Washing Up Ch. 05

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James is back home and is tired of Adam’s behavior.
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Washing Up - Chapter 5

Kotei Blaise

(MC, MM, GR, MD, SM)

James shifted in his chair as he was getting used to his new bulk when Adam walked into the apartment. Before a few nights ago, he was decently muscled, but now he confidently considered himself a stud. He stood tall and walked with an aura that demanded respect. Adam hadn't said a peep since that night.

It had been a couple of days since the Halloween party at the club where he met Stephan and things have since changed for the better. His Karen neighbor hasn't uttered a peep to him. His other neighbors, who still harbor a grudge against Adam, greet him genially. They give James a smile but give Adam a glare. One neighbor said the quiet part out loud and asked how he felt about Adam.

James laughed it off and said, "He's not too bad. He's got some growing up to do."

His neighbor laughed and Adam's face went beet red with a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

Adam paid both their fines and James made him apologize to the apartment management. However, both were still one strike away from being kicked out. On their way out from speaking with the apartment managers, James was asked to stay behind.

"Wait for me by the door." James instructed Adam.

Adam left the office after nodding. He still wasn't speaking to James.

"This isn't the first time we've had good and bad tenants rooming together," one said. "But due to the severity and frequency of the noise complaints and the fact that we cannot truly know who is to blame, I recommend that you get a camera to defend yourself. If your roommate causes any more noise complaints, you'll be able to argue that it wasn't you, and maybe we can remove him and not you."

"Thank you," James began, "I think that Adam will be on his way out soon. He and I have discussed me taking over his share of the rent until I find a new roommate." Well, we haven't, but they don't need to know all the details.

The idea of Adam leaving brought a slight smile from the two managers.

"If that's the case, please have him sign this form." The second manager told James after rifling through a cabinet. "This will remove him from the lease and make you the main tenant. If he starts being loud again, you can kick him out."

"You must really dislike him," James said with a chuckle.

"Sorry, can't confirm or deny for professional reasons," The manager who gave James the form said with a wink. James winked back and thanked whoever was listening for the exact thing he needed to tie up loose ends. He told Adam to follow him to the elevator.

As they waited in the elevator, James' cock hardened at the thought of the soap in his room. Adam would never inconvenience him ever again. He'd be the perfect roommate.

When James got back to the apartment, Adam tried to go to his room, but he pushed the form and a pen into Adam's chest.

"Sign." He commanded.

Adam looked over the form and his face reddened before he calmed himself down.

"Look, I know I fucked up," Adam began, speaking for the first time to James directly in days, "but is this really necessary? I've thrown out all my alcohol and you have the speakers."

"I'm not getting kicked out of a good apartment because of you. You have no more chances. You're on strike two. One more, and you're out. If you step a foot out of line, I'll kick you out. If I don't, the management will. You have no friends in this building, and no one who knows you here will back you up. You have no money, you can't afford to go anywhere else, and a friend would've taken you in by now. Sign the fucking paper!"

Adam would have crawled into the cushion of the chair James pushed him down into if he was able to, but he sat there.

"Sign!" James commanded. Before, James would never have been able to command anyone to do anything, but since that night with Stephan, he expected others to obey him. The look he gave Adam conveyed their new relationship. James was in charge, and Adam would listen.

Adam signed the paper.

"Happy?" Adam asked and threw the pen across the room.

"Happy?" James repeated. "Happy? I'd be happy to have a roommate that isn't a little brat who thinks everyone owes him everything. I'd be happy if I could enjoy coming home and being able to relax. You have been the worst person that I've ever met. That is going to change though. Get in the shower."

Adam shrank back as James stood up. James made to move towards him, but Adam got up and did as he was told. James went to his room where a vial of the soap was hidden.

James reminisced about the night his life changed.

After celebrating his new job with Stephan, Stephan gave James more information. With the caramel-skinned boi's mouth still wrapped around his thick cock, James listened to Stephan.

"I'm giving you two vials. The one I used on you was special. These are from the older batch. You'll need to give me the specifics of what you want changed about your target. That'll be the pink vial. The light-blue vial is the one that allows you to make any mental changes. You put that on your dick while they suck you off. Once you cum, their brain associates pleasure with the changes, and they accept everything you've told them."

"I see." James said. "Are there any limits?"

"No. Just don't make them do anything too crazy, like make them think they're Elvis or something."

James came back to reality and grabbed the two vials. When he entered the bathroom, he saw Adam standing there. He took one more look at Adam before telling him to strip. Adam wasted no time. As Adam took his clothes off, he got a good look at the pain in the ass that was his roommate.

He wasn't bad looking. A little too skinny for his liking, except for his ass. Freckles roamed across his body, even leading down to a surprisingly sizable dick.

"Cute," James began. "Get in the shower and turn on the water."


"Because I said so."

"I don't understand this, Jamie!"

"James. My name is James!"

"Sorry, James. I don't understand this. Why are you acting this way?"

