What Happened to Alice


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Bob offered her the white collar, and she snapped it up like dog snatching a crumb off the kitchen table.

"We're good" the nurse said, as she guided Alice into the bathroom and closed the door. A couple of minutes later they emerged, Alice holding the white collar tight against her chest like it was some kind of magic talisman.

"See?" Bob smiled, "still here." He reached out his hand, and Alice gave him back the collar without even a hint of hesitation. Together, they walked her back to the bed, but as they sat her down, she grabbed her gown and tried to rip it off again.

"Sorry," the nurse said, quickly flicking the sheet across Alice's exposed privates, "she doesn't seem to want to keep her gown on. Considering the fact that when her trauma occurred, she was naked, she's probably also fixated on that."

Trying to ignore the image of Alice's nakedness, Pastor Bob tried to concentrate on the scientific aspects of the situation. "I'd like to read up on her condition," Bob said, grabbing his notebook off the table. "Are there any websites I could go to?"

"Sure," the nurse replied, taking his pen and scribbling down the pertinent information. "Will you be her caretaker when she's released? As far as I know, she'll be good to go tomorrow afternoon, unless something unforeseen comes up."

"Apparently, I will be her caretaker," Bob answered, checking the nurse's notes. "What time tomorrow?"

"Call in the morning and they'll let you know. Will you be able to bring something for her to wear? Keep in mind, when she gets agitated, she takes off her clothes, so you probably don't want to dress her in anything you don't want to get ripped to shreds."

"That bad?"

"That bad," the nurse nodded.

Sitting back down in his chair, he rested his hand on her forehead. "Did you hear that Alice? You're coming home tomorrow."

Alice stared blankly at the ceiling, her hands poised at her sides, ready to rip off her gown again at the slightest provocation.

"I'll give you two a moment," the nurse said, "and then we're going to put her down for the night?"

"Put her down?"

"Sedative. She's really not safe in her natural state."

As the nurse padded out, Bob settled into his chair again, taking Alice's hand gently in his. "Alice honey, I have to go now, but I'll be back tomorrow, okay? No need to worry. Nobody's abandoning you." Then he leaned in and kissed her forehead, which elicited no reaction whatsoever.

Before he left, Pastor Bob gave Alice the white collar, which she immediately clutched to her chest. She would have thanked him, but she was still not ready to talk. Why ruin everything by talking? There was entirely too much talking in the world, or at least that's how she rationalized her inability to speak.

She was just about to remove her annoying gown again when the nurse returned and gave her the sedative shot. Curling up on her side, Alice drifted off into a sea of deep green, Pastor Bob's white collar floating before her like a life boat in the open ocean.


Seeing Alice in her wheelchair was heartbreaking, but Pastor Bob was used to adversity. Of course, he had an advantage most people lacked: faith.

"Hey kid," he grinned, "ready to go home?"

Alice was unresponsive, which was exactly how she wanted it. Why ruin a good thing? If she was well, would Pastor Bob be fawning all over her? Of course not. He would be off somewhere doing what pastors do. But he wasn't, was he? No, he was right here, as devoted as a husband.

He held her hand as the nurse pushed the wheelchair down the sidewalk and over to Bob's Volvo. "In you go," he said, guiding her into the passenger seat. She complied while Bob buckled her in. "See? Not so bad?" He went back to grab the overnight bag he'd packed, which gave her just enough time to whip her T-shirt up over her head. Bob got back just in time to pull it back on.

"Calm down alice," Bob pleaded as a pair of college aged dudes on the sidewalk pointed and stared. "I'm right here, okay?"

"Not okay" Alice would have told him if she was in a talking mood. When would he learn that he wasn't allowed to leave her without a good explanation? Settling back in her seat, she felt the reassurance of his hand holding hers, and, for the moment, Pastor Bob's minor transgression was forgotten.

With another meltdown averted, and Alice's boobs safely tucked away, they made the drive back to the church without incident. It was a little awkward trying to shift gears, since Alice didn't seem to want to let go of Bob's hand, but by the time they had pulled into the parking lot, she had figured out how to let Bob shift without trying to restrain him. He took this as a sign of improvement.

"See," he said, "you're already getting better." He turned the car off and dashed around the front so that Alice wouldn't lose sight of him. "Remember the church?" he asked, as they walked up the flagstone path to the side entrance.

