What Happens In The Mountains Pt. 03


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Seeing no other recourse, I started to dial. She answered on the second ring.

"What the fuck is Vanessa doing dating your brother?" I demanded.

"Hello to you too. I'm fine, thanks," She retorted.

"Answer me," I spoke.

She sighed, "I know. I am not thrilled about it either."

"You need to fix this." I ordered.

"I tried! You were supposed to go running back to her and make her leave him or something." She answered, "Didn't really go exactly to plan."

I felt a pang at this; yes, Ness had chosen him. "There has to be another way." I snapped.

"Well, fuck her then. Get photos. I don't know." She urged. "We can tell him this whole thing is a ploy to get back at me. I doubt he knows about our sitcom-level clusterfuck."

"Let's work on this together," I said. "Neither of us wants this to happen."

"Agreed. Come over and lets plan."

I showed up to her place 40 minutes later, realizing the full ridiculousness of what was happening. I knocked and Mandy greeted me, wearing short shorts and a tank top with no bra. She wasn't exactly subtle. Her breasts were straining against the shirt, looking bigger than I remembered.

She led the way and I sat on the couch beside her.

"I've been thinking," She started, "You don't even need to fuck her...we just need to convince Eddy that you fucked her."

"I guess...and how would we do that?" I asked.

"Go over there and just be in a compromising position. I can snap a couple of pics, and voila...we both get what we want. More or less anyway." She gave me a wry smile.

"It's worth a try I guess. Pretty evil, but worth a try." I agreed, ruefully.

"Well, if you want to paint me as the big, bad wolf, go ahead. I guess it's convenient to you. It's not like you're the one that cheated or anything." She looked sad, and more vulnerable than I had seen her.

"We've both done fucked up things to each other." I spoke.

"What is it about her? I don't think I ever stood a chance. I know she's unnaturally beautiful and all that,-" She started.

"It's just that she came first," I explained. "There was nothing wrong with you. You're fucking stunning, you know."

My image of Mandy had softened. I truly had screwed her over, and I could see that anger driving most of her subsequent actions. She seemed to have softened a bit too, and I wondered if I had ever seen Mandy for herself, without a Ness filter that I applied to all women. As she sat her, legs crossed under her, hair still damp from her shower, her small nose red from being cold, I had a flash of what we could've had if I wasn't so hung up on another woman.

"I just don't want to always be someone's second choice," She whispered. I could see tears in her eyes. Somehow, despite everything, despite the fake pregnancy and the duplicity, I wanted to comfort her, care for her. Perhaps it was guilt, but perhaps it was something else. I saw a tear fall down her cheek as I reached to brush it away with a careful finger.

As soon as I touched her something happened. I got a small rush of my former feelings for her. I cupped her smooth, little face and leaned in to kiss her. She issued a small moan in response. I brushed her hair behind her back and grabbed her face with my hands, kissing her more deeply. She clambered to my lap and wrapped her legs on either side of me.

I placed both palms on her ass and pulled her into me, pressing my erection against her. She responded by grinding into me. Fuck it felt good. After weeks of jacking off in the shower, Mandy's warm body was a welcome reprieve. I slid her tank top down her shoulder and took her perky nipples into my mouth, rolling them gently between my teeth.

"Uhh, fuck, yes," She responded to this, as one hand fished for my dick inside my pants. She reached it and started to stroke. Even her hand felt good, so hot and eager. Impatiently, I shoved her little shorts aside and found her opening. I slid a finger in and out as she arched backwards in ecstasy. She writhed on my finger eagerly.

I felt the jizz build up in my balls as her hand continued its stroking. I was throbbing in anticipation and I stood up, walking her over to her bed. Here I threw her down and ripped of her shorts. I stood over her, dick hard and swollen.

"Come on it," She invited. I climbed over her and positioned myself. Her wetness was already coating the head. I pushed in slightly and felt her tense in anticipation. She felt amazing. I stayed here, adjusting as my mouth went to her neck and bit it. Then I pushed in all the way.

"Fuck," I groaned. Had she gotten tighter too? It was like I was screwing a totally different person. I wrapped my arms around her and held on to her tightly as I fucked her hard, shaking her metal bed frame and making it rattle. She was wrapped around me, clutching me in her cage of limbs. My dick couldn't fuck her much longer.

