Vivian: Life in Estonia Ch. 02

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Eino administers a brutal spanking punishment
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Note to reader:

This chapter explores an important, serious and emotional issue with regard to domestic violence. It is understandable that some readers would not wish to deal with such a topic, so you need not read this chapter. You will not miss out on the continuity of the narrative of the plot by skipping this chapter. All you need to be aware of, is as the description states: Eino administered a brutal spanking punishment as a result of Vivian's adultery as detailed in the previous chapter.


When Vivian had fallen asleep at the Tartu hotel, she had been in a happy mood. As she put it to her lovers, she had crossed off from her imaginary sexual bucket wish list a sexual activity which she had previously thought was impossible to accomplish. To wit, double anal penetration, something which she had thought only occurred in porno movies. Certainly, at the TLR orgies no two male members had ever propositioned her to try it out, let alone even heard of any female member who had actually achieved such a feat.

Even her closest friend, Angela Peterson, had never articulated the possibility of experiencing such activity. Angela was a group sex enthusiast, and as far as she was concerned double penetration meant cock in vagina and a cock in the ass. Angela would also go so far as to suggest double penetration could also mean cock in mouth with a cock in either of the nether holes. But two cocks in the same orifice was not in her imagination as a thing to do.

However, with the heavy drinking she had partaken at the nearby tavern, all her inhibitions had been nullified. And so, she convinced her pick up lovers to engage her in gratifying this singular lustful proclivity. And she had done it! And it was a blast! An experience she would truly savor for the rest of her life. Thus, ignoring the previous unpleasantness of the day, Vivian's slumber was peaceful and restful.

However, once she woke up and cleared the cobwebs from her head, she immediately fell into deep despair at reliving the previous day. She fell into a prolonged sobbing episode as negative thoughts overwhelmed her. It was bad enough that she had suffered a miscarriage plus being advised she could no longer bear any children. But she compounded her misery by drinking so heavily that she lost any and all of her common sense. By indulging in a one-night stand not with one but two pick up strangers from the bar, she realized that she had severely placed her marriage into true jeopardy.

Even more damning in her mind with regards to her situation was the fact that she stank from the previous night's debauchery! Her body odor was so bad that even she was repulsed by the smell. Now naturally this damaging condition could be easily rectified by a thorough cleansing shower. Actually, she thought she might as well utilize the services of a public sauna rather than rely on an ordinary shower. That would have the added benefit of eliminating a potential hang-over. However, even though she could easily clean up her body, the cleansing of her soul was yet another matter.

After checking out of the hotel, Vivian did go to the nearest public sauna that was open for business. As she was submitting to the intense heat of the sauna, her hope was that the toxins in her body as a result of the previous night's licentiousness would also melt away into oblivion. The first major thought that came to her mind was that she need not confess her sins to Eino. After all she had not divulged to him her attendance at TLR orgies during her May visits to the United States. Her secrecy in that matter was predicated on the premise that what Eino did not know could not hurt him. Ergo why not keep him in the dark likewise on this occasion.

In Vivian's mind there were two objections to adopting this strategy for the purposes of trying to get out of the mess she now found herself in. First, in the TLR situation it is almost a near certainty that her visits to the TLR orgy would never come to the notice of Eino. However, with regards to last night's activity, there was a much greater risk that knowledge of the incident could come to Eino's attention. Even though Vivian had not volunteered too much by way of personal information about herself to her lovers, still she had divulged her name to them.

The point being that Estonia has a very small population. It has about one sixth the population of metropolitan Chicago and she wasn't exactly invisible in Chicago; to wit considering her employment with the prestigious law firm of Kirkland, Mayer & McDermott, and her sister's ownership of an extremely popular restaurant and trendy night club. Thus, the chances of her bumping into one of her lovers of the previous night frolics would be more probable than not. And from such eventuality it would easily follow that Eino would learn of her indiscretion so that if she had previously kept quiet of this night, the chances of marriage reconciliation would be more problematic than had she come clean from the get go.

