Washing the Goddesses Hair


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At last, the morning of February 6th dawned bright and auspicious and my darling wife finally took me into her confidence (in between bouts of her taking me in her soft mouth to quiet my cries of utter shock) and told me about most of what was likely to occur that day and later that night. She got me nicely worked up but refused to grant my cum's much needed release, saying I would need all of my strength for later. My thoughts of revenge were swift and dire, but we both arose to start the duties of this lengthy day.

Just after a quick light breakfast, the catering trucks began to arrive and several pits were dug into the beach sand and a cow and several sheep began roasting over spits and long before the party was to start at Noon early guests, wishing to help with the setup arrived and soon I had very little to do whatsoever except watch and wait. Increasing numbers of groups of women began setting tables for the feast and hanging decorations everywhere, largely of hearts and other classic symbols of Aphrodite.

We poor mostly confused men began gathering around the wine kegs and invented increasingly creative ways of tormenting (gently) our women folk at a suitable opportunity later. By Noon, it was impossible to park anywhere near our house and latecomers had a bit of walk to get to the party, which was now starting on the beach. Women everywhere, hundreds of them, began removing their clothes and were soon only dressed only in a small thong with an embroidered heart at the front. Now this was an eye opener! Soon, nearly all of the men joined them and became fully nude. I thought this was going to be the start of some enormous orgy, but the women kept things (mostly) under control and while folks sometimes found a little bit of privacy away from the children playing on the beach, things never massively deteriorated, though as the afternoon of eating and feasting continued, kissing and the open caressing of tits, cunts and cocks became much more blatant, but the heart thongs (mostly) stayed in place.

As evening fell soon on that nice late winter's day, the children were all fed one last time and sent off to a large groups of tents prepared for them with blankets and pillows, and were left into the supervisor of some elder children that either elected to stay or were deems "too young" for what was now going to occur. The "Church Ladies" made their disappearance first, taking with them a number of young attractive (heck, they were ALL attractive) ladies, all it turns out without any husbands or serious boyfriends yet. Nearly all of them had shared Beth's (and my) bed at least once. Some were regular guests. After we had enjoyed a superb seaside sunset, and the stars began to appear everyone started to make their way up on a newly finished stone pathway lit regular by torches and folks came (many for the first time) to the Temple and the Sacred Pond.

Everyone was directed to bath first in the pond, a very welcome request to most as nearly everyone had sand in delicate places by then. When folks were clean (and with a minimum of grab-ass) they were directed to approach the now cleaned and mostly restored Gazebo and first pay their respects to the Goddess (as fully restored as I could make her, having nearly no trace of her former damage). The women now at last removing their thongs, and kneeled with their men fully nude in brief supplication. Six of the "Church Ladies" were blessing each of the participants with water from the Sacred Font (the Goddess's statue offering bowl), anointing everyone's head and genitals with blessed olive oil. All six were dressed identically in thin nearly transparent shifts that exposed much of their shoulders and cleavage, and the hem quite a few inches above the knee. I guessed they were now the Matron Priestesses of the Temple, but where was my wife?

After the blessing we took a separates path around the sides of the hill that led to the stone circle temple above, the men directed to go the left and the women to the path on the right. We assembled at the top of the hill with men and women standing separated on opposite sides of the standing stones. At each stone, a young woman stood holding a torch, they were 28 in number (all of them the young ladies that left with my wife earlier) and dressed in very skimpy see-through gowns that showed plunging cleavage down to their navels or lower, that just barely covered their young delectable asses. Even the few body parts that these gowns covered were clearly visible, but if my guesses were any indication they would not be wearing them for long anyway.

The Six Matron's came to join us after the last of the participants had arrived and been blessed. Three went to the women's side and three came to the men's. The men were directed to open a group of chests that lay nearby and opening them were found many drums, large and small, and other musical instruments. I think nearly every item on the island that could make music smaller than my piano was stored in these boxes and most of the men found instruments that they were either familiar with or could beat, bang, blow or clash into some sort of a rhythm and we were all directed to sit in a large semi-circle facing the stone circle.

