What's That Ch. 06


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Jeff collapsed over on top of her, kissing her passionately. He kissed her all over her face, telling her, "Thank you Angel that was unbelievable!"

"Master, I wish to thank both of you, I can't describe what it meant to me to be able to share that with the two of you in person. Before, when you did whatever it was that you did to my ass and pussy at the same time, I passed out from the pleasure you were giving me. I wanted you to know that, thank you!" Katalin said humbly.

Laura smiled at her friend; she knew what she was saying and understood why she wanted to come into their room. She was glad she got to see Katalin when she was cumming, it added to her pleasure as well.


They all fell asleep shortly after, sleeping for most of the day. When they woke up, they were all starving since neither had eaten anything at all today. They decided they would go grab something to eat and got dressed to go to the kitchen.

When they walked into the kitchen, Piroska was standing at the stove, cooking dinner. She smiled a coy smile at Jeff; she knew what they had been doing and was a little miffed that she had not gotten to experience it like her granddaughter had.

"I see you finally decided to join us again. I hope that the next time that you and Laura decide to go play, that you will include me in on the fun!" She poked at them.

"Piroska, you will have to take that up with my wife like Katalin did, I didn't seem to have much choice in the matter, did I, you two?" Jeff jokingly asked. "I do need to talk with you though Piroska, we need to get all of you moved into the Basa estate. Who will be staying at this house?"

"Master, do you think it wise to move before you have taken care of the Sandor's?" Piroska asked Jeff.

Jeff paused for a moment; he hadn't even considered them when he had suggested the move. Piroska was right, now was not the time to be planning a move at all. It would only make matters worse if the Sandor's found out about the Zera's.

"Thank you for being so wise Piroska, see, I told you that I needed you for your guidance! We really do need to discuss what we think I should make as my next move with them." Jeff said.


It had been two days and the Sandor's had not heard anything back from the men they had sent to talk with the real estate agent from the States. They were starting to get a feeling that the men had met with some kind of trouble. They just didn't know who or what that trouble was.

They started to wonder if the wearer of the ring might have put an end to their plans even before they even began. Who was wearing the ring was a question they didn't even begin to have an answer for, but they were going to do their best to find out before he found them.

They were making phone calls to everyone that might know of what had happened. No one answered their calls which made them start to fear that they were going to be in for a storm when they finally met the man.


The Zera family celebrated their good fortunes of all of their women being pregnant with Jeff's babies. Jeff had been worried that the men would be jealous over the fact that Jeff had made their wife's pregnant, but each and every one of the men had come up to Jeff to thank him that night after dinner. It was definitely a load off of Jeff's mind when they had done so.

After dinner, Jeff asked Piroska, "Do you think that you and I can talk for a while out on the veranda tonight?"

"Master, anything you wish of me, I will certainly do!" Piroska said with a bowed head. "Anything Master, all you have to do is ask!"

Jeff was reading her mind at the moment. He knew that she wasn't joking this afternoon in the kitchen when she had picked at him about being off with Laura and Katalin. He could easily see it on her face that she had feelings for him. He didn't know quite what to make of it though, so he decided to just let it lay for now.

"I need to come up with a plan on how best to handle the Sandor family, please give me your thoughts on the matter?" He asked Piroska.

"Master, maybe it would be best to let the ring talk with you and see what advice you can garner from it. I know the ring would never lead you in the wrong direction." Piroska urged Jeff.

Jeff thought before he responded back, "I know that you are right about talking to the ring, but I want your thoughts on it as well, Piroska."

"You humble me Master; I am but your servant. For you to come to me and ask for my thoughts on the matter means more than you will ever know. It was my Zera ancestors that created the ring, for you to pay homage to that fact only means that the ring chose very wisely in deed. Thank you so much for being the man that you were even before you found the ring!" Piroska replied. "I think that you can draw them out into the open by sending them a letter saying that you found the box with the ring in it and was contacted by Adam Basa. He asked you to meet him so that you could come to an arrangement, but he never showed up at the meeting."

