Vivian Laaning Ch. 62


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Upon noticing the resulting effect of her anilingus, Vivian immediately swallowed Sam's cock for an initial deep throat thrust. She then proceeded with a methodical pattern of oral plunges up and down along the length of his cock, ending with a violent explosion of cum into her mouth. She was able to ingest his entire ejaculation, and subsequently burped in the process. They later engaged in vanilla sex on bed in the standard form of the missionary position before falling asleep.

The wedding as agreed was set for the last Saturday in August to be performed at the Laaning farm. By this time Vivian's parents had retired and were residing in a retirement village setting in Arizona. Her brother Paul had now taken over the farm, and he had no objection to Vivian's wish so long as he didn't have to fork over the expense, or at least not to be over burdened by the expense. There was no problem for Sam to fulfill traditional groom's expenses such as the expenses of liquor at the reception plus the rehearsal dinner at the Quality Inn in Lydiaville the night before the wedding. Paul did agree to provide for the food expense in serving 100 guests at the reception on the farm grounds, but the rest of the expenses had to be borne by Vivian.

Vivian was in a quandary as to who to select as her matron of honor. Her sister Erica would seem to be an automatic choice, but then Angela Peterson née Black was her sole closest friend. Vivian had stayed in touch with Angela since her marriage eight years previously. She had visited Angela twice in the interval, and even had threesome sex with Ralph, Angela's husband during those occasions. To make the choice even more difficult was the fact she had been the maid of honor for both of Erica's weddings as well as for Angela's wedding.

Vivian consulted wedding etiquette books and magazines, and discovered there was no prohibition to having two matrons of honor who can share duties. Therefore, Vivian chose both of them, and neither Erica nor Angela had any problem of each being co matrons of honor. An oddity was that not only was Vivian pregnant, four months; but so was Erica, six and a half months expecting her third child, and Angela, eight months expecting her fourth child.

Vivian quipped, "Well it looks like Sam is in luck as the bar tab for the wedding will be substantially lower than it could have been had all of us not been pregos."

They all laughed, cognizant that all three of them were considered heavy drinkers by their peers. Vivian would have wanted to invite Jed to the wedding but was sensitive to the awkwardness of the situation. Presumably Felicia would have had to be formerly invited as well. Obviously no married woman would want to attend the wedding of her husband's former mistress, especially when the affair was adulterous occurring during her own ongoing marriage. That Jed was Sam's boss would present even more angst. So, she contacted Jed to explain her dilemma. Jed said he understood, but that he would send her a wedding present anyway.

It transpired that, shortly after their engagement, Sam had been assigned by Baxter & Sons to travel to Florence, Italy in lieu of Jed. It was a one day meeting to wrap up a crucial contract with an Italian company. The contract had entailed just over six months of negotiation proposals, and Sam had been heavily involved in the deliberations. The meeting was scheduled for the Tuesday after the wedding date.

Sam saw this as an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and save some money. He negotiated a two week holiday with the company. With consideration of the one work day in Florence plus the Labor Day holiday during his honeymoon vacation, he would not need to return to work until the Wednesday in the third week after the start of his vacation. He had the company book the flight to leave Madison at 06:06 PM on the Saturday of the wedding, to arrive in Florence late Sunday afternoon with stops in Atlanta and Amsterdam.

Vivian heartedly agreed, and was pleased with Sam's plans. After spending some days in Florence, they were to go to Venice for a week and end up in Rome for the remainder of their honeymoon before returning to Chicago. To accommodate the logistics of the honeymoon, the wedding ceremony would take place at 12:00 noon at the grounds of the farm. Then the reception would begin immediately as there was plenty of room in the farm yard. The bride and groom planned to leave around 02:00 PM to Sam's room at the Quality Inn to change into traveling attire. Everyone of course suspected that there was thus time enough for consummation of the marriage before the newly wedded couple were to head for the Madison airport.

As planned, the wedding then took place, and Vivian became Mrs Vivian Crawford. There were about one hundred and fifty guests almost exclusively on the bride's side. Sam had been given up for adoption upon birth so that he never knew his biological parents. He was never adopted and grew up in various foster homes. Thus, to marry, meant he belonged to a family for the first time. He had made fast friends with Erica and her husband Rod. He also was happily received by his brother-in-law Paul Laaning. Yes, life was looking up for Sam Crawford and he relished the moment.

The reception was proceeding at a joyous and happy pace, but then disaster struck! Just before 02:00 PM, and just before Sam and Vivian were about to leave, the farm was inundated by two dozen men with drawn guns! They were FBI agents with a warrant for the arrest of Sam Crawford! There were various counts of indictment, but it boiled down to an accusation that over a period of some twelve years he had embezzled from Baxter & Sons sums of monies totaling around a hundred and twenty million dollars.

Vivian gasped and was absolutely shocked at this ugly turn of events. She could not believe it! She could not believe any aspect of what was happening. In her mind the scene was becoming truly Orwellian. However, when the agent in charge was reading Sam his Miranda rights, Vivian had the presence of mind to shout. "Don't you say a fucking word, Sam. Not one fucking word until I talk to you."

Then turning to the agent in charge she said. "I'm this man's wife, but not only that, I'm an attorney employed by Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott of Chicago. I will act for my husband, initially as his attorney. When can I speak to him?"

