Whatever It Takes Pt. 01


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I'm wearing nothing but my knickers now. They're my favourite knickers too, my lucky knickers, they're deep red and so small they barely even count as underwear. Jake eyes me up again. He's so brazen about it. Everyone likes to look, but usually you do it with some subterfuge. But not Jake, he just sits there and examines me. I open my legs and give him my most suggestive look. I put my thumb under my knicker elastic and give it a twang. "You like?" I swear I have never acted like this for a boy before, not on the first time anyway.

Jake grins at me. "I do. But I bet they'd look even better on the floor."

"Only one way to find out," I say. I pull my legs under myself and I stand up in the middle of Jake's bed. I slide my thumbs under the elastic of my underwear. Jake looks at me with wide eyes. He looks at me like I'm a goddess. Like nothing else exists in his world. I begin to slowly push my knickers down my smooth, golden, fake-tanned thighs. I keep eye contact with Jake as I do it and he keeps eye contact with me, at least until I step out of my knickers and then he's looking at my pussy. Bless him.

I put my hands on my hips and push my chest out and step my legs apart and let Jake take the sight of me in. He's still fully clothed and I'm totally naked and I love it. I feel like a seductress. I twirl around slowly on his bed so he can see all of me. I feel like my naked body is casting a spell on him. I know after tonight he'll never want anyone else.

"Fuck me you're gorgeous." Jake shakes his head as he says it. "Can I tie you down?"

His question takes me by surprise. Maybe I didn't hear him properly? "You want to tie me up?"

Jakes nods. There's a look in his eyes now, a need that wasn't there before. How can I say no? Besides, it's been ages since anyone's tied me up. I make a visible show of thinking about it though. I put my head one on side and purse my lips. I can't make it too easy for him, or at least I can pretend not to. "OK then. You can tie me up."

Jake looks like a child on Christmas morning. He moves over to his bedside table and opens a draw and takes out a pair of handcuffs. I step down off the bed and stand in front of him. I hold my arms up with my wrists out. Jakes shakes his head. "I want to tie you down, not up."

I don't understand the difference.

Jakes moves over to the wooden table in the middle of his room. He sweeps the clothes and books off it and onto the floor. He turns and looks at me. He pats the top of the table. "Come over here."

My heart speeds up again, but this time there's some nerves in there too. I walk over and stand by the table.

"Lie down." He says it in a firm voice now, like he's commanding me. He pats the table again.

I think I understand what he wants. I stand in front of the table. I lean forwards until my chest is resting on the top of it, the wood is cold and hard against my skin. I rest my head on one side so I can look at Jake.

"Put your hands out in front of you."

I obey and Jake takes hold of one of my wrists and then he snaps the handcuffs closed around it. The cuffs are made from glinting metal and there are no fluffy bits, nothing pink or reassuring, these are proper, serious handcuffs. Jake pulls my arm out straight, and then he tucks the other end of the handcuffs over the table edge and I hear the click of the cuffs being fastened. He must have attached it to the top of one of the table's legs. I give my hand an experimental tug and the cuffs give a bit, but my hand is definitely attached to something immovable now.

Jake takes hold of my other hand and I notice he's got a second pair of handcuffs. He fastens my other wrist to the other corner of the table so that my arms are pointing to 10 and 2 o'clock. This is exciting, I tell myself. I'm stark naked, I'm bound, and I'm bent over a table in the middle of Jake's room with my arse in the air. If this was anyone other than Jake Mathews this might not be the most sensible thing I've ever done. But it's Jake. So I spread my legs and arch my back for him.

Jake walks around the table and he stands behind me. He doesn't touch me or say anything for what feels like an age and my heart's beating faster. Tension mounts like static electricity and when Jake finally touches me I jump. He slides his fingers down my back and over my arse cheeks and down the back of my thighs. He does it again and again and his fingertips barely make contact but each touch sends waves of tingling pleasure through me. It feels like he's awakening all the nerves in my body. The table feels so hard beneath me and the contrast with Jake's delicate touch makes it feel all the more heavenly.

My cunt is throbbing though, I'm so wet I can feel it spreading onto my thighs, and I'm dying for him to touch me there. He strokes the back of my thighs again and this is starting to become torture. He takes his hands away, and now finally, he's going to address that urgent, aching feeling between my legs but instead he smacks my arse with the flat of his hand and I jump in surprise and I make an embarrassing squealing noise.

