Wallace Family Curse


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Ben couldn't stop himself from looking at Kyle. Since that first time he'd suspected the family curse for whatever was happening between him and Kyle. He stared back at Ben for a moment before his eyes grew wide and Ben somehow knew Kyle understood. He carefully set his nearly full glass back onto the bar before turning and walking away from Ben and his family members. Ben, who'd wanted Kyle to hear exactly what he'd just heard, didn't feel any relief at making Kyle understand. If anything he felt like he'd just fucked up.

Fifteen minutes later he knew he'd fucked up. "You can't leave yet. We haven't even opened the presents." Ben's mom's voice drifted in from the foyer.

Kyle's head popped into the open arch of the living room and he called out, "Thanks for inviting me. It was great to meet you all and sorry I have to be going," he called out as he waved to the room in general. Ben practically flew out of his chair and pushed his way through the knot of women crowding the open front door saying goodbye to Kyle who stood on the front step.

"Thanks again, Mrs. Wallace. Have a Merry Christmas," Kyle was saying as he hugged Ben's mom. He caught sight of Ben and quickly disentangled himself. He was halfway down the drive to the waiting taxi before Ben caught up with him.

"Where the hell are you going?" Ben called out but Kyle only walked faster. Ben had to run to catch him by the arm and stop him. "Hey, what's up?"

Kyle ripped his arm out of Ben's hold and turned to face him. For a moment Ben was struck dumb by the look of sheer anger on Kyle's face. He'd never even imagined the other man could be capable of such seething emotion. It nearly made Ben's heart stop.

"You are such an epic asshole," Kyle spat the words out from between gritted teeth and Ben could sense the effort he was making not to yell or strike out. "There aren't even words for that kind of complete douche-baggery."

"I don't," Ben started but was forced to stop speaking as Kyle gave his shoulder a shove hard enough to make him stumble back a step.

"I'm your magic pussy? Is that what that whole show was about?" Kyle questioned him. "Fuck you! And fuck your curse bullshit." Kyle was breathing hard, fists clenched tightly at his sides. "You find somewhere else to stay tonight. I'm driving down to my sister's tomorrow and I'll be back in a week. I want all your shit gone when I get back. Leave the key on the counter." With that Kyle spun around and marched to the cab. He didn't even look back as he climbed in and the driver pulled away. Ben stayed there, stunned, for several minutes before he realized his mother was calling his name.

Ben went back inside and poured himself a full glass of whiskey from the bar. Sure, he'd known Kyle was special after that first fuck. It wasn't until the second time, after a month and half of total failure with women, that Ben had guessed that Kyle might be it for him.

He remembered the way he'd barged into Kyle's apartment that Friday night. How he'd wrestled Kyle to the ground, thanking God the man must have just come from the gym, and pulled down his loose shorts and briefs to bare his ass. Ben barely took time to spit a few times before plunging into Kyle's body. The relief had been so sweet and instant that Ben had nearly cried.

Kyle had eventually warmed up to the fucking and by then Ben was filling his ass with loads of hot come. All that hot fluid made the second, slower fuck even better. It wasn't until after the third time, when they'd finally made it to the bed, that Ben stated the obvious. "I didn't use a condom. I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Kyle said, sounding exhausted. "I trust you. We'll figure it out tomorrow."

The thing was, Ben had never intended to use a condom. The tight, tight grip of Kyle's ass was all his and no one else would ever get to know what it felt like. And Ben had come a long way since that night. Kissing wasn't bad when they were fucking, Ben actually enjoyed it. And he'd even become an expert in the reach-around, stroking Kyle's cock while they fucked. But he obviously hadn't come far enough for Kyle, he thought as he reached for the bottle of whiskey to pour a second glass.

The first few days in Charlotte weren't so bad. Kyle didn't even mind taking the top bunk in his nephew's bedroom as his parents had already co-opted the guest room. The kids were fun and Kyle had no problem letting his inner child out to help them play with all their new toys, especially the video games. By the third day he was ready to go back home.

It was completely lame but he missed Ben, and not just the sex, but hanging out together and living together. He suspected he may have overreacted to the whole curse thing but it went straight to his insecurities. Kyle had been afraid of the way he so easily fell into the role of Ben's sex toy, something warm and easy to fuck.

Still he was ridiculously pleased when he got a text from Ben on the third night.

*I'm sorry. Thx for the xmas gift. It was perfect and I don't deserve it* Kyle had left the card on the kitchen table with Ben's name on it. Inside was a gift card to a sporting goods store with just enough credit to buy that driver Ben had been talking about since their last round of golf.

