Voyeur Ch. 08


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"You should sit over there." She sombrely pointed opposite the black and white chequered blanket. "You might choke at that angle." A girl can dream, anyway.

Ray swallowed what was left in his mouth and smacked his lips at her. "I'm fine here."

Rachel sharply exhaled and got onto her knees. Ray's hand was suddenly on her wrist.

"Where are you going?" he asked smoothly.

"To sit over there." So, you can't paw me.

Ray didn't answer, nor did he release her. When Rachel turned back, he cheekily popped a piece of cheese into her mouth.

"What's wrong?" he smiled at her petulance and sat up to draw her into his lap. "You love the feeding game."

Wriggling uncomfortably, Rachel irritably managed to gulp down the cheese. "It doesn't sound like something I would like," she stiffly replied, feeling suffocated in his arms.

"It's one of our favourite pastimes," Ray merrily declared in one of his biggest whoppers yet. "It became a thing after our trip to Paris."

Ray never cared to deliberately antagonise women, but the burning outrage in Rachel's gentle eyes was way too much fun. The upper hand she'd given him was a once-in-a-lifetime rarity. It was increasingly clear that her patience for the game was near exhausted, and it was only a matter of time before she more vigorously rejected him.

Ray wondered how long she would last and hoped to get at least three more sensual fucks out of her before she inevitably became difficult. But whatever ensued, Rachel had unwittingly come to know him intimately. Their liaison did not stem from violence or abuse. As much as she might despise how things developed, it was very promising for their future.

"If I can't remember, then it's like it never happened," Rachel tartly retorted, unable to resist a counter reply.

Strangely, Rachel noticed a change in herself. The survival instinct had driven away much of her shyness. The overall seriousness of her circumstances helped her speak forwardly when she would normally stay bashfully silent. That, and Ray's enthusiasm for spurting romantic lies was seriously pissing her off.

"You're irresistible, when you pout," Ray murmured, kissing her neck.

"Ray, the picnic!" she hissed, straining away from him.

"It can wait."

Rachel's eyes widened with alarm when she was shifted from Ray's lap and he positioned himself on top of her.

"Wait! I don't want to..." she said shrilly, wriggling back as he leaned close. "I mean, we shouldn't..."

"Why not? We're very alone here." Ray grinned at her discomfort. She was so fucking cornered. "What's the problem? You love doing it in the woods."

This time he went too far, and Rachel forgot herself and actually bared her teeth at him. In response, Ray threw back his head with a loud laugh. The callous edge of his mirth alerted Rachel and she froze.

Carefully scrutinizing Ray's expression, Rachel noted the smug look on his face. A look that silently told her he knew. Then he voiced it.

"Ah, well. I guess the game is up, hon. All good things come to an end, don't they?"

"H-How long have y-you...?" she stuttered, shrinking back with a sick feeling in her stomach.

Ray smiled wickedly. "You gave it away within hours."

"Within...! You took advantage of me!"

"But I didn't force you, did I?" he immediately countered. "That's what you're really upset about. Be fair. You tried to dupe me, and it was an admirable effort, but you failed. Don't be a sore loser."

"I want to go home! I love someone else!" Rachel cried.

"It's rude to talk about other guys in front of me." Ray raised a cocky eyebrow. "Now, calm down. Seriously. Even if you refuse to admit it, this is working out."

Rachel had no reply. Ray was clearly a sociopath; he had no empathy or remorse for what he'd done. It seemed he arrogantly congratulated himself for getting his way without murdering her. All that should matter a lot more than it did -- but Rachel's mind was overtaken by a shattering humiliation.

It was fucking embarrassing. She was an absolute joke; copping Ray's stupid woo-tactics when he must have been silently cracking up at her expense. She'd spread her legs and gifted the guy two easy fucks, and he knew what he was doing the whole time. She tried to play him, and without batting an eye he turned her ploy to his advantage. Now, she knew his revolting charm was him toying with her for his own amusement. As she recalled the last 24 hours, Rachel was both mortified and incensed. She wanted to scream.

"I'm a leading kind of guy," Ray said confidently against her temple. "And you're a shy submissive. Maybe it's why I'm so drawn to you? God knows. This will naturally work out. You just have to relax."

"I'm not a...a...that!" Rachel hotly denied, still rattled by the exposure of her pretence.

