What If There Is No Global Warming?

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What if my government lied to me and all of us...again?
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What if my government lied to me and all of us...again?

"Happy Earth Day Everyone!"

Happy Earth Day? Wait, hold on, not so fast. Stop! Deflate the balloons. Cancel the caterer. Return all the bottled water. Stop the music. Stop marching. Disband the parade. Everyone go home.

"Hey, I see you trying to hide with that tuba. Go home. And you! Stop banging that frigging drum. You're giving me such a terrible headache that I can't think straight. The Earth Day parade is cancelled. Sorry. Now all of you go home, beat it, scram, please leave, get lost, just go away. Yeah, well, I'm disappointed, too, everyone likes a parade. Sorry."

For the rest of you, do not throw any more biodegradable confetti out the windows, you're making a mess. They'll be no Earth Day celebration this year or any other year, perhaps. After 40 years of Earth Days, Earth Day, as we know it, may be over, done, and finished for good. I think we all may have been tricked, deceived, fooled, and lied to about the importance of such an, on the surface, good holiday, as Earth Day, by of all people, Uncle Sam.

"There he is! That's him! Uncle Sam! Get him!" Gees, I've never seen an old guy in a top hat run so fast. "Where'd he go? Damn, he just ducked in the Federal Building. That must be where he lives."

Now that Earth Day is quickly approaching, with the big deal that our Washington politicians on both sides of the aisle make about global warming, with those passionately for it and those vehemently against it, and with both sides arguing too many negative planetary changes and Earthly events that can neither be, yet, proven or disproven, I can't help but wonder. Being one of the downtrodden middle class persons that I am, with my naiveté and good unsuspecting nature abused, more than once, by our lawmakers, now that I'm older and wiser, I finally have the clarity of insight. With that said, in the name of global warming, am I being duped, yet, again, by those who I elected and put in power to serve my interests as an American citizen, while, instead, these politicians push their personal agendas, yet, again, and leave office richer than they entered?

"Are you kidding me? What is going on here?"

With all the greed, power, influence, and corruption that happens in Washington, and the enormous amount of money to be made on Wall Street, on the pretense of all of us doing the right thing, recycling recyclables, conserving energy, and walking with a smaller carbon footprint to, supposedly, help save the planet from devastation and all things living from extinction, just answer me this one simple question. I really need to know.

"Is global warming just another ruse for someone to get rich quick? Is the threat of the rising temperature of the Earth just another moneymaking scheme embraced by Uncle Sam to rewire not only the American and but also the world economy from red, white, and blue to greenback green, figuratively and literally? Is our government lying to us or are they telling us the truth about global warming?"

How are we to know if they're lying or not? Suddenly, I feel so stupid. I guess they figure we'll all be dead, by the time we discover the real truth about global warming.

Let's see a raise of hands. Who can tell me the truth? What do you think? This is your chance to voice your opinion. I invite everyone and anyone to leave their comment. Only, since this is an Earth Day contest story, don't forget to vote for my story. Think 5, my favorite number. As the author of this story, I reserve the right to delete any commenter who doesn't give me a 5 vote.

All joking aside, I'd like to know. I'd really like to know. Do you believe there really is global warming and that the Earth is getting warmer, the glaciers are melting, and our fauna and flora are not only dying and disappearing but also going extinct? Are we at risk of killing off the polar bears or is that bullshit, too?

Or are you of the opinion that you believe there is no global warming, the glaciers are not melting, that the planet is just going through a warming cycle, before it goes through a cooling cycle, and before repeating the process over and again? Are you of the thought that it's meant for the strong to survive and humans should not be part of that equation, by interfering with the balance of nature and, if a plant or wildlife goes extinct, so be it; it was meant to happen? What are your thoughts? These are my thoughts and the reason for this story.

Forgive me for being skeptical, cynical, paranoid, and untrusting, but my government has made me that way. I can't help but scratch my head and look over my shoulder, while waiting for Big Brother to look in my pockets, open my wallet, search my underwear drawer at home, and copy the files on the hard drive of my computer. Suddenly, why do I have the sensation that a satellite from outer space is watching me, following me, actually? I heard they can read a license plate from outer space. Is that really true? How can they do that? I have a good mind to camouflage my car, my house, me, and my dog. I wonder if they know about the affair I've been having. It makes me wonder, if they know what I'm thinking now?