When they entered the dark, musty confines of the church, Alice's grip loosened, and her step seemed to become less robotic. They ambled slowly down the hall, while Pastor Bob reminded her of the things she should have been familiar with.

"Saint Christopher over there, right? And Saint Paul? And over here, we have Saint Francis. Anything ring a bell?"

Everything rang a bell, but Alice had an image to uphold, so she continued her charade, determined to see it through to fruition. And now, entering Pastor Bob's living quarters, fruition was right around the corner. In fact, the quiet majesty of the place was overwhelming; the natural wood floors, dark, with a rich oily smell, the overflowing book cases, the lovely stained glass windows of vibrant red and purple and blue, yes, she could hold out for as long as it took.

"Kitchen," Bob was saying, as they traipsed down the narrow hall, "Bathroom. And this where you'll sleep. It's actually my bedroom, but I'll be sleeping on the couch. How's that?"

"We'll see about that," Alice thought to herself as she peered into the darkness of his room. The bed did look comfy, with the pretty quilt and the puffy pillows.

"The nurse told me to make sure you to to the bathroom every two hours, so... um... here you go." Bob shoved her gently into the small tiled room, but she just stood there, motionless.

"Please!" he begged.


Letting out a defeated sigh, he marched her over to the front of the toilet, turned her around, and jerked her sweatpants down to her knees.

"Come on, Bob, you can do it," she thought to herself."You've already seen me naked. What are you afraid of?" She waited patiently for him to pull her panties down, and then she took her seat, legs tight together, hands in her lap, just like a proper lady. A moment later, a satisfying stream of pee exited her body. When it was over, she opened her legs and waited, curious as to how Bob would deal with one of the most basic needs of a woman. Bob offered her a tissue, but she would not be tricked into using it. No, This was now his job.

Bob dabbed daintily, and then stood her up and replaced her panties and pants. Although he had vowed not to look, how could he avoid it? Not only was her body perfect in every conceivable way, so was her pussy - so dainty and delicate, yet smooth, welcoming even. And the smell was rich and earthy, although perhaps a little over-ripe. Surely she'd have a more pleasing odor with a daily bath, something she hadn't had the opportunity of enjoying at the hospital.

He marched her down the hall and sat her on the couch. "I'll be in there making dinner. See? You don't have to worry." He plopped a magazine in her lap and proceeded into the kitchen, which, fortunately, had a counter instead of a wall separating it from the living room.

Alice took the magazine and stared at it, but she didn't feel like reading it. She didn't actually feel like doing anything at all, except holding Bob's hand, but she could tell he was busy at the moment. She gazed over at him and smiled, watching as he made interesting clattering sounds and pulled colorful items out of the big white box standing in the corner. That would be her job some day, making those interesting clattering noises, but not now. Now it would be Bob's job, because Alice wasn't up to doing anything in particular, other than holding his hand, of course.

Bob was relieved to see that Alice hadn't forgotten how to eat, but she was rather sloppy, spilling food on her T-shirt and setting her slimy fork down on the clean table. He made a mental note to pick up a table cloth at the store, and then it hit him. How could he go to the store, or do anything at all, with Alice around? She was like an infant, totally reliant on him. In a fit of remorse, he buried his face in his hands, which was just enough to set Alice off.

Up went the T-shirt, over her head and on the floor. Before he could get to the other side of the table, her pants were down to her ankles, and so were her panties.

"It's okay, Alice honey," he stammered, standing her up and collecting her in a gently hug. The feel of her bare breasts pressed against his chest, the pressure of her firm tummy against his, it was not okay, it was torture. How was he supposed to remain a gentleman when she kept taking her clothes off? But holding her did feel nice, and would she even realize it if his hard-on was nudging her tummy?

She did realize it, but it was perfectly understandable. Bob may have been a Pastor, but first and foremost, he was a man. Alice knew full well how weak a man could be when faced with the power of a woman. It was obvious he was already falling for her. Now it was just a matter of time.

Bob didn't even bother picking up her soiled T-shirt off the floor, or pulling up her pants. He just marched her down to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet.

"You ready for a nice bath, Hon?" he asked, trying not to stare at her buoyant tits as he turned on the water. She just sat there, her Mona Lisa expression driving him crazy. Did she have any idea what she was doing to him? If ever he needed the Lord's strength, it was now.