Jake laughs and he smacks me again, on the other cheek this time. He smacks me again, harder, and again and again. "You've earned this," he says. "I'm going to have to teach you a lesson for ruining my t-shirt."

I thought he hadn't been bothered about his t-shirt? But he sounds serious now. Maybe he's just using it as an excuse though, it's a reason for him to punish me?

I play along. "Fuck your t-shirt."

Jake starts smacking me harder and it makes such a glorious slapping sound. "Defiant? I like that. You'll learn your lesson though."

I'm starting to enjoy this. He's still not smacking me hard enough though. "It'll take more than that, you pussy."

It works, Jake smacks me harder and faster. My flesh starts to sting. It starts to get hot. Jake's really getting into it too, but I can tell he's not a real spanker. He's not doing it with any venom. I think he just likes me in this position, naked and bent over his table, and that he's spanking me to enjoy my body and to show how much power he has over me. He's doing it hard enough that my nerves feel like they're being turned up to eleven though and I'm starting to feel dizzy.

I whimper and gasp and squirm as Jake spanks me and I act like it's more painful than it really is. I look over my shoulder at Jake and he seems to be enjoying it. He stops periodically to grope and squeeze my arse and I groan in encouragement and I lift myself up onto my toes to raise myself higher and it seems to do the trick.

Jake gets rougher with me as he gets more excited. He gropes me harder, he digs his fingers into my arse cheeks, and he starts spanking me faster. I can feel him getting more frantic. I'm putting on a wonderful performance too, I'm tugging at the cuffs and I'm yelping and moaning and writhing on the top of the table like a snake in grease. Not all of it's for show either, I'm so turned on now that I must be dripping back there and I'm desperate for him to take this further.

Jake must be able to read my mind as he stops spanking me. He puts both hands on my arse and he spreads me open. I know he's examining me again, and I know he can see all my most intimate places, the back of my cunt and even the pucker of my arsehole. I'm glad I waxed and shaved so thoroughly.

Jake runs a finger down my arse crack and over the back of my pussy and my whole body shivers. "Please." I say it before I can stop myself. I hadn't meant to beg, but Jake makes an appreciative grunt and I take note of that. He spreads my outer lips and I'm breathing fast. He slides a finger back and forth between my lips and I whimper. He starts to push his finger into me and I groan and press back against him and he's inside me. Jake Mathews is inside my body. It's only his finger, but it's a start.

I want more. I want Jake's cock in me. I look over my shoulder at him again. "Fuck me. Please. Put your cock in me. Do whatever you want."

He grins. "Be careful what you offer."

I don't care. I'll let him do whatever he wants now, but Jake pulls his finger out of me and I groan in frustration.

Jake walks around to the other side of the table and he stands in front of me. He offers his finger to me and I open my mouth and I suck on it. I taste myself. Jake grins at me. He pushes his finger slowly in and out of my mouth. I gaze up into his eyes as I suck it and the approving look he gives me makes me start to pant.

I can't take much more of this teasing but then Jake pulls his finger out of my mouth and he steps back and oh fuck he's pulling his t-shirt off over his head. This is all too much for a mortal woman to take. I mean fuck, just look at him, he looks like an underwear model. His chest is broad and his stomach ripples with muscle. He has a line of sparse hair that runs down the centre of his body and that disappears into the top of his underwear. His skin looks golden in the dim light of his room. He looks like a Greek god.

Jake undoes his belt slowly. He watches me as he does it, making sure he's got my full attention. He needn't worry, I'm going to burn this moment so deep into my memory I'll forget my own name before I forget this. He pushes his jeans down over his sculpted legs and then he's standing in front of me wearing nothing but a pair of white, cotton boxer shorts. I can see the bulge of his cock. I forget how to breathe.

Jake puts his fingers under the top of his underwear and time slows. He begins to peel his boxer shorts down and the entire Universe stops and watches with me. I see a thatch of thick dark curls, and then... and then... Jake Mathews' cock is freed. It bounces up, hard, and proud, and ready. It's perfect. It's even longer and thicker than I hoped. Jake steps forwards and slaps me in the face with it.

