Westrons Pt. 13


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- "Why wouldn't they believe it?"

She snorted again. "Aneli brags about your virility all day long. There's a story that you took on two of your bodyguards in hemmer at the same time."

"And your aide, Tallia. You don't even need hemmer to have sex with her. Constantly."

- "Alright. So we'll stay here." I said. "I don't mind. Will you at least have a drink with me?"

- "I'm so sorry. I fucked up."

I raised my glass. "Here's to fucking up - and living to tell the tale. I mean ... not that we're going to tell anyone ..."

- "I know you're trying to make me laugh, Cook. And I appreciate it. But -"

- "You know, Tudino, if this was a military situation, you wouldn't hesitate to tell me if there was a problem - even if it was entirely your fault."

- "It's NOT my fault. Fuck! I was BORN THIS WAY!"

- "What way? Why don't you just sit down and tell me about it." I gestured at the table, laden with food and drink - lots of drink.

She followed my lead, if only because there would be a table between us.

- "I'm ashamed enough as it is." she said. "Do we really have to talk about it?"

- "Come on, Tudino - what else are we going to do for two days? And you saved my life at Tonol. Seems like the least I can do is listen for a bit."

She shook her head. "You keep saying that. It's not true."

I refilled my own glass, and topped hers up.

- "Langoret and I are in full agreement. We'd bitten off way more than we could chew. If you hadn't sortied when you did, we were done for."

- "Bullshit. You had them on the run. I just kicked them in the balls when they were down."

- "Alright, we'll never get to the bottom of this, without several cases of wine. Why don't you just start with what's bothering you?"

- "You won't let it go, will you?" She sat up a little straighter, and spread her arms. "Smell me. Take a good look: I'm a fucking freak."

I wanted to take her in my arms, to comfort her. She wasn't ready for that.

- "Who says so? What asshole ever told you that?"

- "My grandmother. My mother. I say it, Cook! Look at me!"

- "I am looking at you."

- "I'm ... a freak."

- "You'd have plenty of company in Pylos." I said. "We have people that want to ..." I described several fetishes and deviant desires.

"But are you talking about your hemmer? Or is it something else?"

- "I don't HAVE a fucking hemmer!" she snapped.

- "You do, you know. When was the last time you lay with a male?" I was guessing.

- "Fuck you, Cook!"

- "When was the last time?" I repeated.

- "Six years ago." she mumbled. I heard her clearly, and didn't force her to repeat it.

- "What happened?" I asked, as gently as I could.

- "He was the local stud, well-known for impregnating every female he copulated with. My grandmother ... recruited him. I no longer cared about the ... sexual part any more. I just wanted a child, and ... for people to treat me as if I was normal."

I didn't interrupt.

"He couldn't even ..." She blinked back tears. "He couldn't even get hard. Still tried, because he was probably worried about his reputation. It was like trying to feed a soggy slow match into a musket barrel."

Ouch. I tried not to wince at that image. "He talked? Afterwards?"

- "No. I told him I'd castrate him if he breathed a word. It was the first ... blemish, on his otherwise spotless record."

- "That wasn't your first attempt, I take it?"

She shook her head. "Third. That's why we went to a so-called specialist. My grandmother was trying to help ... damn it - why am I talking about this?"

I nudged her glass towards her; Tudino suddenly snatched it up, and drained it.

- "Pretty good wine." I said.

Tudino shook her head. "You're such an asshole, Cook."

- "Maybe." I said. "But you invited me for a reason. What was that reason, Tudino?"

- "What?"

- "You've had bad experiences. Why invite me to your hemmer, after six years?"

- "Don't be thick. I told you: I wanted a child. I thought you were handsome. I ... I like you. I was drunk when I asked. Alright?"

- "And?"

She glared at me. "Give it a rest, won't you?"

- "You picked me because I'm Pylosian."

- "Yes, Fine. Because you have a hybrid lover, and you can get it up for her every fucking day, even though she has no hemmer ..."

- "That's true. I love Tallia, and she ... excites me. Without hemmer."