"Ass, tits, pussy, ass, tits, pussy, ass, tits, pussy," maybe, after thinking that, they'll leave me alone. What does it matter if I'm a woman? They'll just think me lesbian.

Only, regarding Earth Day and, more specifically, global warming, I'd really like to know, if there is such a phenomena of global warming. What does our government know about global warming that they aren't telling us? Or is that classified information that we won't have available to us for 20 years, when we'd have to use the Freedom of Information Act to retrieve it and read it?

When did they know it? What are they not telling us? Who knew what, when, and where? 'Fess up, I'm tired of all the lies, mumbo jumbo, and half truths. We all want the truth. Is there global warming or not? And if there is global warming, what can we do, if anything, about it?

Imagine for a moment the unthinkable. What if, indeed, there is no such thing as global warming? Is this, yet, another issue that we suspect our government is lying to us about? Maybe this plan of global warming was launched from one of those liberal think tanks in Cambridge, Massachusetts. That's where they all are, you know, Cambridge, Massachusetts, the home to MIT, formally Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Harvard. Did you know that more small businesses are started out of those two schools, MIT and Harvard and out of that city, Cambridge, Massachusetts, than any other school and any other city in the world? It's true.

"They," who are they? We wouldn't know who "they" were, if we passed by them on the street. We'll never know their identities, but rest assured that "they" work for some intelligence agency for our government, no doubt. When it comes to the American taxpayer paying the salary of these think tank wizards to think of things and then not tell us what they thought of but, instead, to lie to us and tell us half truths about what they uncovered, while they were thinking, makes me not trust what any politician, newspaper, and news agency reports. It wouldn't surprise me if the scandal of think tanks goes beyond our wildest imaginings. Truly, it hurts my head, just to think about it. As soon as I finish this story, I have to go lie down to rest. With nothing else left to think about, I'm all thought out; I'm spent.

Did any of you watch Sydney Pollack's movie, Three Days Of The Condor, with Robert Redford, Faye Dunaway, Cliff Robertson, and Max von Sydow? If you've never seen it, I recommend it. Without doubt, it's an eye opener to what really goes on behind the scenes. I've watched it several times and even though I know the ending, I still find the movie thrilling and the unfolding events exciting.

The movie is about an innocuous researcher, Robert Redford, who is employed by the CIA to read books every day. That's his job, to read books. Imagine being paid to read books. Imagine telling your wife or husband that you're going to work to read books. Wow, I wouldn't mind doing that job, all day. Imagine how smart you'd be after one year, five years, and twenty years of reading books every day, during work. Oh, you do that now at your job? Lucky you. Well, there goes my theory of you being smart from reading books.

"What are you reading today, Honey?"

"Sorry, Sweetie, but I can't tell you. That's classified information. If I told you, I'd have to kill you and marry that stripper I've been seeing. Sorry, did I just say that out loud? Never mind. Suffice to say that I just can't divulge the books that I read or that I, in fact, even read books, or can read at all. Just pretend that I'm illiterate. Okay?"

"Yeah, well, I saw a copy of Robert Louis Stevenson's Treasure Island in your briefcase and a Batman comic book, along with a copy of Hustler magazine. You can tell me. What did Long John Silver do to get the attention of the CIA? Or is it Robin or Larry Flint, who you're thinking about at that think tank?"

"CIA? I can assure you that I work for the Public Library. I'm merely a librarian, is all."

"Yeah, right. Sure. Tell me another one."

Anyway, not unlike the movie in plot, Bourne Identity, starring Matt Damon, in Three Days Of The Condor, Joseph Turner, played by Robert Redford, reads books to uncover any ideas, plots, or scenarios that some terrorist organization or some country may adopt or is using against our government. If it's not something that is presently used against us, then is it an idea that we can use against them?

Albeit, the movie a bit dated, 1975, was made before we, actually, started using modern day and more powerful supercomputers. The job that this researcher did is now being done by supercomputers that are programmed with 'what if' scenarios and doomsday software, such as global warming, no doubt. Nonetheless, it is the genii, who work in these think tanks, that analyze all the data that these supercomputers process.

