Wedding Day Blues

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Mark thought he was wedded but she thought otherwise.
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Mark Wilson sat and pondered the last 12 hours. His wedding day is supposed to be one of the high points of his life. It had started out that way but the last few hours were ups and downs all together. After saying "I do" to the love of his life, Jen Salers Wilson, they had partied with family and friends at the reception.

Mark had drunk a little too much champagne but had not become too inebriated. Jen had also imbibed but didn't seem to be adversely affected either. Their plan was to leave the reception before most of the family and go up to the bridal suite for the night to celebrate their nuptials.

Since the two had met eight months previous they had agreed to not engage in premarital sex to seal their commitment to each other. Jen and Mark had confessed that they had previous lovers but their relationship would be better if they saved themselves for their wedding night. It had been hard. Heavy petting didn't quite subdue their urges but they both professed that their ability to hold out was making their relationship even stronger and themselves more mature.

The low points started when Mark was dancing with Jen, still in her bridal gown, and she whispered that there was a change in the plan. She slipped a rolled note into Mark's hand and asked him to wait 20 minutes to read it. The note would explain her wish for an unconventional wedding night. She also promised that he would be pleased after he fully understood what she wanted for them both.

Of course Mark agreed to wait. He was so much in love with Jen and trusted her explicitly. Jen then left Mark at the end of that dance and whirled off with the best man, Tom Daily, Mark's best and closest friend.

Mark made another round visiting distant relatives and friends as he waited out the full 20 minutes before intending to read the note. By the time he was alone enough to look at it at least 30 minutes had elapsed.

His world crashed as he took in his beloved wife's intentions.

Mark, My beloved husband.

I think that we should start a new wedding tradition. Since we will be spending the next two weeks on a secluded beach and then, the rest of our lives together, I believe that the wedding night could best be spent with the new bride making love to the best man showing him why he was chosen as the best man. Also the groom should spend the first night with the maid of honor for the same reason. Letting these two close friends become part of the after wedding party should also bring them closer in the extended relationship.

By the time you read this Tom will already have put his cock into me so that we cannot undo what I have planned. By the way, I believe that Tom will like to continue a close relationship with me after our honeymoon as he has taken the option on the condo next door to yours (and I guess now mine.)

This way your best friend will also be my best lover, after my husband of course.

We are in a different room than the bridal suite. Please don't try to interrupt us. I will not interrupt you with Ann. Please call her as she is waiting for you. Please take her to the bridal suite and make glorious love to her to make her a true close friend for life.

I will see you in the morning before time to go to the airport.

I love you.


Mark dropped into a chair and tried to make sense of the whole situation. How could his new wife do something so unthinkable? What would make her sure that he would go along with this? Suddenly a light came on in his brain. She didn't think he would accept this. That's why she played on his trust to not look at the note for at least 20 minutes. The two must have left the dance floor immediately and headed to the private room. Like she said, it would be too late to interfere by the time he read the note, processed the outcome and then found out which room they were in. He didn't think that Tom had planned to stay at the hotel.

Mark decided to make the best of a bad deal and called Ann's cell phone. After ringing a number of times a sleepy voice answered the phone. "Hello, who is this?"

"Ann, this is Mark. I am sorry for waking you. Can you talk?"

He could imagine her wiping her eyes as she tried to wake up fully. He could also hear a female voice in the background.

"Sure, Mark. What's up? Where's Jen?"

"Apparently Jen has decided to fuck Tom and I am supposed to have sex with you as some kind of kinky addition to the wedding ceremony. Had she discussed this with you?"

"Oh, God, she did it. I begged her not to do this. What a way to fuck up your relationship. I'm so sorry, Mark, but apparently she has been stringing you along during your entire relationship. I never agreed to anything like this as I am a lesbian. My current girlfriend, June, is with me now and we were blissfully sleeping."

"Wait a minute, June and you? Why would Jen have her maid of honor and bridesmaid stand up with her and try to catch the bouquet if you are both lesbians? I hate to say it like this but I don't understand."

Ann wasn't upset with his blatant problem with lesbianism. She knew him well as she was Jen's roommate and had hung out with them many times. He was just upset. "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, Mark, but until Jen started to go out with you, and frankly for a long time after that, she and I were more than roommates. As a matter of fact, her bachelorette party was a lesbian orgy. She also was fucking Tom since you introduced them. Apparently the only one to not get any pussy from her was you. She had you convinced that your relationship would be stronger if you were celibate. I sometimes think that she figured you would get some strange on the side while trying to stay chaste with her."