I simultaneously moan and try to get Jake's cock into my mouth. I want nothing else in this world than to kiss and suck it. Jake taunts me though. He steps back and his cock bobs in front of my face, but just out of reach. I lunge across the table to try and lick it, but he steps back. He laughs at me. It's a cruel laugh, but it just makes me want it even more. He steps forwards again and his cock is so close. I strain towards it. I'm millimetres away. I stick my tongue out as far as I can and I can just barely brush the tip of him. It's torture. I'm just about to yell in frustration when Jake steps forwards suddenly and he shoves his glorious cock into my open mouth.

I grip Jake's cock with my lips and I suck as hard as I can so he won't be able to get his cock out of my mouth. Ever. I swirl my tongue over the smooth head of it and Jake makes a wonderful groaning sound. This is all I've ever wanted. I start to bob my head back and forth. I suck and lick and slobber all over his cock like a starving dog with a fresh new bone.

It's an awkward position though and for the first time I'm angry about being tied to the table. I wish I was kneeling before Jake, I'm desperate to get my hands on him, I know that if I could I'd give him the sort of head he's only ever seen in porn. I can't though. So Jake starts fucking my mouth instead. Which is cool.

I try to look up at Jake as he slides his cock in and out of my mouth, but it hurts my neck, so I settle for gazing at his stomach muscles instead. Jake starts making these delicious grunting noises too as he fucks my face and my pussy is aching harder than ever and if I don't get some relief soon I'm going to explode. I try to dry hump the table, but I can't get my pussy against it.

Jake moves faster. He puts his hand on the back of my head and he pushes his prick further into my face with each stroke. I concentrate on my breathing so I don't gag, and I'm still trying to suck him as hard as I can and I can't decide whether it would be hotter if he came in my mouth or over my face. His noises become more urgent and I can tell he's close. I'm moaning in frustration and happiness that I'm about to make Jake Mathews come and this must be what heaven is like and then I hear what sounds like the door opening behind me.

"Hey Jake, what you doing?"

I freeze. I try to look over my shoulder towards the door, but I'm pinned in position by Jake's wonder cock.

"Hey Rich," Jake says. "Come in, check this shit out, you won't fucking believe it."

I hear the person, Rich I guess, walk into the room. I notice I don't hear the door shut. Fuck, what the hell is Jake doing?

"Whoah, Jesus fucking Christ Jake." The person called Rich comes over and stands next to Jake. I've seen him before. He's not quite as handsome as Jake, but he's cut from the same mould; tall, handsome, athletic, popular. He stares down at me and laughs. "No way. This is fucking wild."

I don't move. I'm still frozen in shock. I'm stark naked and I'm trapped and Jake's cock is still in my mouth. Jake doesn't seem to mind though. The two boys are just standing there and grinning at each other and me. A voice from the deeper, darker recesses of my mind is telling me this is hot being watched like this. I try to ignore it, but Rich is very good looking, and this must look tremendously naughty.

Jake looks down at me as if he's just remembered I'm still here. He slides his cock out of my mouth. "You mind if Rich joins us?"

I shrug. I'm still too shocked to speak.

"Sweet," Rich says.

Jake steps back and holds his hand out towards my face as if to say 'after you old chap' and Rich starts pulling his clothes off. He doesn't tease me like Jake did, he tears them off as fast as he can like a kid who's desperate to jump into a swimming pool on a hot summer's day. He's more muscular than Jake, but not quite as well hung. He steps towards me and I open my mouth obligingly and he shoves his cock into my face. Jake watches us.

I'm so focussed on Rich's cock I don't realise at first that Jake has moved around behind me. When I do my heart races though. At last he's going to give me what I've been longing for. I feel his hands on my arse cheeks again. I wait for the touch of his cock against my cunt, but I feel something else. Something smaller and softer and wetter. It runs up the length of my cunt and then back down again and oh god, Jake's licking me, Jake Mathews is licking my cunt.

Jake must be on his knees between my legs and just the image of it makes me tremble. Or it might be what he's doing with is tongue. He's pushed it between my lips and he's lapping at me. He does it with such tenderness it makes my heart melt. Then he finds my clit and he starts flicking the tip of his tongue back and forth over it and my whole body starts to shake.

Jake takes hold of my arse cheeks and he begins to knead them as he licks me. He spreads them and he pushes his face into my cunt and I push back against him and I'm groaning, or trying to, as Rich's cock is occupying my mouth. Jake's running his tongue all over me and I love the way Rich hold my face as he fucks it and this isn't what I had planned for this evening but it's turning me on so much you could plug me into the mains and power the city off me.