Without doubt, filed under top secret and classified information, global warming isn't the first lie our government has told us or the last lie they'll be telling us in secreting away information from us. Now that I think about it, what if our government knew ahead of time about the Japanese launching their so called surprise attack at Pearl Harbor? Did Franklin Roosevelt have prior knowledge of the impending attack? By having America believe that we were caught by surprise and innocently dragged into World War II, is that the reason they needed for us to join the war, because there were so many people against the war?

Now that I think about it, what's the real story about Roswell, New Mexico, Area 51? Did aliens really land on Earth back in July 1947? A retired colonel said he saw dead bodies that were alien in appearance. Why the cover up? After more than 60 years, why not come clean?

Is the government hiding evidence of extraterrestrial life? Was there a real live War Of The World in the way that H. G. Wells' novel, the War Of The World was adapted and narrated by Orson Welles, as a Halloween trick on October 30, 1938? What do you think? What's your opinion about that? Do you really believe we were visited by aliens and our government didn't want us to know for fear of having panic in the streets? Are they hiding a spacecraft? Are there aliens walking among us now?

Who really shot Superman, played by George Reeves, on June 16, 1959? Ruled a suicide, there's always been mystery surrounding the fact that he may have been murdered. Okay, even though George Reeves looked a bit middle aged and paunchy, when he played Superman and his costume appeared a bit padded, I loved him as Superman. Didn't you? Do you think our government covered up his murder? Do you think that some genii from one of the liberal think tanks, back then, thought the death of Superman would cause us too much consternation for us not to know the real story that the man of steel wasn't able to survive a bullet to the head?

"Take that, Superman. Bang. You're dead."

The same goes for Marilyn Monroe, for that matter. What's the real story about her death? Was that a suicide or a murder? We know that she was having sex with President Kennedy and/or his brother, Bobby. That's a documented fact. Is that why they rubbed her out, because she knew too much? Or was it some genii from one of those damn think tanks, who figured out that she'd make a Hell of a lot more money in her death than with her living?

The same holds true for Elvis, John Lennon, and Michael Jackson. They are all worth more dead than alive and the world's economy is flush with revenue and more taxes from the sudden increased the sales of their CD's books, tee shirts, and coffee mugs. Fortunately for me and unfortunately for anyone, who'd like to see me dead, I'm worth more alive than dead.

What if there was a second shooter during the President Kennedy assassination? What if it was someone from our own government who shot the President of the United States? What if the shooter is still alive today and living in Arizona with the rest of the witness protection Mafia mob? What if the CIA hired Lee Harvey Oswald to shoot the President and, knowing that Jack Ruby had cancer and wasn't going to live long anyway, then hired Ruby to shoot Oswald, as a way for him to pay off all his gambling debts and leave a little something to his wife and family? Wow. Trust me and bear with me, I may be on to something here.

Imagine this for a moment, I'm on a roll. What if man never took any steps for man or for mankind, when he supposedly walked on the surface of the moon? Yeah, suddenly, our government lost the video. Did you hear about that? "They" said it was accidentally erased. What? Are you serious? Do you think I was born yesterday? Can you say cover up?

What if Neil Armstrong never took that fateful step on the moon on July 21, 1969. What if the Apollo 11 was just a sham to appropriate money for the fledgling space program and for NASA? What if the entire affair was shot by George Lucas, the famed director of Star Wars, on the back lot of a movie set. Do you believe that, once again, our government lied to us about the moon walk? What if the astronauts aren't to blame and were all aboard a computer simulator? What if they really believed that they were launched into space and landed on the moon? The whole entire time they were in Los Angeles.

Just as we did with President Nixon with Watergate and President Clinton with Monica Lewinski, for that matter, we already caught President Reagan in his lies over the Iran-Contra scandal. Arms for hostages devised by Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North, are we all naive enough to think that those times were the first and the last time that our government ever lied to us? Come on. Really. Give me a break.

Does anyone know the real story? What really happened in Waco Texas with David Koresh and the massacre of the Branch Davidians? What's the real story about Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber? What about the Weaver family massacre at Ruby Ridge in Montana? Does anyone really know all there is to know about these incidences? Why were these people so mad or were they just insane mad? Tell me, I'd like to know that my government didn't lie to me about all that happened there, too. For once, I'd like to believe my government, when they tell me to just duck down and cover beneath my desk and I'll be safe from a nuclear attack. God help me.

