We Were All Fucked Up By Feminism

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Post-feminist guy has an epiphany.
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It was such a great idea: equal rights for men and women. Where did it all go so horribly wrong?

The problem is that while feminist rhetoric was all about freedom, feminist reality has turned out to be all about oppression. Instead of ridding us of stereotypical gender roles, feminism has forced us all into another set of stereotypical roles that no ordinary man or woman can ever hope to fulfill.

Feminists are always on about the skinny, photoshopped models in fashion magazines that bare no resemblance to ordinary women. They're always nagging about women not being able to live up to that image, complaining about that image making ordinary women feel worthless. And you know what: they're right. Now, I rarely hear them about the pumped up steroid musclemen in the other magazines, which are equally difficult for men to live up to. So I'd like to throw that one into the complaint box as well as long as there is one. But all that doesn't really bother me. That's not the point I'm trying to make.

The point is that the stereotypical feminist image of the successful career woman and of the male homemaker is equally impossible to live up to for the average woman or man. But we've been getting them force fed down our throats ever since we were kids. At least you have if you're my generation or younger. And that has misaligned our perception of the world completely. It has given us a set of values, requirements and obligations that no man or woman can ever live up to. We've been brainwashed at school with the idea that women have to have careers and men have to help in the home.

The really sneaky bit is that feminists often tell us they are fine with girls who just want to be housewives. But in the meantime they regard 'just being a housewife' as a pathetic condition. They ridicule housewives. All that talent going to waste. Such a shame... Feminists make women who choose the traditional female gender role feel like they're worthless. They present statistics that women still don't reach as many high levels in industry and government and that they still don't have the same percentage of successful careers as men. And then they finish off by saying that this is a problem that has to be solved. In other words: housewives and other 'low achieving' women should feel guilty because they're causing a problem. Well, there is no problem. It's just the consequence of a smaller percentage of women wanting to have a career. However, women who choose not to have a career are still frowned upon. That's just not fair.

A woman can only earn respect if she has a career. If women don't choose to have careers we need to implement morals and instigate political measures that force them into having careers, right? Wrong! Dead wrong. That's not freedom. That's blatant oppression.

Mind you: for a government, that implicit force on both men and women to go and have careers is great. Twice the number of taxpayers! And twice the number of people working their ass off so they don't have time to think about what a shitty job their government is doing. That's a power-hungry politician's wet dream.

And of course men have the same problems as women. We've been taught at school to believe we should share the responsibilities at home. So men should cook, clean, do the dishes... all that stuff. Now that's fine for men who enjoy that and have a knack for it. But let's face it: most men haven't. Now, I can cook and clean and do all that shit -- up to a point. I can keep my bachelor pad clean (although my mum would probably disagree, but doesn't everybody's mum do that?) and I can prevent myself from going hungry. Hell, if I say so myself: I can even cook a pretty damn good, elaborate dinner if I have to (which usually means: if I want to win a lady's heart -- or pussy for that matter). But my repertoire in the kitchen is very limited. I don't enjoy it. And while I can rebuild a small block V8 blindfolded in about four hours, I'm clumsy as hell in the kitchen. Come to think of it: preparing that elaborate dinner will take me about four hours as well. Anyway, the problem with all that is that we've been tricked into believing that we are worthless people if we cannot fulfill each other's classic gender roles. A woman that doesn't have and doesn't enjoy having a career is a pathetic, worthless creature. And a man that cannot cook and doesn't enjoy cooking is an equally worthless creature.

We've all been brainwashed by school and society into thinking that. Feminists have forced their stereotypical model of what the world should be like according to them down our throats. That wouldn't be so bad if we could easily shake off the brainwashing and just be ourselves. But the damage has been done. It's become part of who we are. And it's ruining the lives of many of us: because we try to live up to those impossible standards and roles; because other people try to force us into those impossible roles; or even because we ourselves are forcing other people into these impossible roles. Yes, I admit: I'm guilty of that as well.