With dogged determination, he fished her sweatpants and panties off, stood her up, and finagled her into the tub. Sitting her down was another challenge, but, remembering the way she had helped him with the gear shift on the drive home, he thought perhaps if she saw him sit down, she'd do the same. It worked like a charm. Now the problem was the soaping-up part.

Feeling Pastor Bob's tender hands slithering all over her naked body was pure ecstasy. Alice especially liked it when he soaped up her tits, which seemed to be the only thing he was capable of doing right. How many times did he clean them, anyway? Four? Five? She also liked when he cleaned her pussy - so gentle and careful. Didn't he know how much abuse a pussy could take? Hopefully someday she'd get to show him.

It was even better when he stood her up to wipe her dry. Not knowing exactly how to proceed, he jerked her hands up above her head and she held them there, like a statue. She liked the way it made her tits stick out, and she was certain Bob liked it too.

Fortunately for Bob, Alice was one of those skinny-thighed girls with the big gap between her legs, so he had no trouble getting the towel down there to make sure her pretty flower was dry. Of course, he longed to taste Alice's womanhood, feel the nectar dripping down his chin, but he would not give in, at least not until he had her informed consent. It was troubling, dealing with the devil's desire, and it made him question his faith, but he was certain, with the proper amount of prayer and diligence, he would be able to deal with the situation in a manner befitting a man of his position.

Oblivious to the torment Pastor Bob was going through, Alice was more interested in the fluffy robe he gave her when they were done. It was an autumn rust color, so soft, it was almost like wearing a garment made out of pillows. She snuggled up in it while he tied the sash, but as soon as he marched her out to the couch and sat her down, she undid the sash and opened it up again.

"Oh God, Alice. What am I going to do with you? Do you know what you're doing to me? Do you know how stunningly beautiful you are? Especially when your tits are out? You're doing it on purpose, aren't you?" Bob leaned in, as if he was going to whisper in her ear, and she grabbed him gently and snuggled his face up against her neck.

"You're so perfect," he whispered, his finger tracing a circle around her nipple. "If you ever come out of this associative disorder, I'm going to marry you, you hear me Alice? I'm going to make you my wife."

Alice did hear him, but she was preoccupied. The feel of his breath on her skin, his fingertips touching her nipples, this was what it was all about. Marriage could come later. Right now, she just wanted to cuddle.

Squirming free from her firm grasp, Pastor Bob dropped his white collar in hr naked lap. "I'm going to take a shower Hon, and then it's off to bed, okay?"

Alice could hear the water running, It was a soothing sound, steady, dependable. In fact, Pastor Bob's mere presence gave her a steady, dependable feeling. It was as if it didn't matter that she couldn't talk. All that mattered was his closeness, his touch, his reassurance that everything was going to be all right.

Finally, Bob lead her by the hand to the bedroom. "Should I even bother asking if you want pajamas?" Alice stood stoically while he removed her fluffy robe, and then turned the covers down. "Here you go," he said, patting the mattress like you do when you're calling your dog up on the couch. But Alice was no dog, and she would certainly not act like one.

"Please?" Bob begged.

Alice grinned. Inside.

"Like this," Bob said, reclining on the bed. Alice joined him, face to face, and now he was trapped on the inside of the bed by the wall. "After I tuck you in, I'm going out to sleep on the couch, okay?"

Alice ignored him, or rather, she ignored his comment about sleeping on the couch. He would definitely not be sleeping on the couch, and she was certain of that. How could she tell? Well, for one thing, he was already getting a hard-on. She could see it making a big bulge in his white jockeys. Obviously, he was the one who needed pajamas, not her.

"Covers?" he asked, pulling the sheet up to her neck. She promptly whipped it back down to her waist. "Okay," he sighed, snuggling up in his pillow. She did the same, and now they were gazing into each others eyes, or rather he was gazing into her eyes. She was just gazing.

"Do you want to spoon, Alice? We could spoon until you fall asleep, because I can't lie her looking at your tits any longer." Bob gently rolled her over on her side, and then snuggled up behind her. Perhaps, by accident, or perhaps on purpose, his hand landed on hers, so she dragged it up in the middle of her chest, pressing it against her breast bone.