The High Priestess (my darling wife) made her appearance at long last and first offered the blessings of the Goddess to her six senior Priestesses and then blessing each in turn all of the junior ones. The Priestesses resumed their former positions standing at each of the stone pillars and the High Priestess ordered the men to play, and we did. The sound at first was awful, a discordant off-beat wailing as several hundred men sought to find a common rhythm, and soon the drum beats began to synchronize and the High Priestess ordered her young Priestesses to begin to dance, and dance they did. Following the growing movement of the drum beat they twirled their torches and one by one surrendered them to the care of the Matrons, who placed them into the large pile of firewood in the center of the circle and soon a bonfire was started that clearly illuminated everything within the circle. The young Priestesses now began their frenzied dancing in earnest, their gowns falling away, soon each was dancing nude around the fire and in a semi-orgasmic tracelike state. While they danced in their mania, the Matrons began to strike each of the dancers with long stemmed roses given to them by their High Priestess and soon rose petals and small blood droplets from whipped breasts and cunts where flying everywhere. If the dancers noticed the slight discomfort of their thorn scratches, it was not evident, and lost in their lust they began to soon kiss and fondle each other, all eventually falling onto the rose petal covered circle around the bonfire and began an unbelievably lusty daisy chain as each girl ate and soothed the scratched and gently bleeding cunt of the girl next to them, until each had cried out in orgasm at least once.

When all were temporarily sated and our musical rhythm began to falter, all of the Priestesses, young and old both, left the circle one by one and grabbed the hand of a seated woman (many of whom were now openly masturbating) and bringing them into the circle of dancers. Slowly the circle of hand-in-hand dancers continued to grow until it was a nearly unending spiral of intertwined dancing women of all ages, and all dancing naked under the firelight each being blessed by occasional strikes for an unceasing supply of roses wielded by wild-eyed Priestesses determined to see that every tit, cunt and ass cheek displayed at least one rose thorn scratch. The pace of the drum beats and other instruments grew faster and as the dancers became more frenzied until one by one women dropped to the ground from exhaustion and desire until eventually the entire area outside the bonfire, and even out beyond the edge of the stone pillars, was a writhing mass of women young and old lost in their Sapphic embraces and pleasures. Finally about midnight as the full moon appeared to be directly overhead of us, the High Priestess signaled for the men to join the action, and how they did! A few drummers stayed behind to continue a slow steady driving beat and were replaced over time as temporally sated men returned to their drums, bells and other instruments allowing rested men join the orgy.

Beth and I met and fell at once to the ground as she demanded to be immediately screwed as she couldn't withstand her lusts any more. We fucked ceaselessly for seemingly hours, and occasional her mouth would be gifted by a passing sticky tit, wet cock or increasingly sloppy and well fucked cunt, and when I finally had to take a moments rest she was soon surrounded and quickly became fully penetrated with cocks in her ass and cunt while her mouth and busy hands alternated between another cocks and several sperm dripping well filled cunts. Never had she looked happier (at least since the night her "Hair Was Washed" anyway, and with her body covered and hair plastered with cum she had never looked more lovely and beautiful in my eyes. All too soon it was dawn and the exhausted celebrants slowly made their way back down the hill to their clothes and resumed their normal daily lives.

February 6th became an annual event each year and soon word began to spread about an "Aphrodite Cult" on some small obscure Greek island and tourism doubled each year for the next five years. Beth even allowed an old London lesbian friend of hers to write a few carefully chosen words about the Temple of Aphrodite in a Lesbian magazine. These comments were picked up by a Lesbian Travel Guide as "The place to go for your vacation if your relationship is in a crisis and you both want to save it". Soon we had tourists stopping by our house on a nearly daily basis during the holiday seasons (Brits and French mostly in the summer, and Germans and Scandinavians during the winter months). Most, if polite and personable, would get a visit to the Sacred Pond and the Temple. If their need seemed great and an appropriate offering was made to the Goddess (I began to tray and corner the market on ancient coins, especially ones featuring the Love Goddesses of the ancient Mediterranean like Aphrodite and later Roman coins bearing Venus), the High Priestess might 'Wash Their Hair' for them and try to set their hearts at ease. I won't say that her success rate was 100%, but no one ever left the waters of the Sacred Pool unhappy. We started getting regular repeat visits from friends we had made in this way, many returning at some point at least once to our annual February 6th 'High Holy Day' celebrations. We finally ended up fixing the attendants at 1000 people only and requiring an invitation to enter our property. Enough gate crashers (fence jumpers mostly actually) made it necessary to eventually replace the old low sheep fence around the property with a modern barbed wire one.

