Wedding Crashers Pt. 07

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It's over. Or is it?
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Part 7 of the 9 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/30/2021
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This story would make more sense if you read the chapters in order. It is a cuckold tale and should not be confused with my other BTB and romance style stories.

Tags: Group Sex. Cheating Wife. Revenge. Arrested.

The physical signs of what happened to Claire faded over the next two weeks. Swelling of her face went down. The black around her eye leached away. She had to go to the doctor in the end. Her nipple became red and inflamed. At her request I removed the piercing the next day. It seemed to get better at first then swelled alarmingly. A course of antibiotics quickly bought the infection under control. Claire said the doctor checked her out everywhere else but I don't know if it actually happened. I was barred from going in with her. The other major change was Claire put the remaining contraceptive pills in the bin.

Mentally things were tougher. We were both flattened by what happened. I threw myself into finishing harvest. Being inside the harvester's cab was my escape. Claire took two weeks off work at the school. Mostly when I came home she was in bed. I wanted to be more sympathetic. To find the words and actions to take away the pain. However there was that nagging voice in my head, you play with fire you're gonna get burnt.

Jim had tried calling Claire back and texting her for a couple of days. In the end she gave me her phone and asked me to block his number. Then he started ringing me. I ignored it. Angry and frustrated that he couldn't take the hint I answered after a week.

"Nathan, we need to talk." Jim had said.

"No, Claire said it's over so it's over."

"What happened?"

"What do you think? You leave three animals at our house."

"But only Karl..."

"Fuck off Jim, they all took a turn then they did her together and for a finale they pissed on her."

Jim had gone quiet. I'd almost ended the call when he spoke again.

"Okay, but we still need to talk."

"We've got nothing to talk about."

"I've got a half a container load of stuff that I need to get out of Brisbane."

"Not my problem anymore."

"It's too late to change plans now Nathan. It's going to be in your shed at the end of the week."

"If it turns up here I'll be calling the police."

"I wouldn't do that Nathan." Jim voice got a definite menacing edge. "Shit can get bad for you really quickly."

"Fuck off Jim, you can't threaten me."

"It's not a threat." Something about the way he said it had sent a chill right through me. "Take this load and we will call it quits."

I remember the internal argument I had. Self preservation won in the end.

"Okay, but you stay away from Claire and the house."

"I'm not going to be anywhere near your place."

That was the last conversation I had with Jim. Sometime late Friday night a truck arrived at the shed. I was unloading my grain truck into a silo. There was a flurry of activity as they used my forklift to put several pallets in the chemical shed then it left.

When I'd finished I couldn't help myself and I went to have a look. There were four pallets. Three had nine sixty litre drums on them. The fourth, sixteen twenty litre containers. I hoped they would use them quickly. The truth was I really didn't notice any more truck movements. I've no idea when they took drums away but it must have been very early in the morning. After a shower of rain I'd sometimes see some tyre tracks in the gravel and there would be a couple drums gone. Another time they must have left the shed unlocked. Not only were drums gone but some of my tools and a chainsaw were missing.

Christmas came and went. Claire and I were still wandering through a relationship wasteland. At times she would get her old mojo back but it wouldn't last. I'd say something and she'd snap and we'd be back to square one. Sex is not the thing to measure any relationship by but before all of this it was something we did well together even with the biker in the mix. There was an obvious hiatus after Karl and his offsiders night of debauchery. The physical trauma made bumping uglies together an impossibility. Then even after the physical healing the mental scars were an impediment, for me anyway. I found it difficult to orgasm. Images of Claire enjoying parts of the rape mixed with her indifference. I didn't know if it still hurt her, the act itself, or my inadequacies but she seemed to barely tolerate my efforts. So often I would fake it. If she ever noticed Claire didn't say anything.

To try and engineer a more lasting change I booked a holiday on the Gold Coast. Picked a swanky place in the middle of everything. It was going really well until the second last day. We'd just come back from the beach. Claire had had a shower and I was next in. I'd just put some shampoo in my hair when I heard the scream. Shutting the water off I grabbed a towel, draped it around myself and went to where Claire was. She was sitting on the bed with her head in her hands.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Claire pointed at the television. It was a news or current affairs show. There was a policeman doing a media conference. It was something about a murder or murders. When it went back to the talking head in the studio he gave a summary.

