Warrior One - Fleet Action Pt. 02


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Admiral Cook made the introductions of the officers in the room. Then offered Admiral Lowey a drink. Ezra poured her a glass of fine Irish whiskey. Smiling she sipped the smooth liquor, smacking her lips.

"Very good, thank you, Captain."

"You're very welcome ma'am," Ezra replied.

Then Admiral Adair arrived. Once introductions were made everyone relaxed and had a drink and a bite to eat. For about an hour, Admiral Cook, let the group talk and joke, allowing the new Admiral to become acquainted with everyone present.

"Admirals, I'm afraid that we, my Captains and I, must get back to work."

"Of course Admiral," Admiral Lowery replied standing.

The men and women around the conference table stood as she did.

"Admiral Lowery, Adair, so nice to have you. Captain Nichols, if you would be so kind. Please escort our guests back to their shuttles."

"Aye, aye sir. Admirals, if you would follow me, please," Ezra said pulling the door open.

Just outside the door was Captain Sheridan. She snapped to attention at the sight of the two admirals.

"Ah, Captain... Ailíse, reporting to Admiral Cook?" Admiral Adair asked.

"Aye, aye, sir."

"Good, carry on then," the Admiral said, turned and sauntered after Ezra.

"Ah, Ailíse, come in, come in," Admiral Cook told her, holding the door open.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

Ezra performed his duty and saw the Admirals off his ship. Smiling he turned as Admiral Adair's shuttle slowly moved out of the shuttle bay. Walking back to the conference room, he encountered a number of officers and ratings who needed him for one reason or another, but he needed to be in the conference room and waved them off.

"Commander Kinsella will handle it in my absence," he told each of them, hurrying off.

There were two marines at the door when he arrived. One tried to stop him from entering. The other grabbed the wrist of the marine trying to stop him.

"That is the Captain of this ship, Marine. You may pass Captain. Sorry for the holdup."

"Thank you, Corporal," Ezra said turning to the other Marine. "You, Sergeant, may want to take the time to learn who is who on your new ship."

"Aye, aye sir," the sergeant said snapping to attention.

"Carry on," Ezra said opening the door to the conference room and stepping inside, closing it behind him.

Inside, Admiral Cook was briefing Ailíse on the mission and what she and her ships role would be in the action. As quietly as he could Ezra made his way to his seat at the table. After about fifteen minutes the Admiral finally wound down, slumping back into his chair.

"Any questions, Ailíse?"

"No, sir, not at this time," she answered.

"Very well. When you do, let me know."

"Aye, aye sir."

"Then I will just add one more thing. The troop transport ship Nuadu will be joining us. We have had little use for ground troops in this war, but this action will allow us to put some boots on the ground for a change. She will be carrying five thousand of our best ground pounders. Our Saxon friends have identified the only planet that is capable of supporting life and the Gar have built up a sizable presence there. They have two large cities and a monstrous mining operation.

"Two of our destroyers will accompany the Nuadu down, softening up the targets just prior to the landing craft deployment. The troops off the Nuadu will deploy to the two cities. Orders of engagement, if it shoots at you, shoot back and shoot to kill. That will go for your Marines Ezra."

"Aye, aye sir," Ezra replied a question in his eyes.

"Ah, yes, a little ahead of myself, again. After this briefing, I will want to see you, Ezra, Oss, Fina, and Ailíse. Your Marines will be going on a special mission while we are in-system."

"Aye, aye sir," Ezra answered for all of them.

"The Nuadu is in Earth orbit, loading her troops. Captain Cóilín Cody and General Magnus Hanlon are in a shuttle as we speak. They will arrive in about ten minutes. Ezra, please have someone escort them here when they do?"

"Yes, sir," Ezra replied turning to the comm unit on the credenza and in hushed tones ordered an escort for the Captain and the General.

"We will also have the supply ship Uasal just completing trials, with us. She will be here in the morning. She is a huge ship. Almost as big as Warrior and Tór. Minimal crew and weapons. She will drop out of hyperspace two AU out from the system and set up shop. You need supplies, she is a short jump away. Fina, I'm afraid that I must take a flight of fighters from you."

"Yes, sir, no problem. Do I send support crew with?"

"Yes. The crew of the Uasal will be quite busy with their primary duties."

"Of course sir."

"Does this mean the Tór will not be going with?" Ezra asked.

"Ah, the Tór will be accompanying us, she will be our close in support, plus we will need her throw weight in-system. The Glaistig will be dropping out with the Uasal and will not only keep the fleet linked but watch over her sister ship out there in the void."

