When You're Near Me


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As her best friend plotted, Jessie heard the telephone ring for the fourth time.

Just when she was about hang up, a sleepy voice answered. "Hello."

Jessie smiled as she was reminded of that same voice, sounding exactly the same way on Saturday when she called. "Hi."

Upon hearing the blonde's brief greeting, Ashley smiled and let out a low moan. "Hi yourself."

"Still in bed?" Jessie sat back in her chair, now much more relaxed after hearing the soothing voice of the brunette.

"Mmmm.... yeah." Ashley tried to focus her eyes on the clock next to her bed. "What time is it anyway?"

"Nine o'clock."

"That early?" The brunette turned on her side and stretched.

"I've been up for over an hour." Jessie let out a small laugh.

"Sounds like a personal problem." Ashley sleepily teased.

"Oh, that's funny. Anyway, I called to see how you were this morning?"

"I'm good." Ashley ran her hand over the borrowed jersey with the number twenty-one on the front and back. She smiled when she remembered Jessie letting her select a change of clothes after the late Sunday morning shower. A small giggle erupted at how the blonde's eyes showed a great deal of concern when Ashley chose the prized jersey and a pair of stretch shorts. "Guess what I'm wearing?" Ashley knew she was mercilessly teasing her friend with that question.

The first thing that popped in Jessie's mind was when Ashley walked out of the master bedroom with only a large white towel around her, asking if she could borrow some clothes. The blonde was a bit shell-shocked at the sight of Ashley's shapely wet body and equally shapely legs. So when Ashley selected her prize jersey, the blonde realized she could never deny the brunette anything. "More than a towel?" Jessie teased right back.

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

Even though no one was in her office and the door was closed Jessie turned in her chair as if engaging in a secret conversation. "You really want me to guess?"

Ashley laughed, then said seriously. "I don't think you could handle it."

Something in that statement caused a hurtful memory to bubble up from the past. "Yeah. Anyway."

Ashley immediately realized she had teased her friend too much. "My first appointment's not until eleven. How about lunch maybe?"

Jessie felt bad when she had to reject that tempting offer. "I can't. There's too much to do today."

"Oh." Somewhat disappointed, she was hopeful of a positive answer to her next question. "Morgan's got a game tonight and my brother's got soccer practice. I thought I'd stop by there. Maybe you could too... if you wanted."

"Can't do that either. Sorry." The blonde scrunched her eyebrows together. "We've got inventory and I'll be working late."


Jessie heard the disappointment in Ashley's voice, so she immediately suggested. "You coming to the game Thursday?"

That question perked the brunette up immediately. "Wouldn't miss it."

"Good." A genuine, happy smile brightened the blonde's face. "And maybe tomorrow or the next day we could get together for lunch or something."

Ashley bit her lower lip in thought before answering. "How about Wednesday? Tomorrow I'm full up with appointments."

"Sounds good." Jessie heard a knock at her door. "Call me and let me know for sure. Okay?"

"I will."

"I've gotta go now." While still on the telephone, Jessie walked around the desk and opened her door, motioning for the older man to enter.

"Okay, bye."

"Bye. See you soon." After the blonde hung up the telephone, she gave her full attention to the man standing in her office. "What can I do for you, Mr. Parker?"

"'Mr. Parker?'" John Parker scratched his full head of graying hair.

"Here it is." Jessie shrugged. She was an absolute professional at work and wanted to show the ultimate respect for her employer. "If it's about Krista..."

John waved a dismissive hand. "She does talk too much." He looked at his daughter's best friend. "But I love her dearly and that's why I'm here. I know you two have a game Thursday, but afterwards we'd like for you to come over for dinner."

Jessie nodded. "Her birthday. You know she doesn't like surprises."

"Sure she does." John Parked winked. "But only the ones she knows about. So?"

"Yeah, I'll be there." Jessie assured her boss then a thought popped in her mind. "Would you mind if I brought a friend?"

That question piqued his interest. He had heard from his daughter and brother, Jack, how Jessie refused to get involved with anyone. "A friend?"

"Uh huh."

"Sure bring her a long." The tall man was about to leave when Jessie stopped him.

"I guess Krista already told you about her." Jessie cocked her hands on her hips.