*Not that it'll help your game* Against his better judgment Kyle texted back.

* we'll see on the links. I didn't mean it will you come home?* For some reason the quick response made Kyle want to cry.

*Because I'm the only pussy you can fuck?* Kyle sent the message then wished he could take it back. Ben was trying, after all. He should do the same. It was a long five minutes before a response came.

*Mike's having a party new years. Meet me there? Please Kyle* Kyle thought about it for awhile. In a way it would be kind of perfect if they met in a public place, guaranteeing less bloodshed. And both of them would be less likely to make a public scene. It made Kyle wonder, though. Why was Ben making such an effort? Was his ass that good?

An address came next before Kyle could respond. A second later, *Will U B there?*

*I'll think about it* Kyle knew before he even sent the message that he'd be at the party.

Kyle stayed at his sister's until Sunday when he left early in the morning. His apartment was sad and lonely with all of Ben's stuff gone. He could barely sleep in it but he managed a few hours and a nap Monday afternoon. Ben hadn't given him a time for the party so he started getting ready about seven that night and was pulling up to the address he'd been given just after eight.

The cul-de-sac was full of cars and Kyle had to park a block away but it wasn't too cold for the end of December. His knock on the door was answered by one of Ben's sisters, Kyle thought her name was Sherry. She was already tipsy and shrieked before pulling him into a tight hug, mashing her breasts against his chest. "Oh my God! Kyle!" she all but screamed into his ear.

"Um, hey, it's good to see you," Kyle said while trying to pry her away. "Is Ben around?"

Now that the time had come Kyle felt like he might puke and he wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, one way or another. The house was full of people, all eating and drinking, as Sherry led him inside. "They're all in the den," she told him before screaming, "I'm so excited for you!" And they were. Ben's parents, his brothers and one of the sisters were all there laughing and talking while a dozen kids sat on the floor playing with something Kyle couldn't see.

A couple people called his name but all Kyle could see was Ben and his light eyes were locked on Kyle. He was up and moving toward Kyle before Kyle had a chance to say so much as hello. Ben took Kyle's arm just above his elbow and propelled him back the way he'd come and into the hallway. "So, how are you?" Kyle tried to ask but Ben was quickly leading him up a stairway to the unlit second floor.

"Ben, where... what?" Kyle nearly stumbled on the stairs but Ben had a firm grasp and steadied him without slowing down. They entered a bathroom and Ben turned on the light before closing and locking the door behind him. "Ben," Kyle said warily, concerned by the intense expression on Ben's face.

Ben grabbed him as he spun them both until Kyle's back was pressed to the door and brought their lips together. It was hard and bruising, their lips mashed together just before their teeth clacked and Kyle would've pulled away except that he had nowhere to go. Then Ben's tongue was forcing its way into Kyle's mouth and he didn't want to be anywhere else.

Kyle barely had time to enjoy the oral assault before Ben was moving again. Kyle found himself facing the large rectangle of the mirror above the sink. Ben, who was a few inches shorter, watched Kyle from over his shoulder in their reflection. Without thinking Kyle put more bend in his knees so he could get a better look.

"I really want to fuck you," Ben said with his chin resting on Kyle's shoulder. Just to emphasize he held Kyle's hips to grind a very erect cock against Kyle's ass. Kyle could feel his body instantly reacting and his asshole flexing in anticipation.

Kyle sighed and let his head fall back on Ben's broad shoulder. "I missed you," he admitted, even though it cost him something like a chunk of his heart. Kyle found himself ignoring every reason why he shouldn't give in to Ben and just take the pounding he desperately wanted.

"Not yet," Ben said with a rough growl against Kyle's ear. "I need to tell you something." Kyle hummed in agreement all while trying to wiggle his ass so Ben's big cock would line up with the crease of his ass through two layers of clothes. "Fuck, stop," Ben groaned. He wrapped his arms around Kyle and hugged him tightly. "Look at me, Kyle."

Kyle put his hands over Ben's and raised his head. Their eyes met and for the first time Kyle saw how exhausted Ben seemed. "Hey, I overreacted," Kyle stated. He found the serious expression on Ben's face vaguely terrifying. Ben only got serious about sex and football and this didn't seem like either so Kyle felt the need to delay whatever was coming.

"No, listen. I was an asshole. This last week has been the seventh longest week of my life. It made me realize a few things." Kyle found himself unable to look away from those blue eyes.

