Wage Slave


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So I did, starting over from when I'd seen her and Mrs. Darcy and then going on about how Mr. Darcy let me talk to him so I could get some answers, but only after I saw him and Alicia the first time, and that he was teaching me how to work on cars.

"That's it? That's all you're doing there? Fixing cars?" My dad asked me when I was done.

I nodded.

"Just three days a week?"

Another nod. "He said he can't afford to pay me more than that."

"And you were off the clock from work today? All day? Officially? And he didn't tell you to do anything with Alicia when she got there?"

I nodded.

"I went because I wanted to be there when she, uhh, gave Mr. Darcy a blowjob like she always does on Thursdays. I wanted to pay her back."

"Pay her back?"

"For Saturday." I shifted the collar of my T shirt to show the strap of my blue bra. "She bought me some lingerie to wear at work and I wanted to show her the stuff I bought too because I thought she'd like it."

"She bought you lingerie?"

"And a vibrator." I nodded again. "Mr. Darcy has the controls for it on his..."

"Stop." My dad held up his hand. "Did Mr. Darcy give you the vibrator?"

I shook my head.

"Alicia did. She brought it with her and showed me how to wear it. She had the App for it on her phone but she transferred it to Mr. Darcy's phone."

"Did he tell Alicia to get you the vibrator?"

"I don't think so. Alicia said that she had one and that she'd get me one just like hers. When I saw her on Saturday that's when she gave it to me."

My dad looked at my mom.

"The complaint isn't justified on the facts."

"But it is, based on the things she did."

"What did I do?"

"You prevented Alicia from finishing her tasks on time. She was an hour late."

"Oh. I didn't know."

"Her owner is asking for Mr. Darcy to be forced to pay her for the delay."

"But he didn't do anything." I was outraged. "I did it. I did everything."

"We know. And that's the problem." My mom told me then sighed. My dad patted her hand which shocked me again. The way they were acting wasn't normal.

"What happens now?"

"Now? Now I decide if Hank has to pay Dinah or not. The problem is that you're my daughter and if I say he doesn't have to, people could say it was because of favoritism on my part because you're my daughter."

"So Mr. Darcy's going to be punished for something I did? That's wrong and you know it."

My mom looked at my dad. He looked back then to me.

"There's another way."

"What way?" I wanted to know.

"I can auction you. It would be a primary auction so everyone would know that when this happened you weren't owned by anyone. That means that Hank can't be held accountable for what you did."

"No." I refused.


"No. And I mean it, no." I stood up to leave. I wasn't going to be anyone's slave. There were some things I just wouldn't do.

"Wait." My mom stopped me. "There's another possibility."

"What possibility?" I was suspicious.

"Sit." She waited until I sat down again. "Remember what I told you, the auction is for a job, the contract is separate from that."


"So, if you get auctioned to Mr. Darcy, and refuse a contract with him for anything else, it's up to him whether he'll agree or not."

"Do you think he will?"

"Maybe. But if he doesn't then you're free to do whatever you want, no strings attached except you can't go back to work at his garage."

"I can do that?"

"It's the rules. No one can force you to do anything you don't want to do."

I thought about it but it was too big of a decision to make right away. Getting up I headed for the stairs and my room.


"I'll let you know in the morning." I went upstairs to my room and closed the door.

In the morning I came downstairs to find them both sitting at the table waiting for me.

"I can't," I shook my head no. "I just can't."

My dad nodded once.

"I'll go tell Mr. Darcy I can't work there anymore." I looked at my dad. "Will you take me? If I go by myself I don't know that I'll be able to tell him."

"You want to work there that much?" His eyebrows rose again.

I nodded.

"It's fun and interesting and I'm learning stuff I didn't know. And I'm good at it. Plus Mr. Darcy cares about me. Me, not some contract."

My dad sighed but got to his feet after I explained. Leaning down he kissed my mom on the lips as my mouth dropped open.

"Crista," my mom looked at me when they were done. "The only question I have is why? Why did you do it?"

