The Azra-El Series Ch. 11


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The doors of the stables were open, and he entered the building to find Claudis attending to the Pegasi.

"What are you doing here so early?" she asked with a refreshing smile, noticing his presence. She set a bucket of feed in front of a cream-colored Pegasus and stood upright. With a hand on her waist she swept her bangs away from her face as she looked at him. The sunlight streaming through the doorway lit up her features, stirring his loins.

"Just thought I'd say hello to Badava. I swiped a few carrots from the kitchen last night," he answered, walking up to her.

"Good. Why don't you take her feed while you're at it?" she replied, pointing at a bunch of buckets and a large wooden trough. It contained a mixture of hay and several varieties of grains.

The ornery Pegasus eyed him with suspicion as he brought her food. She sniffed and snorted at the pail before she started eating, never taking her eyes off him.

He waited until she finished her food before bringing out a carrot from his space ring, dangling it enticingly and away from her reach.

The Pegasus' ears perked up, but she didn't show any indication of reaching for the vegetable. He tried to tempt her a few more times before he offered it, hoping a taste would make her more eager.

Badava took the carrot and chewed on its end a couple of times before she lifted her head, looked into his eyes, and reeled back to spit the carrot with a heavy snort. The carrot shot towards his head, forcing him to duck down and dodge the projectile. He was not so lucky with the drool.

"What's wrong with you, you stupid horse!" he screamed, wiping the spit off his hair. The Pegasus neighed at him in response, almost as if she was laughing at him.

Claudis' laughter echoed through the stable. "I guess she doesn't like carrots. Why don't you try an apple? All Pegasi like apples," she suggested from a few stalls away, bringing out a red apple from her space ring and tossing it at Blaze.

He caught it with his clean hand and pointed it at the Pegasus. Her nostrils expanded round, and her ears stood tall, making her interest obvious. She breathed out heavily, her hot breath forming a mist under the cool morning weather.

"Oh? You like apples, huh. Let me taste it for you," he said musingly.

He bit into the juicy apple and, "Mnm Nom Nom", he crunched loudly; "It's quite tasty."

The Pegasus stomped her feet and snorted in frustration.

"It's a good apple. Let me try the other side," he replied, taking another bite.

Soon, he finished most of the fruit, leaving the inner core between his fingers. The horse hustled and bustled throughout the process, but being confined inside the stall, she couldn't act on her impulses.

"Definitely a tasty apple. I think it's good enough for your highness," he quipped and tossed the core at Badava's mouth. It bounced off the Pegasus' nose and into the stable, making her go in search of it.

Blaze harrumphed at the Pegasus and walked back to Claudis.

"I guess that's one way to tame a cranky Pegasus," she commented wryly.

"Hmph. I will make her listen to me on way or the other. I've got more ideas," he responded defiantly.

"I am sure you will. Feel like helping me feed the rest?" she asked him, shaking her head. Bonding with a Pegasus was a natural process and she did not want to intervene. She picked Badava for Blaze, based on her experience. Both had unyielding characters but when the barriers broke, the bond would be a strong one.

The combined effort of the two allowed them to finish the chore before the school rang its seven o'clock bell to wake the students from their slumber.

Blaze watched Claudis as they washed their hands at the sinks. Unlike the usual boyshorts and top she wore during her regular working hours, she was currently wearing a short cream-colored skirt that only reached half way down her large but perfectly toned thighs. A sleeveless half shirt whose ends were tied up in a knot at her cleavage finished the stereotypical look of a sexy farm girl poster from the sixties.

"Umm... Claudis?", he started hesitantly; "I need to get back soon for my breakfast, but do you care for a quick romp?" He hadn't planned for it, but he could feel the stiffness in his shorts.

"Romp?" she asked, tilting her head. "Oh! Yeah, sure. Why not?... Uh, what do you need me to do?" she stuttered, as she felt a sudden heat rise in her cheeks. There was only one thing a romp could mean.

The horny male angel pulled out a stool from his space ring. He had kept it from when he had used it while sunbathing. It seemed useful for situations just like this one.

"umm... I need you to suck me off, first," he replied sheepishly, pointing at the stool.