What if all those infamous and highly contentious Votomatic punched chad ballot cards in Florida was a way, for the then, Governor Jeb Bush, to fix the election for his big brother, George? What if Papa Bush, once the CIA Director, used his existing ties and influence with the CIA to fix his son's election? What if the same thing happened, again, when Bush ran for President for a second term and won that election, too, with the help of his baby brother and his Dad? What if our government knew that planes were being used to fly into the World Trade Towers on September 11, 2001, as a way to guarantee President Bush winning a second term? No, say it's not true.

Is this what all those genii in the think tanks think about? What else are they thinking about now that will affect me later? What chance do I have against my government and those people who are way smarter than me thinking, just thinking all day long, in those think tanks? I don't have time to think. I only have time to react. I get up and go to work and come home exhausted. Too tired to think, maybe if my job was to think, I would. I just do as I'm told to do.

"Yes, sir. No ma'am."

What if there really is a Jurassic Park and there really are dinosaurs living in Costa Rica that were grown from the DNA taken from fossilized eggs? What if the Titanic really didn't hit an iceberg but was torpedoed by our government or some other government because of impending World War I? I heard the ship was used to carry munitions.

What if all of those innocent passengers onboard were just a casualty of war or the sinking of the Titanic was done as a way to murder a select few very rich and very powerful people onboard the ship that our government preferred be lost at sea in an unfortunate accident? What if there really is a Santa Claus and he does live in the North Pole? What the Hell really happened to Amelia Earhart on July 2, 1937? What's the real story behind the Bermuda Triangle? Who actually kidnapped the baby of Charles and Anne Lindbergh in 1932? Where and what is the hominoid that goes by the names of Bigfoot, Sasquatch, and Yeti? Even Jane Goodall believed they existed. Is there really something living in Loch Ness? Is Oprah lesbian?

Just don't get me started on Watergate and deep throat. I was better off before, when the only deep throat that I knew about was Marilyn Chambers living Behind the Green Door. You know, now that I think about it. I don't want to know. I'm rather sublime in my ignorance. I'd rather just stick my head in the sand and pretend that my government has my best interest at heart, while I live out my little life, until the rug is pulled out from under me, yet, again, by another uncovered scandal.

"Oh, look, there's my congressman. Pardon me, while I go shake hands with him. Hi, Mr. Congressman. I just wanted to shake your hand. Hey! Give me back my fingers, you thief."

Now that I think more about it, what the Hell does global warming have to do with Earth Day anyway? Certainly, it has nothing to do with this erotica site called Literotica. On second thought, I need something to cheer me up. I need a parade.

"Hey everyone! Come on back. Let's have a parade, after all, for Earth Day. I'd rather take comfort in knowing that the dinosaurs died of global warming rather than an asteroid hitting the Earth. I'm tired of looking up at the sky waiting for an asteroid to hit my house. Besides, I'll make a small fortune recycling all these bottles and cans, after the parade is over."

Happy Earth Day

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SheerlookSheerlookover 4 years ago
Things change

On global warming, well if someone can correctly predict the temperatures within 5 degrees correctly for one month, I could believe their long range predictions.

As for all the others, no big conspiracy can survive the axiom of “Three can keep a secret, if two are dead”. So stop worrying about the Moon, 911, etc.

And what the heck is the Weaver family “massacre”? I know about Ruby Ridge, but they were tragic deaths and mistakes made, no doubt. Massacre? Missed that one.

We should take care of the planet, but “man made” warming is the alleged concern. Anybody truly serious about it would be discussing nuclear power. They don’t, so they aren’t. Good essay. 5.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
oh, it's real!

All the respectable scientists agree: global warming is real.

There's still, and always will be, fine-tuning of the models going on, so that's why you'll hear exaggerated, sensation-seeking "scientists wrong about climate change" headlines every now and then.

Fact is, it's getting hotter, and alarmingly quickly..

For me, the down-to-earth eye opener was this illustration by XKCD.

https://xkcd.com/1732/ (based on the best temperature data we have for ancient times, from the "year rings" in Arctic ice)

It puts everything into perspective really nicely.

None of of that means that the politicians and big-bucks aren't trying to make money off of it.. just like Halliburton made a fortune in rebuilding Irak after first helping bomb it to pieces: any disaster is an opportunity to those without scruples.

It just means that while everybody is running around thinking about earth and the children, they're running around thinking of themselves..

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
What global warming, or climate change?