Setting aside whether her husband could or would discover on his own, the extent of her extramarital sexual activity of the previous night, the fact remained that her soul was in conflict. In the TLR case she believed she was on solid grounds to keep such activity from the knowledge of her husband. She indulged in the TLR orgies as an extraneous outlet of sexual tension without any reference to the state of her marriage. Just like she felt no necessity to divulge when she had masturbated for whatever reason, her visits to the TLR orgies were likewise a no never mind to the state of her marriage.

However, the previous night's activities were a different kettle of fish. In her mind the news she had received of her infertility was certainly a devastating personal blow such that to resort to drinking was a reasonable coping measure given her personality and proclivities. Taking it one step further, it was likewise reasonable, given her personality, to indulge in some sex as a coping mechanism for her. However, that's what her husband was there for.

In retrospect she realized, that if she was not going to stay at the hospital as the doctor had proposed, then she surely should have driven directly home. There was plenty of time available to get wasted, and plenty of booze available at the farm. Besides she could have purchased even some more during her drive back to the farm. And of course, Eino, her husband would be available for all the sex she needed to help overcome her grief. Therefore, Vivian had to accept the proposition that resorting to having sex with strangers was not at all acceptable.

This kind of thinking led her to the conclusion that she dare not be equivocal in reporting to what she had done. If her marriage was to survive and remain on a solid footing, then honesty was the best policy. All she could hope for was that he was understanding, and that he would be man enough to be able to forgive her. But that was obviously a big ask. She knew she could not forgive herself, so how could she expect him to forgive her and move on.

Her head was full of such doom and gloom as she was driving back to the farm. She couldn't stop berating herself for her incautious conduct. Gone from her mind was even a hint of the recollection of the guilty pleasure she had enjoyed from the three-way sex that she had indulged in. All she could think of was that a banana slug was a more worthy creature than her. Consequently, she was in a nonstop crying jag during the entire forty-five minutes drive back to the farm.

When Vivian arrived at the farm, considering the time of the day (around 10:30 AM) she realized there were two most likely places where she could find her husband. He would either be in one of the barns or in his office at the Kangur farmhouse. Since she was inclined to delay the inevitable confrontation as long as practically possible, she decided to go through each barn as the less likely locale for her to meet him. Sure enough, he wasn't in any one of the barns, but he was sitting in his office dealing with the day to day exigencies of managing their farming enterprise.

As soon as Eino became aware of his wife's woeful physical appearance and demeanor, he jumped to his feet and asked, "What happened, Vivian? I can understand you being distraught from what you told me yesterday, but you look worse than that."

Vivian meekly sat down on a nearby convenient chair before she replied. After a momentary pause, she said, "I have a confession to make as I'm most ashamed of myself. After I finished talking to you yesterday, I continued drinking at the bar. My intention, as I told you, was to get thoroughly drunk and then sleep it off at the hotel. However, a university student approached my table, and I allowed him to keep me company. Later, I was joined by another student and after a while I invited both to my hotel room.

"l don't believe I need to elaborate anymore as to what transpired after that. Needless to say, I'm totally sorry for what I have done. I realize I have no legitimate excuse to offer in mitigation. My sorrow and my drinking provide no justification for what I've done. I honestly do not know if you can forgive me, but I sincerely hope that you can. I know I don't deserve it but please believe me, I'm truly contrite.

"I want to assure you in the strongest terms possible that I genuinely love you, body and soul. I love you as much as any woman can love a man. With all my heart I want to stay married to you. I'll do anything you wish or need me to do by way of penance. I'm at your mercy as to how we proceed from here."

Eino Tarvas remained standing throughout the entire confession. He initially affected a stern and neutral look, but Vivian noted that his visage started to change to anger and even more alarming to one of contempt. When she had finished speaking, there was a momentary pause of silence which proved to be excruciatingly dreadful for Vivian to endure. That she could not discern his true exact mood made his silence even more ominous to her.