"Just repeating, police are seeking the assistance in identifying three headless and handless bodies recovered from the Coomera river. Each one of the bodies has tattoos similar to the ones we are about to show you. If you can help in any way with the identity of the victims please call crime stoppers..."

The tattoos flashed up on the screen in a slideshow. The first one was a large red back spider.

"It's them, it's them..." Claire said as she tried to stifle the flow of tears with some tissues.

"They got what they deserved."

"Did you? Did you know?" Claire looked up at me. "Did you tell anyone?"

"No. I, I didn't know." I stopped as Claire's eyes bored a hole through me. "But I did tell Jim."

"What. Why?"

"He was ringing all the time, I just wanted it to stop."

"This is sick. What are we in the middle of?"

"Why are you worried about what happened to them? Bloody wish I did it after what they did to you."

"You didn't do much to stop it."

"Trike knocked me out cold then I was taped to a chair."

"Didn't stop you getting a hard on."

"And how many times did you cum while they fucked you in every hole?"

"Fuck off Nathan."

"Yeah, I think I will."

I pulled on some shorts, a shirt and left. Found the nearest bar then started working my way along the top shelf. Didn't leave until they stopped serving me for being intoxicated. Some how I made it back to the corridor outside our room. I couldn't bring myself to go back inside so I slumped down against the door and fell asleep. A room service waiter woke me up. He was bringing Claire some dinner. I stumbled inside and went straight to the bathroom. It was where I stayed for most of the night. Hugging the toilet bowl regularly when I wasn't enjoying the cool comfort of the tiled floor.

We left the next morning, one day before the booking ended. We got home further apart than when we left. The Cold War continued until school went back at the end of January. Claire took on extra tutoring to help out the senior students who'd missed her classes during her time off. Perhaps it was having something else to focus on or just not being at the farm with me all the time. Maybe it was just distance, I'm not sure which but things started to get back on track.

The best way to describe it would be Claire got happy. And as the old saying goes, happy wife happy life. There were smiles and even laughter. Her enthusiasm for living returned. That even extended to the bedroom in a limited way. There wasn't any formal discussion but we settled into a pattern which kept us both happy. Oral sex became our the default option. Mostly she just sucked my cock and occasionally I went down on her. On rare occasions I pushed the issue and Claire allowed me access to her pussy. I could just tell she wasn't into it so most times I'd back off and she'd return to slurping vigorously to get me off. If I did push on and go all the way she'd be pissed at me. It seemed starting a family was some way off. Until the last couple of weeks when Claire relented then pretty much demanded I cum in her pussy all the time.

It was the last week of March. I was running some high moisture sorghum through a dryer I hired. Autumn rains had come early and played havoc with the summer crop harvest. I saw a ute pull up outside my chemical shed. As I watched two guys got out and went inside. From a distance I thought one of them was Tiny. They came out carrying a 60L drum between them. Once it was loaded they took another one inside. The deal with Jim was now a one off. I didn't want it to last one minute longer than necessary so putting more drums inside wasn't on.

In a huff I shut down the augers and the dryer and went to investigate. When I got to the shed Tiny was standing beside a dual cab ute. There were six drums on the back which meant it was almost over. He gave me a wave and a smile, I returned the wave but didn't smile. My focus was on the other biker who was locking the shed up. He was tall and lean with a dark completion and a middle eastern manscaped beard.

"You guys are only supposed to take stuff away not bring more." I said as the guy turned around.


"Yeah, what did you put in there?"

"Just an empty, nothing to worry about. We'll shift it next time." The guy broadened his stance and stood tall. "Lucky we ran into you Nathan. Jim wants to have a word. Asked us to bring you to the clubhouse."

"I haven't got the time or the inclination to go anywhere near Jim." I replied.

I started to turn around and I noticed Tiny was now standing behind me cutting off easy access to my vehicle.

"I asked nicely but it's not a request." Tall guy covered the distance between us quickly. "Just get in or we won't be so friendly.

He grabbed my arm and started leading me towards their ute.

"Wait, how will I get back here? Are you going to drive me?"

