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Sandra shows her true colours.
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Well, you asked for it. I've come up with something a little different. As usual, it contains a plot I've never seen before, but wait, there's more. I've also put it in a format that I've never seen before as well, either on this site or anywhere. I could have written it as a normal story and got my usual 4+ score. I've chosen not to, partly for my, and your, amusement and partly to demonstrate once and for all, that scores mean little to me. I write for several reasons, the chief of which is the joy of exercising an imagination that for years I didn't know I actually had. So, feel free to read it in the same manner in which I wrote it and smile. You have three options on how you read it. 1) You can read it as it is presented below, in which case It will be a serious story with a twist, followed by some fun. 2) Transfer it to your favoured word processor program and insert chapter 1a after chapter 1, 2a after 2, etc. It becomes a light hearted piece, but you will miss out on the twist. 3) Read it as is, then insert chapter 1a after chapter 1, 2a after 2, etc, then read again. That way you get the twist and the fun. Many thanks to the bunch of crazies that kindly donated their time to review this one.


Conversations 1: Dave, Sandra and Sebastian

"Well, I must say, I'm shocked, Sandra."

"I'm so sorry, Dave. I can't help it. I fell in love with Sebastian."

"You can't do that, Sandra. You're married to me."

"Sorry, Dave."

"Eight years. Eight bloody years of toiling for you, Sandra, and what do I have to show for it? Scarred hands and a peptic ulcer, that's what I have. Why did you do this? Didn't I work hard enough for us? Didn't I love you enough? Wasn't I considerate enough in bed, is my cock too small?"

"I'm so sorry, Dave. None of those things matter to me. You did absolutely nothing wrong. You were a good loyal husband and I do love you. It's just..."

"What, Sandra?"

"Well, Dave, I'll be brutally honest, you deserve that. Look out in the driveway."

I looked as directed and saw two cars from the window of our, sorry, my modest two-bedroom home.

"So what?"

"As you said, Dave. You've been working your ass off for eight years but you still drive a Ford."

Dave looked at his car. He loved that car. He'd been so happy when he traded his old VW for it. Then, he looked at the gleaming Ferrari sitting next to it.

"So that's what it's all about is it? You're trading up. Fuck love, fuck respect, just go for the gold. I drive a Ford, he drives a Ferrari, I lose."

"Um, that's not his car, Dave, it's mine. Sebastian bought it for me last week."

"What the f... How long has this been going on for, wife? A guy certainly doesn't buy a $300,000 car for someone he's just met."

"I'm sorry, Dave. Sebastian and I have been dating for about six months. I'd just like to say that it has been eating me up inside, going behind your back. It's really started to affect my relationship with Sebastian, so we decided to come clean."

Dave sat there silently for over a minute, his face portraying various emotions, from shock, through disbelief, to anger.

"Okay, Sandra, why don't you complete my humiliation. How long have you been fucking this shithead? How much bigger is his cock than mine? Come on, finish destroying me why don't you."

"Now, now, Mr. Brown. I know this must come as a complete shock to you, but there is no need to be insulting. For the record, Sandra has insisted that we don't have sex or do anything else inappropriate until we are married. So no, we haven't had sex yet."

"Well, also for the record, I would prefer if you just sat there and shut the fuck up. This is between me and my wife."

A look of pure vindictiveness crossed Dave's face.

"Actually, that doesn't surprise me at all. She did the same thing to me. That way she can hide the fact that she is a lousy fuck from you."

Sebastian grabbed and squeezed Sandra's hand to let her know he wasn't fooled by this uncouth man's cheap trick. Honestly, Sandra had earned his respect by taking the stand she had. It was hard not being able to kiss those luscious lips, set in that beautiful face, but he could wait.

"Don't blame Sandra, Mr. Brown. I pursued your wife, not the other way around. I am incredibly wealthy and spared no expense in my seduction, I can tell you. No woman alive could have resisted the full court press that I put on her. Don't take it as a reflection on Sandra, or indeed yourself. I'm sorry, but neither of you stood a chance. I've been aware all my life of the seductive power of money."

Dave let his facial expression do the talking.