Jeff thought on this, it would put them off if he could get them to believe that he hadn't put the ring on yet. It might work in his favor. Maybe he could get all of the Sandor family to come to the meeting like he had planned to do with the Basa family. It just might work, but if it didn't, he would have to at least get the leaders to meet him before he could go after the rest of the family. One thing for certain, he was going to be taking the properties that the Sandor family had stolen over the years so he could return them to their rightful owners like he had done with the Basa properties.

"Piroska, do you know of an attorney that has had no dealings with either your family, or the Basa's or Sandor's? I don't want there to be any way for them to trace this back to you." Jeff asked her.

Piroska thought for a few minutes before saying, "Yes I do, I know just the right man. You can call him tomorrow morning if you like. He is from another country, but he has represented someone I know in a civil case. I'll got get his number for you in a moment, but first, I need to ask a favor."

Jeff already knew what she was going to ask, but he waited patiently for her to say what it was.

"Master, I would like to be permanently linked to you and Laura. I'm not just talking about having your child either. I am a widower, and have no desires to be married ever again, but last night ignited a fire inside of me that I know will never be put out. If you would link me to Laura, I could enjoy sex once again without the heartache of putting myself out there to only have my heart trampled on by a man that certainly doesn't deserve me. I know that you will never sleep with me, but if I can enjoy what you do with Laura, it would please me greatly. What do you think about this Master? Will you do this for me?" Piroska asked with a bowed head.

Jeff didn't need to think about it, he had no problem helping Piroska with her request. He was humbled by this wonderful lady. It would be a pleasure to help her in this way.

"Piroska, yes, of course I will do this for you. I want your life to be as complete as it possibly can be. It would be an honor to do this for you!" Jeff said while looking into her eyes. "I have to go for now so that I can converse with the ring, but consider it done!"


Piroska was happy that Jeff was the man that he was. He could have just as easily said no to her just now, but her gracious Master was a man that she knew truly cared for her.

"Thank you so much Master, for everything that you are doing! Good night Master!" She said as she got up and kissed Jeff before walking toward the house, pausing before turning back to him. "Master, I truly do love you, now and forever!"


Jeff walked into his bedroom to find Laura and Katalin there, giggling to each other on the bed. He smiled when he saw them, wondering what was being said.

"Ladies, if you don't mind, I really need some privacy right now so that I can meditate. I have a lot to work out with the ring tonight before I turn in. Will you excuse me for a short while, I promise to talk with both of you when I am finished." Jeff asked politely.

They both got up and said goodbye before kissing Jeff and leaving.

"We'll be in my room waiting Master!" Katalin said with a wicked grin on her face as they closed the door.


Jeff lay down on the bed, trying to relax so he could talk with the ring. In just a moment, he was deeply relaxed and the ring started showing him everything he would need to put an end to the Sandor family's desire to have the ring.

The ring showed Jeff that it was very pleased with everything that he had done for the Zera family. Piroska was a woman that had done everything that she could during the many years that she was in charge of the Zera family to make sure that anything the Basa's and Sandor family was documented. She truly was a great woman and the ring was pleased that Jeff had promised her to take care of her.

It showed Jeff the many years of suffering she had endured since her husband had passed away. She always did what she needed to do, even when it would have been easy for her to just forget about her duties toward the ring. Jeff had done well by her and the ring was very pleased.

Jeff knew now that what Piroska had suggested was the right move to make. He only needed to get the family leader to meet with him to glean from him what properties they held as well as whose minds he would need to wipe from their memory, anything about the ring. This should be an easy task to undertake.


Jeff awakened and went down the hall to find Laura and Katalin. They were both still laughing and seemed to be having a great time talking like old friends. He knocked on the door and entered Katalin's room when he was asked to come in.

"Ladies, we need to talk about some things if you don't mind?" Jeff asked before he sat down in the chair next to the bed.

Laura turned and looked at Katalin, before saying, "Master, you seem so serious right now. What's going on?"

