Wanda's Story Ch. 23


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"I'd like to see what you're doing," Wanda admitted.

The girls led Wanda off the apartment they were leasing. It was a couple blocks off the beach, and was quite roomy. There were tripods for stationary filming, several hand-held units, and a large bed in the middle of the room. The bed, Nicole said, was even larger than king size, to allow for a lot of movement.

They booted up their computer, and started showing their videos to Wanda. She sat for a bit, watching the same old lesbian sex scenes, over and over. Women licking, women grinding, women cumming, women in 69 positions. Finally Wanda said, "Enough."

The women looked at Wanda eagerly, seeking her wisdom. Wanda could have laughed at that, because she was no older than they seemed to be.

"I've seen it all before," Wanda admitted. "There's nothing new here."

"What would you suggest?" Taylor asked.

Wanda thought a few minutes, then spoke one word. "Toys."

"Toys?" the three said in unison.

"Yes. Toys, and constant threesomes. Have two of you seduce your weekly invitee, and then, instead of mouths and pussy grinding for pleasure, use toys, such as dildos, vibrators, strap-ons, clamps, floggers, anything your hearts can imagine. Go into mild BDSM, go into DP, there are many variations with toys. Much more variation than in a typical lesbian series."

The three looked at each other, then looked sheepishly at Wanda. Taylor spoke for her roomies. "We like the idea, but there's one problem."

"What's that," Wanda wondered.

"We've spent all our initial capital on cameras and the website. We have no money, and we don't have that many subscribers yet."

"I can help with that," Wanda said, "If you know of any adult stores in town."

"Oh, we know a lot," Nicole blurted.

The women started talking earnestly then. Wanda promised to buy all their toys for a two-year period, provided they gave her one-fourth of the profits from the website, along with repayment of the initial investment. After the two years, they would renew their agreement with Wanda at a one-tenth share, provided they buy their own toys from then on. Wanda would continue to draw that ten percent, as the woman who changed their website.

The three agreed. Wanda called her lawyer, J.L. "Lou" Spillington, who promised to fax legal documents to Wanda's hotel in the morning for signatures. The legal paperwork underway, Wanda and the girls went cruising adult bookstores. They bought one of everything they found, including some things none of the four had ever seen before. Then they cruised a few websites, adding more toys to their shopping order. By the time the sun went down that night, Wanda was out some $30,000.

They collapsed on couches in the girls' apartment, happily shopped out. Brittney got off the couch and got some cold drinks for her roomies and Wanda. But she didn't give Wanda the drink, but said, "Let me serve your drink for you, Wanda."

Wanda nodded, unsure of what Brittney had in mind. A minute later, she knew. Brittney pulled her blouse down and lowered a breast to Wanda's mouth. As Wanda took the proffered nipple into her mouth, Brittney started slowly pouring the wine she had brought down the top of her breast. The cold liquid slid down the breast and into Wanda's mouth. Wanda moaned in joy as she sucked a nipple taut and drank wine at the same time. Brittney moaned at the dichotomy of the cold wine and Wanda's hot mouth. Brittney felt her pussy getting wetter, and needed more than a nipple sucked.

Nicole sensed Brittney's need. She pulled down the big-breasted girl's pants and glued her mouth to Brittney's pussy. She sucked precum into her mouth as Wanda sucked on the breast. The glass of wine quickly emptied, and Wanda started licking the breast clean of wine drips as Nicole licked deeper into Brittney's pussy.

Brittney had very sensitive breasts, and with one woman on her breasts and another on her pussy, the girl lost control and came hard. Taylor was suddenly behind Brittney, holding her upright.

Wanda noted vaguely that Taylor was also naked, and had some of the new toys in her hands. Wanda took a second to ask "We're not taping, are we?"

"No, Wanda," Taylor admitted. "We want to succeed, and your lawyer would destroy us if we filmed without your permission."

Wanda relaxed and got into the spirit of the fun about to begin. She reached over and grabbed nipple clamps from Taylor, and quickly trapped Brittney's erect nipples in the tight clamps. Brittney came immediately from the new sensation on her very sensitive breasts.

Nicole also took a toy, a red-and-white striped dildo, and thrust it into Brittney's pussy, opening her further. Wanda took a free moment to undress like her new friends were already, and then headed to the kitchen. she came back with two ice cubes, which she slipped under the clamps on Brittney's breasts. Between the dildo and the ice, Brittney came again.