"Yes, I knew she was married when I started my pursuit, and yes, I do feel bad about it. I'm sorry I'm stealing her away from you but I couldn't help myself. She's so beautiful I just couldn't resist it. I know it's wrong. If it helps, my parents refuse to even meet her and have temporarily stopped putting money in my trust fund, but I'm sure they will come around when they see what a beautiful person she is on the outside and on the inside."

Dave ignored Sebastian's comments. The guy made his skin crawl.

"What about the family we planned to start shortly, Sandra? The girl that was going to have your looks and my brain. The boy that was going to have my strength and your athleticism. What is going to happen to our dreams?"

"I'm sorry, Dave. I'll have to buy some new ones. Sebastian is giving me an allowance. It's slightly more in a month than you make in six."

"Fuck that's cold, Sandra. Love and loyalty stand for nothing. Cash conquers all."

"I'm sorry, Dave."

"So, what now?"

"Well, I was hoping we could all part as friends, Mr. Brown. I am willing to offer you compensation for your loss. As I said, money means nothing to me. Maybe that way you won't delay the divorce and we can all move on as quickly as possible..."

"Fuck off! Up till now this conversation has just been sickening. Now, it's getting insulting. Fuck off out of my house. You can have the slut. Take her out of my sight. I won't block the divorce; I can't wait to be rid of her cheating ass. Fuck off!"

Sebastian, scared by this tirade, grabbed Sandra's arm and they left hurriedly. Sebastian had to drive as Sandra had her head buried in her hands, crying uncontrollably. He dropped her off at the upmarket apartment he'd provided her. She talked him out of coming in, saying she needed time to come to terms with all Dave's cruel words. Sebastian decided to get his other uncomfortable confrontation out of the way. The one, to try to talk his father into supporting him again. He couldn't tell Sandra, but the Ferrari and her allowance was severely cutting into his funds. Without a top up, he would be in financial strife within six months. He called a cab and waited.

Conversation 2: Sandra and Sebastian. The next day.

"But your husband said he didn't want any compensation."

"Of course he did, sweetie. I warned you not to offer it in the heat of the moment. I know him, he's a proud man. Offering it there and then, he had no choice but to refuse. The way to do it is just to put it in his bank account. I have the numbers."

"I don't know, Sandra."

"Just trust me sweetie. I know him. Despite what he said yesterday, he could make it very difficult for us, but he's a man of honour. If he doesn't return the money to you, he won't stand in our way. Besides, it will make me feel a lot better knowing he got something out of our marriage. Something to help him get over his snit."

"Okay, Sandra. I'll go with your call on this one, if for no other reason than to make you feel better. How much do you think I should give him?"

"Well, the amount is not important, unless it was so puny that he took it as an insult. It has to be something with some rationale behind it to maximise the chances he won't reject it. How about $100,000 for every year we were married? Can you afford that, sweetie?"

"Of course, darling. Anything for the love of my life and the future mother of my children. I can get my lawyers working on your divorce straight away."

"No, please let me handle it, I feel I owe him that. Dave and I were married in the Cayman Islands. I've done some research, and the divorce process there is to go there, pay them some money and wait while they issue thedecree nisi.The other party then has a month to object. If they don't, then it automatically goes into effect."

"Wow, that's great."

"I know. If you were to buy me a ticket, I could be there Monday. Better book a resort room for a week, that should do it."

"But, darling. I have meetings all week."

"That's a shame. How about this? With your blessing, I'd like to take my best friend, Carol. We can have a bit of a wake for my marriage while we're down there. You know, get it out of my system. I can explain what I'm doing and hope she still wants to be friends. I know she likes Dave a lot. If all goes well, maybe I can talk her into being my matron of honour."

"You mean..."

"Yes sweetie, while I'm away you can start organising our wedding. How about we say, eight weeks from today."

"Oh darling, you have made me the happiest man on earth. But, isn't it a bit soon? It will take time to organise."

"I don't think we should do anything too flash. Just immediate family and friends in the cathedral will suit me. You can hire a wedding planner to rush it all through. As you said, money talks. There's something else I need you to do, sweetie."

"Anything, darling."

"I need you to start taking vitamins. I intend to have sex from the minute your signature is on the wedding certificate, until dawn the next day. Believe me, you'll need all your strength for the onslaught you're going to be subjected to."

Despite his growing erection, Sebastian was worried. He hadn't yet succeeded in talking his family into accepting his liaison with a married woman. Fuck it, they would come around as soon as Sandra got her divorce and they saw how in love they were. Sandra interrupted his reverie.