"I have to deal with the Sandor family and I need to know that both of you are going to be safe before I do so. I am going to send a letter to their family, asking that the leader meet me at an attorney's office so he can buy the ring from me. Piroska knows of one that can't be traced back to the Zera family." Jeff began. "I will get what I need to know from whoever shows up and will move onto making sure that they will forget everything they know about the ring, as well as the rest of their family. Could I talk the both of you into going on a little trip so that neither of you will be around in case things go wrong?"

Laura was worried, she asked, "Master, do you really think anything will go wrong like the first time you tried this? What about our families, do you think they know about you and could go after them?"

"They don't know anything about me and I am certainly not going to use my real name, so I don't think it will be a problem. I just don't want to take any chances with you two being here!" Jeff said.

Katalin said, "Master, I know of several places that we can go to that will be safe. I can take Laura on a sightseeing tour of our country, I know she will love it. We can leave anytime you tell us to."

"Thank you very much Katalin, you don't know how much it means to me!" Jeff said thankfully. "Laura, I need to talk with you about Piroska as well. She wants to be permanently linked to you, she asked me about it tonight. I told her that I would do this without asking you about it, knowing what your answer would be. This way, if I am away from you, she will know if you are in any danger by sensing your feelings. It's something that she might not have thought of, but I know it's a great side benefit."

"Master, I know that whatever you choose will be right for us, you needn't worry about it. And by the way, our little gypsy here wants to know if you can do the same thing for her! She knows that she can never sleep with you, but you blew her mind this morning! She said that if she can't sleep with you, she wants to live vicariously through me. Would you do this for her, Master?" Laura pleaded with Jeff.

Jeff smiled at what he was just asked by his wife. He had no problem doing this for Katalin. If it made them happy, he would be happy with it as well.

"Katalin, thank you for all of your help. I will gladly do what you ask of me. Anytime that you want to, you can do like we did earlier today, as long as Laura says it alright with her!" Jeff said to her.

Katalin and Laura hugged each other; they were both happy that their Master had agreed.

"Now, I am tired and need some sleep, are you coming to bed now Laura, or are you staying here for a while? Jeff asked Laura.

"If it's alright with you Master, I will stay here for a while longer and then come to bed. Can I wake you up later for some loving?" Laura asked.

"Of course you can Angel; hopefully I won't be so tired that I can't use my powers on myself or you!" Jeff said jokingly. "Good night Katalin!"

"Good night Master!" Katalin said, giggling again.


Jeff fell asleep shortly after laying down. He was dreaming about all of his children growing up to be sorcerers. He was watching them practicing their magic, when a very dark cloud appeared over them. He was trying to see what was in the cloud when Laura got into bed with him and woke him up by kissing his right ear. When he realized what was going on, he decided it was best to just keep quiet about his dream.

He pulled Laura in close and kissed her, asking "Just what have you two been talking about baby?"

"Oh, I will never tell! We were just planning the trip that you want us to take, Master." Laura said.

Jeff laughed, he knew there was more to the story, but he let it lay.

"Baby, come here and roll over and face away from me. I want to give you some lovin'!"

Laura did what Jeff asked her to do. He licked his thumb and wished that Laura's pussy was soaking wet, before sliding it inside of her, pushing against her G spot for her. He stroked her pussy for her from the top where her cervix was, and back down to her G spot again. He swiped his thumb back and forth across her G spot, making her cum for him quickly.

Piroska and Katalin came at the same time. They were holding hands in Piroska's bed. Both were sharing smiles with the other as they gripped their hands tightly through the orgasm. It was the first of many to come that night; Jeff was just warming them up.

Jeff cupped Laura's clit in his hand, rubbing for her as he drove his thumb into Laura, hammering her G spot again and again when her pussy erupted in a geyser of pussy juice. He kept this up until she came again for him.

"I hope he gives her Triple D again tonight like he did earlier today!" Katalin said to Piroska. "You'll love it too!"

Piroska looked at her and asked, "Child, what in the world are you talking about, what is Triple D?"

Katalin, smiled at her, saying "He gives her a vaginal, clitoral, and an anal orgasm all at the same time. I passed out the second time around this morning!"