Taylor pulled Wanda away from Brittney and Nicole and kissed her. Her hands went quickly to Wanda's shaved pussy, followed a minute later by her mouth on Wanda's erect nipples. Wanda pulled her partner to the floor, ending up atop Taylor.

As she let Taylor play with her body, Wanda's hands reached for a nearby toy. She rolled Taylor onto her hands and knees, and slid the green dildo she found into Taylor's pussy. The dildo drove deep, and Taylor moaned. As Wanda thrust the dildo in and out, she kissed and licked at the perfect butt high in the air, adding to Taylor's moans.

Several minutes later, Taylor came, squirting her cum around the dildo. As she came, she became very wet, and Wanda had an idea. Just as Taylor's orgasm ebbed, Wanda grabbed a second dildo, this one red and as fat as the first, and manipulated it carefully into Taylor's pussy. Soon Taylor had two dildos in her to the hilt, and Taylor was cumming again. Wanda grabbed both, and had them moving in and out of Taylor. The girl's screams filled the room, and soon Brittney and Nicole were watching Wanda and Taylor.

Wanda timed an orgasm, then slid a small vibrating dildo into Taylor's ass. The girl could take no more. Her orgasms were continuous now, each more powerful than the one before. Wanda ended her session with Taylor by spanking her ass red, increasing the intensity of the orgasms. Finally, Taylor collapsed, too exhausted to remain even on her hands and knees. Wanda pulled the tools out then, giving Taylor a chance to rest.

Brittney and Nicole applauded. They had lived with Taylor for almost a year now, and had never seen her cum as hard as she had just then. Wanda blushed at the attention. Then Brittney and Nicole jumped Wanda, holding her down and kissing her. Wanda didn't fight, it has to be told.

The foursome traded partners most of the night, and used a good assortment of their new toys. The next day, the legal documents arrived from Lou. They were quickly signed and notarized, and Wanda became the girls' financial backer. Wanda faxed a set of the signed documents back to Lou, then called her to confirm their arrival. Wanda and Lou spoke a minute about her trip, and also about Wanda's mother and sister. Lou told Wanda that Wendy had taken her aide, Keren Fingers, as a lover. It was to be the last time Lou and Wanda talked.

Six months later, when Wanda's life had returned to a semblence of normalcy, she started watching the porns on the site of the three roommates who lived together. She saw that a lot of what they did together that night was used on other women. But Wanda's favorite video was when they found a nice half-Hispanic girl who fucked Taylor like wanda had that night. That video brought back Wanda's memories of a happier time.


From Florida, Wanda drove lazily up the Eastern Seaboard. She visited Fort Sumter, then Kitty Hawk, then Baltimore. She spent a week in Washington, DC, seeing the sights in the nation's capital. Then she tried her hand at the gaming tables in Atlantic City, New Jersey, finding that, at gambling, she was better at seducing the dealer than beating her. The only 21 she got from the dealer was the combined number of orgasms in an all-night session in the hot tub, bed and shower.

Finally, Wanda got to New York City, and she planned to go to an out-of-the-way BDSM club she had heard about. But first, as always, she checked in at home. It was early evening in Boise, and Wanda's sister Wendy answered the phone.

"Hey, sis, it's me," Wanda said cheerily.

"Come home, Wanda, quick. You're needed here," Wendy said, terror dripping in her voice.

"What's wrong?" Wanda said.

"Lou's dead, Mommy's hurt, and they were shot by this psycho bitch that showed up at the house an hour ago."

"WHAT?" Wanda was suddenly scared.

"This woman, Betty someone, came to the door late this afternoon. Lou answered the door, while Mommy and I were on the couch. Next thing ... next thing .. oh shit, Wanda, next thing, Lou's brains are all over the hallway, and psycho bitch is screaming, looking for you."

"ME?" Wanda was still stunned, but Wendy's hysterical story was hurting Wanda more and more.

"Yeah," Wendy said, getting a little more in control "This fat bitch looked right at me and said, 'You're not Wanda' and left me alone. Then she aimed her gun at Mommy and shot her, screaming that it was your fault. Mommy got hit in the stomach, and just left for the hospital.