The agent replied, "We are taking Mr Crawford to the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Chicago. You can speak to him there tomorrow. He will most likely be arraigned at the Federal District Court on Monday. You will get confirmation tomorrow."

Vivian said, "Thank you. And again Sam for God's sakes don't say a fucking word until I see you."

The FBI agents handcuffed Sam and perp walked him to the police transport vehicle. Then the agents departed leaving an ominous pall in the wedding reception. Vivian went to the wedding table and resumed sitting on the spot she had previously occupied. She then uttered, "I guess I'm not going to go and see Florence Italy after all."

With that said Vivian broke down and started sobbing profusely. Her expected happiest day in her life had turned into ashes, and her despair was profound. Erica and Angela pulled up chairs beside Vivian to comfort her as best as they could. The guests started to leave. Paul and his wife with their children, along with the senior Laanings, retreated to the farm house, effectively leaving only Vivian with Angela and Erica and their husbands to console the distraught bride. After Vivian had calmed down somewhat from suffering her wretchedness, she proclaimed, "Oh God do I ever need a drink! Fuck it! I'm going to get one. Surely one drink won't kill my baby."

With that said, Vivian toddled over to the bar and procured a Gray Goose on the rocks. After a long swallow, she declared to her friends, "The fuck of it is that not only do I not get to tour around Italy with my charming husband, who apparently is a rogue, but I'm not going to be fucked on my wedding night. How pathetic is that?"

With that said, Vivian downed her drink and got another one. Her friends began to get alarmed at her state and suggested that she take it easy on the booze. Vivian waved off their concern while she was gulping down her second drink of straight vodka on ice. Normally Vivian had a high level of tolerance for alcohol, and rarely got to passing out drunk. However, given the devastating experience of seeing her just newly acquired husband being arrested and hauled off to jail, broke down her normal resistance to the debilitating effects of her vodka consumption.

So, in an unguarded moment she said, "Wait a minute! This does not need to be a total loss. I've fucked each and every one of you, although Rod is the only one, I haven't fucked alone. In any case I'm the bride and I'm entitled to be fucked on my wedding night. As my groom is not available to do his duty, then it is up to the four of you to substitute and fulfill that task. I, well actually Sam has a room at the Quality Inn which obviously is available for my desires."

Erica, Angela, Rod and Ralph all tried to dissuade Vivian from her bizarre demands. But Vivian grabbed a third drink of Grey Goose and became adamant in demanding that they indulge in group sex. Seeing as how she was doing harm to herself in her sudden uncontrolled drinking binge, they relented. Thus, as a group, they traveled to the Quality Inn at Lydiaville in two vehicles and entered Sam Baxter's prepaid room.

Vivian immediately disrobed so that she became instantly naked. Vivian might not have the prettiest female face, but her naked female body was undeniably perfectly alluring. As Sam had been fond of saying, he could not imagine that God could have designed a superior female body then Vivian's. At four months pregnant, Vivian was exhibiting a slight baby bump, but such did not detract one iota from her appeal. Once Vivian's nakedness was on display, any resistance to indulging in group sex, which the rest of her companions might have harbored, dissipated once and for all. Soon everyone undressed and became naked.

For a moment the five of them stood in a circle perusing and admiring each other's naked bodies. Erica was almost seven months pregnant so that her baby bump was more pronounced. In addition, her nipples had reformed into round balls which everyone present had occasion to have noticed in her previous pregnancies. As for Angela, being the smallest of the three women, her baby bump at eight months pregnant seemed to be smaller in density than Erica's. Nevertheless, she was the only one of the three that truly waddled in her walk. Angela's nipples were swollen but not in the peculiar manner of Erica's. Her areola though was of the darkest brown hue imaginable, that contrasted starkly with her absolute pale pink skin color.

As for the men, Rod's body suggested possession of an over abundant supply of testosterone. His stature was so virile, that every heterosexual female would swoon and be totally filled with desire upon seeing his nakedness for the first time. As for Ralph Peterson, with his profession as a college math professor, he would outwardly appear as the stereotypical intellectual nerd. His occasional stuttering would reinforce that image. However naked, his manly appeal would not go unnoticed by any astute straight women. He was lean but still very strong. And most importantly his male package was very serviceable, and he knew how to use it effectively to provide for the ultimate pleasure.

After an interval of gazing, Vivian broke the silence and said, "As I am the bride who has been done wrong, then it behooves all of you to erase the past horror and make me happy again."

Accordingly, Rod jumped onto the bed to lie flat on his back. Vivian then got on him impaling herself on his cock. Ralph got on the bed and on his knees situated himself beside Rod's head and shoulders. This allowed Vivian to give head to Ralph while still having her hands free to caress his balls and stick fingers into his anus. Angela took it upon herself to lick Vivian's ass while Erica was content to lick and slurp on Vivian's tits.

The group sex continued for several hours. In the end Vivian could tally that she had each of the gentlemen's cocks ejaculate in her cunt, in her ass and in her mouth. The gentlemen, bless them had the fortitude to perform all such sex acts before Vivian finally fell asleep. In addition, Vivian had muff dived both Erica and Angela and licked their assess to orgasms. All in all, the sex was sufficient to soften Vivian's disappointment for the day.

Just before she fell asleep Vivian opined, "I'm pretty sure that there aren't too many brides out there that can top the spice of my wedding night's frolics."

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