I also wanted to know about global warming, or now they use climate change. I did an online search as "climate change hoax". Of the things that came up, I found some excellent You Tube videos of notable people (whose credentials were purely scientific, and not affiliated with lobby interrests) that verified what I believed. I also have a logical thinking, analytical mind, and a strong background in chemistry and physics. Look for videos by Dr. Tim Ball, a Canadian climatologist. He has some excellent explanations for the hoax we're constantly being bombarded with. He exposes the NOAA and NASA claims of climate change.

The big picture gets clearer on climate change, when you also look up information on the U .N.'s "Agenda 21", and the ICLEI, a group whose goals are the same as Agenda 21. Look up "New World Order", and why the One World Trade Center in N.Y. is called One World.

Never in my 70 years have I seen such corruption in governments, not just the U.S., but around the civilized world and not just third world countries. Put search words together, such as Obama, Agenda 21 and see the connections. I find left wing political parties in general, have grabbed hold of the goals of AG21, where right wing parties, provided they are not too far-right, tend to promote private enterprise the way the western world was back in the 50's, 60's and 70's, with the same values and ethics. I have learned that Harvard and MIT are hotbeds of AG21 goal propaganda. So are some of the Canadian universities. And Harvard has a strong, ongoing connection to the Canadian Liberal party, who also promote the goals of AG21, even though they don't openly acknowledge it. When you study it closer, AG21 is primarily a communistic concept similar to the old USSR of 50 years ago.

I like your article/letter. I believe you've hit the nail on the head. Our education systems, and the big media have been dumbing us down for years. We have more gullible people now than ever before. Pi could indeed become 3.000000. It's easy to govern when people don't challenge government. Consensus trumps science, and bullshit baffles brains, in the eyes of the few remaining intellectuals who challenge the new political agendas. Political parties no longer serve the public: they serve themselves in order to stay in power.

Again, good letter/article...........

fanfarefanfarealmost 9 years ago
Don't Worry...Die Happy!

As for the government pushing propaganda? Thanks to the Corporate-Sociialist lobbyists and Fox News stooges of the Wall Street casinos, the right-wing whores in Congress, it will soon make it illegal to commit any liberal activities such as NGO's advocating a preventive response to the accumulating environmental damage.

But hey, the at least the GOP's new Patriot Enforcement laws and regulations will make your life so much easier. Pi will be required to be 3.0000 cause the old way made your head hurt. And all geographic maps will be required to show the sun rising in the west and setting in the east. Just like in the Bible and Koran.

Right-wing racists and reactionaries and secessionists don't need facts! That would be UnManly and UnAmerican. And worst of all, UnProfitable!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Interesting how the pro Global Warming/Climate Change bash your story and attempt to convince you of their opinion/view on the subject while the anti's seem to voice their opinions in a more neutral fashion.

Personally I believe the changes to the climate are a natural cycle and the extintion of species an evolutionary change. Does mankind have an influence upon these things? Yes but not in the manner we're hearing instead in a manner none of us wish to hear. We are over populating the planet and have done our utmost to undermine natures safeguards to prevent such occurances. Our lifespans are constantly increasing, fatal illnesses are cured and the one safeguard that only affects a particular species left is homosexuality. Now I have no qualms about anybody wanting to have a homosexual relationship, by all means enjoy yourselves, my comment is merely directed towards the biological inability to reproduce in order to stop population increase. This too can be, and if the homosexual equality groups have their way, circumvented with artifical insemenation leaving only natural catastrophies and war to decrease what is already comparable to a Tokyo apartment building, sadly. Without reducing our need for finite resources or even so called infinite resources that require years of tending before they become available again, we will bleed this planet dry with or without Global Warming/Climate Change to cook or freeze us. The reasoning this topic isn't approached by democratic governments is for reasons of self preservation, government can only exist and grow if the population grows thereby supplying more new taxpayers to finance the growing government.

Sorry for the late comment but it was something I had to remark to, good thought provoking story even if I'm not one for conspiracy theories.

gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
Us morons should not be allowed to post.

Just proves that I really need an editor! After editing my last comment 3 times I still missed at least 3 major errors until after I pushed send. The last statement should have read, "In the 1970's, with global cooling and the increasing polar icecaps, our governments spent our tax dollars covering vast fields of the icecaps with coal dust to increase solar absorption, to melt the icecaps and stop global cooling". ( And these bashers have the gall to critic a typo or an occasional minor error. Hell I type with one finger and it still gets ahead of my brain. I can't fathom what a page would look like if I was a touch typist.)

gperry2843gperry2843over 11 years ago
Now aren't you glad you opened this bag of worms?