Jeff pulled his thumb out of Laura's pussy, and slid it into her ass. He pressed down firmly, pressing against the membrane separating her pussy from her anal passage. Laura came hard from the stimulation her G spot was getting at the same time. Jeff continued by sliding his thumb in and out of her ass, making her come again, a minute later.


Katalin and Piroska both were moaning at this stimulation that their asses were receiving. Both had enjoyed anal sex before, but their asses felt like they were on fire right now from the pleasure they were feeling.

Katalin said, "Come with me, I have got to see what Jeff is going to do next!"

"You can't be serious; they won't let us in the room with them, will they?" Piroska asked.

Katalin grabbed her by the hand and let her down the dark hallway. She tapped lightly on the door before being asked to come in. Laura was expecting her tonight, just as they had planned.

Right as they were walking into the room, Laura orgasmed hard, ejaculating, causing both Katalin and Piroska to spray juices all over their legs.

Piroska gasped when she saw Laura on the bed, still quaking from the orgasm Jeff just gave her. He still had his thumb in her ass, driving it back and forth.

Jeff told Laura to get up on her knees at the edge of the bed, giving Piroska and Katalin room to get up on the bed to lay back. Jeff wished he had two dicks again. He lined the heads of both at the opening to Laura's orifices, and shoved both in until the head was lodged into Laura's ass, pausing for a moment before he drove both home inside of her.

He slowly pulled back out until the head was the only thing remaining. He slowly pushed all the way back home again and slowly pulled back out. He was teasing them, wanting to draw this out for all of them. He kept this up until all of them were shaking from the intense pleasure.

The next time back in, Laura's ass and pussy both came at the same time.

"Oh my God, Master, you are killing me with this slow fucking; please fuck me hard and fast!" Laura pleaded with Jeff.

Jeff just kept the same slow pace, knowing it was driving them all crazy with lust for the fast pace fucking they wanted. He told Laura to rub her clit for him.

"Master, you are driving me crazy, please fuck me faster?" Laura begged her Master again.

Jeff just kept up his slow, tantalizing pace. Laura brought them all off by the rubbing she was doing to her clit, they all moaned from the orgasm. She started rubbing her clit faster, Katalin and Piroska started doing the same thing. They all came again from the furious rubbing of their clits.


Jeff finally felt the tingly sensation deep down in his balls, so he sped up to a faster pace, slamming against Laura, making his balls slap her clit when she moved her hand out of the way. He came hard a minute later, filling all of their holes with his cum. He had wished his erections to stay hard even after he came.

He decided to wish that they would orgasm every time his dick would drive into them, building up with intensity every time they came for him. They had already orgasmed thirty times when he came again for them. He just kept on pumping them, causing them to keep cumming for him. Piroska and Katalin passed out when Laura did.


Jeff pulled out of Laura and lay her down beside them on the bed. They had all had enough and Jeff pulled the covers up over them, kissing Laura as he did. She came too, looking up into his eyes and smiled.

"Master, thank you so much for this! We talked about this tonight; Katalin said that Piroska would enjoy it so much if she could come in here with us like she had done earlier. Thank you so much!" Laura said to him.

"My sweet, little, sexy, submissive wife, thank you for being who you are! You have brought such joy into my life; I can't thank you enough for everything. I love you so much Angel, words can't express how I feel about you. I can only hope that one day; I can show you just how much." Jeff said, his eyes full of love for his wife.

He kissed her again, before walking out the door, headed to Katalin's bedroom to get some much needed sleep. He fell asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow.


Jeff dreamed the same dream he had earlier that day. He was watching his children play when the same dark cloud reappeared. He was watching it to see if he could figure out what was going on.

Lightning was striking all around his children, causing them to scream in terror. He was trying to get all of them into the house when a bolt of lightning struck a tree above his head. It causing a limb to fall, striking him in the head. He was knocked unconscious by the blow. When he woke up, none of his children were anywhere to be found; he searched everywhere, but couldn't find any of them.