"Er... Use your mouth and tongue to spread your saliva on my organ. It will be good lubrication for when I put it inside you," he explained uncomfortably. Despite the angels' nonchalance and lack of inhibition when it came to sex, Blaze couldn't help but feel self-conscious when explaining the finer details about it.

"Why didn't we do this last time?" Claudis asked as she walked up to the stool without any hesitation and sat on it.

"Because we had enough time to make you wet," Blaze stated blandly as he stepped in and pulled his cock out. Claudis spread her legs to let him stand between them. The angle of her knees caused her skirt to fall backwards, revealing her long thighs and white panties.

His member stood erect in anticipation as she leaned in, but Claudis simply took in its shape. The strange long muscle with its bulbous head, and hanging sack carrying two roundish objects did not make for the prettiest of sights, but it did cause a strange desire to sprout inside of her. Putting it in her mouth seemed natural.

She gently wrapped her hand around his length and fully felt its texture and heat with her fingers and her palm. A vein throbbed against her hand and it stimulated her even more. Peering at the small hypnotic hole at the tip, she reached for his ball sack with her other hand.

"Careful with those," he exclaimed as she weighed and rolled them around her fingers.

Feeling a bit restless, he pushed it towards her almost poking her in the nose. It was getting close to breakfast time and he didn't want to explain his tardiness to Min Illona again. She already seemed a bit miffed about his lack of adherence to schedule.

A strong musky scent invaded Claudis' nostrils and it sparked her brain. She immediately opened her lips and enclosed them around his head. Circling her tongue around his tip, she gave his hole a tiny lick, eliciting a tiny hiss from him.

Holding his penis steady with a hand at his base, she moved her lips along the side, running her wet tongue along the smooth skin. She took her job of lubricating quite seriously.

Blaze ran his fingers through her short white hair and clamped onto her head to holdd her in place, and to steady himself. Her tongue along his length made his body shiver and want to push himself inside her mouth. "I need you to take it whole into your mouth," he panted after a little while.

Claudis looked up at him with unsure eyes as he restlessly prodded at her lips with his tip. Finally, she hesitantly opened her lips and he pushed half way in. "Use your cheeks," he suggested, holding the sides of her head and covering her ears in the process.

The exclusion of one of her senses brought a new dimension to what she felt, intensifying her sense of taste and touch. She squeezed him with her lips and cheeks as he slowly pulled her in. And, just when felt the back of her throat, Blaze released his pressure and let her pull back.

She pulled away with a smack of her lips and looked up at Blaze as she considered the taste. Deciding she liked it, she took him in again.

"Ugh," an ecstatic grunt escaped his lips as he felt her mouth and cheeks began to enclose him. With his hands on either side of her head, he tilted her eyes upwards, her piercing grey eyes locking with his as she slowly swallowed his length.

She felt his hands grip at her short grey hair slightly, as he pushed his way to the back of her throat. Her mouth felt completely full, as her tongue swirled around the silky skin of his cock buried in her mouth.

Her gaze was a smoldering intensity, as she began to bob her head up and down along his entire length, regularly reaching the base as she groaned lightly. She relished the feeling of it filling her mouth so completely, and desired for him to be even rougher with her.

And, he granted her wish. His grip on her head tightened and he started pushing and pulling her head in sync with his own uncontrollable thrusts as he began to fuck her mouth. His scent and body enveloped her senses, drowning the other stimuli from the stable.

"mmnmm mmnmm" her light moans filled the stable as she gorged on his prick hungrily. Her vagina offered her more physical stimulation but something about using the mouth titillated her mind. Maybe it was about the control she had, but she wanted more.

Grabbing his hips, she suddenly pulled him down her throat.

"Oh God!" he cried as her upper lip caressed his groin and he felt the narrowness of her throat. His knees almost buckled and Claudis wrapped her hands around his butt cheeks to hold him steady.

Despite the gag reflex, she held him, tasting and feeling his entirety, before the lack of breath made her pull back. She smacked her lips and looked at him with grey eyes, slightly glazed and conveying her neediness for him.

"I think it's good enough," he breathed, suddenly stepping back. The look in her eyes almost made him paint her face and he didn't think he could hold on if she took him in again.