I am surprised you only had 51 comments so far. I figured I would be spending the next 30 years reading feedback. The other commentators have covered the subject with so much more wisdom and expertise than my poor feeble mind can muster that I should probably stand mute, but having already demonstrated both my lack of intellect and self control I had to add this one thought to the equation. In the 1970's global cooling and the increasing polar icecaps that governments spent out tax dollars covering vast fields of the icecaps coal dust to increase solar absorption, to melt the icecaps and stop global cooling. (just fodder for thought)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
Of course there is global warming!

No No Laddie -- It is an absoute fact that there IS global warming. And therein lies an interesting tale, of which I will give you highlights below.

About 20,000 years ago a miles thick ice sheet covered North America. I think it was colder then than now.

But 18,000 years later, the Romans conquered England, and grew grapes and made wine near London -- today, you can't grow grapes until you are 300 miles south of London because it is too cold. I think it was warmer then.

On the other hand, in about 600AD (the dark ages ... actually, the cold ages), it was so cold in London that in Winter the Thames froze solid. I think it was colder then, because it doesn't do that now.

But ... in the "Medival Warmiing Period" of about 1200AD, the Vikings colonized Greenland and grew wheat there. Too much ice to do that today, so I think it was warmer then.

But ... a few hundred years later, it got so cold, they couldn't grow wheat any more and they starved -- the remnants evacuated back to Viking territory, and the wheat was replaced by ice.

It was still colder in the 1600s and 1700s (a really cold spell froze a large portion of Napoleon's army attacking Moscow), but then started warming up again.

But In the 1960s, there was some concern that we were back into global cooling, and the ice age would come back (the Time Magazine cover in the late 1950s is priceless).

But by the 1990s, it was so warm on earth that the ice cap on Mars melted .... (must have been those pesky SUVs). Scientists noticed that CO2 was going up, and temperature was going up, and wondered if mankind's coal burning power plants and SUVs were in some way responsible. So they started giving grants to scientists to see if it was true. So far, the politicians have given $90 Billion in grants to scientists to confirm global warming (why would they do that? As my pappy said, follow the money. The politicians wanted this "global warming" figleaf to use as an excuse for passing the "cap and trade" taxes, to extract another 10% of the GDP from citizens to buy votes and bribe 3rd world countries.

So the grant funded climate scientists started analyzing the data from weather stations, and found a gradual increase in temperatures over the past 100 years, and published these conclusions in their "peer reviewed" Journals (reviewed by other scientists who were getting grants to confirm man made global warming -- dissenters not welcome).

Gore went on his world wide tour presenting graphs to show that temperature and CO2 increased together, and it had been so for the past 200,000 years. Of course, he never did really blow up those graphs to show that the temperature rise preceeded the rise in CO2 by about 800 years. That would kinda mess up that causality thing (maybe temperature was psychic, and increased because it knew that CO2 was gonna increase about 800 years later). Or maybe as temperature increased, the ocean temperature increased, and CO2 came out of the ocean .... kinda how carbonation comes out of a soda when it gets warm.

One pesky UK denier was so upset that the "Earth in the Lurch" movie was being shown to UK school children as "true", that he went to court to prohibit its use in schools. A judge listened to the evidence, and allowed the movie to be shown as long as a 4 page list of inaccuracies were presented to the children when they viewed the movie.

The scientists provided evidence that there is warming -- they have data from weather stations in the US for the past 100 years. Their locations were published on a website. When skeptics (i.e., deniers) took pictures of the weather stations in the US, and showed that most of the stations which were in cowfields 100 years ago now resided on black top underneath air conditioning vents, and hence their data was hopelessly contaminated by the "city heat island effect", NOAA responded by removing the locations of the weather stations from their website. After all, they shouldn't confuse the faithful.

When skeptics asked the recipients of the by now $90 billion in grants to see the original data and the code for their models that predicted the world would end in 50 years due to runaway heat ..... they were refused. When the data and models and emails from East Anglia were "hacked" and published to an independent website, and analyzed, it was found that the original data had been hopelessly contaminated.