"Actually, sweetie, there is something you can get your lawyers to do."

"What's that, darling?"

"I still feel a little bad about Dave. Can we draw up an agreement that everything I accumulated with him is transferred into his name only. That way he can relax knowing I can never touch it, whatever happens down the track. It will give him peace of mind."

"Okay, darling, that's easy and very decent of you."

"I know. He didn't deserve any of this and despite what he is showing, I know he is devastated. I just can't shut off the love I felt for him until you came into my life."

"Your loyalty gives you credit."

"Thanks, sweetie. I'll see you tomorrow then."

Conversation 3: Sebastian and Sandra. The following Thursday.

"Hello, sweetie, thanks for calling."

"How was your day, Sandy?"

"Good. I sent the paperwork in to the government authority today, pity it took me two days to get it. Then, Carol and I hit the beach. It's just a matter of waiting now until the old wheels turn and we get that magical piece of paper. They refused to say whether it will be one day or ten. I'll go there every morning and nag them, you can be sure of that."

"That's great to hear. How is Carol taking your news?"

"Well, she was upset at first, but now she can see the advantages that money can buy and she's coming around. That's why I wanted to bring her. She wants to know if you have a brother."

"Ha-ha. Has she agreed to be your matron of honour?"

"I haven't told her about the wedding yet. I want to seduce her with the money first, just like you did with me. When she's had a few more days of living the high life, I'll drop it on her. Don't have a fit when you see the bill for that credit card you gave me. As you know, seductions aren't cheap. How did you go with your folks?"

"Well, Mum is over the line, she's keen to meet you and is ecstatic about the wedding. Just between you and me, I think she secretly feared I was gay. Dad isn't convinced, but I'm sure he'll come around when he meets you. He's being stubborn about the money though."

"What about the money?"

"Sorry, it's nothing. I shouldn't have mentioned it. Look, don't think I'm ashamed about your background or anything, but I kind of told them you were a rich heiress from out of state. They'll believe it when they see you in the Ferrari. Just don't let on I bought it for you, okay? Daddy would not be happy."

"Righto, sweetie."

"Um, there's one more thing, Sandy. It's a little uncomfortable for me to bring up. It's something that my father is insisting on."

"Out with it, sweetie, there shouldn't be any secrets between us should there? Open communications are essential for a happy marriage after all."

"Sure. Dad wants us to sign a prenup. The same one my brother and sisters signed when they got married."

"I would expect nothing less."

"What? You're happy to do that?"

"Of course. As long as you and I write it, not your Dad. I trust you but don't even know him. I understand why they want it. They don't know that I'm not some gold digging tramp do they? Why don't you email me a copy? It will give me something to read while I'm cooling my heels down here."

"Good idea. I'll do that right now. Dad will be relieved. Between you and me, he told me that the biggest test for a gold digger was how hard they fought the prenup. Now I can tell him, with complete honesty that you were keen for it. I love you, Sandra."

"Yes, me too. Goodnight, lover."

Conversation 4: Sebastian and Sandra. Four weeks later.

"Did you get a chance to read the prenup, Sandra?"

"Yes, but it all legal mumbo jumbo to me. Can you just explain it?"

"Well, the first few pages are just the financial declarations. You know, listing all we own."

"Mine is a pretty short list, Sebastian."

"Yes, well it was your idea to give your husband everything, Sandra. I've done some digging and his business is worth half a million. You could have got half of that. I know, I know, he couldn't afford to buy your half. I didn't even know businesses like that existed. What exactly did you and Dave do?"

"We coordinated and managed fund raising for different charities. We came up with the ideas and did the leg work. We were supposed to get 10% of the donations, but half the time we didn't take that much."

"Not a recipe for a wealthy life then? It sounds like a lot of work for not much reward."

"It was a labour of love really. There are more rewards in life than just money, you know. Anyway, I don't want to talk about my old life. Keep telling me about these lists, then."

"Well, like I was saying, your list just has your car. The lists are separated into two halves. One of assets we share, and one of stuff we own separately."

"Which list is my car on, sweetie?"

"Well, at the moment it's on the communal property list, but we can change that if you like."

"I love my car, sweetie."