Ray was wrong about her. Rachel liked following Ben's directives, because she wanted to be with him. She implicitly trusted him, and he understood her. Ray had no idea what he spoke of and failed to acknowledge the fact she had every reason to be afraid of him.

Now she was defeated and humiliated with all hope of escape dashed to dust. And why the fuck had no one rescued her, yet? Was she really expected to outwit and overpower a mountain of a man, who was now looking insufferably pleased with himself?

"I hate you!" she snarled.

"What?" Ray said sharply. The sudden change in tone lashed Rachel's ears like a cold whip.

"N-Nothing," she hastily mumbled, thinking she may as well start drafting her 'Biggest Coward' award acceptance speech.

Ray leaned closer until their gazes locked. "Don't ever use that word with me," he softly warned. "I don't like it."

"Well, you got what you wanted. You can let me go," Rachel tried, flinching when a chuckle rippled through him. At least the murderous look was gone from his face.

"I haven't had enough."

"How long are you going to keep me?" she asked anxiously.

"As long as I care to."

The answer was disturbingly noncommittal.

"And after? How do I get back?" Rachel said in a small voice.

The answer left Ray before he really considered it. "I'll be wherever you are."

"O-Oh. Like, the same city?" Rachel whispered with pathetic hope.

"Same city, same house, same room, same bed..."


"Why do you ask questions with answers you don't want to know? Do you prefer the alternative?"


Ray's eyes darkened forebodingly. "Trust me, you'd change your mind."


"Don't beg. It's boring."

"But I have a boyfriend! Can I at least-?"

"No. You should be grateful I didn't kill him. Though he'll conveniently take the fall for this, so it works out nicely."

Rachel paled. "The fall for what?"

"Your disappearance, hon."

"You framed him!"

Ray rolled his eyes. "I let nature take its course. Be content he's alive."

"He can't be locked up because of me! Please, Ray, if you help him, I'll do anything you want!"

"You would be amazed how people magically change their minds after making such promises," he dryly replied. "Not that I'm ever interested. Maybe in this case I am, but I don't believe you."

"Ray, I'm serious," Rachel earnestly begged. "If you let me go, I'll never tell anyone about you."

"Did you notice how your plea just changed from helping Ben, to releasing you?"

"But Ray, if you'd just let me go... It's not too late-!"

"And what if I want you back?" he said lightly, shifting onto his forearms with a smile that would have been attractive if the conversation weren't so hideous.

Rachel looked appalled. "What? W-Well...I...Well...I don't think-"

"Would you agree to let me have my way with you, now and then?" he teased.

Rachel knew by his tone that it was a pointless conversation but maintained her honesty in the hope he'd see reason. "No, I wouldn't. Please Ray, let me go. I'll never tell anyone."

"You wouldn't open that sexy mouth to rat on me, so I don't show up one day?"

Rachel gulped and shook her head. "If you give me your word that you won't, I'll trust you. And I'll keep my promise never to tell."

Ray believed she was serious. But it didn't matter. "That's a lovely offer Rachel, but there's a hitch."

The calm amusement on his face made Rachel want to cry. With a predatory look in his eyes, Ray gently kissed her cheek.

"I would definitely come after you," he murmured, and Rachel fearfully shivered beneath him. He sighed, feeling exceptionally amorous now they'd cleared the air and his intentions.

"No, no, no!" Rachel moaned, as Ray pressed closer. "Please! I don't want this!"

"Sorry, Rachel. This was never about what you wanted."

Ray nibbled the flesh of her neck while Rachel lay like a dead person, and then his mouth moved lower. He unbuttoned the centre of her dress and kissed her cleavage, down her soft stomach until he reached the skirt section.

Glancing up her body, Ray took a moment to appreciate the sight of Rachel on her back with her bra exposed, the heaving rise and fall of her breasts, and the end of her ponytail prettily splayed down one shoulder. The nervous bewilderment on her face created the perfect image of innocence begging to be fucked. Ray shifted onto his side to edge Rachel's skirt up her smooth thighs, like a kid unwrapping a long-awaited Christmas present.

While Ray's large hand stroked up her inner thigh, Rachel turned her gaze to the sky, thinking of Ben. At first, she was miserable to be away from him. Then came the bittersweet fact that he'd eventually be forced to move on with his life. But she never considered the incriminating position that her disappearance might place him in; never thought Ben would rot in prison on her account. Now, it would make sense that no one is looking for her if the police presumed the search would start and end with Ben.