"So how are you any different, Tudino?"

She didn't answer, but instead drained her glass again.

"How are you any different?" I repeated, in the barest whisper.

- "Why are you doing this to me? I'm a freak! I'm fucking ugly!"

- "You're no such thing! Whoever gave you that idea was wrong! Wrong!"

That shocked her into silence. I took a deep breath. "I wish that you could see yourself as I do. Damn, Tudino ..."

"Your hair is amazing. It's so long, so dark ... I just want to run my fingers through it ... and then, you have a high forehead. Some people may not find that appealing, but I do. It reminds me of the first-class military mind inside your head."

"Your eyes are simply spectacular. They're your best feature, if you ask me. I noticed them the first time we met - do you remember? After Tonol? I only saw one eye, because the other was covered by a bandage."

She nodded, ever so slightly.

"Your nose is a classic. Tudino: look at mine. How could you think that I wouldn't sympathize with a broken nose?"

"Your lips are ... soft and kissable. I know: a bullet scarred the corner of your mouth. Damn, woman - don't you realize how much presence that gives you?"

- "Presence?" she whispered.

- "Presence. Charisma. I don't know what to call it."

- "My chin ..."

- "You have a strong chin. Slightly crooked. Hit by a musket ball, at some time. Do you know what that means?"

"It means that you're one of a kind, Tudino. There's no one like you. Your face is unique, and highly attractive, because of who you are ..."

- "Stop."

- "You're the only Tudino I know. I came up here because you asked me. But If you want the truth, I was looking forward to it -"

- "Cook , stop!" she snapped.

I stopped.

"I appreciate what you're trying to do." she said. "But you don't have to -"

She fell silent, suddenly, because I pushed my chair back from the table, and stood up. I looked her in the eye. Then, slowly - deliberately, I lowered my hand, to the red scarf I wore as a sash. I moved the trailing ends aside, to reveal my swollen erection.

Tudino's jaw dropped. She stared at my crotch.

- "How ...?"

- "I'm trying to tell you." I said. "You're a striking, beautiful woman. And your hemmer is working on me."

- "I don't -"

- "You do. Your scent is so subtle, it's almost unnoticeable. But I can sense it."

- "Subtle?"

- "Delicate." I said. "Just barely perceptible. But so tantalizing ..."

Tudino was still staring at the outline of my erection through my breeches.

- "That's ... You mean it?"

Very slowly, I circled the table, until my engorged member was only a foot from her face - at eye-level.

Tudino couldn't resist. She raised a hand, and reached out, until her fingertips brushed against my swollen cock.

- "Oh -" was all she said.

I took hold of both her elbows, and pulled her from the chair. She didn't protest, or pull away, when I kissed her.

She was nervous, and still a little skittish. But her lips were molding themselves to mine, and she was holding on to me tightly with her hands.

When we finally separated, just to breathe, she placed a hand on my chest.

- "Wait, I ..."

I didn't wait. I scooped her up in my arms, and carried her to the bed.

- "No more waiting." I said. "I'm going to give you an orgasm - with my fingers, and my tongue. We'll talk after that."

I was bluffing, just a bit. I had no intention of trying to finger her right away. In fact, I didn't try to remove any of her clothing, either.

I just kissed her.

Males have pheromones, too, and she just needed time to sense mine. She let me explore her lips, and discovered that I hadn't been lying: I enjoyed every moment that we lay side by side.

That's not to say that my hands were inactive. I ran my fingertips across her hip, to her waist. I caressed her hair. Then I touched a single finger to her nose, feeling the bump there.

Before she could say anything, I took hold of her hand, and raised it to my nose, so that she could feel the bump on mine.

She smiled.

I kissed her some more, and then put my hand on her breast, through the frilly shirt. Her breath caught - but she didn't object.

I pulled back, and reached for the top bottom of her shirt. Very slowly, very deliberately, I undid it. Tudino watched me, but made no move to stop what I was doing.

After the third button, I was able to slide my hand under the frills, over the bare skin which had rarely - if ever - been touched.