"Mmm, I'm close, babe, "She moaned.

"Fuck, me too." I murmured.

"I need to pull out soon," I warned. She nodded against my chest but wrapped her legs around me even tighter. She came with a violent shudder and the resultant kegels triggered me as well.

"Oh fuck," Was all I could say as I spurted my seed in her yet again. Damn, it felt good though. Fuck fuck fuck. How had I done this again?

As I played this out in my head, I excused myself and left Mandy sitting there on the couch. I didn't want to risk fucking her again.


Against all odds, Jonah and I were plotting again. This surprised me. I guess I couldn't still be astounded by the hold Vanessa had on men. But Jonah was different tonight, more sympathetic, more attentive. I am no optimist, but sometimes people just need to go through some things before they become better people. Does that sound cliche? Maybe, but all I know is that when Jonah touches me it feels right. I couldn't say that I would've resisted had he tried something.

I hadn't mean to show weakness, least of all to the man who left me for some slut who didn't want him, it turned out. I think the humiliation had affected him, too. I didn't want to be his rebound, but I still love the idiot. I still want to have his child. At the rate at which we had fucked without condoms it was a wonder it hadn't happened already.

The next morning I felt a little nauseous and so I slept in a little more. By the evening, I was ready. I went early and parked my car across from Vanessa's place, Canon and zoom lens in tow. Then I waited.

Jonah arrived approximately 25 minutes later. He rang her doorbell and entered when she answered the door. All I could do was wait and hope that either his seduction technique or lying prowess would do the trick. They seemed to talk forever, sometimes animated, sometimes not. She seemed to yell at him and then cry? He went to sit next to her and I got the camera ready. I did feel a stab of jealousy that the comforting of the crying girl was now a move of his instead of a moment we shared, before immediately judging myself for getting so wrapped up in him again, and so quickly. He placed his hand under her chin and raised her face up to him. I really was grateful to Vanessa for being so against blinds at the moment. Then he kissed her on the cheek. I snapped a photo.

A kiss on the cheek was hardly damning though. He should've just gone for it instead of pussyfooting around. I tapped my leg impatiently and waited.

Vanessa pulled away from him and stood up. She was waving her hands at him and he seemed to be trying to explain something to her, but she was shaking her head. He stood to go toward her but she waved him away. Jonah walked out the front door, got in his car, and drove away. I couldn't really make sense of it. Shrugging, I pulled away and drove home.

When I got back I took my bra off and felt instant relief. I wondered why I was so sore lately and then...I ran to the bathroom and knocked all sorts of things to the ground before I found the box of pregnancy tests. I knew I should wait until the morning but I couldn't. I peeled the wrapper of on the tests shakily and then peed on the stick. For the next couple of minutes I was immobile. As soon I saw the result I ran to get my phone.


I stood in my kitchen admiring the white tulips on my dining room table. The note was still there. It read,

"I am sorry for being a grade a moron. I hope you will accept this restaurant reservation for you and your new beau next Saturday at La Roca. Sincerely, Jonah."

He'd been right, though I hardly dared to admit it. I adored Eddy; he was the correct choice, the saner choice, the more sensible one. But Jonah would always be there in the corner of my mind. The entire time I sat across from Eddy at La Roca I imagined Jonah there, unable to look away from my in this dress, later tearing away the dress, and reducing it to strips. When I opened the door later Jonah sat me down and explained everything.

"Mandy is outside in her car with her camera. She wants me to try to entrap you into doing something she can show her brother." He spoke.

"Why do you know this?" I asked.

"Because I helped her come up with this idea." He responded. I stiffened and angered at his words.