"You don't need to understand anything. You just need to listen and do what I say."

"You're scaring me."

It was true. Adam was shaking as James loomed over him.

"The longer you stand there, the longer you're going to be scared," James said. "I'm trying to give you something pleasurable, something that'll make our new relationship much more enjoyable for both of us. It'll also be a way for you to repay me for the past noise fines."

"What is it?" Adam asked.

"This soap is going to make you feel good. I'm going to record you and sell it to make the money back that you owe me for past fines. If you do a good enough job, I'll get you more of it."

"Oh." Adam paused but then perked up a little. "Why didn't you say that?"

"I didn't want to speak to you any more than I needed to. That was my mistake in not communicating effectively. Just take this soap and start playing with yourself."

James handed the soap to Adam and the redheaded man stepped into the shower. James propped his phone against the wall and started recording.

Adam turned on the water and let it warm before fully stepping under the spray. He unstopped the vial and started lathering the soap over his pale body. James' breath hitched as Adam began moaning. His cock grew in his shorts. Knowing he'd need to save everything for the final step, he resisted the urge to enjoy himself.

Despite the small amount given to him, the foaming seemed to never end. Adam's form was soon enveloped in a pink froth. His hands traveled over his body. He was unable to choose between tweaking his nipples and fingering himself. Adam soon found a rhythm that seemed to give him the touch he sought.

As he enjoyed the sensation of the soaps effects, his body began changing unbeknownst to him. His pale skin darkened to a light caramel. His pink nipples darkened to a milk-chocolate brown. His once sizeable cock shrunk to match his now shrinking form. The moans emanating from Adam rose in pitch as his self-pleasuring increased in ferocity. His ass expanded, leaving him with lush and round cheeks ready to be fucked. James, much to his pleasure, saw that the freckles were still present. He looked forward to following the trail of freckles with his tongue in the near future.

His hair, once a fauxhawk, grew out to be a shaggy tussle of chocolate brown hair. He looked at James leaning against the door as he became more aware of the world around him again. He was coming down from the high of the transformation. James left to prepare the bed, where he would seal Adam's fate, but not before looking into Adam's now bright green eyes.

"Dry off and go to your room after. I'll be there."

He entered Adam's room. Sex toys littered the room as well as slutty pieces of clothing.

'I won't need to change too much regarding his wardrobe. He won't be needing the toys though.'              

He heard a scream as Adam probably saw himself in the mirror. He remembered the change that he went through. Despite not being as drastic, it was still shocking. He took his clothes off and situated himself at the head of Adam's bed. He wanted to reinforce their new dynamic. Stephan told him that the pink soap made minor mental changes that made it easier for the affected to come into contact with the second vial.

He looked at himself across the room in the mirror. James' cock stood tall and leaking. The muscles that were not there last week were covered in hair. He smelled a slight musk emanating from himself but decided that it would only make it easier to control Adam. He started to stroke his cock as he waited for Adam.

He didn't have to wait long before Adam stormed in. The newly caramel-skinned boi looked like a work of art, even angry. His cheeks were a beautiful shade of pink. James smiled as Adam ranted at him and stopped. He saw James' cock and the leaking pre-cum dribbling down his cock. Adam's now much smaller cock started to harden.

"What..what did you do to me?" Adam asked, his voice hoarse as he felt a hunger. His finger reached up to trace his lips, which were much plumper than before.

"You tell me." James replied smugly. "What do you think?"

"You made me look like a..a.."

"A what?"

"A toy," Adam answered. "You made me look like a toy!"

"That's what you are!" James replied. "You are my toy. For now, and always."

"I'm not your toy!" Adam cried and lowered his head. "I'll never be your toy."

"You will." James said simply. "Within the next hour, you'll be begging me to fuck you. To own you. To bend you to my will and shape your mind."

He stood and walked to Adam. He was taller than Adam before, but now he absolutely towered over the boi.

He lifted Adam's chin and bent down to kiss him. He pulled the boi against himself, his hard cock pressing against Adam's chest. Part of the transformation was making his entire body more sensitive. As the lips are one of the most sensitive parts of the body, the pleasure from kissing James was greater than anything he'd ever felt before.

Adam latched himself on to James' body. The pleasure of the friction from James' rough and cobbled body rubbing against his own soft and sensitive body sent Adam into overdrive. He rutted against James, forgetting that he was angry. He didn't notice as James lowered Adam to his waiting cock.

Adam needed no instructions. He began at this tip of James' cock, kissing and tonguing the piss slit. The bulbous head pulsed in anger at being denied pleasure earlier. James stopped Adam long enough to apply the second vial.

As he applied the contents, his cock pulsed in pleasure. He positioned Adam once more to begin. Adam wasted no time. He devoured the mammoth cock in front of him. He bobbed up and down, taking his cock deep into his welcoming throat. The combination of the vial's contents and Adam's warm mouth sent James to heaven. He enjoyed it for a moment before getting to business as Adam slowed down, James' cock stretching out Adam's mouth and throat.