Jake settles and he begins to lick me with a constant, insistent rhythm and I start to rock back and forth against his face to meet him. Rich catches on too, as he starts to slide his cock in and out of my mouth in time with my rocking and now all three of us are moving in harmony and it's so fucking hot. Why have I never done this before? My legs start to tremble so hard it's difficult to stay up on my toes and I can feel the muscles inside me starting to tense. Fuck I'm getting close.

Jake presses his tongue harder against my clit and my head gets lighter and we're moving faster, all three of us. My thighs go taut. I'm gasping and shaking. I'm so close. My pleasure has risen so high I know I'm going to come so hard and just a few seconds more and... Jake takes his tongue away from my cunt.

"Noooooo," I groan. Fuck, I was right there, right on the edge. I squirm and thrash on the table. I press myself back but Jake's tongue isn't there anymore. I pull at the handcuffs and bang my fists. If I could free my hands I'd have them between my legs in a flash and I'd bring myself off in front of them. I wouldn't care. I wouldn't feel any shame. I just need the release. Jake and Rich laugh at me and if my mouth wasn't full of cock I'd curse them both.

Then I feel something touch my pussy and I stop writhing. It's Jake's cock. At last. I spread my legs wider and I raise myself on my toes as high as I can manage. I feel the head of his prick probing for my hole. I feel him find it. Jake slides his cock into me in one, long, smooth movement. He stretches and fills me and I moan and collapse against the table. Jake Mathews has his cock inside me at last.

Jake doesn't stand around to admire the view. His takes hold of my hips and he starts to fuck me. He goes fast. He doesn't show me any mercy and I don't want any. His cock feels so big inside me and it's hot and it hurts, but it's a good hurt.

Jake's fucking me so hard he's banging me against the table. I'm so overwhelmed by it all I can do is lie there and take it. I can't even suck Rich's cock, so he takes hold of my hair and he starts fucking my mouth faster and deeper. I'm being used at both ends like I'm a total slut and it's wonderful and my orgasm hits me like a train. It erupts deep inside me and it races through my body like wildfire. I shake and gasp and shout around the cock in my mouth and Jake keeps slamming into me and I can't stop coming. Each thrust sends me back over the edge and the sensations are so overpowering I can feel myself starting to cry and I don't know why. I try to hold back the tears but it's impossible, it's never felt so good. "Sweet baby Jesus, look at her." I hear one of them say.

Jakes keeps me coming over and over and it's almost unbearable and eventually my orgasm starts to recede. They're both still fucking me at each end though, and I feel too sensitive and over-stimulated now but I know I'll come again if they keep this up. My whole body is tingling and this feels incredible. It's like I'm on drugs. It doesn't feel real. It's like I've stepped into an inviting wardrobe and I've found myself in Narnia, although not a Narnia Aslan would likely approve of. I'm not so far gone that I don't hear the new voices though.

Jake stops fucking me. Rich pulls his cock out of my mouth and I look up towards the doorway and there are two new boys standing in watching us. They must have heard the noise I was making and have come to investigate. They walk into the room as if we're only watching a film or playing videogames or something other than having group sex.

Both of the new boys drop onto the small sofa facing the table. They're clutching bottles of bear. They just sit there and look at me with grins on their faces and gleaming eyes. Jake doesn't tell them to get out of his room. Neither him or Rich say anything. Am I being paranoid or has the table been positioned in front of the sofa like this deliberately? Has Jake done this before? Is this a regular thing in this house?

Rich breaks my chain of thought as he slides his cock back between my lips. He starts fucking my mouth faster and deeper and suddenly I'm struggling to breath. Jake starts fucking me hard again too and I can't seem to catch my breath. Rich starts pulling my hair so it hurts and he's making grunting noises and it sounds like he's close. I wrap my lips as tight as I can around his cock and I try and suck him although it's not easy with Jake ploughing into me so hard. I can't see the two boys on the sofa but I know they're watching and I love the thought of it.

Rich starts to shudder and jerk and then he pushes his cock into my throat and I feel it twitch and the first gush of come fills my mouth. I swallow it. He comes over and over and I fight not to gag and cough and I swallow as much as I can but some of it spills out of my lips and onto the table and I hear the boys on the sofa cheer.