Instead of demanding that the climate scientists act like scientists (that old repeatable experiment thing), the politicians heaped scorn on the "deniers" ... after all, the "global warming science" was their figleaf behind which they could craft legislation to extract another 10% of the US GDP in the form of "cap and tax".

You want science? here are the numbers.

The 2007 IPCC report states that:

a) it takes 1 trillion tons of CO2 to increase the temperature of the earth by 1 degree F (some reputable physicists disagree with this, but assume it for the purposes of this arguement).

b) all of mankind produced 30 Billion tons of CO2 each year.

So, when the "earth in the lurch" crowd demand that we not allow temperature to increase ... they are advocating that we all become pre-cave men (not even a fire to keep us warm at night) for 33 years so that the temperature of the earth would be reduced by 1 degree F.

Oh, sorry, they only want to slow the growth. So if we all just reduce our "carbon footprint" by 10% (which would cost the average citizen 10% of their paycheck each year), we could all feel righteous and reduce the earth's temperature by 1 degree F within the next 330 years.

Are you willing to reduce your paycheck by 10% for the next 30 years in order to lower the earth's temperature by .01 F 33 years from now?

Didn't think so.

If you want chapter and verse, look at the article in last year's "Australian" by the person responsible for enforcing the Kyoto protocol on Australia for 11 years. He says, among other things, that we thought there was a problem 20 years ago, but after 90 billion dollars funding climate science, there is no evidence that mankind is affecting the climate. None.

I think he is qualified to make a judgement, and he is no longer a true believer in man-caused global warming.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Oh, there's global warming. It happens every spring. Go from bitter cold to bitter hot for us humans. There's also global cooling, happens every autumn. Oh, wait, you were wondering about human's affect on it? Can't be proven. It's gone through an ice age and thaw long before we showed up. Heck, when Mt. Pinatubo erupted in '91, it did more damage to the environment than humans ever did. Ice caps melting? Yeah, they've been doing that for centuries & millenia.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

It's been 12 years of no warming at all. Actually, we've cooled slightly, and one year set the record for biggest DROP from one January to the next. Solar scientists are telling us that the sun is going into a cooler phase. That doesn't mean global warming isn't possible, it just means, since the temperature predictions have consistently been way off-base, that we don't know enough to justify action. Especially action that would cost the world economies enough to feed billions of starving people. And after all, why should we even care about global warming's possible, eventual effects when so many people are going to die tomorrow from far more mundane threats?

And to another commenter, no, the Scandanavian countries are not doing that well. If you look at the long term history of them, and look at the details, you'll see that the "at a glance" picture is misleading at best. Just for one simple example, their unemployment is a lie, because anyone who is unemployed but attending government "job training" is not counted as unemployed, even if they are making no money and haven't worked in years.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
44 years, and still this question?

It was 1966, I was 14 years old, and I heard about 'Global Warming'. 44 years later, and still I await decisive action; what I see instead is one increment after another of wrong decisions. A lot of what needed/and-still-****[deleted]-needs to be done isn't hard. Energy efficiency in dwellings, buildings, appliances, transport. Eco-friendly ways of dealing with the spaceship Earth that feeds, clothes and waters us. (Etc - this is a comment, not a tome!) Two main points: whilst some scientists can be bought, most scientists do have considerable integrity. This isn't because they're 'good', it's because of the viciousness of peer-review. And a 90%+ majority of ecologists and climatologists agree that the majority of the data points to bad trends; our children and grandchildren will be right to be angry with us, because we were told and did too little, too late. And in those short decades and with my own eyes I've seen changes. I'm a biologist/land-manager by training and experience, and even as a freely admitted 'never did much hard- bleeding-edge research', still I see things that most don't. [Young friend commented: "Going for a walk or even a drive with you is like ... Eco-CSI! Like you're reading a book from yesterday and last week and 100 million years ago, and that's from a leaf and a rock!!"] And I do see it. Species turning up growing well where it used to be too wet for them. Trees dying a century or two before their time. Bogs become meadows become overgrazed, eroding lawns.

I do feel as though it's like the whole planetary population is passengers in a car where the committee driving it says: "you can ignore that sign that says, 'road ends, 100 foot cliff ahead'. At worst, if it looks like it is a cliff, accelerate - and you can definitely all those people in the back screaming, 'stop! Brake!' because they're just passengers." The signs went up over 40 years ago... cliff only closer and higher than we thought.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
What if Global Climate Instability is Worse than they are telling you?

