Wendy Pt. 02


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"Mmm, his cock tastes so nice with your pussy all over it," Sara said when she sat up, a big smile on her face. "But his cock always tastes good to me."

"I think that you're both incredibly lucky to have each other," Wendy said.

"Yes, we certainly are," Sara agreed, smiling.

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shyandyshyandyover 1 year ago

The girl has some stamina for sure.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Just light and easy fuck story. More soon I hope.

LeB l

bigmoltbigmoltalmost 2 years ago

More, more, more please. Great story so far. Please keep this going.

One of the best I’ve read in many many years.

Sex4lf57Sex4lf57about 2 years ago

Loving this series! Five stars and a favorite point!

greasedsilvergreasedsilverabout 2 years ago

I certainly hope here is at least one more chapter. I am also curious as to the progress of the company, as all the planning comes to fruition.

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