"Seventh?" he asked, still needing to break the tension mounting in the hard set of Ben's lips. In this case it worked as Ben's lips turned up in a wistful smile.

"You remember the six weeks after the first time we fucked?" Kyle couldn't help letting out a soft huff of a laugh at that. Ben placed a small kiss on the corner of his jaw as Kyle relaxed into his embrace more naturally. "So this is the deal," Ben said after a moment. "I'll learn to, uh, go down on you. I'm not sure I'll ever be ready to let you near my ass but I promise to take care of you, like, sexually. No, wait," Ben said to forestall whatever he saw Kyle getting ready to say. "Just, if you give me a chance I can be, uhm, like, a boyfriend. Your boyfriend, I mean."

Kyle couldn't help the grin on his face. He'd never seen Ben so flustered. "You'll change your facebook status, then?" Kyle jokingly answered Ben's unspoken question. In truth, the whole situation was starting to make Kyle squirm. Not that he didn't appreciate Ben's words and actions, he did, but they were coming awfully close to having a moment and that was something Kyle had avoided in every relationship he'd ever had.

"You're being a prick but that's fine. Come on, I've got a surprise for you." Ben opened the door and was on the stairs before Kyle realized he needed to follow. "Move it, bro."

Kyle still had things he wanted to say, demands to make, but his throat dried up as he came down the stairs of Ben's brother's house. He cautiously paused halfway down at the sight of Ben's whole family gathered at the bottom. And someone had turned down the music. People Kyle didn't even know were watching him expectantly.

Ben waited on the last step in his best suit, Kyle noticed. He suddenly felt underdressed in his jeans and sweater though no one else attending the party was dressed up. "Come on," Ben encouraged him.

"What's going on?" Kyle asked. He was getting a funny feeling in the pit of his stomach.

"For Christ's sakes, Kyle! Get down here." Ben's voice was overly loud in the small area. When Kyle didn't immediately move Ben bounded up the stairs, reaching for Kyle's hand.

"You know," Ben said as he reached into his left pocket. "I had big plans for a nice speech and shit. I should've known you'd fuck it up." Kyle ignored the snickers from some of the kids at their uncle's cursing. Kyle only had eyes for the black jeweler's box Ben had in his hand and knew he'd start hyperventilating any second. "So here," Ben said as he let go of Kyle's hand to open the box. "I want to make it permanent." There were two dark metal rings in the box.

Kyle was helpless to stop Ben as the other man took his hand and slid one of the rings onto his finger. "Uh," Kyle had no fucking clue what to say.

"Ben you have to ask first," Ben's mom called out. "And that's the wrong hand, honey." A couple people thought that was hilarious but Kyle hardly registered the laughter.

He had no idea what to do or say and worse, Kyle knew, he only had a second to decide what he should do. With a huff of exasperation Ben tugged the ring off Kyle's finger to put it on the other hand. Looking up with a half-smile he asked, "So will you marry me?"

"Yeah, I mean yes," Kyle answered. What else could he say in front of Ben's family and all the other people? It doesn't have to mean anything, he told himself.

There was a round of clapping and cheering. Ben's mother rushed up the steps to hug a startled Kyle. Then there were people to hug and hands to shake. Kyle completely lost sight of Ben as he was pulled into the crush of people. It was a long while before he managed to break away from the well-meaning Wallace's with a plate of food and an open beer someone had shoved into his hands. It was with relief that Kyle retreated to the kitchen. He wasn't too surprised when Ben found him minutes later.

"You alright?" Ben asked. Kyle nodded as he took a long drink from his beer. Ben came close enough to lean on the counter right beside Kyle.

"You're not wearing your ring," Kyle noticed.

"Oh, yeah, I wasn't sure." Ben reached into his pocket for the box. "Can I just put it on myself? I didn't know if there was some kind of protocol." He held the ring out for Kyle who took it while Ben held his hand up and out. "You like them? They're titanium." Kyle finally slid the ring into place before holding out his own hand. The two of them studied the matching rings on their fingers.

"They're cool," Kyle admitted. In a very real way the whole situation seemed absurd to Kyle. At the same time he couldn't deny that there was a part of him feeling more excited than a kid on Christmas morning. And somehow Kyle found himself standing calmly beside Ben in a strange kitchen when he felt like the whole world had changed.

"Follow me," Ben took his hand. "Before someone finds us." Kyle let Ben lead him to the backdoor and through it once Ben had eased it open.

