred when she herded the cows to join the rest of the bovines in the pastures, and when she went to gather the four cows for the evening milking session.

With such arrangements, Vivian was able to fulfill her arduous farm chores and still provide ample time for study to thoroughly pursue her education. If nothing else the Laaning family knew how to use time efficiently. Such lifestyle was naturally not established to afford the opportunity for Vivian to indulge in indiscriminate sex. Still there was no denying that it was ideal setting for Vivian to finally lose her virginity, and she was not one to waste an opportunity. So as the party was breaking up, she surreptitiously made Ray aware of the information he needed to visit her later.

And after Ray left and before starting her evening milking chores, Vivian had the opportunity to talk to her sister Erica. Vivian, thus, apprised her sister that the loss of her virginity was certain to take place that night. Erica, happy for her younger sister, extracted a promise that she be informed of all the intimate details.

As Ray was doing his chores that night, he was able to come to agreement with his brother Gary. Gary agreed to do Ray's chores next morning in addition to his own in exchange for Ray doing the equivalent the next morning. Thus, Ray had for his own part completed the arrangement for the successful defloration of the virgin: Vivian Laaning. Ray was in euphoria in anticipating completion of his sexual goal aided by the complacency of an eager Vivian.

When Ray arrived promptly at 8:00 PM at Vivian's resident barn via its own roadway, she had just finished milking the fourth cow and had stored the resultant milk for pick up the next morning. As soon as she spotted him, she sported a huge lascivious smile leaving no doubt in Ray's mind as to the outcome of this night. Having finished her chores, Vivian wordlessly took Ray's hand, and led him up a ladder to the hay loft of the barn, where she had beforehand laid out a linen bed sheet over a tarp covering the loose hay bed.

Vivian as a farm girl had the romantic notion of desiring to rid her virginity by experiencing literally a romp in the hay. In her sexual discussions with her sister, Erica had pointed out the tendency of loose straws to pierce the skin of one's naked ass during coitus on hay. Such inconvenience tended to distract and lessen the pleasure of the sexual activity. Hence Vivian had the forethought to prepare the agricultural seduction locale for optimum sex.

For his part Ray was again impressed by Vivian's pragmatism, and her deliberate unwavering resolve to accomplish the beginning of her sexual life. He had been under the impression that virgins as a rule would be reticent, and shy, and very hesitant during their first sexual intercourse. In addition, they generally require a certain amount of coaxing by their seducer before finally acquiescing to having sex. That certainly was the case with his brother's girlfriend. Gary was quite amusing in recounting the circumstances of the aggravation he went through to finally succeed in getting his girlfriend's consent to surrender her virginity about a year previous. Gary maintained that the actual sex was anti-climactic, when weighed against all his necessary exertions to bring about the desired event. Happily, obviously, this would not to be Ray's fate with Vivian; and so he was ecstatic.

As they came to a stop at the edge of the laid-out bed sheet, recalling their initial conversation at the party, Vivian cooed, "I believe now is the time for me to get to know you better."

Negating the impression of the normal expected innocence of her virginity, Vivian sank to her knees, and with the self-assurance commonplace of a sensuously sexually experienced female proceeded to undo the zipper of his pants. She quickly freed his cock from its confines, and almost instantaneously Ray became fully erect. Awed by the sudden engorgement of his member she could only gasp, "Oh my! Oh my, my! What a gorgeous cock! All mine for now! For me my personal birthday present! Oh my!"

As Vivian was saying this in her most sultry voice, she rolled his penis on her cheeks, lovingly caressing it. Then she directed it to her lips and planted a chaste kiss. Pulling the foreskin back to expose fully his cockhead she opened her mouth to consume the full length of his phallus. She bobbed her head up and down along his cock lubricating it with her saliva. The excitement of having a male penis in her mouth for the very first time provided an indescribable euphoria in her mind.

For his part, although he knew without a doubt, he was going to have sex with Vivian, Ray was unprepared for the sexual aggression she undertook. His mind became so overwhelmed by the pleasure sensations he was experiencing from her tongue action that he ejaculated a lot sooner than he normally would have intended; if indeed he had wanted to cum in her mouth in the first place.