As I've recently reached my 60th birthday, I've begun to reflect more upon things especially now that our children are all grown, or nearly so. My sexual stamina remains great, and only feel as I were maybe 45 instead of over a decade older. Beth seems to be well preserved also in her early 40's and can still out fuck any 20-something young lady that challenges her to a duel of clit twisting tongues. I finally asked Beth one rare early morning when her mouth wasn't busy sucking my cock or one of our frequents guests well worn cunts, exactly how much of this whole "Priestess thing" and the resulting rituals, major and minor were real and how much concocted by herself and the "Church Ladies". Surprisingly much of it had been passed in oral and written traditions that were closely guarded secrets of the island women throughout history. Their men folk might fall in battle or disappear lost forever to the sea, but the women at home had preserved the "old ways" the best they could for over three millennia. Sometimes they had been without a Priestess to lead them, but the old ways had never been entirely forgotten. Now their Temple is being restored and the "old worship" returned, the island has experienced a bit of a baby boom in recent years and no one was the slightest bit unhappy at these changes.

I sold my "Retirement" nest egg of music rights a few years ago - the timing seemed auspicious. Dozens of newly remastered collector box sets of these lost artists works are now available in better record stores or through the Internet, and thousand of world-wide collectors would have praised my name (if they had known). This earned a rather respectably fat return on my lifelong investments but more importantly has directly paid for the endowment of a Foundation to preserve and restore the Temple grounds, and provided some needed services for our growing island community; such as paying in full for a new larger well-equipped school and a small Hospital.

Our continuing flow of music royalties for our two best selling records continue to pay our every conceivable financial need, now and for the future. We thought about polishing up a dozen or two of the better songs we had still left, but unrecorded, but we never gathered much ambition to finish the job and take then into a recording studio for the first time in over ten years or so. We did cobble together a "live recording" that featured a few of these songs performed on one of my last Cruises (I quit doing them a few years ago when even the lure of more money couldn't drag me away from my wife and home. There are plans slowly in the works to incorporate this new live materials as part of a comprehensive five-disc "Complete Works" Box Set, that would also include a "Best of Edna and Smiley" DVD transcription of one of our better video recordings of our old Lounge act, and a CD of just some solo piano recordings I was vaguely pleased with that I've recorded here at home. We don't need the money, but folks have wanted to hear it and we gave in. 100% of the proceeds will go to our Foundation... there are always roads that need paving and the harbor and docks look like they could use a good refitting in another year or two. Just being millionaires many, many times over has given us no particular pleasure, and the larger our bank account has grown the more charity works we have tried to do for our island community. This year we funded 10 college scholarships to the University of Athens, next year we hope to do a bit more.

Of our own children, all of them are a delight to our aging eyes. Millie has been a world famous "Super Model" since about the age of 16 and now receives absurd sums for a short days work, and is in constant demand by every major designer. Her name appears annually on every list of the world's 10 most beautiful women. How could she not, with her mother's superb genes! She has a long train of male and female admirers and has not yet settled on the man or woman (or one of each) that she wants to settle down with. She visits us often when she can, and never misses a Feb 6th party, as she is one of the Temples Junior Priestesses now. I'm terribly proud of her in every way.

Albert is now attending college at Oxford, Majoring in Classical Studies, Classical Architecture and Archeology. In a few years, he plans to start getting his Doctorate and he is certain to succeed. He is as serious and scholarly as his older sister is frivolous and fun loving. It is our hope and ambition for him to complete the final restoration of the Temple to exactly the way it once exactly was and preserve it for the next generations that follow. He's a bit more circumspect about his young romantic life and doesn't get home as often as we would like to see him, but we respect that his studies do come first. He too seems to have numerous romantic admirers but on his most recent Christmas break visit home he brought with him a most enchanting (and openly bisexual) young lady with a torrid and seemingly endless appetite for sex, at one point with the two of them spending the night in his old bedroom with another local young man and lady, both being of long childhood friendship acquaintance. Joy says that they'll all get jointly married together and fuck each other happily for the rest of their lives.