"Please let me explain. I had every intention of leaving her and letting you live your life two weeks ago. I got those flowers in good faith, and made the reservation to give you my blessing. But then I saw you with Eddy, and I saw that you looked complacent instead of passionate with him, and I saw you looking around, and I couldn't do it. I called Mandy and asked how we could split this up. And yes, I want you to be mine, and to dump this guy immediately and come running into my arms, but I can't do it this way. You need to decide, but to decide knowing all the facts: 1) I love you. I will never not love you, and I will never love another the same. I will be yours in any way possible and do whatever you wish of me, 2) You love me. You love the way love should be-with fire and with anguish and fury, and I do not deserve it, and 2) Eddy has no idea of your relationship to his sister. Perhaps he will understand it, perhaps not. But it won't be the issue of if he leaves you, because he'd be a fool to leave you, the issue will be that you began this relationship on a lie, and I know you and I know it will eat at you, and regardless of if you two stay stay together and get married and have 6 beautiful children; you will wonder late at night and he will wonder late at night if any part of you started seeing him just to spite his sister. I think you both deserve better. However, you do not need to decide this in front of Mandy tonight."

I had started to cry. He was correct, about all of it. He kissed me on the cheek and I got up, needing to move and think.

"I am so sorry, Ness," He spoke. I waved my hands at him.

"It's not your fault. How did everything get so fucked up?" I asked.

"I don't know. Look, I can talk as long as you'd like. But I should leave and make Mandy think we're done here so she stops staking this place out." I nodded. He got up and left.

I saw a second car pull away once he left and realized it was probably Mandy's car. I sat on the couch and drank a large glass of wine rather quickly. Then I got my phone out and called Jonah. He answered almost immediately.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine...can you come back?" I asked.

"On my way."

I poured another glass to steady my nerves and drank the whole thing before Jonah had made it back. I opened the door to his worried face.

"Ness, please stop crying," He said, reaching towards me hesitantly. I pulled him into a hug and sobbed into his shoulder. We stood like this for a little while until I pulled away.

"Stay with me tonight?" I asked. He nodded. I went to the supply closet to get him a pillow and blanket and I set up a bed for him on the couch. Then we sat together and for the longest time, just talked. I realized how much I had missed him. He was, after all, my best friend.

We stayed up and chatted until about 4AM. I think Jonah's phone rang at some point, but neither of us registered it. We were touching each other the entire time-his hand on mine, or on my leg, our knees pressed together. It all felt natural. We left the lights off as well, not wanting to risk Mandy's return or some other peeper. I really needed to get some damn blinds.

"Is it okay if I kiss you?" He asked me, when it was so late there was almost light. I whispered my consent and he leaned into me as the birds heralded the day. He fingertips were on my face and hair and even that soft touch felt electrifying. We had magnetism; it was uncontestable.

"Only you would want to kiss a girl after she's been crying and talking your ear off all night," I chuckled.

"Please, you could have dirt on your face instead of tears and you'd do more for my libido than any other woman." He replied, saying, as always, the best possible thing. I slipped my tongue between his lips, kissing him back more aggressively. He exhaled forcefully at this, and I was flattered by about the millionth time at how easily I turned him on. His taste was soft and his texture delicious. I straddled him and ran my fingers through his hair. His hands slid under my shirt and stroked my back. I paused, looking down into his face.

"Let's never leave your house. We can stay here and the rest of the world can go fuck itself. Let's stay here forever and make love and stare into each other's eyes all day." He murmured. I bit his lower lip as he groaned. I let my bite dissolve into a kiss as I ground my hips into his boner.

"I think that's a dangerous proposition," I stated. We kissed hungrily, and Jonah pulled my head back by my hair as he kissed a tremulous line down to the tops of my breasts from my chin. He picked me up and started up the stairs to my bedroom. He set me down gingerly and pulled my shirt off. As soon as it cleared my hair he kissed my stomach and navel, down to my jeans. He unbuttoned my jeans while looking up at me. Jonah then peeled them off before dropping them down. He tried to climb back into bed until I stopped him.

"This is a minimal clothing area that you are entering," I stated. He smiled at this and let me pull his shirt off as well. Then, looking up at him and biting my lip, I unbuttoned his jeans as well and slid them down his legs. I could see his boner straining against his boxers, and before he could stop me I pulled those down as well.

My tongue pressed against his tip and swiveled the circumference of his head. He moaned and pressed his hand into my hair.