"Yes, sir, good to hear," Ezra replied.

"I guess this as a good a time as any to break for the evening meal. If you wander off, be back here at nineteen hundred. Dismissed."

Dinner was brought in. The Captains rotated using the comm unit to check in with their ships. Something they would have done through their command android. Ezra missed Candle.

Chapter 58

Nineteen hundred hours and the conference table was again crowded with the captains of the fleet. The Admiral sat for a short period, in hushed conversation with Captain Cóilín Cody and General Magnus Hanlon. For the next five minutes, the rest of the captains sat in silence as the half-understood words broke the silence in the conference room.

"That's it, gentlemen. When Admiral Fitzgerald and Captain Bree arrive tomorrow, we will have another briefing just for you four."

"Very well Admiral Cook," General Hanlon said softly.

"Aye, aye sir," Captain Cody said softly.

"Well then, we only have one more and we will be ready to go. Captain Cabe arrives tomorrow. Ezra, I will need your Marine commander present tomorrow for a ground forces briefing. Also, Captains Malone and Ossnat are to join us as Ceasg and Wulver will be joining the assault on the planet."

"Aye, aye sir," the Captains said in unison.

The Admiral scrubbed his face with his hands, then ran them through his hair.

"Any questions on what you have heard so far?" he asked the group of officers.

Ezra looked around the room. "No sir," he answered for everyone.

"Very good. Then we will adjourn for the night. Tomorrow at oh-nine-hundred hours."

"Aye, aye sir."

"Dismissed," Admiral Cook said.

The Captains and their executive officers stood, snapped to attention, turned and left the conference room.

"My in-port cabin is available sir," Ezra said.

"Thank you, but I must get back to the Doog. I have tomorrows briefs to retrieve."

"Could we send someone sir?"

"That would be convenient, but no, they are in my safe and..."

"And you wouldn't give the combination even to me."

"That is true. So I must go back. Could you arrange a shuttle for me?"

"Of course sir." Ezra went to the comm unit and arranged for the shuttle. "Bay five sir, port side, just aft of the bridge."

"Thank you, son," the Admiral said rising from his seat. He hurried out of the conference room leaving Ezra alone.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

The day began like the previous two. The captains of the other ships arrived and were seated in the conference room at exactly oh-nine-hundred. The Admiral appeared at the door.

"At ease," he shouted before any noticed him.

He hurried to the head of the table and the men and women of Fleet One got to work. Four hours later they broke for lunch and Admiral Fitzgerald and Captain Bree arrived. The Admiral had been notified when the Tór had arrived in system. Captain Cabe arrived shortly after them and joined everyone for lunch.

After lunch, the Fleet Captains were dismissed until oh-nine-hundred the next morning. Admiral Fitzgerald, General Hanlon, Captain's Cody, Bree, and Cabe all stayed. As did Captain Malone of the Ceasg and Captain Ossnat of the Wulver. Ezra stayed at the Admiral Cook's request. Major Owens joined them as the lunch was finishing. As everyone was getting comfortable, the Admiral cleared his throat.

"Gentlemen, ladies, if we might get started," Admiral Cook said, pressing a button on his holographic device in front of him.

A planet, a large planet, hovered over the device, spinning on its axis.

"This is Planet G. The Gar have two settlements there. One here on the northern continent and a larger one here on the southern continent. The mining operation is here on the southern continent about two hundred klicks from the settlement.

"There is a large spaceport just outside the settlement. I don't have any intel on how many ships might be there. We'll have to determine that when we arrive in-system. Now, for our targets..."

A klaxon started to bray its warning. Ezra scrambled to the comm device.

"Alert, alert, twenty plus ships have just dropped out of hyperspace just outside Pluto's orbit. Initial assessment is Gar. All hands man your battle stations. This is not a drill, repeat this is not a drill."

"Captains, to your ships," Admiral Cook commanded.

There was a scramble for the door as four captains rushed out of the conference room. Admiral Fitzgerald followed at a more leisurely pace, knowing Captain Bree wouldn't leave without him.

"What's the word, Captain?" Admiral Cook asked as Ezra put down the comm device.

"Sensors reports twenty-five frigate class Gar ships are making best speed to earth."

"Twenty-five! Well then, we shall meet them..."

"If I might Admiral?"

"Go on."