"Oh God," Bob moaned, his erection perilously close to Alice's' naked ass. "I can't take this." With a grunt, he planted his stiff dick up against her butt and started rubbing, ever so slowly so she wouldn't notice. But she did notice, and she liked it. A lot. She liked it so much, she scooted his hand down until it twas clamped on to her tit, and then she let out a guttural sigh.

A few minutes later, she felt it, Bob's cock twitching against her butt, followed by the wet sensation soaking through his shorts. It was so gratifying, she fell asleep almost instantly, and in minutes she was dreaming of the pretty children they'd be having one day.

Bob never made it out onto the couch. He did go in the bathroom and wash the jizz off his dick before putting on a clean pair of shorts and climbing back into bed with Alice. Of course he was torn, since they were perilously close to engaging in premarital sex, but what could he do? After all, he was not Jesus, he was just a man.


She awoke with a start, and instantly she was battling the seaweed that threatened to drag her to the bottom of the ocean. She kicked and flailed mightily, her very life at stake. It wasn't until all the bed covers were on the floor that she realized she wasn't on the verge of drowning, she was in a nice soft bed with comfy pillows and sunshine streaming in through the diamond shaped window panes.

Hearing the sound of running water, she padded down the hall until she found the source of the sound. Without knocking she strode into the small room, and a faint inkling in the back of her mind told her to sit down. She did so, and a moment later, the satisfying sensation of pee leaving her body filled her with a sense of relief. It was then that she saw the silhouette behind the frosted glass of the tub. It appeared to be a man, a deduction she made after recognizing the dangling appendage that only men have.

She waited patiently, sitting there on the toilet, until the water stopped. A moment later, the frosted door slid open and a man appeared. But this was no ordinary man, this was Pastor Bob. She looked up at him and smiled, the sense of joy flooding her like the piss flooding the toilet bowl.

"Alice!" Bob exclaimed, grabbing his towel, "how's it going? Did you sleep okay?"

Alice leaned back and opened her legs, waiting for Bob to... what exactly? All she knew was that she needed to open herself up for him. Suddenly filled with some primal urge, she opened her mouth, staring at his expanding male appendage. It was as if the secret of life was hidden inside Pastor Bob's pink member, and the only way to discover what the secret was all about was to suck it dry. Tentatively, she reached out her hand and cupped his balls.

"Oh Alice," Bob groaned, his dick already puffing up, "are you sure?"

Alice was indeed sure. She was sure that this was how a woman related to the man she loved. The woman devoted herself to the man, she accommodated his every desire, she treated him like God Himself. His cock filling her mouth, his hands cradling her ears, she felt so utterly at peace with the world, she wanted to laugh. Or cry. Or something. It was confusing. But that didn't stop her from devoting her soul to this very important mission of tending to her man.

His thrusts coming quicker, his hands gripping her ears tighter, she could sense the impending event, something she had a vague feeling she'd experienced before. When her mouth was flooded with Pastor Bob's holy nectar, she finally made the connection. She had just administered oral sex to Pastor Bob. On the one hand, that was good, but on the other hand, why did it take so long to figure it out? Was her brain taking the day off? One minute, everything made sense, the next minute, her mind was as empty as the collection plate before Sunday service. It was frustrating, but having Bob's cock in her mouth was a definite calming influence, so she quit worrying about her brain - at least for the time being.

"Oh God, Alice," he moaned, twitching his stinging cock, "I swear, I'm going to marry you someday."

Feeling so connected to Pastor Bob, so complete and whole, she would have stayed there with his cock in her mouth all day long, but that was not to be. After getting her dressed in sweat pants and a fresh T-shirt, he explained to her how a church volunteer named Marriam was going to be visiting today, taking care of her while he was gone. Alice didn't pay him any mind, she just sat there eating her oatmeal, wondering how long it would be before she could have his cock in her mouth again.

Miriam arrived a short time later, and after a hushed conversation in the other room, Bob and Miriam strolled into the living room. Instinctively, Alice reached out to give Bob his white collar, but he wouldn't take it.

"Now listen Alice," he said, sitting down next to her and taking her hand, "I have to run across town and officiate at a funereal, but I'll be back later, okay? Miriam is going to make sure you go to the bathroom and she'll be fixing you lunch. Promise you'll be good?"