I looked at my feet and tried to find a way to say it that she'd understand. Suddenly I knew how and that she'd understand what I meant when I said it. Really understand.

"Because I didn't run away soon enough either." I looked up at her. "I'm just too much like dad to do more than admit it."

She blinked once. Seconds later she held out her arms to me but I shook my head.

"I'll just start crying." I sniffed. "And I have to go."


The brown Lexus was parked in the lot when we got there. As soon as I got out of my dad's car, the doors on the Lexus opened. Alicia got out of the passenger side and Dinah got out from behind the wheel. She clipped a leash onto a thick collar that was around Alicia's neck and tugged once before walking our way. Alicia followed along behind, her eyes silently begging me not to say anything.

"Dinah." My dad acknowledged her.

"Auctioneer." She inclined her head. "I see you are here to adjudicate my complaint."

"Actually, I'm not."

She looked surprised and glanced at me then back to him.

"Crista is not under contract. Thus, there is nothing to adjudicate." He explained. "She is only here this morning to terminate her regular employment."

Alicia opened her mouth to say something but Dinah tugged on her leash to stop her.

"What she does today, has no bearing on what she did yesterday."

"Ah, but it does." He held up one finger. "She wasn't on the clock yesterday. She was on her own time at her own leisure."

"That means nothing."

"But it does." He held up a second finger and looked at Alicia. "I understand you tried to say no but Crista tied you up anyway. Is that true?"

She looked at Dinah.

"Speak." My dad told her, the sternness I was used to hearing suddenly showing up in his voice. "Any command by anyone to the contrary does not apply here and now."

She swallowed and looked at me before starting to talk.

"I tried to say I couldn't but Crista tied my arms behind my back. With this." She displayed her wrist with the ribbon from yesterday tied around it. The bow was tied differently, which meant she'd taken it off, but she'd put it back on again afterward.

"That, is a sign of ownership." Dinah told us while looking at me.

"It's a gift." I snapped back at her before my dad could stop me. "From me to Alicia."

"Stop." My dad held up his hand before looking at Alicia. "Did you agree to anything in exchange for the ribbon?"

She shook her head no.

"Did you agree to do anything at all with Crista?"

"Just have lunch on Saturdays. Sir."

Do you work on Saturdays?

She shook her head no.

"Does your owner require you to fulfill the terms of your contract on Saturdays?

She shook her head again.

"There is no interference with your contract by the gift of the ribbon." He gave his decision on that to Dinah. "Alicia is at her leisure on Saturdays and made no specific promises yesterday in exchange for the gift."

"This is nepotism."

"These are the rules." My father's voice hardened further. "Your complaint that the ribbon is a sign of ownership is unfounded on the facts and events. This is my final decision in this matter. If you object to my decision, your existing contracts will be terminated, you will be barred from all further contracts or auctions, and damages will be awarded against you pursuant to the rules you have agreed to. The choice to file a complaint is yours. The decision is not and the outcome is non negotiable."

At the tone of his voice and the look in his eyes, she could only bow her head in acquiescence.

"Crista?" My dad twitched his head toward Mr. Darcy who was listening to us.

"I'm sorry." I started with that because I was. "I really want to work here, but I can't anymore."

"It's okay." He told me but I shook my head.

"It's not." I sniffed as my eyes watered and my nose started dripping. "It's not, but I don't have a choice."

"No one can force you." He told me again what he'd told me before. "You know that."

"Everyone is forcing me to do this and, if I don't quit, you'll have to pay for what I did and that's not fair to you or me."

"What do you want?" He asked me. "Just you, with no one else expecting you to do anything."

I looked around the shop, holding in my sobs and shaking my head no.

"Resignation not accepted." He crossed his arms and dared my dad to do anything about it.

"We are at an impasse. She is an adult and I cannot force my daughter to do something she does not wish to do." My dad looked at each of them. "I will also not allow either of you to do it in my stead. These are the rules."

"I have a proposal." Dinah spoke up.

"I'm listening."

"What's her scale?" She asked Mr. Darcy.

"Seven seventy five."