Mark shook his head. This night was getting worse and worse. The only one not getting any sex apparently was him. What a sap.

"Is June moving in with you when Jen moves to my condo?"

He almost heard her nod over the phone. "Yes, she is. We are planning the whole thing during your honeymoon. Are things changing due to what she is doing?"

Mark slowly responded. "I don't know. This is all too new and too fresh. I have to sit and look at my options. One thing has to get straightened out. I will not share her with you or any man if we stay together."

Ann quickly agreed with him. "I totally understand your position and your stand on this. I tried to tell her that you were not some poor sap who would allow this kind of behavior but she got it into her head that she could have you at home and different cock and pussy at any time. Good luck with your plans. Let us know if we can help. I can't really speak for June but I'm not anticipating remaining friends with a slut. She cheats on you, she will cheat on anyone."

Mark bid her good night and hung up. He had to try and make some plans.

Chapter two

It was now 10:00 am. Mark was extremely tired. The only thing keeping him going was the thought of his bride making her appearance so they could take off for their honeymoon at noon. He had spent the entire night making his plans and starting to carry them out.

He didn't have to wait much longer. Suddenly Jen appeared in the breakfast area even though breakfast was over. She was still wearing her bridal gown, or had put it back on after her night with Tom.

Tom was with her as she swept into the room. Jen looked upset and didn't even look at anyone else in the room. She was focused on her new husband.

"Mark, why can't I get into the room so I can change so we can go?"

No "Hello, dear one." No other greeting. Just upset that she had to wear her gown for a second day. That was not the tradition. It was only supposed to be worn once.

"Have a seat, why don't you?" He indicated the chair opposite him. Jen huffed a little but then sat down. Tom took the seat next to her. Mark noted that he immediately took her hand.

"The reason that you cannot get into the room is because I checked out at 3:00 am. I made arrangements to have all of the luggage transported to the airport and checked in. It took a lot of work but the luggage is already checked in and waiting to get on the plane. It will be at our honeymoon destination."

He stopped to let her think this through. She bit. "Why, that was nice of you dear but you forgot that I needed to change this morning before we met with the family. I don't think that this gown is fashionable for flying for hours."

"Well, I guess that maybe I jumped the gun a little but, you see, I didn't have anyone with me to distract me from being lonely on my wedding night. I decided to get our married life off to its perfect start."

Jen actually looked a little surprised at his mention of being alone. "Didn't you call Ann? She was supposed to go with you to our room."

"Yes, I did. I don't think that Ann, being a confirmed lesbian, really was looking forward to a night with hairy male me. Her girlfriend, June, didn't appear to want to her be with me either."

Jen mulled that over for a bit. "Well, I will have to have a talk with her. She promised to do the right thing."

Mark laughed. Somehow it didn't seem like a sincere laugh. "She did do the right thing. She told me all about your relationship with her and also that you have been fucking my best friend, Tom, all along while begging me to stay celibate. She doesn't agree with you at all. She didn't say anything before I called her as she was under the impression you were joking with her about the entire plan to cuckold me on our wedding day."

Jen shook her head. "No, no, this isn't right. She agreed. She occasionally likes a cock and was willing to do this for me. I will have to talk with her."

Ann then stood up from another table. "Bullshit, you lying bitch. You decide to have everything so you led a good man along and destroyed him and also his friendship with Tom. I never agreed to do anything with Mark." She let the comments soak in a little.

"By the way, while you are gone on your honeymoon, June is moving in with me. I don't know what Mark is going to do with your skanky ass but you will not be living with me."

Ann and June then left the room. They knew the rest of the plan and didn't need to stay to see the outcome.

Jen was shaken a little. She had to think fast to resolve this in her favor. "Mark, I didn't mean for you to go without. I just wanted to start a new and exciting tradition. Our old friends need to become close and new friends so that we can keep them forever."

She started to look around and realized that everyone in the room was familiar. But, and this is a big but, not even her close family seemed to be on her side. Everyone had a severe look on their faces.

Tom had already noticed who was in the room. He didn't know Jen's family very well, having met most at the rehearsal dinner but he was very familiar with Mark's family. He looked ready to bolt from the room in fear of his manhood based on the looks he was receiving.

Mark noticed his former friend's dawning awareness of his soon to lose masculinity. "Tom, my old friend. Thank you for letting me know what a skank I married. I should be grateful to you but for some reason, I really just want to slug you in the mouth. But I won't today. Maybe if I ever see you again I will but not today."