She was small-breasted, like Esyle, but her nipples were ... exquisite.

I returned to kissing her, while I fondled her breasts, and then undid the rest of her buttons. Now there was some colour in her cheeks, and her nipples were standing to attention. She had to be able to sense my arousal, too.

Tudino's military-style breeches were easy to remove. She was tense, but she didn't fight me. I stroked her bare legs, and then kissed my way from her knee to her hip. Then I moved up to lay beside her again, and resumed my attention to her breasts.

As I kissed her, and toyed with her nipples, Tudino's hands began to wander. I felt her fingertips trail across my ass, and then she turned towards me, so that she could brush her hand over my erection.

Only then did I slide lower, and kiss little circles around her navel. I looked up, and met her eye. She was watching me, fascinated.

- "May I?" I asked.

- "No one has ever ..."

- "Someone's about to." I said, softly.

It wasn't so surprising that no one had ever done this for her before. Westron males were usually so intoxicated by their partner's hemmer that they could barely think: they could only rut.

I was suddenly overcome by a wave of passion. I can't quite explain it. If you had asked me, a week earlier, who I loved, I could have answered: Esyle, and Tallia. Themis. With fond spots for Kanitz, and, to a lesser degree, for Aneli.

I still loved Vanova, though I'd probably never see her again. And I got a pang whenever I thought of Oshide.

But at that moment, I felt like I was riding a wave, and that wave was Tudino. She deserved the best damn hemmer I could give her.

When my lips touched her labia, she folded. I made love to her pussy with my mouth. Time passed, but neither of us was aware of it.

Her first orgasm began to build. She was tense as a bowstring, almost bent in half as she arched her back and thrust her pussy at me. I could feel it coming - that was when I introduced a second finger inside her, and flicked my tongue across her clit. And then back.

I was wrong. It wasn't just Tudino's first orgasm of the day; it was her first ever orgasm shared with another person.


It's a testimony to the trust between her and I, and to the openness of Westrons, in general, when it comes to sexual matters: there was nothing especially awkward about Tudino wrapping her arms around me, and crying her eyes out, moments after the first shared orgasm of her life.

She had masturbated, alone, during her hemmers, and brought herself off.

- "But I never, never felt anything like that."

She smiled, and kissed me. We lay like that, for a few moments. I kissed her back, and began caressing her back, her shoulders, and then her surprisingly delicious little ass. Her dorsal fur was dark, but sparse.

Tudino happened to glance down, and saw my erection, standing tall and proud like a flagpole (It could have been even harder; then it would have been pointing at my chin).

She looked back at me. A devilish little smile slowly spread across her face.

- "Can I? Or ... can we?"

She didn't wait for an answer. "The wetter the better, I suppose?" She lowered her head, and tried to take my full length into her mouth. She slurped and slobbered, apparently more intent on covering me in spit than in imparting any pleasure.

Without further ado, she swung her leg over, and straddled my hips. She took a firm hold of my erection. Then she tried to sit down on me, all at once.

- "AAAHH!" She let out a piecing scream. It must have hurt like hell. My cock was wedged halfway inside her. Only tenacity and determination kept her from leaping off me like I was a hot stove. Or maybe it was sheer stubbornness.

- "Don't move." I cautioned. "Wait. Wait a bit."

- "Till it stops hurting?" she said. "Because I expected it to hurt a bit ... but this is -"

- "Wait till you get used to it, a little."

- "It's hardly 'little'." When she realized what she'd said, she chuckled - and then winced.

- "You have to relax."

- "Easy for you to say."

- "That's why I'm saying it." But I tried to help, rubbing her thighs, and then sliding my hands from her waist to her breasts, and then back. "Can you lean forward?"

She could. Kissing and fondling seemed to help. So did Tudino's hemmer; we could both feel it increasing, growing in intensity. It kept me hard; it also seemed to help her lubricate.

- "I do have a hemmer!" she exclaimed. "Can you feel it?"

- "I most certainly do. You just needed to be warmed up."