"Then psycho bitch asked me where you were. I told her I didn't know, you were driving around the country. So she said 'my life is over,' put the gun into her mouth and killed herself. Police identified her as Betty ... Betty .. . Betty Grant."

Wanda's heart froze. She had called Betty's husband and told him about Betty's porn past. But she didn't think Betty would do this. "I'll be right home. Did you call Roger?"

"Yes," Wendy said. "They're driving here, so they'll be here in the morning."

"I'll fly out on the first plane. I'll be home tonight or tomorrow."

"Go to Provo Memorial Hospital. I'll be there with Mommy and Keren."

Wanda wasted no time. She found a service that would transport her Mustang back home, then called both airports in NYC. She got a flight that left JFK in 90 minutes, getting her into Salt Lake City at midnight.

Wanda was in tears with worry when the wheels hit the tarmac at Salt Lake City Airport. She rented a car and drove to the Provo Hospital, hitting speeds of over 100 on the drive. She got to the hospital and found Wendy and Keren Fingers outside ICU, holding each other and crying.

The doctor came out and started explaining Lorraine Catron's condition. "She was shot in the abdomen. We've spent the night removing the bullet and stitching her intestines back together. She's very weak, and won't be able to eat for a while, but she'll live."

"Do anything it takes, Doc,' Wanda said, tears streaming down her eyes. "I can pay for anything you need to do. Just get Mommy well."

Wanda was still on Eastern time, so it was almost 4 am to her body by the time she got home to Anne Franklin's house. She used her keys to let herself in, then started searching for her Mistress. Anne was not in her bed, so Wanda assumed she would be in the dungeon. She opened the door and started down the stairs. She heard Anne's voice, and also her other friend, Amber Anderson. They were speaking together, and Wanda saw from the stairs they were in bed together.

"Girl is so glad you sent Wanda away, Mistress," Amber was saying. Mistress? Wanda thought. When did that happen?. "Girl could not stand another summer away from you, and neither could little Lisa. She misses her other mommy when we're sent away."

Amber stopped on the stairs, stunned. Who was Lisa. Mommy? Events were rapidly overtaking the 21-year-old.

"I know, my favorite slave," Anne said. "I've tried to get rid of Wanda, attempting to get her to cheat, to lie, to leave. I've spied on her, and she's followed orders to the letter. Nothing has worked. I don't want her, but I want her money. you know that, pet."

"Yes, Mistress, girl knows. Wanda has the money, and we need it to bring Lisa up right."

Wanda was in tears now. Anne and Amber didn't want her. Lou was dead, and her mother was badly injured. Astrid was married. Wendy had Keren. Wanda had no one. She started sobbing. The cries from Wanda woke up little Lisa first. She was sleeping at the bottom of the stairs. Her plaintive wails alerted Amber and Anne. They got out of bed and leaded to Lisa's crib. Only then did they see Wanda, sitting on the stairs in tears.

"Oh, pet," Anne said. "What's .."

Wanda snapped at Anne before the woman could continue. "You FILTH!" Wanda spat out. Then her eyes landed on Amber. Wanda almost didn't recognize her. The former gymnast had gotten breast augmentation. The 32a breasts she formerly had were now hefty 34d. Another shock was the leash around Amber's neck, ending at Anne's waist.

"Wanda, honey, what's wrong?" Anne said smoothly.

"I .. I HEARD YOU!" Wanda screamed. "You've made my life a living hell for the past three years. And now, when I need you the most, you prove your fucking colors by fucking my former best fucking friend, giving her MY position, and making her body look like mine. Well, no more!"

Wanda's hands tore at her neck. She undid the Collar and threw it at Anne.

"You bitch. And now I see why Amber hasn't been around. She had a baby for you! I would have done anything you asked. But NO! Well, fuck you both. I'm leaving, taking my money, and suing your sorry ass for the rest that you squandered. I never want to see you again!!"

Wanda marched out of the house, slamming the door. Her life with Anne was over, and Wanda had no idea what to do next. She went to the hospital and stayed there until Lorraine was released, then went back to Boise State. She was the loneliest senior on campus.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Um no

Breast augmentation does not change someone from a 32 to a 34. Educate yourself about how women's bodies and clothes work before writing about it.

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