Joy would know, she seems to be never wrong about much of anything. She was the one that showed us at the excavation of one of the classical era outlying ruined buildings where we would find the original temple service items, which included a silver water pitcher and an earthenware decorated ewer for annointing the hair. Once, when I was about to turn away a single gentleman who had wanted to see the Temple (my wife was "in session" with a young lady visitor from the UK at the time), Joy stayed my hand and asked the fellow to swing with her on the porch for awhile "and wait". He did so, and passed an hour with us in pleasant conversation until my wife and her guest had returned. In one of the strangest sights I have ever beheld, the visiting woman and man saw each other, dropped whatever they had been holding and ran into each others arms, never to leave each other ever again. It turns out they had been old lovers at college who had lost contact with each other. They married at our Temple and returned, to stay, the following year, becoming the High School teachers at the new school. Joy just looked at me afterwards and gave me her best smug "I told you so" look. I get the feeling that this sort of thing is going to start happening around here a whole lot more often.

Joy, or Aphrodisia, as she prefers more often now to be called by non-family members, is now a ripening mid-teenager, but her sexual preference for now is with other girls her own age. She has several especially close ones that often "sleep over" with our blessing and others she'll just "have fun with" on nude romps on the beach. She looks much like her mother, but as she matures she seem to bear more and more of a resemblance to the original Priestess of the Temple that we had met that one time only, never to be seen by us again. I anticipate that her beauty when fully grown will rival even that of her older sister, but in a more "primeval feminine" sort of way. Recently we were talking together on our favorite place, the front porch swing and I asked Joy what she wanted to do after college?

"College?" She looked at me in a puzzled tone of voice. "This island is my home and I hope I shall never ever leave it again in my life. Besides, someday Mother will need to take her rest and can no longer be the High Priestess, and then I will take my turn to continue what she has begun in her place."

I stopped rocking the swing for us and looked down upon her with shock and more than a little dismay. It was as if the Oracle of Delphi had just pronounced our dooms. Joy, hugged me and kissed my face all over.

"Don't worry Daddy", she said with a tear also in her eye, "I just know you and Mom will be with us for a very long time to come still, so I wouldn't start planning either your retirement or funerals if I were you for a very long, long time.

And you know, I think I really do believe her! My darling loving wife of over 20 years came and scolded us for not being already at the dinner table and then the three of us went inside arm-in-arm together.

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stewartbstewartb11 months ago

I also enjoyed 2/3 of story as a "5". But the last organistic part only existed to add the sex ... it was an unneeded thrown in element as in "ya got to have the sex".

SharkBytesSharkBytesabout 2 years ago

The first half of the story was very entertaining. Introducing Liz/Beth/Elizabeth brought on a new set of interaction and challenges. Abusive partners, both male and female, had her pretty messed up. Smiley, through his efforts, couldn't break through her barriers. Introduce island Sex Goddess and all that ails her is cured, and sex then permeates the remainder off the story. Too bad... story went from a 5 to a zero.

Johnny0432Johnny0432almost 7 years ago
sorry didn't like it at all

I saw ZERO love in this story. just a bunch of sluts...

ThelvynerThelvynerover 7 years ago
There is no romance in a giant orgy

So the cure for her to love him is to be a slut for everyone? Disgusted by this story. I truly can't understand why this isn't in the group sex. Soon as they went to the temple, this story dive bombed into shit.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Very interesting, very imaginative, and very unusual tale

Good tale

Pappy7Pappy7about 9 years ago
Kind of like your writing

but not the fact that every woman in your stories is a lesbian and the guys are musician/emos. Maybe there is a niche for that, but I am not in it. Good writer, like I said, but your fetish isn't my fetish. Not all musicians crave women with pussy on their breath.

0649d0649dover 13 years ago
great start

I just lost the plot at the end. Not a bad story, but needs some warning - it starts off normal.. and goes into the "supernatural" (or appears to). Also the other problem is that it sounds dispassionate in too many places. If you convey emotions more, it would be perfect.

StultusStultusalmost 15 years agoAuthor
There is a new revised version of this story

Sorry for the pimp, but Lit doesn't otherwise have any way for an author to make comments. This is one of my very earliest stories and I have recently revised and re-edited this story over at SOL. Lit doesn't seem to have any way to just 'update' a story, otherwise I would do so. I only have two stories currently on Lit (as opposed to the nearly fifty on SOL) and I am trying slowly to get these stories uploaded here as well. My Blog is at: http://storiesonline.net/ablog/Stultus

coaster2coaster2about 17 years ago
A remarkable story about remarkable people.

I can't make up my mind if this is a fantasy or ... what? The writing is superb and the story is captivating. I'm envious that you could develop this concept and keep it moving as well as you did. My compliments to the 'chef'.



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