"Adam, from this moment on, you'll obey and do anything I say. You'll be able to live your life, but you'll come to me first to get permission. Anything you want to do will only be done if I let you."

Adam nodded and licked James' cock up and down while holding it in his mouth, never letting the cock move a millimeter.

"You'll never drink a drop of alcohol again. Parties are something that you'll never consider going to again unless I choose to go. You'll be my bitch. Someone to keep my cock warm. You'll get rid of any clothes that don't show off your body. You'll tell your friends that you're going on a trip to 'find yourself'."

James grunted as Adam hummed.

"Any hatred or anger you have for me will turn to love and adoration. Your world will revolve around me and anyone else I tell you to."

Adam started licking James' cock again, and his body started moving with more conscious effort.

"I will be your master in private. In public, you'll call me James, but everyone will know our dynamic. They'll know I'm in charge and that you defer to me. They'll know that they should ignore you. You'll smile and nod. You'll speak when spoken to. You'll do everything to make me look good."

James felt the cum churning in his balls. He knew time was almost up.

"Once I cum down your throat, you'll be nothing more than a bitch boi for me to play with. A toy for me to use. We'll sell videos of me fucking you. We'll draw more bois and men into our lifestyle. Get ready to drink my cum, you fucking slut. Don't waste a drop!"

James erupted down Adam's throat. His cheeks barely contained the torrents of cum filling them.

Adam eyes shined as the programming set in.

Even while kissing James, Adam hated him. He wanted to get away, but the pleasure was intoxicating. Now he couldn't imagine being anywhere else than under his master. The sheer musculature and size of Master James made him feel safe and secure. The slight musk that wafted down to Adam was like an ambrosia, something to be savored. The feel of James' cock in his mouth left Adam feeling warm and cozy. His tan skin stood out from his masters, but it only made Adam hotter.

All Adam had to do was obey and he'd be happy and horny. He knew that he'd never worry about anything more than making Master James happy. He smiled around the cock that was currently making it more than a little difficult to breathe around.

"Did my boi like that?" James asked mockingly.

Adam took the cock out of his mouth with a pop.

"Yes, master. It was really yummy."

"Good answer, boi. Now bend over."

Adam wasted no time. He got on the bed and presented his luscious ass to James. The globes almost defied gravity. James took his time. He swatted one of the cheeks and Adam yelped with pleasure. The cakes jiggled sinfully. Adam giggled and shook his ass for more.

James took the invitation. He grabbed the boi and laid him across his lap. James' large cock and Adam's much smaller cock rubbed against each other as Adam squirmed. James brought his hand down on the cheek he didn't swat earlier. Adam cooed with pleasure and giggled.

'He's much more enjoyable to be around now.' James thought to himself.

The tan cheeks of Adam's ass reddened deliciously as James stopped. Adam was whimpering and writhing in his lap. On the nightstand next to the bed, James saw that Adam kept some lotion. Feeling some pity for the boi, he took a generous amount and began rubbing in the lotion and massaging the sore boi's bum.

The more he looked, the more the chocolate bud that was Adam's asshole entranced James. A clear substance was leaking from Adam's hole. James wiped some with his finger and tasted it.

"Stephan really made sure to take care of me," James said aloud. "You're pure chocolate now, boi."

James threw the boi down and began lapping at the boi's hole. His tongue exploded with the taste of rich milk chocolate. He continued this for a while Adam moaned in pleasure. James' own cock forgotten until Adam began to play with his own and broke the rhythm.

James grabbed the boi and laid down with the bois waiting hole angled over his cock.


Adam wasted no time and inched himself down on James' cock. His face flushed as he got used to the feeling of being full of a cock James' size. Soon the boi was laying down, acclimated and ready. James began thrusting and made the boi sit up. He wanted to see the boi pant and play with his nipples.

While Adam was doing that, James began to do what he wanted to earlier, he lightly traced the boi's body up and down using the freckles as a guide. Adam began shaking as the light touches on his sensitive body wracked his ability to think. Adam's face took a red hue as he the pleasure became almost too much to bear.

"Oh, my poor boi," James cooed. "Don't worry, we'll finish soon and let you rest."

True to his word, James flipped them and began to piston into Adam even harder. The feeling of Adam's velvety soft chute wrapping and milking James' cock became too much. He came deep into the boi, hitting his prostrate. Adam came soon, screaming into the pillow, lest they get another noise complaint.

As the two came down from their euphoria, James wrapped his strong arms around the boi and fell asleep, his cock still deep inside. Before falling asleep, James told himself to call Stephan and thank him for his boi.

One Week Later

James was leaving his apartment with a newly changed Adam following. His neighbors asked where Adam went, and James told them that he went abroad to get a new perspective on things. His neighbors accepted the explanation and were pleased to see James happy with his new roommate, also named Adam. Everyone joked about it, and Adam smiled brightly at his master.

"Excuse me," James began. "We need to get to work. These noise fines wont pay themselves."

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