"I might suggest that we send the fighters to meet them with Warrior One, Two and Four as back up. We might also have the three battleships in-system join us, but I would let the fighters meet the Gar. Thirty squadrons of fighters will overwhelm the Gar sir."

"Pass the word, Admiral Fleet One has seniority and command. Implement your plan, Ezra."

"Aye sir," Ezra said. "Are you staying sir?"

"Yes. Alert everyone, I have transferred my flag to Warrior One. Then inform the Doog I will be rejoining them once the action is over."

"Aye sir," Ezra said a smile on his lips.

Both men hurried to the bridge for the upcoming battle.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

Lieutenant Carol Ryan sat in the cockpit of her fighter. Her flight was the ready alert flight if something should happen. When the klaxon shrilled loudly, she jumped.

"Holy shit," she yelled. Keying her comm-system, she said, "Flight two-two-one fire them up."

She pressed the four buttons, one for each engine, and not only heard but felt them come to life.

"Flight two-two-one, you are cleared for immediate takeoff. Hold at the inner marker until further notice."

"Flight two-two-one, aye," Carol said as she taxied her craft to the takeoff grid. "You heard them two-two-one, let's get them up. Hold at the inner marker until notified." she released the comm key on her stick. "Holy shit," she said once again as she turned onto the grid.

Carol pushed the throttle all the way forward. The fighter lurched and was halfway down the grid as she pulled the stick back and was flashing into the darkness of space. She turned quickly on a heading for the inner marker.

"All hands, this is not a drill," came the shrill voice of the duty officer of the Pech. "Twenty-five Gar frigates are in-system, two hours out. All fighters launch. Flight two-two-one, hold at the inner marker."

"Holy shit," Carol said once more. "Flight two-two-one, hold at the inner marker, aye," she replied. Her fighter was now floating just abaft the leading edge of the Pech's bow. Her flight of twelve fighters arrayed behind her.

"Squadron," came Carol's squadron leader. "we will be joined by all the squadrons from not only Pech but from Tilliums and Nuadha."

"Holy shit," Carol muttered.

"Pech CAG will be in command."

"Holy shit."

As Carol waited the rest of her squadron silently slipped into formation behind her. Then her squadron leader was beside her. He waved. She saluted and gave him a thumbs up. Soon ten squadrons were in formation behind the CAG and Carol. Her squadron leader was the CAG, Chief Air Group, Commander Alastar Quinn.

It took an hour for the thirty squadrons to form up. As they started toward the Gar ships, the three Warrior class vessels along with the three Battleship class Vessels formed up behind them. The rest of the three fleets in-system took defensive positions around Earth.

"Holy shit," Carol whispered as her fighter surged forward. Her sensors were already crying about enemy ships ahead of them. "Oh do shut up," she said as she flipped the switch to turn off the sound of the sensors. She could see the gaggle of Gar ships in her scope as her fighter vibrated to the engines. "Holy shit."

Chapter 59

"Ah, they are forming up nicely," Admiral Cook said from his couch behind and to the left of Ezra's.

"They are. One hour to engagement. Admiral you might want to slow down the fighters, they don't have the fuel to engage, turn and re-engage at those accelerations."

"Right. Give the order."

"Aye, sir. Command to all fighters throttle back to one-third."

The fighters commander acknowledged and the fighters slowed. Well, they didn't slow down, but their delta-v changed. Their acceleration decreased.

"All fighters, when you engage the Gar ships, attack, then turn and pursue. The big ships will attempt to destroy as many as possible while you catch up and finish them."

Admiral Cook sat back looking proud of himself. Ezra chuckled.

"What?" Admiral Cook scolded.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

The Gar were fast approaching, then started to slow. It looked as if they were going to linger in-system. Poor choice for them. Then they seemed to apply the brakes. All the Gar ships were decelerating...fast.

"Looks like they finally saw what was waiting for them in-system," CAG said.

"All fighters, ahead two-thirds."

"Aye," CAG said.

Carol pushed the throttles forward to the two-thirds mark. She was pushed deeper into her seat.

"They are going to run...all fighter pursue and engage, carriers are on the way to retrieve."

"Aye," CAG replied. "All squadrons, pursue and engage, by squadrons."

All the squadrons replied and surged ahead in pursuit of the Gar ships.

Carol's sensor scope was cluttered with blips. She dialed in the range and only the leading edge of Gar ships showed on her screens.

"Squadron two-two, follow me," CAG called as he surged ahead. "Targets marked."