John Parker smiled and winked at one of his favorite employees. "You know her as well as I do. And by the way, she's been pouting every since you threw her out of your office."

"Got it. Make nice with Krista cause we got lots of work to do today." Jessie grinned.

"If you do, I'll give you a nice bonus." The boss joked with her.

"Ah, you don't have to do that. Besides, I'm the one that writes the checks for the company."

The boss of the tool shop thought for a long moment. "Seriously, write yourself a nice bonus check, Jessie. You deserve it. You practically run the whole operation anyway. And I appreciate it."

Jessie placed a hand on his shoulder. "Just knowing that you feel that way is enough for me, Mr. Parker."

His raised bushy eyebrow summoned an amended address from the blonde.

"John." Jessie relented from her professional demeanor for one brief moment.

"Finally." John Parker laughed. "See ya later."

Jessie closed the door slowly, leaned against it and smiled. She was happy, truly happy and the rest of the week showed great promise.


After Ashley dropped her brother off at home later that night, she drove home in silent thought. Andrew reminded her that he was set to stay the whole weekend with her while their parents went to visit a relative. Even though Andrew was fifteen now, he rarely passed up a chance to hang with his sister. Ashley was his hero. The brunette always loved having her brother around and wondered if he would like her new friend. "Of course he would. Wouldn't he?" What Andrew thought meant a great deal to her. "There's only one way to find out."

She decided to call Jessie when she got home. Ashley hurriedly let Makayla out before replenishing her dog's water bowl. As she sat down next to her telephone, Ashley sucked in a calming breath. She punched in the numbers to Jessie's home phone, hoping she was there.

Slightly out of breath, Jessie answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Hi, Jess." Ashley worried that she interrupted her friend. "I didn't know if you would be home or not."

"Just got in." Jessie yawned. "Little tired, that's all."

"Oh. I'll let you go."

"No! Ashley, I'm fine to talk....really." Jessie sat on the bottom step of the circular staircase. "How'd the game go?"

"They won."

"And your brother's practice?" It had been a long day for Jessie and she was happy to hear her friend's comforting voice on the phone. "By the way, I'm glad you called."

"You are?"


When Jessie didn't say anymore, the brunette answered the previous question. "His practice went well. He is the star, you know?"

That made Jessie grin. "And, of course, he gets that from you as well?"

"Of course."

"You really should think about playing for your team again. I think you'd enjoy it. It'd be good for you." The blonde suggested.

"I don't know with my neck and all."

"Well, I should be insulted."

Concerned, Ashley asked. "What do you mean?"

"I happen to be considered one of the best massage givers around. However recent but still... quite good if I do say so myself."

"I know I taught you."

"Do you always have to take credit for everything?" Jessie teased her friend.

"Why not? If it's true."

"Here's the deal. After your games, I'll give you a massage and after mine..." The blonde figured she didn't need to go on.

"I get the picture. You just want free massages."

"Seriously, I'd help you practice. Get back in shape."

"And what's wrong with my shape?" Ashley let out an indignant teasing question.

Without thinking, Jessie admitted with a grin. "Not a thing. Not one..." The blonde suddenly stopped talking.

"I'll think about it." Ashley realized that there were times when her friend held back what she was thinking and decided to take things slow. She wasn't exactly sure what caused Jessie's sudden quiet moments, but Ashley was astute enough to recognize it had to do with a lost love.

"Let me know then."

"Listen, I know we haven't talked about it or anything, but my brother's staying the weekend with me and..."

"Oh." It's not that Jessie had any definite plans with the brunette, but she sorta just naturally figured they would spend some of the weekend together.

Hearing the disappointment in her friend's voice, Ashley casually suggested. "He's fifteen and I was hoping that the three of us could do something."

Jessie pondered that question for a long moment. "Fifteen, huh? I don't know many fifteen year olds that would want to hang around with his sister and her friend."

"Oh, don't worry about that. He loves hanging out with me. Besides, he's my best bud." The brunette pursed her lips on thinking she might be rejected again. "So what do you think?"

"I'd love to, actually." Jessie stood up and walked into the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator door, looking for some juice. "I'm game if he is."

"He is."Or at least he will be. "Okay then, get some rest and I'll call you about lunch." Ashley was excited about the prospect the week would bring her way.