All this is especially evident in relationships. In generations before us (and I'm a sixties model in case you were wondering) divorce was the exception. Each and every one of my parents and grandparents and the complete family tree as far as I could trace it back all consisted of married couples that stayed married until they died. In our current generation staying married is the exception. Divorce is the rule. And I'm sure that's for the most part because the list of things we look for in a partner is completely impossible to live up to. Most of us don't even realize that the requirements on our lists are contradictive. The feminist oppression we've all been brainwashed with is the big culprit.

Most girls are born with a genetic preference for the classic man. The strong, silent hunter-gatherer who fights and struggles in the rat race with other hunter-gatherers to bring home the bacon and impregnate her and who leaves homemaking and nurturing the kids to the wife. Nothing wrong with that. Evolution has adapted us perfectly to those rules. Those classic gender roles worked perfectly for ages (except of course that society expected them from us which did limit our freedom). The trouble these days is that most girls have been brought up to believe that such a 'classic male chauvinist pig' isn't worthy of their respect, attention or love. And they certainly couldn't respect themselves if they were ever to fall for one of those men. There's a contradiction between their genetics and their upbringing. So they get married to the other kind of guy: the one who cooks and cleans and takes care of the kids. Then a few years down the line she leaves him for that hot Neanderthal she met at the gym. She marries the strong, silent Neanderthal and is quickly frustrated that he never helps her in the kitchen. A few million discussions that always start with her saying "We need to talk" later, she either leaves him, frustrated for not being able to change him. Or she succeeds in having him wear the apron and do the dishes for her and then she wonders why suddenly she isn't turned on by this sissy anymore. That's when her hormones kick in again and she goes out to find the next hot hunter-gatherer. It's a vicious circle with no end.

Boys? Same thing. Genetically we still just want a really hot chick to fuck, pamper and shower with presents, and who in return can bear and bring up our children and take care of our home and our culinary needs. But we've been brought up to believe that a girl that can do all that (which in itself is already an amazing achievement) is not enough. We're brought up to believe that women who don't want careers are pathetic creatures, not worthy of our respect, attention and love. And that obviously we must lack self-respect if we would settle for 'just a waitress' or 'just a hairdresser' who chooses to stay home after marriage and make dinner for us.

So we go out and look for women with goals and ambitions. We look for career women who are at least equally successful as we are. Only to find that they don't give us the sex, the meals and the childbearing that our genetics are after. Instead these women require us to do the cooking and cleaning for them, because obviously we need to give them all the time and support they need to be successful. Naturally a woman needs to work twice as hard to be as successful as a man. And on average once a week we have to conduct our own private therapy session where she slumps down on the couch and complains to you with tears in her eyes about all the elbowing and conniving that's been going on in the rat race at work again. So while you're holding down your own job and doing the dishes as well, the sex goes right down the toilet. And now either you leave her for that hot, little number behind the cash register where you do the weekly shopping or the wife looks at you wearing your silly little apron and runs right out the door into the arms of her skiing instructor.

Let's face it: feminism has mentally raped us. If we play the traditional gender roles, we get disappointed and our relationships fall apart sooner or later. And if we play the feminist gender roles, the same thing happens. In order to be a husband in the twenty-first century you have to be a sissy and a real man all rolled into one. And in order to be a wife in the twenty-first century you have to be a girly girl and a career woman at the same time. Because all that's impossible, we're screwed and most of us wind up alone, unhappy or both.

Don't get me wrong: I'm all for equal rights and opportunities. But I've come to realize that feminism hasn't brought us that. It's only brought us a new kind of oppression.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Based Essay, copers will deny even thought the facts have been here for a while

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

bro this is why nobody wants to have sex with you. go touch grass

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Equality was the first mistake.

Timothy 1

2:8 I will therefore that men pray every where, lifting up holy hands,

without wrath and doubting.

2:9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with

shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls,

or costly array;

2:10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man,

but to be in silence.

2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the


2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in

faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

And before anyone reading this starts complaining, this has little to do with Christianity. Numerous other religions hold the same opinion. Even independent of religion, Schopenhauer, Aristophanes, and countless others warned us.