It was a lucky her skirt was out of the way, because it gave Rachel the freedom to twist and jerk her knee into Ray's temple in a surprise blow that knocked him back. He grimly sat up in time to see her disappear around the bend and into the trees.

"Have it your way," he winced, touching the throbbing ache on the side of his head. Taking his time, he reached into the base of the picnic bag and pulled out some black cable ties, a small pistol, and a gag. Pocketing the items, he stretched for a few seconds, then broke into a very fast sprint.

Holding the skirt of her dress gathered around her waist, Rachel fled with quick determination. Though the area seemed deserted as the surrounds of Ray's house, she felt she had better chances of finding help or hiding. Over the blood pounding in her temples she heard boisterously raised voices quite a way to her left. She abruptly turned to follow the sounds.

"Oh, thank God!" she gasped, staggering into a small clearing.

Catching her breath, Rachel stared at three stunned campers sitting in makeshift chairs, each holding a beer. They looked to be in their late thirties to mid-forties, and rather shabbily dressed in faded sports tracksuits. Empty cans were scattered around a gutted fire.

"Please, call the police! You have to help me!" Rachel begged, rushing forward.

"Are you lost?" one lazily asked, placing his beer on the ground and rising to his feet.

"Yes! But there's -...Yeeooow!"

The guy grabbed Rachel's ponytail and yanked her head back, admiring her features. "You gotta be nuts to come out here. I like that."

"Wait, you don't understand!" Rachel flinched at the sharp pain across her scalp.

No one had ever pulled her hair so viciously. The man reeked of cigarettes and alcohol, among other unsavoury things. Clearly the overnight rain hadn't changed much in the way of hygiene. All three campers looked like they could use a long shower.

"No, you don't understand." The man sorely tugged her hair for emphasis and the others laughed at her cry. A coarse hand moved forcefully across her bra, exposed by the unbuttoned front of her dress. Rachel squealed when the hand slipped under one of the cups to squeeze a tender breast.

The man spoke hoarsely, with a dark look on his face that came with sudden arousal. "Shit, these are nice! We'll keep you busy, girl!"

One wearing an ugly red hat smirked. "She's undressed for us. The sweet lookers are always the best fucks."

Rachel groaned with more frustration than fear. Could things get any worse for her?

"Let her go."

They all turned to perceive Ray with a very menacing look on his face. The seated men exchanged a bemused glance, and the one holding Rachel sneered.

"You the boyfriend?" he slurred, reluctantly withdrawing his hand from Rachel's chest but still gripping her hair. "I'll trade six cold ones, for a night with your girl."

"How generous." Ray showed his teeth in a deadly smile, and his hazel eyes turned so cold Rachel felt she'd rather take her chances with three unwashed rapists than be alone with him.

Ray stepped forward and glanced around, noting the discarded beer cans. "Not a hunting trip?"

"Yeah, a cunt hunt," a seated man piped in, then laughed stupidly at his own joke.

"Let's fuck him up, then make him watch," red hat suggested.

"Three against one, and you idiots would still lose," Ray quietly snarled. "But I don't have the time or inclination to fist-fight."

"Whoaah!" The men immediately backed down when Ray levelled the pistol. Even in their intoxicated states, it was clear by Ray's cold confidence that he wasn't an amateur. Nor was he bluffing.

"Shit, we were just messing around!" the leader exclaimed, quickly releasing Rachel and stepping away from her. "Come on, put that thing down."

Ray ignored him and looked at Rachel. "Are you hurt?"

Terrified, Rachel gaped at Ray. Then she gathered her skirt and tore into the forest.

"T-There she goes. You better chase her." The camper anxiously gestured after Rachel and nervously licked his lips when Ray didn't budge. "Come on, man, I hardly touched her. Serious, we don't want trouble."

"Didn't seem that way. Sorry fellas."

Rachel abruptly pulled up when the first gunshot echoed through the woods, quickly followed by a second and third.

"Oh, my God!" she sobbed into her palm.

Now, Ray would come after her, and probably put a bullet in her, too. Going by the men's reaction to her sudden appearance, the area was generally deserted. They seemed confident of being able to abuse her without interruption.

As she tired of the pace, Rachel's sneakers sank into the damp ground with every step. Unhelpful thoughts raced through her mind. She wasn't prepared to die. She hadn't even bothered with a will. And if she was going to die, Ray should at least clear Ben's name, but of course he wouldn't.

