When in Caesar's Palace


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                         OK, clownin' time is over.  We need
                         to get your stuff so you can run
                         back home across the river before
                         it gets too dark.  Ya'll stick out
                         like white thumbs around here.

                         How far do we have to go?

                         Ain't too far, brother, don't you
                         worry none.

               The group begins walking up 116th street until they arrive at
               Lenox Avenue.  A YOUNG MAN is waiting there for them.  

                                   CARL (CONT'D)
                             (to YOUNG MAN)
                         'Sup, ya'll  These here are the
                         fellas I mentioned to you today.  

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         Cool, cool.  What's up boys?

                         You know, this and that...

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         Let's go do our thing.  

               He guides them into the basement of a tenement building.  The
               boys are extremely nervous!

                                   YOUNG MAN (CONT'D)
                         I need to see some bread before we
                         take it further.

               AJ and PETEY pull out their rolls and hand them to YOUNG MAN.
               BALLER is looking around nervously.  BALLER notices that CARL
               has disappeared.

                         Where's Carl?

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         He's a busy man, dawg.  He had to
                         roll.  Don't you worry 'bout him,
                         I'll get you back to the station.

               There is major tension in the basement.  The boys are showing
               signs of nervousness while trying to act cool.

                                   YOUNG MAN (CONT'D)
                         So what's your pleasure?  You want
                         rock, pot, smack, crystal?  I got
                         whatever you need.


                                   YOUNG MAN
                         Yeah, the white man's poison.  You
                         got it, baby.  I'll be right back.

               The YOUNG MAN moves to a door and pulls on the knob.  The
               room is flooded with 3 large GANGBANGERS.  

                                   YOUNG MAN (CONT'D)
                         It looks like we all outta crystal.
                         Sorry 'bout that.  But I will be
                         takin' your cash as a consultin'
                         fee.  Better luck next time.

                             (gesturing to AJ)
                         Do you know who he is?

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         No, House Nigger, but why don't you
                         tell me.

                             (rising anger)
                         He's Tony Soprano's kid.  His old
                         man will fuck you up!

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         Man, who the hell is Tony Soprano?

                             (under breath to BALLER)
                         Shut up, Dude.  

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         I do believe I asked you a
                         question, my brother.

                         Did you ever hear of John Sax?

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         You mean Johnny Sack?  We all know
                         that white devil around here.  How
                         you know him?

                             (growing confident)
                         Let's just say his dad is a
                         business partner.

               One of the GANGBANGERS speaks up.

                                   GANGBANGER #1
                         So you be knowin' Johnny Sack?  

               GANGBANGER #1 pulls out a knife and puts it to AJ's throat.

                                   GANGBANGER #1 (CONT'D)
                         How about I slice your
                         motherfuckin' throat open,
                         little bitch?

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         What's up, man?

                                   GANGBANGER #1
                         Ain't you heard?  Some white boys
                         acting like cops shot down Devon
                         Barnes this morning.

                                   YOUNG MAN
                         Shit!  You serious?  I just got
                         back to the hood about an hour ago.

                                   GANGBANGER #1
                         They say it was Johnny Sack's
                         doin'.  That white devil was the
                         shot caller on that hit.

                                   YOUNG MAN