Tiny and Tall guy looked at each other. "He's got a point Grub. Fucking long way back here aye." Tiny added

"Why don't I take my ute? I'll follow you."

"No fucking way." Grub grunted then he thought a bit more. "Hmm okay, Tiny you go with him and give directions. I'll follow to make sure you don't get lost."

An hour and a half later Tiny directed me through a nondescript rural entrance about ten kilometres east of Gunnedah. Once we got through about five hundred metres of scrubby trees the country opened out again. It was flood out country, the road was raised gravel with lots of pipes under it to let water through. Ahead on low hill was a number of sheds ringed by an eight foot high chain mesh fence topped with barbed wire. Two bikers waved for us to stop at the double gates in the fence. They looked inside, saw Tiny and waved us through.

There were a couple of smaller shed/houses that looked like they were set up for accomodation. Past them was a bigger structure. There were motorbikes parked out the front. Under an awning six or seven bikers lounged in chairs drinking. Tiny directed me past the parking area at the front and around the back. I pulled up between a couple of other trucks. Grub came in a couple of spots further down. Tiny got out and and waited for me to do the same. We went to a doorway where the other biker was now standing.

Inside I was led through a couple of storage rooms then into a long corridor. We went past an industrial kitchen and I could smell fried chicken. There a number of other doors off the walkway. All were closed except one that had a large round bed in the middle of it. At the end of the corridor was two frosted glass doors that opened into a bar area.

The bar looked familiar and I realised this was where Claire had gone with Jim and the strippers. There was about ten guys drinking inside. Music played in the background. The mood was boisterous but I suppose it was mostly like that. Grub led us to the bar.

"Three beers." He said holding three fingers up to the barmen to confirm his order.

"I'll pass, got to drive back." I looked around for Jim.

"Be fucked! I'm buying you a beer so you'll sit down, shut up and fucking drink it."

His loud rebuke stopped the other conversations in the bar. I felt eyes on me as they waited for my response. I sat on a nearby bar stool. I was half way through the beer when Tiny slammed the last off his down and ordered three more.

"Where's Jim?" I asked Grub.

"Later, drink up."

The third beer had just been put I'm front of me when the phone in the barmen's pocket rang. He said hello then nothing else as he listened briefly before nodding to Grub.

"You're up Nathan." He swung around on his stool and pointed with his fresh bottle of beer towards a door at the other end of the bar. "Through there."

The same eyes that had watched me earlier followed my progress across the room. The door had no sign or label on it. Either side of it on the wall were mirrors. When I opened it I was in a room with a long table. There were twelve chairs around it, five either side and one each end. The only one occupied was at one end. Jim wasn't sitting in it. Instead there was a woman. Blonde hair about shoulder length, fortyish I guessed maybe late thirties. Attractive although she had that hard edge about her. She stood and smiled in a businesslike way. Held out a hand adorned with rings.

"Nathan, I thought it was time we met."

I walked towards her and took her hand. It was a firm grip and the bangles on her wrist jangled as we shook. She was wearing a tight white t-shirt with a scoop front that gave more than a hint of her breasts and a pair of tight blue jeans.

"Ummm, where's Jim," I asked a little bewildered.

"He's temporarily indisposed. Sit, sit."

The woman pushed one of the chairs beside her back then sat down.

"I was supposed to meet with Jim. I've got work to do, I..."

"Sit down Nathan." Her voice got a harsh edge.

"And you are?"

"Eleanor, Jim's wife or old lady depending on who I'm with, but you can call me Elle. Now sit."

The chair Eleanor had pushed back was on the other side of the table so I had to walk around behind her to get to it. When I sat down I saw the mirrors were one way glass. I could see everything inside the bar.

"I'm sorry for the cloak and dagger stuff but I think you will find today very enlightening."

"Look I really have got a lot on at the moment so if we can get to the point of this?"

Eleanor looked at her phone.

"It shouldn't be long now. Grub tells me she's very punctual."


"Oh don't be silly. What 'she' do you think I'd be talking about?"

"I really don't know." I didn't know exactly but a knot was forming in my gut because I had a horrible feeling I knew where this was heading.

"Your fucking whore wife, that's who." Eleanor said in a completely disarming way like she was making a joke with a girlfriend.