Rachel ran, and ran. It was almost as if she wasn't breathing, or couldn't breathe, and yet she ploughed onwards on sheer desperation. Until Ray caught her.

Ray's running style was so rapid, his feet barely pressed the ground. Rachel didn't even hear him approach over her own cloddish escape, until his arm wrapped around her stomach and dragged her to the soil. Starkly conscious of what Ray had done and that she was probably next, Rachel stared up at him and screamed.

Ray had heard plenty of screams in his lifetime. This one was particularly high-pitched and actually gave him chills.

"Holy hell, Rachel! That was a good one!" he observed, sounding impressed. "My ears are ringing!"

Then he skilfully pinched her jaw open, pulled the gag from his pocket and stuffed it into her gasping mouth. Rachel retched, groaned and seized his wrists to stop him. But Ray was too strong, and her grip posed no obstruction to his task. Seemingly oblivious to her pulling on his wrists, Ray calmly fastened the buckle behind her head.

"You get some points for making a decent run for it in this dress," he remarked. Truthfully, he was astonished by her pace in reaching the campers. If he could trust her, she would make a worthy running companion.

Then he briskly jerked his hands free, flipped Rachel over and pinned her wrists before she could think to fight. Ray moved back and after dodging a kick directed at his face, roughly forced Rachel's ankles together. When they were secured, Ray straddled her from behind, his hand curled across her forehead to lift her head, his mouth warmed her ear.

"I meant what I said. I'm not going to hurt you. But I feel like you need to be taught a lesson, because three kills on short notice is no easy task. You're going to watch this."

Heaving with exhaustion and expecting to be violently raped, Rachel wept raggedly against the gag. But Ray merely rolled her over and stonily buttoned the front of her dress. It was only when she was hitched over his shoulder that she realised what he meant.

"Naurrrrggg! Arrrgggg!" Rachel vehemently shook her head and struggled, but it was no use.

"Yep," Ray replied, steadily walking back toward the camp as though she weighed nothing. "You're not getting out of this one."

Rachel vigorously squirmed and whined for him to change his mind, but she had no voice. If only he'd let her speak, she'd beg for forgiveness, and swear to never cross him again. Anything to avoid the sight of three murdered guys. She'd never seen a dead body, and worse, she knew the men were dead simply because she ran into them.

Ray marched, unmoved by her muffled pleading. He was angry; angry that Rachel needlessly involved others, and now a tiring job lay ahead of him. But it was so much worse than logistics. Much as he wanted to deny it, Ray couldn't ignore the feelings that surfaced when he saw the drunk idiot groping Rachel. When he saw the man's hand was under her bra, touching her breast, he thought his head might explode.

Digging the grave only clarified he wouldn't kill her. But now Ray was alerted to the fact he was never going to hurt Rachel for the simple reason she was suddenly invaluable to him. It was a weakness he recognised as explicitly ruinous for a man with his occupation.

At immense personal risk he indulged a dangerous whim, and now the worst-case scenario was manifesting. Rachel certainly wasn't out of his system, and he was being slowly poisoned with feelings for her. And he'd known better from the beginning. He had no one to blame but himself.

But what started as a case of pure lust had unexpectedly alleviated the pretentiousness of his life. Rachel was his jazz. She even knew his real name, and Ray could relax and be his true self around her; he didn't have to pose as someone else. Nor did he have to finish her as a job or return her to a paying customer. Everything was on his terms.

And her personality was perfect for him. Rachel had enough sense to be cooperative, without a level of belligerence that would pose a serious problem. The resulting experience was an unanticipated release for Ray, like breathing fresh air with mind-blowing sex on top of it. And now he'd tasted that overall feeling, he wasn't sure he could give it up.

When they reached the quiet campsite, Ray lowered Rachel against the base of a tree and pinched her chin warningly. "Don't let me catch you looking away."

He took two easy steps toward the campsite, then froze. "Wow." Clearly astonished, he turned to face her. "Talk about distracted. I almost started without gloves."

A heavy silence fell between them. Not that Rachel could have said anything, but his expression made her nervous. Ray narrowed his eyes at her intently, as though comprehending she was the source of an underlying problem.

"I almost started without gloves," he repeated. Shaking his head as though to clear his mind, he waggled his finger at her. "Wait here, hon."

Ray was back within ten minutes. The black gloves that extended to his elbows were a frightening contrast to his casual picnic clothes.