- "I feel warmer now, that's for sure. It doesn't hurt so much, either." She tried a little movement with her hips, and then another. We both felt the progress, as I slid a little further inside her.

Tudino's cheeks were flushed, now. Even her throat and chest had a bit of colour. Her nipples were hard, and I could smell - and sense - her growing arousal.

She shifted again, drew back, and then thrust forward. She had to repeat those motions several more times, but finally ...

- "I did it! All the way!"

- "That's wonderful! Congratulations!"

- "I couldn't have done it without you." she said, more softly. "I wish my grandmother could see me now."


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bear1999bear1999about 1 month ago

3 cheers for granny...5/5 for the story

TomSavageIsFakeTomSavageIsFakeabout 2 months ago

It's years after you wrote this, but the way you were so gentle with Tudino was really sweet.

Comentarista82Comentarista82about 2 months ago

Wonderful way to highlight Esyle's wit, perceptiveness and unique beauty; she really is a slightly different Tallia. I mean...put Tallia and Esyle's heads together and it seems THEY could easily match Kanitz's ability to calculate! ;)


Talk about the LONG RIDE with Aneli...and Cook almost outlasted her outright! Ha!


Terrible yet lovely to read Cook support and encourage Tudino right until the very end--until all he did to her fully engaged her hemmer and she REALLY felt like a fully-realized Westron woman. Still almost tear-jerking to read about how she felt...but so incredibly beautiful to see her blossom right at the end!


I'm telling you...it's for sure that if somewhere were to try to off Cook or even seriously insult him...both Langoret AND Tudino would dismember the bastards in record time and feel ZERO compunction about it! It helps that he's finally learning Westron's ways and attitudes about sex, so he properly treats them all right and uniquely. Exceptionally well done!

Bentleyboy24Bentleyboy247 months ago

Houghmagandy. Now there’s a good-old fashioned word of Scottish origin. You didn’t pick that up in general conversation, you must have Scottish blood in your family.

I’m working my way through all your submissions and they are all excellent, entertaining and very well written.

I hope they are as enjoyable to craft as they are to read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Pretty sure I've given you 5 stars on every chapter so far; it's a wonderful series. Thanks for posting.

tinfoilhattinfoilhatabout 2 years ago

I love that last line.

Comentarista82Comentarista82almost 5 years ago
Tudino! :(

Poor woman! All confidence on the battlefield and none in sex? Aww....glad he stuck to convincing her. That was touching in its own unique way. :)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
A little longer please.

This chapter seems like it should have been a little longer, but I love all of your stories, so I’ll wait and let it build up.

“ I wish my grandmother could see me now” that was a classic line, at the perfect time.


lastman416lastman416almost 5 years ago
Excellent chapter

I wanted to second what a commenter said earlier about how you give each romantic interest her own personality. I’ve noticed it before, but it’s much appreciated, and I think it adds a lot to the story. To all of your stories, honestly.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Keep it up

This is a breath of fresh air for this genre. Keep it up😉👍

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

I hope there are plans to somehow bring him back to the academy. I love it here, but to tie it all back together would be amazing as well

happyjack921happyjack921almost 5 years ago
Loved it

The whole series is five stars. Please continue this series.

SensualSigmaSensualSigmaalmost 5 years ago

"Look Nana... no hands!"

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Wish I could give more than a measly five stars it deserves at least ten.

nthusiasticnthusiasticalmost 5 years ago
Agree with Frednewfred & Others

Your last line when she says she wishes her grandmother could see her with a male lover balls deep in her . . . I choked on my dinner. It's hysterical!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

You have such an amazing gift with the written word. I feel as if I am INSIDE your stories as you write them. Truly amazing. NEVER stop sharing with us!!!

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1almost 5 years ago
So good

Love this story. Perfect....

frednewfredfrednewfredalmost 5 years ago

I love a good belly laugh in the morning and the last sentence delivered.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
Great! I give you straight 5s

Love this series of stories. What an interesting world. Sexy too. Thank you!

Can't wait to read the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

At that moment, Tudino's granny enters the cottage.

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