Though the idea of bursting in her mouth seemed enticing, for her sake, he needed to do it inside her other mouth.

Claudis looked a little disappointed, but the idea of having it back in her vagina assuaged it. She slowly got up to her feet and looked at him for further instruction.

"Place your hands against the wall and lean in. Push your butt towards me," he told her fervently, taking her to the horizontal paneling of the wooden wall.

Wait, can it work with an oral injection too? A stray though came into his mind as Claudis placed her hands on the wall and shuffled her feet backwards.

I guess I can test it another time, he decided as he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her in. It was too late to go back.

She stretched her arms and bent her back parallel to the ground. The arch of her strong looking back always surprised him.

Unceremoniously lifting her skirt, he draped it over her waist, revealing her panties and a bulging camel toe. He caressed her along the slit before swiftly pulling the panties down to her knees.

He licked and wet his fingers and drew them across her groin, caressing her lips as she pushed back onto his fingers. Watching her eagerness, he penetrated her and along her walls he spread his saliva, lightly scratching and titillating them. Claudis began to instinctively revolve around his fingers.

Once satisfied with the lubrication, he slid the stool behind her, hastily getting out of his boyshorts and climbing it. Even with the added elevation, he lacked a few inches.

Using his hands on the small of her back, he pushed her down, making her bend her knees. Her panties forced her knees together, angling her butt to form a perfect heart shape. Her back tilted down as her heels went up in anticipation. Lowering her right arm, she turned back to look at him and Blaze couldn't resist any longer. He grabbed her butt cheeks and speared her.

"Aah!" Claudis cried as his thick hot penis spread her apart.

He pushed his member into her depths and mounted her with his right leg, wrapping it around her thigh. He wanted to feel more of her skin. Leaning and putting his weight on her back, he reached his hands to the front of her shirt and untied the knot. The hems of the shirt fell to the side, making her breasts hang under gravity, her soft mounds dangling deliciously like two soft water filled balloons.

He roughly grasped her squishy breasts with his hands and started grinding into her.

"Mmmm Mmmph Aah!" Claudis cried as her arousal slowly built up, her walls pulsing and squeezing around his cock. She used the wall to bounce her butt against his groin, thrusting back into him and yearning to feel him buried deep inside her. Despite being on one leg, Blaze maintained his rhythm, making loud thwacking noises against her butt cheeks.

In another instance, he would've taken it slow, but he was currently strapped for both time and control over his arousal.

A few curious Pegasi watched them with interest but it didn't seem to bother them too much. Blaze heard a sudden snort from a distance and he imagined that it was Badava protesting at him. Take that you stupid horse! I am riding your master.

A familiar heat spread from their stomachs and across their bodies as Blaze rammed and rode her until her walls could take no more. Claudis' head fell as she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on the intense heat that was filling inside the pit of her stomach, each time she slammed back into his groin.

"Oh Rhea!" she suddenly screamed as her body shuddered and drenched him with her warmth. Her arms went limp as her mind went blank with pleasure, and she fell against her elbows on the wall, her body continuously spasming under her orgasm. Blaze went with her, wrapping his legs around her thighs.

He squeezed her breasts tightly, pressed himself into her and let himself go. Streams of hot essence spewed into her with every jut of his hips, filling her completely.

Blaze clung on to her until he emptied himself, as his arousal and energy drained and was replaced with satiation. He clung onto her for a few moments, in the afterglow of his orgasm, before slowly sliding down her legs and pulling out of her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her in a comfortable hug.

Claudis turned to look at him and mouthed him a thank you, leaving him strapped for words. He really did not know how to respond. He simply snuggled into her back and butt as he gave her breasts a loving squeeze.

"I am not sure how effective this will be..." he said hesitantly after a minute. "I don't know if my healing works if we aren't under the spell like last time," he admitted.

Claudis nodded slightly as she considered his words. At this point, she would do it with Blaze even if it didn't heal her.

"If you don't mind, we should try this again tomorrow. We should be able to clarify its effects if we repeat it a few times," he finished. He didn't think anyone on earth would believe his words, but it was the truth.