Tom looked relieved but only for a short time. Mark continued, "Old friend, we have know each other since grade school. We fought bullies together, played sports together, dated together and even worked together. That ends today. I have called Mr. Jameson at home and let him know what is happening this weekend. It seems that he is much more conservative that we realized. Monday morning he is going to publicly fire you. I hope that you didn't put too much money into your new condo as you will probably lose that also."

Mark stopped and let Tom assimilate this news. "By the way, goodbye. I think my brothers and cousins would like to have a word with you outside."

Tom looked and saw the mentioned brothers and cousins edging for the door. He decided to make a run for it. Maybe he made it but then again, maybe he didn't. Mark didn't care.

Mark looked back to his bride. "I hope he wasn't planning on joining us on our honeymoon, Dearest. I don't think he can afford it now."

Jen became a little more pale. Apparently she was planning on just that thing. Mark laughed his little laugh again. Jen shivered. She looked around and tried to find a sympathetic face in the crowd. She found none.

She hesitated a little. "I suppose you want a divorce?"

Mark shook his head. "Why would I wish to do that? I don't think I want to share any of my assets with a cunt like you. We don't have a pre-nuptial agreement. No, I woke your father at 5:00 this morning and he agreed to be my attorney after I explained what you had done. Monday morning he will file the appropriate paperwork for an annulment. Since we did not consummate our marriage he believes that it is a simple matter of paperwork to undo what the pastor did."

He let this soak in a little. "By the way, I gave our tickets for the honeymoon to my parents. They have graciously accepted so that they can have a long overdue vacation and second honeymoon. I just wish that we had gotten 4 tickets so your parents could join them. But I digress a little. You will discover that you not only don't have any clothes to wear from here but I also packed your purse, cell phone, passport, and birth control pills with your luggage. You have nothing in your name at this moment in time."

He stood and stared down at her. "I also called your boss this morning and informed her that you could be at work on Monday. She is also anxious to discuss your future in her establishment. It seems that the social media updates about what you pulled have already gotten to some of her customers and, for some strange reason, some are very upset."

Jen started to cry. She was shaking her head. Nothing was going like she planned. This couldn't really be happening could it?

Mark bent down and pulled her chin up. "Final words, Babe. I loved you. I loved you more that I could even describe. I was fully prepared to have children with you and grow old with you but you change it all with your note. By the way, I took a photo of it and placed it on your Facebook page as your new profile picture. If anyone doubts what you did, they won't for long."

He paused again to let her assimilate this news. "I also quit my job. I will not tolerate the sympathy and pitying looks from my co-workers. I will list my condo on Monday. It appears to be a very busy day for me, Monday. Don't try to contact me. I am through with your lying cheating ass. You piss me off some more and I may not be accountable for my acts towards you. You had better try to find somewhere to park your cheating ass. I don't think even your folks want you home for a while. Do you understand me?"

Jen couldn't seem to stop crying but she did nod her understanding.

Mark and his family got up and walked out. He noted that Tom must have escaped and there was no beaten body interfering with their exit from the hotel.

Jen heard some movement and hoped that her family was going to stand beside her in her time of need but someone stopped long enough to spit in her face. She barely noted it through her tears. Soon she was alone.

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bacchant2bacchant23 days ago

Great outline for a story, pity you couldnt write it all.

Booboo12629Booboo126293 days ago

Once again, you didn’t finish the story.

DeanofMeanDeanofMeanabout 2 months ago

Wow, intriguing story could have been much longer, would have loved to follow that ride.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Excellent insight into a typical narcissistic woman. It is usually thought of as 'bad thinking' when they do this kind of self-centered crap, but it goes beyond that. It's mostly rooted in a selfish and evil heart so counseling and psychology doesn't have anything to offer to fix the root problem...).

Harvey8910Harvey89103 months ago

This was another poorly written and way too short of a story. I give this story only 3 stars.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Interesting take on the “we have to talk”. The story just wasn’t meant to be a 750 word quickie. It would have greatly benefited from expanding the characters and the relationship between the friends and the MC/cheating wife. Some pre-development on the lesbian best friend, also the best man and new wife. All that detail came out of nowhere. No real reason/explanation for the new wife to did what she did.


AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Tom should have been a stain on the sidewalk. Ending was a bit rushed with little reaction from her. Otherwise, it was good.

Pinto931Pinto9317 months ago

Silly contrived plot.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago

Not enough crying, wailing, smoking crates, and blood running in the streets.

AlanDavidAlanDavid12 months ago

Not enough punishment… rewrite with a proper ending….

Frank66Frank66about 1 year ago

Ah, fiction; it lets the mind wander. Very well done short story- any longer and the over the top plot wouldn't have worked. A clear 5.

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