"Um, the next section is about what happens if we, er, separate."

"What, like if we get divorced? That's not being very positive."

"I know that darling. The first bit is about what we do if we have children. It says that we will have shared care and stuff like that."

"Yes, I think I understood that section. Is all the rest about what we do if we separate?"

"Er, yes."

Tell you what then lover, let's skip the rest. Just show me where to sign. If you say it's fair and there are no clever tricks to rip me off, then I believe you. You're my lover and I trust you. Where do I sign?"

"You will never know how much that means to me, darling. Will you marry me?"

"Yes sweetie, in three weeks' time. Ooh, is that my ring. Gee, that diamond is huge."

Conversation 5: Sebastian and Sandra. Two days later.

"How long before the 30 days expires, Sandra?"

"Just another six days darling. You remember, things were a bit slow down in the Caymans, I ended up having to stay down there 11 days."

"Of course I remember. It was torture being away from you that long. So, next Monday it is. How would you like to celebrate?"

"I don't think we should celebrate. It will be a bit of a sad day for me."

"I'm sorry, Sandra. That was inconsiderate of me. It will be a relief though."

"Yes, I still can't help thinking Dave is going to spring something on me at the last minute."

"Me too. Have you spoken to him lately?"

"I'm so embarrassed when I talk to him. I figured that if I left him alone, there's less chance of him rocking the boat. I still feel pretty bad about what we did to him."

"Yes, me too, but you know what they say, may the best man win and all that.

"Yes. How are you going with your Dad?"

"All right, I suppose. I think you charmed him around some when you met him. He still can't see why we have to get married so quickly though. He wants us to wait awhile and have a big society affair. I told him what you said, that you didn't want it splashed all over the newspapers and embarrass Dave. Mum doesn't care. She's just relieved I'm not gay."

"I was surprised your Mum didn't seem to like me more. She struck me as a bit of a snooty, arrogant sort of person."

"Well, she is snooty and arrogant. I think she was disappointed you didn't talk like a rich heiress. She's probably jealous, as well, at you being so beautiful, I mean."

"Your Dad was very, er, abrupt as well. He must have asked me for my surname at least three times."

"Yes, that's Dad. You didn't tell him did you? Good, if I know him, he'll want to get his spies on the case. You know, digging up all the dirt about you."

"No, I pretended to spill my drink on him when he got real pushy. That shut him up."

"Smart as well as beautiful, I'm one lucky guy aren't I?"

Conversation 6: Sebastian and Sandra. Three days later.

"Why are you crying, darling?"

"I'm sorry sweetie. I just got off the phone with Dave. I could have handled him ranting and raving, calling me names, anything. Instead, he rings me up and wishes me luck. He actually thanked me for all the happy years we had together and let me know he didn't object to thedecree nisi.I feel like such a heel."

"Well, you did say that if he accepted my, er, compensation package, he wouldn't oppose the divorce. You were right."

"Yes, but don't you see, that just makes it worse. He's acting with integrity and pride. I'm acting like a shallow tramp with no scruples or morals. I feel so bad."

"Oh, don't be so hard on yourself, Sandy, love has conquered all. Sure, you dissolved your marriage, but you did it in the most decent way possible. This is just his way of thanking you for that, I'm sure."

"You may be right."

"I'm sure I am. Now, if he's talking to you again, do you think he'll have a word with your folks and your friends? Don't think I haven't noticed how miserable you are that they've cut you off. Is your Mum still the only one talking to you?"

"Yes, and even she treats me like a leper when she does answer the phone. She told me yesterday that talking to me was putting a strain on her relationship with Dad. Oh, Sebastian, our wedding should be a joyous occasion, but every time I think about it, all I imagine is some stranger walking me down the aisle in front of a bunch of other strangers from your side and my side of the church completely empty. No, I don't feel like repaying Dave's kindness by asking him to get my family and friends to the wedding."

"Well, we've got two and a half weeks to do something drastic then. Who is the key Sandy? Who would open the floodgates to everyone else if they agreed to come.?"

"My Dad I suppose. If he saw how much we love each other and how generous you are, I'm sure he'd come. Then all my other relatives would feel free to attend. However, he still refuses to talk to me. Mum says he's really upset about the Scout hall as well. Keeps muttering about bad things coming in threes and looking around for the third disaster."