Finally, Eino spoke, "As you will recall, during the first time we had met, I had indicated there are really only two deal breakers which would destroy a marriage. One of them is the lack of fidelity. And lack of fidelity does not mean a thoughtless occasion of adultery which has no real impact on the dynamics of a good solid marriage. For example, during your visits to your family in America, whether you also take advantage of your membership to that sex club in Texas, it would not be a demonstration of a lack of fidelity on your part to our marriage. It's just you simply taking the opportunity of some harmless fun without any reference of disappointment in our marriage."

Vivian gasped at that pronouncement. 'Oh my God,' she thought, 'he seems to suspect, and of course rightly so, that I attend a TLR orgy when I'm in the States. And he seems to be OK with it based on the identical rationale from which I absolve myself.' Vivian realized then that her husband was more astute than she gave him credit.

Eino continued, "But yesterday you displayed a complete lack of fidelity in our marriage. I certainly can understand and empathize with the grief and sorrow you experienced with your miscarriage compounded by the news that you are no longer able to conceive. I can also understand you resorting to a bout of heavy drinking to provide some comfort and a method of coping from your grief. I can even accept the notion that some sex could also help relieve your misery.

"However, to engage in sex with strangers as a purpose to seek solace from your misfortune is totally unacceptable. It displays a lack of faith on your part suggesting that I do not have your back. That sex with strangers is preferable to my company in time of real despair shows a complete lack of fidelity in our marriage vows.

"So, before we can talk of forgiveness and where we're to go from here in our marriage, you must be first punished."

Despite the foreboding tone of his response, Vivian could discern a glimmer of hope that all is not lost. Accordingly, she said, "Oh yes Eino my darling, I quite concur with your assessment. I understand that I need to be punished."

Slightly surprised by Vivian's quick acquiescence, Eino continued, "Well I'm glad you agree. So, at this point, I want you go to the unoccupied bedroom upstairs. I want you to get completely naked and then sprawl on top of the bed covers with your head down on the bed. Just wait there as I will join you shortly thereafter."

Without bothering to speculate even for a second as to what might Eino intend to do to her, Vivian got up and complied with his order. The use of the Kangur farmhouse had been converted pursuant to Vivian's original plans. Vivian and Eino each had offices partitioned and constructed on the main floor to facilitate the operations of the total farming enterprise. The four upstairs bedrooms with the adjoining two bathrooms were made available to accommodate those full time hired farm workers who would find such residence convenient or in some cases necessary. The kitchen and dining room area were preserved to allow the tenants to feed themselves. As well, the basement contained a washer and a drier to provide a laundry facility for the tenants.

Currently, one of the bedrooms was empty as the previous tenant had found more desirable accommodation elsewhere near the farm. So, this room was essentially devoid of furniture except for a bed, a bedside table, and a chest of drawers. Upon entering this room, in a pique of desiring a presentable scene, Vivian hung up her clothes in the closet and discarded her underwear in a drawer. Now completely naked, she did as she was asked; sprawled prone on the bed, resting on top of the bed covers.

Vivian did not have long to wait. As Eino entered the room, she noticed right away that he was carrying a heavy leather strop, which he used to sharpen knives, scissors and various other sharp objects or tools. She inwardly shuddered as she realized he was intending to spank her. More intimidating was her belief that the strop would produce far more pain than a belt or a spanking paddle. Wordlessly, he strode to the side of the bed to position himself at right angles to her derrière. Then without warning, with a wide arc swing he administered a vicious blow right across the middle of her butt.

Vivian screamed; a harrowing, agonizing scream. The pain of this blow was blistering and acutely stinging. It was an excruciating pain far beyond anything she had ever experienced. In a knee jerk reaction, her butt cheeks quivered and her whole body shook and trembled in reaction. In an attempt to assuage the pain, she contrived her legs to kick up and down while deliberately causing her hips to sway and her entire torso to wiggle, all in a futile effort to seek some relief from the hurt. The only comforting thought she could discern was the fact that the other tenants of the farmhouse were not present in the building, as instead they were occupied in their farm chores. So at least there was no witness privy to the humiliation never mind the physical suffering she was experiencing.