The matron approached Blaze at breakfast and handed him a bunch of official looking letters.

He quickly shuffled through them and found the one he was looking for. It was a velvety baby pink envelope with the Malakim insignia printed on the top right.

The insignia comprised of two white, glittery wings that were twisted in the shape of a heart. A blood red sword stood between them with its white handle projecting from the top of the heart. The contrast in the colors was quite conspicuous.

Rachel and Aahna, sitting on his either side, peeped in inquisitively, as he opened the letter. There was one primary parchment and a bunch of pages strung together through the top corner of each page.

Dear Blaze Er Lokra,

First and foremost, I wanted to apologize to you on the behalf of the entire Malakim. It greatly pains us that one of our older members has led a young Houri astray. I hope the actions of a single person will not tarnish our reputation.

The Malakim have been, and will always be a society of the beautiful, the pure and the righteous. We extol these qualities in any angel, even ones that may have acted against us.

I hear that you possess all these qualities in abundance. Therefore, I consider it my duty to invite you into the ranks of our Houri. I hope I do not have to describe the privilege of holding the title. In case you are unaware, I have included the description of the duties and privileges following such a position.

If you decide to join us, you need only approach the local branch at your campus. They have already been notified.

I hope to soon welcome you into our ranks.


Cardinal Amanah Tudor

"Pegasi Whiskers! You're gonna be a Houri, now?" Rachel exclaimed with wide eyes as Blaze reread the letter, and Aahna eyed him curiously. There was lot of information in between the lines.

"Of course, not," he firmly answered, placing the letter back in its envelope and putting it aside. He had more letters to read.

Five of the seven primary societies had sent him letters, inviting him to join them; the exceptions being the Ophanim and the Chayot. Since he hadn't done anything against the others, he only browsed through them. They all invited him to some group within their societies and offered him special privileges, making him finally realize how significant righteous fury was to the angels.

There were also a couple of letters from the mayors of Shapur and Varan, conveying their regards and telling him how proud they were of him. He didn't mind the letter from Varan, as he knew the old lady, but the letter from Shapur's mayor felt a bit disingenuous.

He pulled out a parchment and a quill pen from his space ring and started penning down a letter to the Malakim.

Dear Cardinal Amanah Tudor,

I am so excited to receive this letter from you. I already knew so much about the Houri that I didn't even have to read through the documents you've sent me.

I only punished Houri Priscilla because I wanted to uphold the values that the Malakim hold so dearly. I even plan on apologizing to her for the hurt I've caused her.

I would love to join the Houri, but I made a promise to my mother that I will not join any societies until I graduate. She thinks that I need to experience the world, before I make such a commitment.

As someone who extols virtue, I cannot break that promise. I hope you will forgive me and give me enough time to graduate.

Thank you,

Blaze Er Lokra.

"Is that all really true?" Aahna asked, looking over his shoulder.

"Not really, but that's between us. Why the hela are you two snooping on my letters, anyway?" he asked sarcastically. Rachel immediately turned to her food, pretending to have never looked at his letters.

"We cannot?" Aahna replied in impish innocence.

Blaze sighed. "Do you have an empty envelope?" he asked, shaking his head.


"Alright, blabbermouth," he said as he snatched the envelope from her hand. "You better not speak a word of this to anyone else," he warned her, placing the letter inside and writing his name on it.

"Hey! I can keep a secret!" she pouted in mock offense. "By the way, I think you need to have your own insignia to go with the letter," she commented after a moment.

"I do?" he asked raising a brow at her. An insignia was a kind of signature on Azra-El. It helped people easily recognize the stamp of a ruler, society, group or a person of note.

"Don't you think Tir's very first righteous fury deserves a symbol of her own? Especially if you plan to make your own group at some point. Obviously, Class 1A is gonna be a part of it," Ahna replied dreamily. Apparently, she had more plans for a group than he did.

"Why do you even think that I'd want to make a group?" Though what Aahna was suggesting seemed like an immature play club of sorts, he liked the idea.

"You don't?"

He sighed again. "I don't think it's wise to use one with the letter to the Malakim, but do you have any ideas for an insignia?"