At this point, Vivian was grateful for the sexual information she had gained from her conversations with her sister. Erica had explained all the intricacies of fellatio to her. She warned Vivian that the taste and smell of semen can be off putting if you are not prepared for it. To avoid acting like a ninny, Erica instructed to focus her mind on the intimate sexual action and revel in being a participant. That way the taste of sperm will fool your brain into thinking you are swallowing an exotic sexual elixir. And if you believe that, you will then crave the taste even more. It was Erica's contention that if you can give a great blow job, you've hooked the man forever.

Heeding such advises, Vivian did indeed rejoice in extracting Ray's semen from his penis into her mouth. And the taste was exquisite just as Erica had promised! Vivian involuntarily climaxed as she let Ray's cock slip out of her mouth once she sensed he was finished spurting. Her orgasm caused her to hyperventilate something fierce as her head glistened from the moisture of the perspiration emanating from her scalp and forehead. As the euphoria started to overwhelm her, Vivian broke into a radiant smile.

Although Ray had climaxed without forewarning, he was still in control of his faculties sufficiently enough to witness closely Vivian's reaction. He was astonished at how enthusiastically she had just given him head, presumably for the very first time for her. Her sexual performance was more intense, and exciting than he had previously enjoyed from any of his more experienced partners. He had difficulty in believing that Vivian could be a virgin, but he was looking forward to finding out for certainty.

For Vivian's part her very first sexual experience overwhelmed her to the extent, that she had momentarily lost the power to speak. So instead, she simply stood up and backed up slightly to unceremoniously remove all her clothes. As she became totally naked, Vivian stood still for a moment to allow Ray to examine her nude body. She placed her hands behind her head and locked her fingers together. That action caused her chest to jut forward to exhibit more prominently her gorgeous breasts. In addition, as she had not swallowed all of Ray's ejaculate, she allowed some of the remnant sperm to dribble out of her mouth to present a truly provocative, sexually, exotic image. Such wanton display of her sexuality mesmerized Ray, so he asked haltingly, "Eh Vivian, wha...wha...what are you doing?"

Regaining partially her power of speech, Vivian breathlessly replied, "I've read somewhere that during slave trades, female slaves at the auctions had to adopt such a naked pose, so that a slave buyer could make a more informed bid. Since I'm your love slave tonight, I thought it would be appropriate for me to likewise allow you the benefit of thoroughly seeing what you're getting."

Ray's jaw literally dropped at hearing such a wickedly suggestive, reply. He was partly surprised by Vivian's continued sexual aggression, and her sophistication, that belied her status as a virgin. But the more surprising part was her beauty. Most indifferent males would not consider Vivian to possess a gorgeous face, but given the sexually provocative sight she was presenting to him, Ray at that moment considered her to be without debate the prettiest girl at Arthur MacArthur H. S. And her naked body was just breathtaking; made even more enticing by the color of her hair. He was quick to notice that her pubic hair was the same tint and hue as the hair on her head.

Consequently, in Ray's mind he could not imagine God to have created a more perfect physical female body. Perhaps objectively God could have and more likely had, but Ray knew he had not yet encountered such creature. In any case he was positive he was not going to meet any female whose body he would find more physically and sensuously alluring than that of Vivian's.

What delighted Ray even more was his recognition that his opinion would not be universally shared. For one thing Vivian was too tall for most self-proclaimed connoisseurs of female pulchritude to consider her superlatively attractive. True, professional models tend to be tall and acknowledged beauties, but they are invariably too skinny for Ray's tastes. Every woman Ray knew always wanted to lose weight, because presumably they believed they would be more attractive to the opposite sex.

However, Ray was not one of those men. He certainly did not lust for obese women, but he did prefer his women to have meat on their bones.

Ray believed that perhaps a majority of his male peers preferred small dainty women; presumably it bolstered their male ego to be physically dominant. But that was not Ray's predilection. He much preferred his female partners to be near equal in physical size as it provided for more variety in intimate touching. Vivian, being the same height as he, certainly fitted the bill for his preferences in physical female beauty. As he gazed at Vivian her allure became so overpowering for him. Being the more sexually experienced, he would have wanted to affect a more suave demeanor but Vivian's brazen display of herself robbed him of his ability to appear sophisticated.