It seemed to Vivian, that there wasn't much pause in the interval between that first brutal smack and the equally forceful second blow to her ass. She screamed and shrieked as the pain seemed unbearable to her. Again, her body shook and trembled involuntarily from this blow and continued repeatedly throughout her ordeal. Presumably this was her body's automatic response to try to stem the flow of pain messages inundating her brain. She was whimpering and tearing. The pain was overwhelming.

Another smack struck her buttocks hard. The sound of the blow on her bottom was just as intimidating as the pain she was enduring. Vivian was as strong a willed woman as they come. She compelled her brain to concentrate on preserving her dignity. She surmised that there was no shame in screaming out her agony, but the key to surviving her punishment with her pride intact was not to beg for mercy. Her tormentor was her husband after all, who had vowed to love and cherish her. Surely, he would not murder her or permanently injure her. His anger would surely be contained by his good nature which she believed he possessed.

There was no letup in the brutality of the next series of forceful smacks. Vivian screamed and shrieked on each occasion; she could not avoid such reaction. Her ass was burning from the heat of the strokes which caused her to perspire copiously. After about ten consecutive hard blows, he grabbed her ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. He compelled her to rest on her knees at the edge at a forty-five degree angle with her calves and feet dangling off the bed.

Now with her butt sticking out and up in the air, Eino invariably had an easier target to strike at the center of her buttocks. In this position, Vivian's involuntary body movements in reaction to his blows were even more pronounced. She would invariably straighten upright upon contact of the strop on her ass, and her torso would fully shake all over. In particular, her ass would quiver even more emphatically than when she had been flat lying prone on the bed.

Suddenly, she was aware she had sexually climaxed! However, the consequence of this, her most unusual sexual orgasm, was likewise unprecedented for her. She squirted a gusher full of a stream of urine, which produced an exotic arc in its flow from her urethrae to the floor. The sight was most beguiling to Eino's sensibilities, that he could not help smiling. At least he did not break out in laughter, so that Vivian was completely unaware of his reaction to her inadvertent urination. The only thing she knew was that her discharge caused a delay in the release of the next smack on her bottom.

Finally, Eino was satisfied that he had inflicted as much punishment as he was desirous of meting out. In fact, he realized that he had exceeded the punitive measures which he would have dispassionately deemed appropriate for the situation. His ensuing remorse for his brutality towards her was somewhat nullified upon his gazing at the natural result of the spanking. Vivian's ass was now colored by a very vivid bright red hue. There were raised blisters and weals covering the entire skin area of her buttocks. There were even some signs of open bleeding which though quickly had clotted.

Rather than being horrified at the damage he had doled out on his wife's bottom, he was instead aroused erotically by such an enthralling visage. As a result, he was now sporting an engorged rock-hard erection. Thus, he snarled a command, "That's sufficient punishment for you, and so you can quit your sniveling now. I happen to have developed a hard on. I need you to take care of it right now. Don't delay."

Vivian indeed had broken out in a full-blown crying jag and was relentlessly weeping as a result of the brutal spanking. In fact, she was shuddering as it seemed to her like her ordeal would never end. However, in hearing his stern, no nonsense order, she did not require the 'tees' to be crossed or the 'eyes' dotted to discern what he desired. Accordingly, she efficiently removed herself from the bed and landed on her knees in the vicinity of his crotch.

Thoughtfully, Eino had simultaneously unfastened his belt and lowered his pants and briefs to his knees to facilitate the ensuing fellatio. Although still shedding tears, without protest Vivian automatically popped his prick into her mouth to commence deep throating him. Eino had been so aroused by the sight of Vivian's bright red ass, that he was susceptible to a quick ejaculation from even a perfunctory blow job.

As for Vivian, her orgasm during the spanking had totally discombobulated her senses. As a result, when he did cum in her mouth she did not react as she normally would have, had she been fully aroused at the commencement of the blow job. Instead, she slurped up and swallowed his cum this time in a demonstratively absent-minded manner. Her focus was similar to her action in imbibing an accompanying beverage when her main preoccupation of the moment would be in reading a book or a magazine or something.