"I will. Have a nice night." When she heard Ashley wish her the same and said goodbye, Jessie hung up the telephone. She had slept well the night before, but it wasn't the same as when Ashley was near her. That thought thrilled and petrified her all at once.

After Jessie hung up, Ashley climbed into her bed and covered up. She laid there for a long moment as her mind raced with a pandemonium of thoughts. Ashley knew Jessie was only seeking a friendship, but she couldn't help but wonder about the possibilities.I never slept that well my whole life and it was because she was near me. The brunette didn't look forward to sleeping alone. When Makayla jumped up on her bed, Ashley chuckled. "Guess that won't ever happen."


After the first inning was over, Jessie ran to the dugout then plopped down next to Krista. Her blue eyes searched the bleachers and parking lot.

"I don't know why you're torturing yourself." Krista shook her head as she watched Shae at the plate chase a ball that curved outside.

The blonde simply shot her friend a cold, hard look.

"I'm sure there's some reason she's not shown up yet."

Jessie fully knew that might be the case, but she was worried anyway. When they had talked Monday night, she forgot to ask Ashley about going to the dinner at Krista's parent's home after the game. Then she missed Ashley when the brunette showed up for lunch on Wednesday. The blonde was generally never out of the office, but an important client was raging about his bill and she had to go over to his place and explain it in detail. She left a message with Krista saying she would be late. But by the time she arrived back at work, Ashley was gone. She just knew Krista had grilled Ashley about their friendship and that worried Jessie. The blonde's paranoia kicked in and now she wondered if Ashley was mad at her for missing their lunch date especially since the brunette was not at the game.

"Krista?" Steve called. "You're up."

Her best friend placed a comforting hand on Jessie's leg. "Call her and then you'll know for sure."

As soon as Krista stepped in the batter's box, Jessie flipped open her cell phone. She walked about twenty feet away from the rest of her team for some privacy. The blonde dialed Ashley's home telephone.


"Hi." Jessie's voice was barely above a whisper.

"Oh, I'm so glad you called, Jess. You have got to give me your cell phone number." After Jessie did, Ashley explained. "I'm sorry. Breanne showed up crying and I just couldn't leave."

"She okay?"

"Yeah. But the tears haven't stopped. It's the same old stuff." Ashley peeked around the corner to make sure her friend wasn't within listening distance. "I'm sorry. I was really looking forward to coming to your game."

"Me, too. I thought you were upset that I missed lunch yesterday."

"No, not at all. Krista explained everything to me."

"I bet she did." Jessie wasn't happy with that news. Yet, the triple she just saw her friend hit did cause a satisfied smile on her face as the crowd cheered.

"She's funny." Ashley smiled as she twisted around and leaned up against the wall. "She wants me to give her a massage because you told her how good I was."

Jessie cocked an eyebrow in suspicion. "You gotta watch her. And you are."

"Watch what?" The brunette was genuinely curious about that remark.

"Oh, nothing. It's just that she can get information out of a corpse if she has a mind to."

"Oh, so you're worried I'll find out all your secrets." When that statement met silence, Ashley backed off from her teasing. "I'll be very professional and don't worry, okay?"

That assurance calmed the blonde. "I'm not. Thanks."

When Ashley heard her friend whimper louder, she cringed. "I should get back to Breanne."

"I hope things work out."

"Me, too."

"Ashley?" Jessie wanted to ask why her friend's telephone was busy most of the previous evening when she tried to call, but at the last minute decided against it. "We'll talk soon. Bye."

The brunette sensed there was more Jessie wanted to say, but decided not to push the blonde. "Bye." Ashley turned off the telephone and walked to the kitchen.

Without missing a beat, Breanne plunged back into her story of woe. "She says she has to work late, but I know differently."

"I don't understand. Monday night everything was good between the two of you." Ashley touched her friend's forearm. "What happened?"

"Tiffany happened." Tears started flowing again.

"Shae's girlfriend?"

Breanne covered her crying face with one hand. Nodding, she confirmed. "After work, they all went out to eat together."


"And!" Breanne was fuming. "She doesn't care to take me out."

"That's not true."

"Yes, it is." Breanne choked back a sobbing heave. "The only time we go out is with friends. Never just the two of us. She knows that just pisses me off."