"Ben it's fucking freezing out here," Kyle whispered within a few steps. "We should get our jackets."

"Come on, bro, we won't be cold for long." Ben promised then shocked Kyle by reaching back and taking his hand. Ben's palm was warm and Kyle's protests died with the simple contact.

The backyard wasn't very big but it was wide as the sprawling house and there was a patio, about five feet wide, that hugged the back of the home. Ben led Kyle to the farthest side from the kitchen door. By the fence there was a Jacuzzi laying dormant in the soft light from the brightly lit windows beside them. The sides were slatted in cedar and a matching cabinet sat a few feet away. Ben released Kyle's hand to pull a couple towels from the cabinet and put them atop it and turned to give Kyle a conspiratorial wink.

"Help me out here," Ben whispered. He folded back one half of the cover and Kyle got his first whiff of the chemicals and water. Together they lifted off the cover and set it aside. Ben immediately started taking off his clothes, starting with his suit jacket and shirt.

Kyle couldn't help admiring the view. Ben's body was still beefy but three months of working out regularly with Kyle had made his body firmer and larger in all the right places. Ben bent at the waist to remove his shoes and his belly bulged slightly over the waist of his pants. Ben's extra padding had always turned Kyle on. He straightened and his abs came into view with their dark line of hair causing the usual reaction in Kyle.

With a grin Ben met Kyle's gaze and shucked his pants along with his underwear. He threw them over his shirt beside the towels and hopped from one foot to the other to remove his socks. Completely naked and half-hard Ben climbed into the steaming water. Not for the first time Kyle's breath caught at the sight of him.

"Hurry up, Kyle. Your nuts are gonna freeze off," Ben said as he eased into the water and settled with a deep sigh.

"We can't just skinny dip in your brother's hot tub," Kyle whispered with a glance at the lighted windows. He could see people moving in there, talking and eating with drinks in hand. "There's, like, a hundred people in there, Ben."

"They can't see out, it's too dark. Come on, stop being such a baby. I just wanted to talk in private. Plus, this feels amazing."

Kyle hesitated another moment before shrugging and unbuckling his belt. It took less than a minute to unclothe himself and he was stepping quick on the cold, cold concrete to reach the tub. He gratefully let his body into the warm water. Ben had settled himself along the far side and Kyle felt along with his hand to find a bench seat across from him. Only Ben grabbed Kyle's forearm to seat Kyle beside him. Both men sank into the water up to their necks and the only sound was their quite breathing and the small sounds of the water against the sides of the tub.

A sort of armrest was molded into the plastic between them and Kyle was momentarily grateful for the forced separation between them. He let his head fall back and stared up into the patchy clouds above them, picking Orion's belt out in the sky when it became visible. He had to admit the water and warmth did feel amazing, not that he planned to let Ben know he'd been right about anything. In truth Kyle was still reeling from the surreal events and the moment of peace to think was a relief.

"This is nice," Ben said as he reached out and found Kyle's hand. He laced their fingers together and guided both their arms to rest between them.

"What'd you tell your family?" Kyle asked the first thing that came to mind. "They didn't seem very surprised," he added. He was nowhere near ready to talk about what had actually happened.

"I told my parents the night you left. The rest I told in the last couple days."

"But what did you tell them?" Kyle needed to know.

"I, uh, came out. That's what you call it, right?" Kyle could hear the smile in Ben's words and couldn't keep himself from turning his head to find Ben watching him.

"You told them you're gay?" Kyle asked, letting all the disbelief he felt filter into his words.

"Yup. I told my parents we'd been living together but I didn't go into all that with my brothers and sisters. It wasn't that bad," Ben finished with a small shrug.

"And they were just okay with it?" Kyle's voice stressed the boundaries of what could be considered a whisper.

"No, but... My dad said it was the shittiest Christmas gift ever. He was so pissed, Kyle. But my mom actually told me she'd suspected for a long time."

"What!?" Kyle interjected.

"I know," Ben said with a quiet chuckle. "I told her that I wished she'd have let me know. My sisters all seemed cool with it but I'm not talking to two of my brothers right now. I don't know if they're really against it or if they're just mad I didn't say anything before, you know? I get the feeling that the whole situation is so strange that everyone is waiting to see how it shakes out." Kyle only then realized the whole family hadn't been there to congratulate them even though he was pretty sure he'd seen all of them at the party. "I basically threatened them all not to fuck things up tonight or I'd kill them."