As likely as scientists lying to you might seem it is far more likely that Politicians and Corporate interests are going to try to keep the status quo by lying to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

I'm no socialist, but the majority of the Scandinavian countries are socialist monarchies and they look like they're doing pretty well there. Check out the Transparency Index to see.

KoreavetKoreavetabout 14 years ago
Lying science

There have been many disaster predictions in my time - The Population Bomb, The Coming Ice Age, Nuclear Winter and now, man caused climate change.

All of these disasters shared one commonality - the cure was a drastic reduction in freedom of choice and movement, monitored by the governments. The inventor of the coming ice age, and also global warming, Steven Schneider of Stanford, rationalized his record by saying that sometimes scientists had to lie to get their point across. Ehrlich predicted global starvation because he could not imagine the earth feeding the large population of the 80s. What he really demonstrated was that he had no idea how the population was fed at any time.

In the end, they think we all should let wiser folk direct our lives. 50 years ago I was working in air and water pollution control. We were aware of the problem and of most of the solutions. Problems long solved are replayed. The worst consequence of this crap is that we now pay about 4 times as much for energy as we would in a strict cost of production plus profit basis. If a foreign nation did to us what our own enviroswindlers did it would be a cause for war. And the sad truth is, Gaylord to the contrary, the Earth doesn't care.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
You got my 5 and another 5

Yes, I do believe that we are ruining the planet. I do believe that the goverment is probably using that to their advantage. It probably is a little bit of both. Truth and fiction. that being said, I loved your story and it kept me entertained and it got me thinking. You do a grand job of writing a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago
What A Crock Of Shit.

Has the war ended, has obama done anything but throw us in a deeper hole, do you idiots really think socialism is the way to go? When has the goverment running everything been good for the people, yet thats where we are headed. At least G.W. didn't try to silence his critics, yet obama is going after any one that bitches, that should clue you in right there.

andtheendandtheendabout 14 years agoAuthor
You forgot one

You forgot one (lol).

GW told us that the Iraq War was over and we won.

How many years ago, after losing so many more lives, was that?

Yet, GW and Cheney live in splendor, while the rest of us suffer.

thebulletthebulletabout 14 years ago
so GW was right?

A) GW told us that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction.

B) GW told us that Saddam was working with al Queda in a global conspiracy of terrorists.

C) GW told us that Saddam was actively pursuing the acquisition of nuclear weapons.

D) GW told us that all of the prisoners at Gitmo were terrorists.

E) GW told us that there is no global climate change.

Q: which of the above statements that GW made are true?

A: None of the above.

Our country is in sad shape and it is getting sadder. We have all of these whining anti-government idiots who are asking -no begging- for our country to be turned into a theocratic dictatorship in the interests of their personal freedom.

News item: when the extreme right takes over, kiss your freedoms goodbye. Here will be your marching orders: Go to church. Consume. Go hungry. Die. And shut the fuck up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

What if the US gov't lied to us about the reasons for the Iraq war? Oh wait, that really did happen. But I bet you don't care about that, do you?

BenLongBenLongabout 14 years ago

I've just discovered that I'm geographically challenged! Here all this time I thought Area 51 was at Groom Lake, Nevada and now I find out it's at Roswell, New Mexico??? My god, how did I miss that dart board on the wall by so many miles??

By the way, for all you that believe in global warming, I'm trying to identify that island nation that has disappeared under the rising sea level. Anybody? And while you're at it, can you tell me where all those multitudes that were displaced went to, or did they all just drown? I haven't quite got it figured, I just can't quite imagine it was ever much of a nation really, I mean even with the tremendous average increase of sea level of 1.8mm per year recorded over the last one hundred years that would be, let's see, that's 254 and two zero's, carry the one... OH MY GOD! It's CALIFORNIA! Sea level has risen to where it's now at....AREA 51 in NEW MEXICO!

Oh Damn, I hate it when I do that. Thank god I double checked before I held my breath for too long. Dang Metric system. Why do they have something illogical and imprecise like 25.4 mm to the inch when there are some correlations that are so much easier like 12 inches to the foot and 5280 feet to the mile?

Great story, I gave you a five also.

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