"No, you're wrong. It's over, I was there when she told him it was over."

"Well of course I could be wrong. I am relying on hear say but from a very reliable source." She had a drink from bottle of Dark and Stormy sitting in front of her. "I am curious though, how exactly did you, your whore and Jim get mixed up in the first place?"

"We got caught when we gate crashed your daughter's wedding."


"They took us to a storage room, questioned and searched us to see if we were cops."

"So when did the sex happen?"

"There, in the storeroom."

"At his daughter's wedding." The lightheartedness had deserted Eleanor's demeanour.

"Yeah, and later in our room." It actually felt pretty good dropping Jim in the shit.

"The rat faced low life cunt." Elle grabbed her drink and threw it against the wall so it smashed.

Her phone flashed a message on its screen. Elle's momentary foul mood vanished.

"Right on time. I suggest you keep a close eye on the entrance over there."

Nothing happened for a while. Loud laughter could be heard from the bikers sitting outside. Maybe it wasn't Claire I thought. School was over for the day but she had a couple of hours extra tutoring. At least that's what she had been telling me. The doors swung open and Claire came in flanked by two bikers.

The way they were interacting it certainly wasn't the first time she had been there. I watched as she walked towards the bar fending off the odd groping hand and laughing. The rest of the bikers from outside came into the bar. Last in were the two big guys who had been on the gate. They locked the doors and one stayed there while the other went and stood near the door where I'd come in from the back. Claire seemed oblivious to the hungry looks from almost twenty men as she ordered a drink.

"Time to get this show on the road." Elle said standing up. "Come on you're part of this."

"What are you going to do?" I asked warily.

"Don't worry Nathan, while it may be a shock seeing us and I'm sure the slut will act scared, unfortunately for you, she'll probably end up enjoying it."

Eleanor opened the door and walked out into the main bar area. All heads swivelled towards her including Claire's. She just smiled making it obvious she didn't know who was walking towards her. It wasn't till I came out that the smile faded and her eyes darted towards her possible exits. Seeing them blocked by two big bodies she turned to face Eleanor square on, lifting her chin defiantly. The bikers in the room all crowded forward. It reminded me of a schoolyard brouhaha and I almost expected a chant of fight, fight, fight, to break out.

"So you are Claire, the latest receptacle for my husband's mid life fantasies."

"And you must be Eleanor the frigid old slag that used to be able to satisfy a man."

The crowd roared enjoying the two women facing off against each other.

"You know you're just a hole right? Something to fill in then walk away from."

"Jim just wants to walk away from you."

"I think that will be a long way off honey. My darling Jim's got a few other issues at the moment. He's currently at Parramatta police station being charged with possession of 100 grams of a class A drug."

Claire's mouth opened and shut quickly. Some of the group of onlookers murmured among themselves before returning their full attention to the confrontation.

"So that little spawn you are carrying will never have a last name. He'll always be a bastard."

Now it was my mouth's turn to hang open. Claire looked increasingly like a rabbit caught in the glare of a spotlight. Her eyes darted around the room as she looked for a friendly face. She studiously avoided mine.

"Now there is one part of this bike clubs culture that Jim may have forgotten to mention. You see any club member can bring a hole into the club and at some stage they have to prove themselves to everybody. That usually happens early on but the member can declare exclusive rights..." Elle's voice trailed off. The bikers had moved even closer so they now formed a loose ring around the combatants. "However, these exclusive rights are extinguished once that hole is pregnant unless the member makes her his old lady.

Claire rushed at Eleanor with her hands held up like claws.

"You fucking bitch."

She dodged and Grub and one of the other bikers grabbed Claire restraining her. I was still dumbfounded. Claire was pregnant. How fucking stupid was I. My reflections on my own failings were interrupted as Eleanor moved back in front of Claire.

"So as you are not Jim's old lady and you are with child, it's open season boys."

The loudest cheer to date filled the room.

"Get the slag up onto the stage and let's get this organised."

Grub and the other guy carried Claire across to the elevated platform in the far corner. The crowd followed her but I remained rooted to the spot. Eleanor followed the trio up onto the stage and turned to address the crowd. She saw me still at the bar.