Some of the comments you will get will be personal attacks, people might even stoop low enough speak ill of your family. Some of the comments will be the same indignant claptrap you might be used to. I however will refrain from finger wagging. Your opinions and thoughts are for you to explore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
This is Literotica, not Incelrotica

I sincerely hope you get the help you need, but at least we apparently don't have to worry about you procreating with that attitude.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

Intentions and actions of the feminist movement are completely at odds with each other.

MagicMouseMagicMouseabout 11 years ago

I am going to have to disagree with you on almost every level and in almost every way.

While the way in which feminism is sometimes expressed has its flaws, you are conflating the idea with the expression. Additionally, you falsely equate the effects that these flaws have on men with the historical effects of sexism on women.

For example, you describe the feminist complaint about media images of women, saying that while they are unrealistic, the images of men in the media are also unrealistic. This is flawed in two ways. One, the fact that men are portrayed unrealisticly is not caused by, nor does it diminish, the complaint that women are portrayed unrealisticly. Second, the prevalence of and degree to which women are portrayed unrealisticly dwarfs that of men. For example, Ken, while broad shouldered, muscular, and athletic, had a body that was at least physiologically achievable, whereas Barbie's figure could not possibly be achieved without removing several ribs and parts of the pelvis.

Also, you're description of human evolution is, at best, inaccurate. Evolution has shaped what men and women see as desireable in each other, but to a far more limited extent than you describe. Also, societies that still live in the conditions that humans evolved in (such as the Aka in the Central African Republic) do not show the kind of gender roles that you describe.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Both right and wrong.

You are right that thousands of years have molded us to want older, traditional gender roles in some ways. Men lust after the girly-girl. Women want the strong, manly type. Deep down, that is. But modern society tells us we're wrong for that, somehow less, or more primitive, deserving of less respect.

Some of us, especially those who don't live in urban areas, still favor traditional gender roles. Like you, my family and my husband's family has many generations of non-divorce, and now younger folks have divorce all over the place. This damages children emotionally and sets a cycle of generational dysfunction. I am speaking in generalities of course, and there are always exceptions.

My husband and I have chosen traditional roles. We see society for what it is and stick our thumb in its eye. He is the provider. I am the homemaker. We have sons who we are raising to traditional roles. We are not an extinct species. We simply observed what worked in the past for a happy family life and healthy children and chose to follow our ancesters. We are all very happy and have much love in our house.

Anyone can choose this. Just don't be a sheeple, thoughtlessly following the dictates of society. Think for yourself, observe what works. Funny how things go around and come back again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Good compilation of anti-feminist talking points. I see you've got plenty of proven-false evopsych in there and whining about the feminization of men. (I always find it funny when people talk about how feminism is dead in the same breath that they talk about what a horrible thing it is for men to be "like women.")

You even included a comparison of feminism to rape, though as an aside, I'm not sure that's quite hyperbolic enough. Next time maybe try the holocaust. You know, you just can't have a good demonstration of the stupidity and sexism inherent in post-feminism without comparing the breaking down of "traditional" gender roles (gender roles as we know them were largely invented in the 1950s) to genocide.

Anyway, grow up. Women still make less than men for the same work. Women still put in more hours of work at home. Women are still largely pushed into fields that are considered feminine and that are therefore severely undervalued. Men are still thought of as helpless morons who can't navigate a simple cookbook (you demonstrated that opinion yourself). Men are still pushed out of supposedly feminine fields. Men are still conditioned to act like entitled children who need women to take care of them.

It's all very silly, isn't it? Women don't need men to protect them from the dangers of earning a paycheck. Men don't need women to cook and clean for them. We're all adults, and we're pretty much all capable of taking care of ourselves. Someday, maybe we'll all start acting like it, and marriage will stop being about seeking a stand-in parent.

Maybe I'm just too optimistic.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
betty friedan

I recall Betty Friedan being upset with members of NOW who were more concerned with gaining power than working with men to give women a hand up in the interest of equality and life choices.

I agree with Betty's ideals of working together in order to give women a hand up while freeing both genders from restrictive social expectations.

It seems that money and power have ruined the women's movement, and that the current group of radical feminists are more concerned with stepping on men in order to preserve their power.

What was that trite cliche about absolute power corrupting absolutely...?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Gender roles to begin with are fucked up. Why cant people just be people?

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