"Not fair," He groaned. I shrugged haughtily as I licked more and more around his dick, positively drenching the tip. I gripped his shaft with my hand, squeezing ever so slightly. Then I slid my lips around him, taking only centimeters at a time. Gradually I took more and more of his length in. His body was impatient and it drove me wild. I could feel my wetness brimming as I sucked him possessively. He was trying not to push my head forcefully, and I enjoyed making it damn near irresistible for him to face-fuck me and get aggressive. His left hand roved to my breasts, squeezing them through my bra. I was rhythmically pumping him with my right hand now as I went up and down with my mouth, licking and suckling all the while.

I stopped for a second as my tongue slid to his underside, licking horizontally before leaving one long, arduous line from the stem to his tip. As I pulled my mouth away his dick jumped. I grabbed his shaft once more and turned my attention to his balls, so full and so in need. I licked his folds, stopping occasionally to squeeze the flesh between my lips and to suck each one in turn into my mouth, where my tongue rolled them over.

Jonah pulled my head away and pushed me down onto the bed. He unhooked my bra, kissing my neck all the while. Then he moved down to my breasts. He kissed and licked every square inch. He pulled the flesh into his mouth and sucked on them until the nipple popped out, pointy and wet. He laid down behind me, brushing my hair out of the way as his nibbled my ear. His right hand slid into my panties and my legs pressed together at this.

"I want to reduce you to tremors," He warned. His fingers teased my clit and his tongue explored the grooves of my inner ear. He chuckled at my goosebumps. He trapped my clit between his pointer and middle finger and he rolled them back and forth. It felt amazing. I was grinding my ass into him at this, hungry for his dick to enter me. He turned my head so my mouth was facing him. He kissed me, relishing my inconsolable moans straight from the source.

His finger and tongue entered me at the same time. I squealed at this and found him merciless. He stated to pump in and out of me as my hand tried to reach for his dick. He pulled it away and placed it on his head instead. I held onto him, putting all my energy into kissing him. I conceded myself to him to do as he wished. My legs were trembling.

"I need to come soon," I whispered.

"Not yet, baby, not yet," He answered. I whimpered and he added another finger. He bit my chin and cheek before kissing me again. My wetness was coating his fingers and my thighs at this point. All my lower muscles were tightening uncontrollably.

"I am reduced," I spoke to him. He pumped into me a few more times. Then he stopped. He pulled my panties down to my knees. He positioned his dick at my opening and wrapped his hands around me.

"I wanna do this slowly, and relish it." He warned. He slid into me incrementally and we moaned together at each blissful contact. He was constricting me, and I loved the pressure. It felt like hours that we did this-small kisses, small thrusts, small moans. The day came and found us much the same. Finally, Jonah pulled me to the edge of the bed and he pulled my leg to his other side, so we ended up with him on top and still inside me.

His thrusts became faster now. His hands roved my chest and abdomen as he rhythmically fucked me. My legs wound around him and pulled me up, opening to him entirely. I was exhausted and sore, worn but lustful.

"Come for me," He requested. I nodded, and moments later, I felt the deluge, the immense pressure being released. I also felt his corresponding spasms, and we came together, staring into each other's eyes, as sunlight flooded my room. Totally spent, we collapsed together. He moved to spoon me from behind and we passed out, blissful and sated.

We slept until early afternoon. Jonah kissed me and told me to call him whenever I was ready. We both had a lot to do first if this would ever work. I walked him to the door and watched him walk away. I texted Eddy and sighed, knowing it would be a very hard day. But Jonah and I had the potential for something great at the end of the shit-show, and I knew we were both willing to do what we needed for it.

Luckily I was presentable after a shower, with no marks from last night other than my aching pussy. I dressed in a sensible green dress and waited for Eddy. He rang my doorbell at 7PM and I opened the door with a small smile. Eddy was beaming, holding a bottle of champagne.

"Hey stunning!" He greeted, sweeping me into a big kiss. "I don't want to bogart the night since I know you had stuff to talk about too but I have to go first. Let me pour us a glass before we begin." My heart sank-I know I couldn't rain on his parade and acquiesced to let him speak first.

He entered the living room with the two glasses and handed me one, "Guess who is going to be an uncle!?" He exclaimed. I dropped my glass.

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bloodandsandbloodandsandover 5 years ago
what an idiot

Don't see how he's going to get out of ruining his life.

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