"And her rating?"



Mr. Darcy just nodded. Dinah looked at me curiously when he did, her eyes going from my feet all the way to my hair. I knew what she was asking so I sniffed and shook my head no, which made her face looked shocked for a second.

"Dinah?" My dad said her name to call her back to business. "Your proposal?"

She looked from me, to Mr. Darcy and then turned to look at Alicia before addressing my dad.

"Let her remain. Hank will teach her for two years at which point, if she chooses to do so, I will be allowed to bid for her at a private auction and if I am successful, she will come to work as a mechanic in my fleet repair shop without a contract and with no terms. In the meantime, in return for that option, I will pay her salary for the two years, full time, at the current rate with the exception of Thursdays. In compensation for my expenses on her behalf, she will accompany Alicia on her Thursday schedule, if she chooses to do so by her own will and free choice. If she does not, then my proposal is withdrawn."

"Crista?" My dad looked at me.

"What does all that mean?" I wanted to know.

"Dinah will pay your wages while you stay here and learn from Hank for the next two years. After two years, if you want, you can agree to go to work for her in her repair shop fixing her delivery vans for a wage you both agree on. There will be no additional contract if you choose to do this and she agrees that she will not ask you agree to one."

"What else?"

"On Thursdays, you can, if you want, go with Alicia while she fulfills her contract for Dinah."

"Would I have to do anything if I don't want to?"

"No." Dinah told me herself. "All I want is for you to accompany Alicia. That's all. If you want to do more, that's up to you and Alicia."

I looked at Mr. Darcy but he only shrugged his shoulders at me. My dad's face was blank so he was no help either. Finally I looked at Alicia.

I made up my mind after I saw the look on her face but I wasn't ready to say yes. Not yet.

"On one condition."

"Which is?"

"Excuse me for a second." I stepped over in front of Alicia, draping my arms over her shoulders and looking her in the eyes.

"I love you." I said it right before I kissed her. "Little bitch."

Alicia laughed and hugged me, returning my kiss and whispering in my ear.

"Fuck you, you whore."

"Anytime bitch. Anytime."

"Done." The single word from my dad made it official after I kissed her again.

"Are you at work right now? Or doing anything else?" I asked Alicia who was still in my arms after my dad left. She shook her head no after a single glance at Dinah. Grabbing her by the hair, I spun and started walking toward Mr. Darcy's shop, pushing her in front of me as I untied the ribbon on her arm. "Excuse us, we have some personal business to take care of."

I got her wrists bound then yelled out the door.


Dinah sat on the bar stool and watched us. Alicia was bent over the other bar stool her chest braced on the seat as I guided Mr. Darcy's dick into her while she moaned through her underwear that I'd stuffed into her mouth.

His dick was huge and rock solid. Much bigger than it usually was whenever Alicia sucked him off. It throbbed, the head swelling and changing to a dark purple each time as I gently aimed it where the two of them wanted it to go.

"How's that feel, little bitch?" I asked as he hit bottom and pulled out again to start thrusting rhythmically. Alicia just moaned again and spread her feet further apart when he started to really pound into her with a grunt each time he sank himself deep.

After they were done, and I'd given Alicia several orgasms as I licked Hank's cum out of her pussy, Dinah looked at Mr. Darcy with bright eyes and a flushed face.

"I may have miscalculated. We may have to renegotiate the number of days she's off from work."

"Why?" He zipped his pants up.

"Because I don't think Alicia is going to be able to make as many service calls if Crista goes with her."

"Sorry Dinah, a deal's a deal." He swiped a finger across his phone and tapped it. Instantly I went to my knees first then down all the way to the floor, arching my back as my vibrator suddenly had me pulsing. He bent over me and tapped his phone a couple more times as I strained and opened my legs wide.

"Little whore. Say it, you're a little whore."

"Little whore, little whore, little whore..." The words came out as I panted and let go to start coming and coming and coming again.

Alicia snuggled up next to me on the dirty floor, holding me and whispering as I kept having one orgasm after another. "That's a good girl."

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