Carol looked at her screens, five Gar ships were marked in the Two-Two's colors. She pushed her stick to the right and followed CAG into battle.

<~~~ WO ~~~>

"So, how many got away?" Admiral Cook asked Ezra.

"Thirteen. We have three hulks floating in-system, the rest were destroyed."

"Any life signs on the three?"

"No. And I have placed a twenty thousand meter quarantine zone around them. Don't want anyone to approach and have them blow up. Two research vessels are on their way from Mars to have a look."

"Very good. How did our side fair?"

"One Squadron from Nuadha was decimated. Only three fighters made it. Two fighters were lost from Pech and ten from Tilliums."

"Forward me a list of those we lost."

"Very well, Admiral."

"How long until everyone is round up?"

"Estimate is two hours, sir. They were pretty spread out after the battle."

"Very good. We'll start again tomorrow, oh-nine-hundred."

"Aye, sir," Ezra replied.

"Also, when they are rounded up, I'll want a word with the Chief Air Group on the Nuadha, if he survived."

"He did. I will inform him. Here or on Doog, sir?"

"Here, I'll be staying until tomorrow night. Also if the squadron leader made it, I'll want to see him."

"He did sir. I will inform them."

"Damn, I'm tired."

"It's been a long day sir."

"That it has, that it has."

<~~~ WO ~~~>

"Holy shit," Carol muttered to herself as she landed her fighter on the deck of the Pech.

She barely had enough fuel and had waited for two hours to be within range. CAG had been in the same boat as they floated along together among the wreckage of Gar ships.

"How many did you get?" the CAG's voice came over the private channel.

"Two," Carol answered honestly. "You?"

"One and a half. Grady got the other half."

"Pech to two-two-one, in range."

"Aye, two-two-one in range," Carol answered, started her engines and turned toward the Pech. CAG followed. "Guess they didn't see you, sir," Carol laughed. She heard a chuckle from the CAG.

Retrieving the fleet of fighters took Pech four hours.

Chapter 60

"Well that was unexpected," Admiral Cook said as he joined the fleet captains in the conference room the next morning. "Although it does put us two days behind in our planning and such."

Admiral Cook arrived at his seat, looked up and smiled. He was proud to lead these men and women. Nodding he stood.

"At ease, be seated please." Milford remained standing. "You should by now, know all about what your part in the coming action is. Except for our ground forces. General Hanlon and Major Owens have joined us this morning to find out what they will be doing while the rest of the fleet annihilate the enemy in space.

"General, you and your forces from the Nuadu will land here." A 3D map with the two major cities outlined appeared in the air above the Admiral's little projector. "General, two-thirds of your forces will be deployed here, to the largest settlement. The other third will occupy the second settlement, here." The two places were highlighted on the map floating in the air. "You will be joined by the marines from Pech, Mauthe Doog, Caoineag, Iona, and Selich. Split them among your troops as you see fit. A platoon from each ship will remain with the ship, just in case. That should give you nine platoons to incorporate into your command. They are being transferred as we speak."

"Yes Admiral," Hanlon replied, nodding while making notes in his comp-device.

"Now, Major Owens," Admiral Cook said, turning to look at the Major.

"Yes, sir?" Owens replied.

"Your group will shuttle down to here," a spot on the map lit up. "The mining operation. You will attack and occupy the site. You will hold until given further orders. While you are there you will plant the explosive you will be supplied with. Depending on how the rest of the operation is going you might be given orders to destroy the mine. Any questions Major?"

"Just one sir. Will my entire contingent be going?"

"Yes, Major. Two squads from dirt side will be joining Warrior and will stay behind, just in case."

"Aye, aye sir."

"I also have some news about Fleet Four...they will be joining us. They have been briefed on every aspect of the coming operation. They will leave orbit two hours after we leave. Their route will have them arrive just west of the system about two hours after us. Warrior Four along with a battleship, battlecruiser, and their carrier will join us in-system. The rest of the fleet will remain on the edge of the system as reserves and protect our tails. Admiral Lowery will stay with the ship on the edge of the system. Any questions?"

Everyone looked a little relieved that they wouldn't be on the sharp end alone. Not that they couldn't do the job alone, but it was always nice to share the wealth. The Admiral nodded.

"Now, some good news. All command androids will be returned today at fourteen hundred hours standard."

The faces around the table lit up with smiles at hearing that. Each and every Captain felt naked without his command android. Even Admiral Cook felt there was a hole in his brain without Shaffer standing just behind him and to the right.