Ashley couldn't dispute that. Morgan was a people person. She loved to have lots of people around and felt most comfortable in a crowd. "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Breanne rubbed her temple. "I should just leave. But she probably wouldn't miss me." That thought brought even more tears from her crying eyes. "The problem is that she knows I won't leave. She doesn't have to do anything special or pay attention to me. Oh, God, Ashley. I'm a mess." The weeping woman's head fell to the table.

Ashley tried to soothe her friend, but was at a loss for words. "I'll be right back." The brunette hurried to her office and retrieved the framed essay entitled 'My Whole Life'. She pondered for a long moment, hoping that just maybe Breanne would find some meaning from the words of her essay. When Ashley returned to the kitchen, Breanne had just finished her conversation on her cell phone.

"That was Morgan." Breanne tossed the phone on the table "She wanted to know what was wrong? She acted like nothing was wrong! Can you believe that?"

"Breanne, I..."

The older woman jumped up. "I've gotta go." Fearing that Morgan would go out without her again, the distraught woman grabbed her cell phone and headed for the front door. "I'll talk with you later."

Ashley stood there on the porch feeling helpless as she watched her friend drive away. When Breanne's car was out of sight, Ashley glanced down at the framed essay in her hand. Her eyes dropped to the second paragraph.

My whole life, I've lived around love gone wrong. I've been a witness to marriages being destroyed by another person. I've been a witness to people somehow falling out of love, and going their separate ways. I've been a witness to people, who once loved each other, hurt each other just out of spite. I've been a witness to people forgetting how to court their lovers, even when they think everything is good and there's no need to do it anymore. I've been a witness to lovers who got too busy and forgot what was the most important thing in life: their love for each other. If you truly love someone, how can you let that love die without a fight?

As she read the words, a single tear fell from her eye. Wiping it away, Ashley returned to her office and replaced the framed essay on the wall. Her final thought that day was wondering if she would have the courage to fight for love.

Chapter Ten

It was early Saturday afternoon when Ashley and Jessie settled down on the bleachers to watch Andrew and his team start their soccer game. The Hot Shots had just taken the field when Andrew searched one last time for his sister in the stands and gave her a short wave. It was for good luck. The brunette waved back then nudged Jessie. "Give him a wave."

Jessie spotted the tall young man on the field seemingly waiting for her to do just that, so she did. "He's a good kid."

A proud smile rose on the brunette's face. "Sure is. Takes after me."

Shaking her head, the blonde chuckled. "Knew that was coming." Jessie glanced at the younger woman sitting next to her. "Thanks for inviting me. I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. I'm glad you could come." Ashley studied the blonde for a long moment. "I'm enjoying you."

Jessie raised both eyebrows slightly.

Ashley grinned. "I mean I'm enjoying your company."

Jessie met the brunette's grin. "I know what you meant." She turned back to the game at hand, grinning even wider, then said. "I'm enjoying you, too."

That statement alone was enough to send fireworks blazing through the sky, but when Jessie accidentally rubbed her long leg against Ashley's bare thigh, the brunette nearly jumped out of her seat. She chanced a glance at their touching legs and gulped.It was an accident, wasn't it? She's not moving her leg though. Well, I'm not gonna move mine either. Ashley was driven out of her satisfied musings when Jessie bumped up against her.

"You know, they're playing the game on the field. Not on my leg." The blonde had a hard time trying not to laugh.

Ashley glared at her friend. "Oh, you!" Her curious green eyes finally did drift off to the soccer field, but neither woman moved their legs.

Good thing Ashley was paying attention to the game because her talented and very skilled brother did a complete spin, fooling the opposing player and kicked the ball hard for a goal.

They jumped up in tandem, cheering Andrew's efforts. And when they sat back down, they just as easily took up the same position next to each other, finding comfort in the nearness.

As the game played on both women were content with the comfortable silence between them. Though several times each women chanced a glance at the other one just to make sure the other one was doing okay. When one of the team players on the Hot Shots made an exceptional play, Ashley would touch Jessie's arm or leg in silent understanding.

When Mitch, Andrew's best friend on the team, was dribbling the ball down the field and was within score distance, Ashley leaned forward. It was as if she was trying to help him get the ball into the net. "Come on." However, an opposing player crashed into Mitch, knocking him down. Ashley tensed up before gripping the blonde's thigh. "Ouch!"
